Development Factors in Tourism Area of Kendari Bay

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV5IS060816

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Development Factors in Tourism Area of Kendari Bay

Fitri Hakim,ST

Department of Architecture-Urban Development Management

Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Eko Budi Santoso, Lic. Rer. Reg. Dr. Ir. Rimadewi Suprihardjo, M.I.P

Department of Architecture-Urban Development Management

Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia

AbstractKendari Bay Area is one of the assets that has unique characteristics. The potential contained in the gulf of Kendari which includes tourism beach tourism, paddle travel and culinary tourism and agro-tourism area of mangrove plants are found in the waters of the bay. Therefore, it takes effort in the development of tourism in the city of Kendari. In tourism development factor analysis using Delphi analysis. Obtained from the analysis of several factors the development of tourism is a factor of tourist attraction by adding an activity that has a specific coastal area. Factors associated with increased tourist accommodation shopping center and hotel facilities or lodging. Aksesiblitas factors needed to improve accessibility by road to the tourist area. Factors with the addition of these modes of transport and the improvement of public transport services. Factors society by involving the local community in planning and implementation of tourism activities. And environmental quality factor by socializing as well as workshops on the environment in tourist areas.

Keywords Coastal Region; Tourism Development; Bay Cities Kendari


    Kendari city is geographically located in the southeast of the island of Sulawesi, which most areas of the city consists of waters of the bay and mangrove vegetation, has a potential tourist attraction and encourage social and economic activities of the urban (Rachim, 2009). The main landmark is the Kendari City Kendari Bay which is one of the most important tourist destinations in the city of Kendari. One of the uniqueness that stands out and makes this region different from other regions is the physical condition of the region that resembles an estuary (Aprianto, 2007). Kendari Bay Area is also the gateway city of Kendari from the sea (Aprianto, 2007). Potential Kendari bay are coastal tourism, paddle travel, culinary tourism, agro-tourism area of mangrove plants are found in the waters of the bay, fishing waters as a fishing area (fishing ground, as well as a training tool rowing [1].

    But in its development, there are problems in the Gulf region Kendari, such as the spread of street vendors in the form of cafe that uses the shoulders as a space to sell the result is not well-organized area of Kendari Bay. The lack of supporting facilities such as bins, lighting, pedestrian ways, as well as a shade plant in this area is also one of the factors that make this region not optimal as a means of travel and recreation community (Jakarta, 2013). The north side of the Gulf region are the location Kendari Bay Tourism Parks whose condition is less maintenance and less maintained, so

    that by the Southeast Sulawesi provincial government needs to do the arrangement (Rachim, 2009). Activities in Kendari Bay area in the form of conversion of mangrove areas into ponds, industrial and shopping causing mangrove areas are still widely used now increasingly narrow. Data obtained from Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Forestry Office mentioned that mangrove forest area in Kendari Bay in 1960 was 542.58 ha, but decreased dramatically in 1995 the extent of stay 69.85 Ha [2].

    Of exposure potential and the matter can be concluded that the Kendari Bay area has the potential to become a tourist area but still has not been developed until now. In connection with this it takes an effort to support the development of tourism in the city of Kendari.


    1. Components Tourism

      • Tourism components mentioned by Inskeep (1991) is also mentioned in the Gunn (1995) that is a tourist attraction. In this case the tourist activities in question can be all things associated with the natural environment, the culture, the uniqueness of a region and the activities related to tourism activities. In addition, the attractions are also a good resource of natural resources that include fountains, ponds and rivers and cultural resources while covering archeology, history, commerce, entertainment, health, religious, and sports.

      • The accommodation was mentioned by Inskeep (1991) is the same as it was called by Gunn (1995). The aspect explained that a tourism component would be accommodated hotel, as well as various other facilities associated with the service for tourists both places to eat and drink, shopping and accessibility. [3].

      • In addition, the transportation aspect is also mentioned in Inskeep (1991) is the same as mentioned Intosh (1995) and Gunn (1995). Aspects of transportation related to transportation access to and from the tourist areas, internal transport that connects the main attractions of the tourist area and development area main tourist areas and regional development, including all types of facilities and services related to land, water and air, both of ships, aircraft , trains, buses and other transportation facilities as well as the port where the road network and so forth [4].

      • Inskeep (1991) mentioned infrastructure as one component in tourism as well as Mc. Intosh (1995), Gunn

        (1995) and Musenaf (1995). In this case the infrastructure meant that the provision of clean water, electricity, drainage, sewerage, and telecommunications. In addition, other infrastructure are their highways, railroads, airports, railway stations, terminals and other infrastructure[5].

      • Resources also mentioned by Mc. Intosh (1995). Where it covers climate, natural forms, flora, fauna, rivers, beaches, landscapes, spring water, sanitation and others that are the basis of the stocks or offers that can be used and enjoyed by tourists. Additionally, Inskeep (1995) and Gunn (1995) also describes the resource in the form of accommodation seta tourist attraction is one of the resources of a tourist area. [6].

      Based on the above literature review, it can be seen that the components of a tourist area among other attractions, accommodation, transport, infrastructure, and resources. Then the indicator will be studied to determine the potential of coastal areas that could be developed as a tourist area that travel resources, transport infrastructure or tourist areas and tourist areas infrastructure.

    2. Development of Tourism Regions

      • Increased travel component is one aspect in the development of the tourist area. This is explained by Marpaung (2002) and (2006) which berbendapat that an appeal tourist area needed support so that tourists will be satisfied by seeing some of the tourist attraction which is one component of travel. In Arison (2006) also describes one aspect in the development of tourist areas, namely security and service delivery is one of the attraction in a tourist area.

      • The government policy is one aspect in the development of tourist areas proposed by Arison (2006). It is also described by Wilson (2001) who argue about the participation of the local government. In this case that is determining policy in the region as a tourist area.

      • Wilson (2001) and the Arison (2006) mentions the development of tourism requires the support of the entire community to tourism and the improvement of human resources. In this case explained that a tourist area in need of people's participation in community ativities around the development is related to tourism activities.

      • Environmental quality mentioned by Marpaung (2002) is also one aspect in the development of the tourist area. This aspect explains the increase in environmental hygiene, keeping the environment and conservation of the environment. [7].

      • In addition, promotional or marketing aspects mentioned in Arison (2006) and Wilson (2001) were found in a tourism development requires information and technical assistance for the development and promotion of tourism.

    Based on the above literature review, it can be seen that the development aspects of travel kawasn among other travel components increases, public policy, public participation, quality of the environment, and the promotion or marketing. From various sources that have studied the theory associated

    with the development of coastal areas and associated tourist area, that affect the development of a tourist area that can serve as indicators of the development of tourism itself. These indicators include components increases tourism, government policy, public participation, and environmental quality tourist area




    The potential of beach tourism in tourist areas

    The existence of coastal tourism

    The physical condition of coastal tourism

    Mangrove Forest Resources in tourist areas

    The existence of mangrove forest tour

    The physical condition of mangrove forest tour

    Tourism accommodation




    Facilities Area Tourism

    Places of entertainment around the tourist areas

    Accessibility Tourism Regions

    Availability of means and modes of transport to tourist

    Infrastructure tourist area

    Water infrastructure

    electricity infrastructure

    solid waste infrastructure

    Increased Travel Component

    Increased tourist attraction

    Society participation

    Types of community activities related to tourism activities

    Environmental Quality tourism area

    Sanitation in tourist areas

    The existence of environmental conservation in tourist areas

    Policy Area Tourism

    The policy of the study area as a tourist area

    Source: Analysis Report, 2016


    Figure 1. Process Factor Analysis of Kendari Bay Area Development

    In analyzing the factors of development of the tourist area, early stages of identifying factors of tourism development in the city. These stages do with the descriptive analysis of the variables development of tourist areas that have been obtained from the study of literature to make such variable factors as the development of tourism. In the descriptive analysis, the existing condition of the study area will be elaborated based on the variable development of tourist areas. Having obtained the factor of development of tourist areas, will continue in the second stage, namely the fixation of a factor obtained from a descriptive analysis of the respondents have been established through stakeholder analysis with analysis techniques Delphi.Untuk gain factor in the development of the tourist area of analytical techniques that Delphi is an attempt to gain consensus group that carried out continuously in order to obtain opinion konvergansi. Respondents were used in the identification of the main factors is the development of tourist areas of the respondents stakeholder analysis resultsFor more

    details, step-by-step Delphi methods will be described as below.

    After the consensus from respondents about factors tourism development, followed by the third phase is the determination of the main factors in the development of tourist areas. Factors development of exploration results obtained from the respondents also made the second ditahapan this analysis. Once formulated factors descriptively development of the exploration results to respondents, will be re-fixation of the factors of development with Delphi technique using a questionnaire given to respondents is the same as the second stage until there is consensus among respondents' answers.


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    A.Variety Factor Fascination

    Improvement / additions in the development of a wide appeal in the form of tourist activity, misalanya swimming, boating, fishing, and cruising pantai.Pariwisata culinary tour is a kind of travel with a dish or the main attractions in the form of all objects that are in the tourist area. Kendari Bay tourism region is a tourism oriented in either the Gulf beaches, culinary and tourist area of mangrove forests. Existing condition which became the main dish of the region of Kendari Bay tourism are:

    • Tourism activities such as swimming which is an attraction to the public or visitors to enjoy the natural scenery as well as a sports tourism activities

    • Activities boating contained in coastal resorts and tourist area of mangrove forests. Where this activity are penelursuran Kendari Bay both from the coast and from the mangrove forest.

    • Activities culinary tour. Where this activity is an activity that has a lot of visitors because besides selling traditional foods Sulawesi also sells various kinds of drinks, and other foods with a view Kendari Gulf region and its strategic location in the city center.

    The existence of a wide range of appeal above shows that the Kendari Bay Tourism Area has many tourist attractions of the city. However, to make this area into a tourist area of the city that have high appeal, it needed some improvements and more intensive development of the tourist attraction on top. Tourist attraction not only in points but also shaped tourist activity, where visitors become actors wsiata attraction. For example, travel activity of swimming, boating, coastal cruising and culinary tourism. Thus, in the development of diverse appeal needed Increase / addition in the development of a wide appeal in the form of tourist activity, such as travel swimming, boating, coastal cruising and culinary tourism. as a factor of development in terms of cultural charms so that the region can become a tourist area that has a better appeal.

    1. Factors availability Accommodation

      Increased availability of tourism accommodation to facilitate the tourists. The more complete travel service, comfort will be felt by tourists will increase. The hope is to maintain the rating for a longer stay in a tourist area of the city. Existing Condition availability of tourist accommodation is complete in terms of shopping centers as well as the availability of inn / hotel. But in the tourist area of mangrove forests is not yet available and specialty shopping center so the factors Increased travel accommodations to facilitate the tourists needed for the development of tourism.

      Improved procurement and service facilities around the accommodation destination. The hotel / inn is an accommodation facilities of tourist activities. Existence hotel / hotel availability might influence the development of tourism because of the availability of the hotel can prolong tourists to stay in the tourist area. In addition, the shopping center is also supporting facilities. Availability of the shopping center which specialized in providing souvenirs typical of the city of Kendari unique and complete can affect the tourists to visit again to the tourist area. These shopping centers are usually selling food or souvenirs knick knacks typical city of Kendari which can be used as unique souvenirs of the city of Kendari. In the existing condition, mangrove forest do not have accommodation for a shopping center, while the Gulf Coast region of Kendari has a shopping mall, but do not sell souvenirs typical of the city of Kendari.

    2. Factors Accessibility

      Improvement of accessibility to tourist areas to make it easier for travelers in the achievement of the region's potential. Convenience and comfort in the achievement of the region's potential will make a positive impression on the visiting tourists. While the accessibility to the tourist area of mangrove forest is still inadequate. It can be seen from the accessibility of the mangrove forest area in poor condition or there is a road that is still broken, so there is still need for improvement. So factor improvement of accessibility to tourist areas to make it easier for travelers in the achievement of the region's potential is an important factor in the development of regional tourism.

    3. Factors Transportation Modes

      Extra public transport route connecting one area of potential tourist area so that each region can be interconnected / integrated so that it can evolve simultaneously. The need for transportation services at a very high tourist area. This will facilitate the tourists travel trip. Existing conditions of transportation services to the tourism area of Kendari pretty good. Where the coastal resorts as well as culinary tourism area has been underserved public transport will be public transport. Only in the tourist area of mangrove forests is not yet available public transportation. With services such as these transport modes lead to a trip to the area a little less smoothly into the tourist area of mangrove forests.

      The need for a mode of transportation is not inevitable in the tourist area, to the existence of public transport modes in the region required special attention to improving the waiter to the area. Therefore, the transportation services in the context of tourism development need to increase public

      transport route connecting one area of potential tourist area so that each region can be interconnected / integrated so that it can develop simultaneously and to be able to support the smooth running of activities and excursions in the region

    4. Factors Supporting Availability of Travel

      Tourist facilities are facilities needed in planning a tourist area. In this case the tour and travel facilities and other recreational areas which are located around the tourist areas. Existing condition in the tourist area of Kendari Bay facility has been provided will be for a tour and travels to the area. But at the coastal resorts and tourist area of mangrove forests has not provided travel support facilities such as places of entertainment or recreation. So that the availability of tourist facilities needed in the development of tourism.

    5. Factors Supporting Availability of Travel

      Tourist facilities are facilities needed in planning a tourist area. In this case the tour and travel facilities and other recreational areas which are located around the tourist areas. Existing condition in the tourist area of Kendari Bay facility has been provided will be for a tour and travels to the area. But at the coastal resorts and tourist area of mangrove forests has not provided travel support facilities such as places of entertainment or recreation. So that the availability of tourist facilities needed in the development of tourism.

    6. Availability Factor Support Facilities Travel

      Tourist facilities are facilities needed in planning a tourist area. In this case the tour and travel facilities and other recreational areas which are located around the tourist areas. Existing condition in the tourist area of Kendari Bay facility has been provided will be for a tour and travels to the area. But at the coastal resorts and tourist area of mangrove forests has not provided travel support facilities such as places of entertainment or recreation. So that the availability of tourist facilities needed in the development of tourism.

    7. Infrastructure Availability Factor

      The existence of tourist infrastructure is one of support smooth travel activities in the tourist area of the Gulf of Kendari. The more complete infrastructure services that will be felt by the comfort of tourists will increase. The hope is to maintain the rating for a longer stay in a tourist area of the city. Existing Condition tourism supporting infrastructure in the Gulf of Kendari sufficient. Where in the coastal tourist area as well as a culinary tourist areas in Kendari Bay have been met would be a good supporting infrastructure of electricity, water, waste and roads. However, in the tourist area of mangrove forests has not been served to the fullest will be infrastructure. So the factors increase the availability of infrastructure to facilitate the tourists needed for the development of tourism areas.

    8. Public Participation Factor

      Increased knowledge of destinations around the area of knowledge of the field of tourism, history of the area and distinctive local cultures that exist in tourist areas. The public should be able to reflect an area. It is also related to the functioning of society in tourism activities, in which people are people who will interact with tourists. For it is necessary

      to have knowledge relating to the tourist areas where the community is located.

      The following is the existing condition of the quality of human resources in Tourism in the Gulf Region Kendari that communities involved in the activities and development of tourism in the community is very less. It is also not out of sight of the public that there would be no advantage for them to participate in tourism activities, the people prefer to live with their jobs every day.

      Judging from the various views can be seen that the knowledge society in the region involving about tourism and culture is still very limited so that it can have an impact on the difficult development of tourism in the region, especially if the people's desire to be involved in the development of the region remains less than enthusiastic. That requires the Improvement of public knowledge about the region destinations on the existing knowledge of the field of tourism in tourist areas, as a factor of development in terms of quality human resources so that people will be able to participate in tourism activities in kawasannya.sehingga factor increased community participation in the tourism sector needed to development of tourism areas.

    9. Environmental Quality Tourism Region

      Environmental tourism in the area will provide comfort for travelers who are in the tourist area. A good and clean environment provides an imaging attitude inherent in the life of society. Existing Condition environmental cleanliness and greening in Turkish tourist area is still very good, this could be one of convenience for tourists who come to the tourist area. In addition, there is also a culinary region sanitation facilities available. However, people are not maintaining cleanliness in the environment by littering the streets as well as directly into the bay. In addition, the tourist area of mangrove forests has not provided for a means of cleanliness so that the region is not good. However, in this area has been conserving the mangrove forest back. So the factor of improvement of environmental quality in the Gulf tourist area of Kendari needed in the development of tourism.

    10. Policy Area Tourism

      In the construction of a tourist area or the establishment of a region into a tourist area must comply with existing policy. In this case the kesusuaian allotment of land with the area. In this case the region of Kendari Bay is in conformity with one of the allotment of land as a tourist area. But in its development.

      Having obtained the factor of development of tourist areas of descriptive analysis results, then conducted the election of opinion regarding the factors specified development using the Delphi technique and involves respondents who have been assigned using stakeholder analysis in appendix. The respondents issued an opinion regarding the necessity of agreement or not the factors that influence the development of which has been formulated in the previous analysis.

      Questionnaires Phase I:

      Here is the result of exploratory opinion of the respondents about the factors affecting the development of tourism in the Gulf region of Kendari.


      1. Increase / Extra wide appeal in the form of tourist activity


        R 1

        R 2

        R 3

        R 4

        R 5

        R 6

        R 7

        R 8

        Availability Infrastructure Tourism


        In connection with the increase in utilities ie water network, electricity, and garbage in the area and the road network keterseidaan sticks region.










        In connection with the increased accessibility to the area of tourism it easier for travelers to reach the region.









        Availability Means Travel


        In connection with the increase in tourist accommodation either venue, restaurant. Points shopping / PKL










        In connection with the increase in tourist area facilities bali tour and travel and entertainment outlets at tourist sites









        Availability of Components Tourism


        In connection with the increase in both points of tourist attraction and tourist activity in the study area









        Society participation


        In connection with the increase in the type of activity/ activities related to tourism activities









        Environmental Quality Tourism Regions


        In connection with the increased availability of sanitary facilities in tourist areas










        In connection with the increase in environmental conservation activities in the study area









        Policy Area Tourism


        In connection with the policy to support the development of tourism










        R 1

        R 2

        R 3

        R 4

        R 5

        R 6

        R 7

        R 8

        Availability Infrastructure Tourism


        In connection with the increase in utilities ie water network, electricity, and garbage in the area and the road network keterseidaan sticks region.










        In connection with the increased accessibility to the area of tourism it easier for travelers to reach the region.









        Availability Means Travel


        In connection with the increase in tourist accommodation either venue, restaurant. Points shopping / PKL










        In connection with the increase in tourist area facilities bali tour and travel and entertainment outlets at tourist sites









        Availability of Components Tourism


        In connection with the increase in both points of tourist attraction and tourist activity in the study area









        Society participation


        In connection with the increase in the type of activity/ activities related to tourism activities









        Environmental Quality Tourism Regions


        In connection with the increased availability of sanitary facilities in tourist areas










        In connection with the increase in environmental conservation activities in the study area









        Policy Area Tourism


        In connection with the policy to support the development of tourism









        All respondents agreed terhadapa variety of factors increase attractiveness of tourist activity because tourists do not just watch pertujukan or tourist attraction in the form of points but could also be a perpetrator attractiveness of tourist activity so that travelers know what is done by the perpetrators of the tourist attractions. For example, create activity in the tourist area of Kendari Bay, adding other activities in coastal areas such as snorkeling and other activities that can develop the tourist area in the Gulf city of Kendari.

      2. Factors availability Accommodation

        All respondents agree terhadapat factors increase tourist accommodation in the form of an inn or hotel and perbelanjaaan place. In this case with an increase in the tourist accommodation then the visitors had no trouble when traveling in Kendari. in addition, with the increased accommodation shopping center can facilitate the tourists and their innovations to increase the typical souvenirs of Kendari way of food and souvenirs to visitors who arrive in the Gulf city of Kendari.Faktor


        A : Agree

        DA : Disagree

        : need Iteration

        Source: Analysis Report, 2016

      3. Accessibility

        All respondents agreed that the development of tourist areas of Kendari takes factors such as increasing accessibility of roads to the tourist area in particular mangrove forest tour. on the road to the condition of the existing condition of mangrove forest areas need improvement, so that all respondents agreed with the increased accessibility as road repairs, then this factor is needed to resolve the problems occurred. Lack of access to good quality can be memperhambat tourists to get to travel so that the development path towards Attraction particularly accelerated improvement. According to one respondent Needs good access is also the convenience of potential tourists to get to tour with the other and thus become interconnectedness. According to respondents improve the quality of accessibility can be done by improving the road less good.

        RI : Head of Tourism Development Department of Tourism and Creative Economy

        R2 : Human Settlements Division Head of Public Works Department City of Kendari

        R3 : Head of Spatial Planning Department of City Planning and Settlement of Kendari

        R4 : Head of Physical and Infrastructure Bappeda Kendari R5 : Head of the District Head West Kendari

        R6 : Tourism Expert Lecturer University of Fajar Makassar Tourism R7 : Society of street vendors in the Gulf city of Kendari

        R8 : Circle of business tourism in Kendari Bay

        From the results of Phase I exploration Delphi obtained the opinion of the respondents about factors affecting the need for the development of tourism in the Gulf of Kendari. For more details, here is a description of the results of the exploration of the respondents:

      4. Factors Transportation Modes

        All respondents agreed that the addition of route / route of public transportation affect the development of tourism areas for their transport as well as the existence of the terminal to facilitate the needs of travelers to the travel, where the existing condition has not been any public transport that connects potential between the potential of the tourist areas so that tourists have difficulty so tourists the visit had to use private vehicles.

        According to respondents improve the quality of transport modes such as repair and existence of adequate public transport will indirectly affect the tourism potential that is still untapped may develop because there are still a lot of tourists are still less memorable or feel uneasy about public transportation is adequate to get to the tourist area

      5. Availability Factor Support Facilities

        One in eight respondents disagreed with fasilitaspendukung improvement factor. In the form of tours and travel and recreation or entertainment in the tourist area of Kendari Bay is the Head of the District Head West Kendari reasons that are in the tourist area of Kendari Bay's average would have served public transportation so it does not require facility tours and travel. In addition, the respondents argued that tourists who come to the city of Kendari likely to have relatives in Kendari who can deliver the visitor to the tourist area. But for the majority of respondents chose that agree with their supporting facilities can be easier for tourists to travel in the city of Kendari.

      6. Infrastructure Availability Factor

        From the fore respondents all agreed with the increased availability of good infrastructure facilities of water, electricity and waste. Where with the increase in infrastructure can provide comfort for visitors who come on tourist areas, especially in the tourist area of mangrove forest which is not yet available infrastructure.

      7. Public Participation Factor

        Of the eight respondents all agreed that increased community participation in tourist areas can develop the region. Where participation in this case can make a distinctive gift southeast Sulawesi. In addition to an active role in providing hospitality to visitors who come in and out of history will be the city of Kendari

      8. Factors Environmental Quality Improvement Travel

        Of the eight respondents disagreed with the factor of environmental quality improvement in terms of increased travel in the tourist area of environmental conservation. This is because the development plan Kendari bay area there will be a reclamation of the bay which will become the center of tourism in the city of Kendari so Mangrove current is enough to serve as a tourist area. While other respondents agree to an increase in environmental conservation. Where in the tourist areas should still pay attention to nature and the environment

      9. Factors Policy

        In the development of a region always mengacuh the Spatial Plan of each region. where the presence of supportive policies tourist areas or in this case the suitability of the area of tourism development to the area contained in the government policy will make easier the development of tourism.

        Questionnaires Phase II:

        To get consensus / agreement from respondents regarding development factors needed or not needed in the area of tourism in the city of Kendari, do questionnaire stage 2. Following the exploration results from the opinion of the respondents about the factors affecting the development of tourism in the Gulf region of Kendari












        In connection

        with the

        increase in

        tourist area

        facilities bali tour and travel and entertainment outlets at tourist sites










        In connection

        with the

        increase in environmental conservation activities in the study area









        Source: Analysis Report, 2015 From the results of questionnaires second phase finally obtained an agreement or consensus of all respondents about factors that affect the development of tourism in the Gulf region Kendari. Reason to change the selection of respondents to the questionnaire questionnaire 1 to 2 are as


        1. Availability Factor Support Facilities

          One in eight respondents disagreed with fasilitaspendukung improvement factor. In the form of tours and travel and recreation or entertainment in the tourist area of Kendari Bay is the Head of the District Head West Kendari reasons that are in the tourist area of Kendari Bay's average would have served public transportation so it does not require facility tours and travel. Respondents changed his plea from not agree to agree because there are visitors or tourists who do not have relatives in the city of Kendari and thus require tours and travel so as to facilitate the travelers.

        2. Factors of Environmental Quality Improvement Travel One in eight respondents disagreed with the travel

    environment quality improvement factor in terms of improving environmental conservation in tourist areas ie To the Field of Human Settlements Kendari City Public Works Department. This is because the development plan Kendari bay area will be reclaimed bay will become the center of tourism in the city of Kendari so Mangrove current is enough to serve as a tourist area. However, respondents mengubahjawasnnya of disagree to agree due to natural factors and lingkunagn is also important in a tourist area and make the visitors more comfortable being in the tourist area.


    Environmental Quality Tourism Regions


    In connection with the increased availability of sanitary facilities in tourist areas


    In connection with the increase in environmental conservation activities in the study area

    Policy Area Tourism


    In connection with the policy to support the development of tourism

    Source: Analysis Report, 2016


    In the development of the region need to know first factors of regional development. Thus, it can facilitate the preparation of the concept of development of tourism in the Gulf city of Kendari


    Beach tourism

    Culinary tour

    Travel Mangrove Forests

    Availability Infrastructure Tourism



    In connection with the increase in utilities ie water network, electricity, and garbage in the area and the road network keterseidaan sticks region.



    In connection with the increased accessibility to the area of tourism it easier for travelers to reach the region.

    Availability Means Travel


    In connection with the increase in tourist

    accommodation either venue, restaurant. Points shopping / PKL


    In connection with the increase in tourist area facilities bali tour and travel and entertainment outlets at tourist sites

    Availability of Components Tourism


    In connection with the increase in both points of tourist attraction and tourist activity in the study area

    Society participation


    In connection with the increase in the type of activity/ activities related to tourism activities


    Beach tourism

    Culinary tour

    Travel Mangrove Forests

    Availability Infrastructure Tourism



    In connection with the increase in utilities ie water network, electricity, and garbage in the area and the road network keterseidaan sticks region.



    In connection with the increased accessibility to the area of tourism it easier for travelers to reach the region.

    Availability Means Travel


    In connection with the increase in tourist

    accommodation either venue, restaurant. Points shopping / PKL


    In connection with the increase in tourist area facilities bali tour and travel and entertainment outlets at tourist sites

    Availability of Components Tourism


    In connection with the increase in both points of tourist attraction and tourist activity in the study area

    Society participation


    In connection with the increase in the type of activity/ activities related to tourism activities


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