- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 124
- Authors : Nuke Puspawardani, Purwanita Setijanti, Vincentius Totok Noerwasito
- Paper ID : IJERTV5IS060750
- Volume & Issue : Volume 05, Issue 06 (June 2016)
- Published (First Online): 11-07-2016
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The Effect of Estate Management on Consumer Interest in Buying Residential Property in East Surabaya
Nuke Puspawardani
Departement of Architecture Real Estate Planning Institute of Technology Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia
Purwanita Setijanti
Departement of Architecture
Institute of Technology Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia
Vincentius Totok Noerwasito
Departement of Architecture
Institute of Technology Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract Indonesia is a developing country with the growth of residential property business is expected to increasing each year. These conditions is being used as a business by many developers to create product properties. But until now the developers are still trying to compete based on a location and price. This is captured as an opportunity by the Estate Management services. The existence of an Estate Management can manage a residential property is believed to increase the value of the residential property. Value in this case other than in terms of consumer interest, will also be reviewed on the price of the property itself. This research using multiple linear regression analysis to know how the Effect of Estate Management on Consumer Interest in Buying Residential Property in East Surabaya. The datas' collection techniques are using survey with questionnaire and interviews to respondents to know how consumers interest with Estate Management. The results of this study indicates that the majority of respondents who did not know about Estate Management, will choose the property based on the quality of the environment and a quality service which provided by the management with percentage of consumers interest is 48.9%, while for respondents who knew about Estate Management, will choose property based on the quality of environmental management and service management services are good, the condition of infrastructure, system security are guaranteed and park management with percentage of consumers interest is 59.9%.
Keywords Consumer Interest, Estate Management, Housing, East Surabaya.
Currently, the need for housing in the community are increasing. The growth of the property market ahead assessed will have increased significantly, especially for the segment of residential dwelling [1]. This property growth captured by the housing developers to attract people to buy housing products. Some developers still optimistic with their products. They committed to provide the best products and services for consumers. Therefore, they always provide added value to the consumers [2].
According to Government Regulation of Home Affairs No. 03 of 1987 states that the developers who will create a dwelling must have a residential concept among other amenities, such as infrastructure, public facilities and social facilities, a planned management and environment treatment, comfortable environment, a good security system and regulation or rules of construction of residential areas. Based on the occupancy concept, the housing developers saw an Estate Management to manage residential concepts very well. The function itself is not only limited to the physical management of the environment, but also form a psychological environment, such as safety, comfort and beauty [3]. Thus, the consumers will see that the existence of Estate Management will make their environment better, it will also improved the value of a housing for the better, which will affect the selling price of the housing itself. Johannes Mardjuki, Director of Summarecon Supreme Group said that the existence of Estate Management can be considered as one of the points that may affect the value of land and a residential property. A value housing will increasingly if it can be managed properly and professionally [4].
But in reality, not all developers applying Estate Management in their areas. Some developers are only taking care if a housing units are sold and they handed over to the local community. In addition, many consumers still did not understand about Estate Management, therefore this situation make housing with the Estate Management is not preferred by them. This condition makes the supply of housing with Estate Management is limited and expensive, so most of the consumers will think twice before buying the housing unit.
Definition of Estate Management
Estate Management is a process that operate, manage and control financial, physical condition and in terms of administration in the operation process of a property. In the property management involves the processes, systems and manpower required to manage the entire life cycle of wealth obtained as described above, including the acquisition,
control, accountability, responsibility, maintenance, use and disposition [5]. Meanwhile, according to Kyle, Robert C. and Floyd M. Bair stated that Estate Management as a branch and the real estate profession who maintain or increase the value of an investment property while arouse or increase income for their owners [6]. The term of "Property Management" itself is usually used in countries in the European region, and for other countries usually use the term "Estate Management [7].
Nourse HO explained that Estate Management is an asset of the business more than the real estate itself, which the authors emphasize that the management of a property if it can be treated properly and professionally then its value will be much higher [8]. It is also supported by the statement described by Dewulf stated that the Estate Management is the management of a company that is used to align a company with a portfolio of business services to gain maximum added value as well as to contribute meaningfully to the company [9].
Type of Estate Management
Estate Management itself is divided into several types, namely commercial property which includes offices, malls, shopping centers as well as a combination of several offices and a combination of several shopping centers, then there is residential property which includes a combination of several homes or housing up to a collection of homes or townhouses, and the latter is a property professional that includes kind of Estate Management which manages the building or area with such a large scale condominiums, mixed use [6].
Scope of Estate Management
According to Bon Ranko, scope of the Estate Management is actually quite extensive, but in general, according to its primary task it only covers three important things, namely managing the property as a business, managing and implementing aspects of the physical environment and the last is to manage the administration of the property-related taxes, insurance, etc [10]. As an investment, the Estate Management became one of the devices that will ensure the success of the property investment. After going through the investment planning, then the next step is the operational management to run predictions and strategies that have been formulated in earlier investment plan. During the process, the evaluation phase to enhance the property management also continue to be implemented on a regular basis. As for managing the property as a business that aiming to optimize the cash flow while maintaining and increasing the value of the property. Estate Management as a business cannot be separated from the management of a property investment, because they are closely related to each other [11].
Estate Management Implementation
Some strategies of Estate Management applied in the area of a housing are covering qulity of the infrastructure that includes quality of roads, drainage, water supply network, telephone network and electricity, security and order of the region, the management of environmental hygiene, handling of street lighting, channel conditions and parks in the residential area [1]. Generally, several Estate
Management in Indonesia only focus on technical aspects alone, whereas the non-technical aspects can also be taken into consumers consideration for before buying a housing product. As in other studies there are other strategies that also considered in the management of Estate Management in residential areas include service quality management services, good communication between the residents of the housing and administrators housing, social activities in it which can be well-organized, and after-sales service provided by housing developers [12].
The importance of quality management services supported by Eddington stated that the Estate Management have a significant effect on a property. Its function is not only to maintain and manage the property in a good condition, but also minimizes the operational costs that will indirectly provide a positive benefit to the property itself. Thus, in the long term scale it will provide additional value to other businesses. Hui and Zheng agreed the opinion that Estate Management as a support for the industrial property. So with a good quality of Estate Management and professional staff, it will increase public confidence in property developers [13].
Attribute of Value
Mc Millen stated that interest and the interest of consumers is necessary to analyze and evaluate some factors will be considered by prospective customers before they issue the money to buy property. The prospective customers will probably set some basic criteria as an interest in choosing the property and the price ranges are rational, so they are willing to pay some money to buy the property they want [14]. As'ad also expressed that interest is the attitude that makes people happy will be the object of the situations or certain ideas. This was followed by feelings of pleasure and a tendency to look for the object to be liked it [15]. Susila also stated that interest is a tendency to do some actions to the object. Further explained that the interest related to attitudes and behavior [16]. Bigne, Ekinci Hosany and Alampay in Widiastuti describes a person that shows interest in a product or service can be seen from some of the characteristics, such as looking for information about a product or service; paying more for a product or service, telling positive about a product or service and the last is recommend to the others about a product or service [17].
The population of consumers are people who have or have not a home who are interested to buy housing in East Surabaya, as many as 105 customers. For the sampling technique it will beused Probability.
The first thing to do is test the validity data using analysis of Pearson, which is used to determine the correlation coefficient if some data used are scaled interval or ratio, as an attempt to test the hypothesis and then realibility test using Correlation Cronbach's Alpha, which is used to indicate the extent to which a measuring instrument can be relied upon to get the data in a study [20].
Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis techniques, namely statistical analysis that seeks to find the relationship or influence between two or more variables in an attempt to
prove the hypothesis, draw conclusions and make decisions based on the analysis that has been done [20]. Through this analysis, will look for relationships between variables housing with Estate Management with a variable interest of consumers, to prove the hypothesis that the Estate Management has an influence on consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya.
Overview Location
The research location is in the city of Surabaya, East Java Province. Surabaya has an area of 333 063 km2 and consists of five regions, among others Surabaya West, North Surabaya, Surabaya Center, East Surabaya, and South Surabaya. In this study, limited to the territory of East Surabaya to limit the scope of research that is not too extensive and more focused .
East Surabaya has a coverage area of sufficient size, is divided into seven districts, namely districts Gubeng, Gunung Anyar, Sukolilo, Tambaksari, Mulyorejo, Rungkut and Tenggilis Mejoyo.
To achieve the objectives determine the effect of Estate Management with the interests of consumers, the first step is performed on the analyzer test validity and reliability. Validity test is done to determine the extent of the questionnaire can measure what is desired. Used to measure the validity Pearson product moment correlation. The criteria if the significance value generating value count r > 0.30 , then the item is declared valid question. For more details can be seen in the following table :
Table 1. Validity Test
Critical Value
Environmental Management (X1)
Infrastructure (X2)
Security System (X3)
Park Management (X4)
Housing Area Regulations (X5)
Service Quality Management (X6)
After Sales Service (X7)
Communication between occupants in Housing Area (X8)
Consumers Interest (Y)
Source:Analysis Results, 2016
Table 1 shows that all items have a research question in the variable count r > 0.3 . Based on these results all items of questions that measure the research variables declared invalid
. This means that the data collected through questionnaires have high validity or otherwise of the indicators used is capable of measuring what is desired and variable data reveal precisely.
The next stage is to test realiabilitas. This test is used to measure the level of accuracy, precision or accuracy of an instrument. So reliability indicate whether such instruments consistently deliver results on something the same size as measured at different times. The criteria if the significance
value generating value count r > 0.60, then the item is declared valid question. For more details can be seen in the following table :
Table 2. Reliability Test
Critical Value
EnvironmentaL Management (X1)
Infrastructure (X2)
Security System (X3)
Park Management (X4)
Housing Area Regulations (X5)
Service Quality Management (X6)
After Sales Service (X7)
Communication between occupants in Housing Area (X8)
Consumers Interest (Y)
Source:Analysis Results, 2016
Table 2 shows that all the variables have the Cronbach alpha values > 0.6. Based on these results the question items that measure the research variables declared reliable. This means that the data collected through the questionnaire has high reliability or in other words the indicators used as a measuring tool declared stable and reliable if used repeatedly. In a multiple linear regression tests, there will be two tests, one each for the consumer who knows the Estate Management and consumers who do not know the Estate Management. This is done to determine how the influence Estate Management to consumer interest in more detail based on the level of knowledge possessed by consumers. Here are
the results of each test :
F Test
To test the effect of jointly independent variable on the dependent variable f. If the test is used to produce the F test significance value < 0.05 ( =5% ), it was concluded independent variables jointly significant effect on the dependent variable. Here are the test results F and its coefficient of determination :
Table 3. Table F Test and Coefficient of Determination Test for Consumers who Do Not Know About Estate Management
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
F hitung
Source: Analysis Results, 2016
Source: Analysis Results, 2016
From Table 11 known value of F test of significance of
0.000 < 0.05. Based on these results it can be concluded that the eight aspects of Estate Management jointly significant effect on consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya. This means the implementation of eight aspects of Estate Management at the top are getting better, will significantly increase consumer interest in buying housing in
East Surabaya. In next table shows the value of R2 generated at 0.489. This means that consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya is affected by the eight aspects of Estate Management of 48.9 %, while the remaining 51.1 % is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
F hitung
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
F hitung
Table 4. Table F Test and Coefficient of Determination Test for Consumers who Know About Estate Management
Source: Analysis Results, 2016
Source: Analysis Results, 2016
From Table 12 known value of F test of significance of
< 0.05. Based on these results it can be concluded that the eight aspects of Estate Management jointly significant effect on consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya. This means the implementation of eight aspects of Estate Management at the top are getting better, will significantly increase consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya. In next table shows the value of R2 generated at 0.489 . This means that consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya is affected by the eight aspects of Estate Management by 59.9 %, while the remaining 41.1 % is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.
T Test
To test the effect of partially independent variables on the dependent variable t test was used. If the t test generate significant value < 0.05 ( = 5% ), it is concluded that free variable partially have a significant effect on the dependent variable. Here are the test results T :
Table 5. Table T Test for Consumers who Do Not Know About Estate Management
Environmental Management (X1)
Infrastructure (X2)
Security System (X3)
Park Management (X4)
Housing Area Regulations (X5)
Service Quality Management (X6)
After Sales Service (X7)
Communication between occupants in Housing Area (X8)
Source: Analysis Results, 2016
Observing the table above, can be explained as follows :
The regression coefficient influence of management environmental hygiene (X1) towards the interest of
consumers (Y) is a positive 0.238 which means that if the indicators management of environmental hygiene improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0.238 which is assumed if other variables are constant , While the significant value of the t test amounted to 0.029 <0.05. These results conclude that there is a significant effect between the Estate Management, in this case is management of environmental hygiene with consumers interest in buying housing in East Surabaya.
The regression coefficient influence of infrastructure condition (X2) towards the interest of consumers (Y) equal to 0.077 which means that if the indicators of infrastructure improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0.077 which is assumed if other variables are constant. While the significant value of t test of 0.62>0.05. These results conclude that there is no significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is infrastructure condition with consumers interest in buying a housing in East Surabaya.
The regression coefficient influence of the security systems (X3) towards the interest of consumers (Y) are a negative 0.052 which means that if indicators of system security and order improved 1 point higher, then consumers buying interest will decrease by 0.052 which is assumed if other variables is constant. While the significant value of t test of 0.782>0.05. These results conclude that there is no significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is security system with consumers interest in buying a housing in East Surabaya.
The regression coefficient influence of park management (X4) towards the interest of consumers (Y) amounted to 0,006, which means if the indicators of park management improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0,006 which is assumed if other variables are constant. While the significant value of t test of 0.968>0.05. These results conclude that there is no significant effect of Estate Management, in this case park managemnet with consumer interest in buying a housing in East Surabaya.
The regression coefficient influence of building and housing area regulations (X5) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a negative 0.005 which means that if the indicators of of building and housing area regulations improved 1 point higher, then consumers buying interest will decrease by 0,005 which is assumed if other variables is constant. While the significant value of t test of 0.764>0.05. These results conclude that there is no significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is building and housing area regulations with consumers interest in buying a housing in East Surabaya.
The regression coefficient influence of quality management services (X6) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a positive 0.227 which means that if the indicators of quality management services improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0.227 which is assumed if other variables are constant. While the value of the t test of significance of
0.045<0.05. These results conclude that there is a significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is quality management services with consumer interest in buying a housing in East Surabaya.
The regression coefficient effect of after-sales service (X7) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a positive
0.188 which means that if the indicators after-sales service improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0.188 which is assumed if other variables are constant , While the significant value of t test of 0.304>0.05. These results conclude that there is no significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is after-sales service with consumer interest in buying a housing in East Surabaya.
The regression coefficient influence of communication between the occupants in housing area (X8) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a positive 0.005 which means that if the indicators communication between the occupants in the housing area improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0,005 which is assumed if other variables is constant. While the significant value of t test of 0.975>0.05. These results conclude that there is no significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is communication between occupants of residential areas with consumer interest in buying a housing in East Surabaya.
Environmental Management (X1)
Infrastructure (X2)
Security System (X3)
Park Management (X4)
Housing Area Development Rules (X5)
Service Quality Management (X6)
After Sales Service (X7)
Communication between inhabitants in Housing Region (X8)
Environmental Management (X1)
Infrastructure (X2)
Security System (X3)
Park Management (X4)
Housing Area Development Rules (X5)
Service Quality Management (X6)
After Sales Service (X7)
Communication between inhabitants in Housing Region (X8)
Table 6. Table T Test for Consumers who Know About Estate Management
Source: Analysis Results, 2016
Observing the table above, can be explained as follows :
The regression coefficient influence of environmental hygiene management (X1) towards the interest of consumers (Y) by a positive 0,287 which means that if the indicators management of environmental hygiene improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0,287 which is assumed if other variables are constant. While the value of the t test of significance of 0.050<0.05. These results conclude that there is a significant effect of Estate Management, , in this case is management of environmental hygiene with consumers interest in buying a housing in East Surabaya.
Environmental factors is one of the key considerations for consumers in buying a housing. Some respondents think that the environment is one of the main factors that will be seen by the consumer before buying a housing. Primananda stated that there are four main factors considered by prospective customers before they decide to buy a residential products, there are (a) location, where there are two important things are the environmental condition geographically and environmental conditions according to the needs of prospective customers, such as that location are closer to workplaces, educational facilities or other opinion which are important for consumers, (b) environment, which is currently housing residents not only expect a good house, but also environment is safe, comfortable, fun, complete with various amenities. The public will perceived that Estate Management will make their environment becomes better, so that the value of a housing will be increase and it would affect the selling price of housing, and (c) Bulding Conditions, which are some consumers will see how the condition and quality of the building provided by the developer. And last is (d) Price, where each customer has a different sensitivity to the price [21].
The regression coefficient influence of the infrastructure condition (X2) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a positive 0.262 which means that if the indicators infrastructure condition improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0.262 which is assumed if other variables are constant. While the value of the t test of significance of 0.046<0.05. These results conclude that there is a significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is infrastructure condition with consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya.
Infrastructure conditions in a housing area can showed how the quality of an area. Due to Pratikto theory, the housing environment said to be successfull if they can provide good infrastructure services in it. Availability of the infrastructure service formed from the components of the functional activities that include three main components, there are physical environment, stock availibility, and accessibility proximity [20]. However, the result is different in this study, some consumers did not aware with the Estate Management, they found that condition of infrastructure doesnt become the primary concern for many respondents, they are only concerned with the overall quality of housing environment, not in detail. Many of them believe that infrastructure is a duty for local government and not responsible with developers. And for consumers who knows Estate Management, they will think that the condition of housing infrastructure such as the bumpy roads, smooth and a clean channel conditions, lighting conditions in the housing environtment, all of it will become important indicators for them in choosing a housing product.
The regression coefficient influence of security systems (X3) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a positive of
0.300 which means that if security systems improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will
increase by 0.300 which is assumed if other variables are constant. While the value of the t test of significance of 0.015<0.05. These results conclude that there is a significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is security system with the consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya.
Guaranteed security in a residential area made people in them feel safe and comfortable. Wiyono agreed that the function of the Estate Management itself is not only limited to the physical management of the environment, but also form a psychological environment, such as safety, comfort, beauty and order [3]. But in this study it was found that some respondents were more comfortable living in the village with a security system by themself rather than staying in a residential area with security systems which is maintained by the management. The high cost is too burden for some people who have been accustomed to living in a residential area of the township or regular. (Interview with Mrs. Ratna Wijaya, February 15, 2015). Besides that, there are so many foreign words, like one gate system or cluster system, which are for some people it is a something new that theyre undersand about that, therefore if Estate Management applied to the lower middle income people it will be need some adjustments for the economic and social conditions. While in some other respondents they agreed that developers should be able to create a dwelling that is in accordance with the Government Regulation of Home Affairs (Regulation number 3/1987) which is a residential concept that has adequate facilities, management and planned environment, the development rules and safety systems are well organized.
The regression coefficient influence of park management (X4) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a positive
0.191 which means that if the indicators park management improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0.191 which is assumed if other variables are constant. While the value of the t test of significance of 0.033<0.05. These results conclude that there is no significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is park management with consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya.
Regulation of the Minister of Public Works number 05/PRT/ M/2008, Guidelines for the Provision and Rules about Green Open Space in Urban Area mentions that the provision of green space based on the total area of the region is the proportion of green space in an area of at least 30% consisting of 20% of public green open space and 10% consists of private green open space. The proportion of 30% is the minimum size to guarantee the balance of ecosystems, good balance and equilibrium microclimates hydrological system, as well as other ecological systems that can increase the availability of clean air needed by the community, and at the same time can increase the aesthetic value of the area. So some park in a residential area was build in addition to fullfilled regulatory standards that have been set by the government, and also to stabilizing the environment in residential areas itself. However, the existence of park
sometimes it was not seen for both the buyers and the residents. So, it required special handling and full concerning from the management, so the function of the park can be presented as it should be [23].
The regression coefficient influence of building and housing area regulations (X5) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a positive 0,053 which means that if the indicators building and housing area regulations improved
1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0,053 which is assumed if other variables are constant. While the significant value of t test of 0.552>0.05. These results conclude that there is no significant effect of Estate Management, in this case building and housing area regulations with consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya.
There are many rules of construction of the area that has been set by the government in order to create an area that pursuant to the standard of regional development, including the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 29/PRT/M/2006 on Technical Guidelines for Building and Housing Region, wherein the terms organizing building lines (GSB) also organizing fence lines (GSP) has been established by the local government. In some cases, there is indecision in management that allow residents of the housing using a part of the roads to widen their building. This condition causes the housing conditions become visibly not "neat" in consumers eye, so its needed for firmness of local authorities and developers to participate in creating a regional environment that has been established by local regulations.
The regression coefficient influence of quality management services (X6) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a positive 0.274 which means that if the indicators quality management services improved 1 point higher, the buying interest of consumers will increase by 0,053 which is assumed if other variables are constant. While the value of the t test of significance of 0.043<0.05. These results conclude that there is a significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is quality management services with consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya.
Te results of the analysis carried out on both the respondents stated that the housing managed by Estate Management and professional will impact indirectly on the level of customer satisfaction and the price of the property itself. Declared by Eddington that the Estate Management significant effect on a property. Its function is not only to maintain and manage the property in good condition, but also minimizes the operational costs will indirectly provide a positive benefit to the property itself, so that in the long term scale it will provide additional value to other businesses. Hui and Zheng also expressed the opinion that the existence of Estate Management as a support for an industrial property [13]. By having a good performance on a property management and the environment, it will cause a positive perception from the society, both in the housing area residents as well as people residing around the area of housing.
The regression coefficient effect of after-sales service (X7) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a negative
0.078 which means that if indicators after-sales service improved 1 point higher, then consumers buying interest will decrease by 0.052 which is assumed if other variables are constant. While the significant value of t test of 0.469>0.05. These results conclude that there is no significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is after-sales service with the consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya.
Agung Narhendroputro found that the factors that affect the purchase of a dwelling by the consumer is the After Sales Service/Maintenance. It is also revealed by Chan Yun Wah where the condition of residential properties must be maintained with good quality, which it is to be one of the responsibilities of the developer [12]. However, these conditions differ in Indonesia, where the after-sales service nearly seldom applied to housing in Indonesia, therefore quality control of the building is very less. Estate Management in the countries of East Asia, Europe and America, they put housing management held by a management consultan specialized, because it became one of strategy for the management asset. It is based on customer satisfaction, in this case the occupants of a residential area, and it was expected to provide the maximum benefit for the company (developer) if properly can managed well. But it is still less done by the developers in Surabaya, therefore the focus Estate Management is still about the scope of the technical aspects of the management of a residential neighborhood.
The regression coefficient influence of communication between the occupants of the housing area (X8) towards the interest of consumers (Y) is a positive 0,011 which means that if indicators communication between the occupants of the housing area improved 1 point higher, then consumers buying interest will decrease by 0.052 which is assumed if variables another is the constant. While the significant value of t test of 0.900>0.05. These results conclude that there is no significant effect of Estate Management, in this case is communication between the occupants of the housing area with consumer interest in buying housing in East Surabaya.
Hariz found that interact socially in a residential environment is a basic requirement that must be met by housing developers. Comfort perceived by the public are to provide a place for them to interact socially with other residents in their area [23]. But today some people were busy on their own business, they were rare did social interaction. Limited time and busyness become a major factor in which the scarcity of public housing do a "get- together", on the other hand people who live in the township or ordinary housing, they became a family into each other. Some residents are middle and upper class society so that they usually already have a high position in their company so it make them rarely take the time to be at home.
The big difference from the results of these studies can be concluded that the respondents were aware of Estate Management, turned out to be more interested and more influential variable compared to respondents who were unaware of Estate Management. There are interconnections between product knowledge with consumer interest in housing with an Estate Management. Respondents who do not know the Estate Management does not affect a lot of variables because of their knowledge is very limited. This is consistent with the statement by Devita Melindasari that understanding and knowing of consumer products is very important, because this knowledge is the basis of consumer behavior and decision that will affect consumer purchasing decisions. Consumer knowledge is seen as the perception held by consumers and their insights on the product. A consumer will mapping the products with their own conditions and situation [22]. In this case the respondents that knew about the Estate Management products, it will be easier for them to choose based on their own conditions and situations.
This research aims to find out the effect of Estate Management on Consumers Interest in Buying Residential Property in East Surabaya. The result showed that the concept of Estate Management was responded positively by consumers, therefore the demand was quite high.
The regression test indicates that that the majority of respondents who did not know about Estate Management, with percentage of consumers interest is 48.9%, will choose the property based on the quality of the environment with a positive regression coefficient is 0.238 and a good service management with a positive regression coefficient is 0.227, while for respondents who knew about Estate management, with the percentage interest is 59.9%, will choose the property based on the quality of environmental management with a positive regression coefficient is 0,287, then a good service management with a positive regression coefficient is 0.274, and infrastructure condition with a positive regression coefficient is 0.262, then a guaranteed security system with a positive regression coefficient is 0.300 and the last one is park management with positive regression coefficient is 0.191.
Differences in levels of knowledge about a product, in this case is knowledge about Estate Management, has a different percentages and influential variable both two respondents. This also reminded that the importance of a product knowledge in a marketing strategy therefore the products which offered by developer will sold out.
Estate Management Implementation can be a comparative advantage for developers who implemented it. Their demand is quite high while the supply remains limited, therefore property with Estate Management has a higher comparative market compared with property Non Estate Management. These conditions will increase the property value, including the market price.
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