- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 227
- Authors : Mrs. M.K.S. Anusha, Mr. G.Uday Kiran, Mr. Purnachand .K,
- Paper ID : IJERTV2IS100157
- Volume & Issue : Volume 02, Issue 10 (October 2013)
- Published (First Online): 05-10-2013
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Advanced XML Data Search in Web 2.0
Mrs. M.K.S. Anusha (1) Mr. G.Uday Kiran (2) Mr. Purnachand .K (3)
Student (M.Tech.) Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
CSE Department, BVRIT, Vishnupur, Narsapur,
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Advanced XML Data Search in Web 2.0 is the web application tool which uses fastest open source XML data search technique. It gives the set of the multiple xml data records, it is the concept of the advanced searching technique that can extract the data from one into the more indexes. These indexes also supports the common and different operations such as the xml data in the ranked search, xml data in the faceted search, data of browsing, and the result reordering data. It Gives the set of the multiple xml data records, It can also be extracted to the xml data into the various indexes that after the making the process with the customized configurable workflows, Workloads in addition to the extra normalizations and the processing data. Once if the current indexes is re-ordered and which have been built within, which it supports the operations of the as ranked xml searching, faceted xml data searching, record retrieval from the xml database, which can browse and go in with the on demand result of the reordering for the search and sorting of xml data.
The Advanced XML Data Search is an open source XML searching technique, which is also formed by fusing the two different excellent xml searching technologies, One is the Apache XML data search based search index for indexing method and the another is the XML Data Search query processor for the different searching techniques.
With the XML data search core, the searching techniques also provides the XML extension based awareness for the web page or xml pages and the content in the indexing is the XML Query optimizer for the existing method that which it rewrites the multiple database xml queries in order to use the page indexes for indexing all the content to store the data in in the xml database and the functions of the libraries for interacting with the XML Query processor with the extended capabilities for the tightly integrated xml data tool with the latest searching technique and it also leverages its xml based web application framework to deliver the XML REST XData service, web application server and the xml based supporting tools.
The REST XData service is also accessible to the various xml based web applications which is written in different programming languages, but it will be more convenient for the xml web app developers especially for the developers who is already using the XML Editor, for the whom XData SOX operates as the XML App Framework plugin for that it which provides the various xml query XData services for using the different XML based Web APIs as the XData search plugins for xml database, by using the different xml query languages for XData Query Processor.
REST Calls Xdata:
The XML based web documents can also be inserted, created and updated using the standard XML Xdata REST calls for the XML Data
awareness for page indexing which is also triggered in the database by the presence of the XML XData awareness field in the xml web document. That it means the current existing xml based search web application is an Open Source frameworks which is written in various programming languages which are also positioned in order to use the xml drop in search capabilities for indexing the xml content data and the process of querying the semi structured web based xml data content.
The XML based web documents can also be inserted, created and updated using the standard XML Xdata REST calls for the XML Data awareness for page indexing which is also triggered in the database by the presence of the XML XData awareness field in the xml web document. That it means the current existing xml based search web application is an Open Source frameworks which is written in various programming languages which are also positioned inorder to use the xml drop in search capabilities for indexing the xml content data and the process of querying the semi structured web based xml data content.
The xml web application server is the excellent way to get started with the latest searching technique for the XData Query Processor and it also provides the unique capability in order to write the complete xml based web application in the XData Query and with the xml data storage which is backed by the xml indexing database server.
Design and development of the xml search schema with the three main points based on priorities:
Top quality of the XML Indexing
Excellent and Out Standing performance in XML Data Searching
Advanced XML indexing has the Convenient and reliable features
In order to reach the goal and to achieve the above said goals, the reuse of the excellent and standard existing open-source xml search indexing software that wherever is possible. This also enables the users to keep the user's or developers custom code footprint to small and compatible. To test the current or existing
developer code clearly, rigorously and more thoroughly to ensure that the search results of the xml data content is as expected.
After the very correctness of the goals with clear and brief focus is to achieve the best possibly xml XQuery process and indexing the custom xml data content with the high performance by using the xml standard to process the XQuery processor indexing to construct the enhanced schema with the custom search index functions and functionalities as needed and required.
Finally in xml data schema we want it to be more pleasure to work more flexible with the Advanced XML Data searching open source tool. We basically think that the best way to do with.
The advanced xml data search tool also provides the advanced features which appeal to the xml web application developers and it to make their development lives easier inorder to support the XML standards for XData as initiatives like XPath and inorder to integrate with the other wide range of the technologies can be used.
Developers and users need to acknowledge here in though that the Advanced XML Data Search in Web 2.0 is new and is also missing with the various features for the users and developers that will expect from the matured xml search based index database product.
Even though it also gives the advanced feature based benefits from being the xml inbuilt for web
2.0 on the very solid xmlbase and xml search tool is also unit tested in web 2.0 very thoroughly, the xml integrated data code itself is very fairly and very new that we can surely identify the various gaps that which is needed to be addressing the database in order to make it more useful in the xml schema system.
In spite of loading the current limitations, the current technique can be with the more real value in terms of sharing the xml search tool which is compatible with web 2.0
With the broader xml data community which it also needs to do the query in the XML Web based documents which are indexed by using XData Query Processor and Search Indexing Manager on the Web 2.0.
Figure: 1 Architecture
Advanced XML Data Search in Web 2.0
Figure: 2 Indexing Data Process
– XML Data Searching Technique
It creates the xml data based database to store the user document filesand to put the xml search index engine on the top.
The index of the full text in variations of the xml data in terms of the stored documents and which it allows users and developers to setup the custom indexes for the specific custom fields within the structured xml files and documents.
To setup the custom indexes that we need to extract the xml data and normalize the xml data
exactly the way you needed and based on the requirements.
Search the xml indexes that you've setup the xml data index manager to quickly find the content of the xml document that users and developers want. When the searching xml indexes and the search terms which is treated as the same way of the xml XData, So the users doesn't required and need not to worry to know that what type of normalizations that you've applied. Based on advanced and deep search, users will get the accurate results.
It mainly uses the advanced Boolean searching logics of three multiple operations such as "and" "or" "not" and as well as the proximity with the multiple phrases with advanced range of searching with the date or with the time periods.
It mainly returns the shared resources and facets of the user's search results in xml data in order to indicate the advanced ways to make the extended search that could be more refined.
The advanced cml searching tool can scan through all the unique terms in with the multiple archived indexes, just like the advanced reading with the rooted index in the XML data content and also in the XML Database.
It especially adds the international standard to the advanced web service in xml Web APIs to the user's xml database.
It uses the existing XML Schema's relational database with the Advanced Searching Management Systems as the current sources of the XML Content based xml web documents.
The XML query performance that also varies and it mainly depends on the xml data query and the xml data and with the advanced searching environment, So it also clearly impossible that to gives the meaningful searching account that gives the advanced short summary on searching technique. Advanced Indexed xml queries are more quicker and faster because the xml XData which is an excellent xml based searching index.
The processing of small to the medium size based xml content and xml documents which is also
very fast because of the excellent XML XQuery processor in the current system. It also does a decent and brilliant job for filtering out the searching content with the irrelevant xml documents in many other cases and it also provides the access with the help of advanced debugging levels with the advanced logging xml code statements which also optimizes the xml database queries and it also produces the easy way to see where the xml data content applying with the custom index optimizations with advanced searching techniques.
Advanced XML Data Search in Web 2.0 is the open source xml searching tool with the advanced data searching techniques which uses the various searching algorithms. It integrates the many excellent and brilliant XML search methods for xml content stores, xml databases, etc. which already exists with including the different open source technologies. With help of every individual SQL XML databases has the different forms of the built in with XML Search XQuery technology for advanced searching. It do not provide the advanced wealth of the searching features. The another differentiator in xml searching is more relatively have the small footprints, which also makes the use of appealing the possible choices for embedding the XML Web API applications using the Web 2.0 Standards. The original motivation is to provide the unique xml data content with the advanced exploration tool for deeply analysing with new and the unfamiliar XML XData structures. Without the need of the configurations in the tool, the indexes can be configured by custom methods which also provides the extended and advanced explicit XPath with advanced indexing.
Finally, we here by conclude that Advanced XML Data Search in Web 2.0 concept is an open source tool which is used for advanced indexing the content and the xml data pages. This tool will be useful for educational institutions, non-profit organizations, seo based organizations and for individual companies.
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