- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 12
- Authors : Pranav Saudagar, Jayant Bhalani, Prasanna Patil, Shweta Sharma
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV5IS01175
- Volume & Issue : ICIATE – 2017 (Volume 5 – Issue 01)
- Published (First Online): 24-04-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Zero Knowledge Protocol using RSA Algorithm
Pranav Saudagar
BE student of Computer Engineering Atharva College of Engineering Mumbai, MH, India
Jayant Bhalani
BE student of Computer Engineering Atharva College of Engineering Mumbai, MH, India
Prasanna Patil
BE student of Computer Engineering Atharva College of Engineering Mumbai, MH, India
Shweta Sharma
Prof. of Computer Engineering Atharva College of Engineering Mumbai, MH, India
Abstract Cryptography has been in use for ages right from Caesars era to world war to this moment. These days its used more often for authentication, than not. Zero-Knowledge Algorithm and RSA are used or authentication proposes. Zero Knowledge with RSA provides that extra edge necessary in authentication. It can be applied at the client side. The algorithm acts a firewall keeping out unauthorized user. It allows a party to prove that he/she has the necessary permissions (i.e. Credential) to access the content, without having to send over the value of the credential itself. The purpose of this kind of deployment is to make user login more confidential and authentication more safe than before.
Keywords ZKP; RSA; ASP; SQL; Z-RSA; MD5
Zero-Knowledge proof is a much popular concept utilized in many cryptography systems [8][11]. In this concept, 2 parties are involved, the prover A and the verifier B. Using this technique, it allows prover A to show that he has a credential (for example, a credit card number), without having to give B the exact number. The reason for the use of a Zero- Knowledge Proof in this situation for an authentication system is because it has the following properties:
Completeness: If the statement is true, the honest verifier (that is, one following the protocol properly) will be able to prove that the statement is true to an honest verifier every time.
Soundness: If the statement is false, it is not possible (with a very small chance) to fake the result to the verifier that the statement is true.
Zero-knowledge: If the statement is true, the verifier will not know anything other than that the statement is true. Information about the details of the statement will not be revealed The formatter will need to create these components, incorporating the applicable criteria that follow.
According to Kota and Aissi, the RSA is a public key cryptographic algorithm that is used to help ensure data communication security. It is simply based on two main cryptographic processes [1]. First, using a public key it converts an input data called the plaintext into an unrecognizable encrypted output called cipher text (encryption process), such that it is impossible to recover the original plaintext without the encryption password in a reasonable amount of time. Second, using a private key, the RSA then converts the unrecognizable data back to its original form (decryption process)[3]. The algorithms used for public key cryptography are based on mathematical relationships (the ones being the integer factorization and discrete logarithm problems)[5].Although it is easy for the recipient to generate the public and private keys, to decrypt the message using the private key, and easy for the sender to encrypt the message using the public key, it is extremely difficult for anyone to derive the private key, based only on their knowledge of the public key. This is why, unlike symmetric key algorithms, a public key algorithm does not require a secure initial exchange of one (or more) secret keys between the sender and receiver [2].
RSA algorithm:
Select two different prime numbers p and q. For security aim, the integers p and q must be prime numbers.
Calculate n=p*q. n will be used as the module for public key and private key.
Calculate f(n)=(q-1)(p-1), Where f is a function of Eulers
Select an integer e such that 1<e<f(n) and GCD (e, f(n))=1; e and f(n) are co prime.
Determine d: d is multiplicative inverse of e mod (f(n)) (e * d) mod f (n) = 1 d is the private key
Zero Knowledge Proof is really an intriguing and important applicative subject [8]. Zero Knowledge Proof has been in the sights of many cryptographic experts who have kept their eyes on its development over the years. It has potential to be used extensively in security fields.[10][11]. Zero Knowledge Proof essentially hides the actual credentials and works as if nothing is passed over and only authentication is provided.
Sole working of Zero Knowledge Proof in terms of authentication is depicted below
User calculates T1=go+r
User calculates C=T1+V+O
User calculates z=r+C-Y
Sends C & z to server
Server calculates T2=Y-C+go+z. T2 should be equal to T1
Server solves e=T2+Y+4 & changes with C sort by user, should be same as T2
If yes, the user is verified
Fig. 2.1 Flow of Zero Knowledge Protocol
IDA; Username of A
N1 and N2; Nonce
k; Shared secret key
F; Transformation Function
Ek; Encryption using shared Key
H[pwd]; Password hash
METHODOLOGY The process is divided in two phases:
Login Phase
Registration Phase
Login Phase
Each user having an unique number is necessary for the process to work. Every time new users enter/requests the login page, that person will initiate a process which will generate a unique number which will be saved in the database and carried forward. This number is added to the CRC hash in the password.
The algorithm is given below
Request login page and token generation
Password hashing using CRC32 checksum algorithm
Password function is generated i.e. Y=H(Pass)+go. go is from public key list G
User generates randomly r
Fig. 2.2 Login Process for Z-RSA Algorithm
Registration Phase
Before anything the user has to register for the access. Here the user is prompted to enter his username and create a password. The password is encrypted using CRC32 algorithm. Then Y is generated and stored in Database.
Fig. 2.3 Registration Process for Z-RSA Algorithm
Algorithm is as follows:-
Register username and password
Hash password with CRC32 algorithm
Store it in database
The immense rise in the use of web applications and web interface based mobile applications are the red flags for the possible outbreak of highly confidential data through a attacker monitoring the network. The recent iCloud hack which caused a havoc is enough to show us that. When there isnt actual transfer of credentials the attacker would be clueless about them. The proposed system can be used in places of high secrecy maintaining circumstances.
If further developed, this can also be used to secure chunks of data to transmit over the air.
In this paper we discussed the problems arising from the immense use of web based applications in mobile phones and other mediums, which lead us to the need of higher level of authentication. The proposed system uses a RSA to implement ZKP using random number generator for every login instance and the hash (stored in crc32) is added to it and the sever counter checks the values for access granting
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