- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 190
- Authors : Sanjay P Nambiar, Rekha Bhandarkar, Sangeeta Srivastava, Amit Prakash Jagtap
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS041362
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 04 (April 2014)
- Published (First Online): 25-04-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Synchronous Transmit Receive controller for POWER-PC using VHDL
Sanjay P Nambiar#1, Sangeeta Srivastava*1,Rekha Bhandarkar#2,Amit Prakash J*2
#1M.Tech-VLSI Design and Embedded Systems, #2Professor, Department of ECE Nitte Mahalinga Adyanthaya Institute of Technology, NITTE, India.
*1Member (Senior Research Staff),*2Member( Research Staff) Central Research Lab(BEL), Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
AbstractIn recent years the communication requirements have drastically gained importance and complexity. L a r g e range of systems is now being designed using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) due to its important features which include size feasibility and availability of resources. In this paper the design and implementation of a Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmit (USRT) interface suitable for the use in a POWER-PC based system to perform serial communication are implemented.
Index Terms Communication, USRT, VHDL, FPGA, Serial Communication.
USRT is an important mode of the serial communication. For the entire duration of synchronous communication a common clock is required to transmit and receive data [1]. USRT mostly comes with communication and these systems can handle mostly parallel data [2]. At the transmitter side, parallel data is taken from processor and converts it into serial form and at the receiver, meanwhile another USRT receives this serial data that is transmitted from the transmitter and converts it to parallel form into the computer understandable form.
Another important feature in synchronous is that configurable high speed transmission rates and transmission error detection and recovery CRC is used. Processor configures through specialized registers namely control registers. The design can also be implemented using Asynchronous mode incorporating some changes.
Here USRT code for implementation of USRT to USRT communication application is described and is tested with POWER-PC based Single board computer. The FPGA is also used as it is the best available solution for reconfiguration of the system hardware modification.
Basic UART communication requires mainly two signal lines (RXD, TXD) to complete data communication whereas in USRT there is a clock signal. At the transmit side, If no data to be transmitted, the transmission line will be idle until
triggered. RXD is the receiver, the input to the system. The signal which is high when no transmission or reception goes active low when the transmission starts. In RS-232 the logic
0 will have voltage levels from +3 V to +12 V and logic 1 will have voltage levels from -3 V to -12 V.
ave a dual port RAM.
The architecture of USRT contains: Transmitter module and Receiver module as shown in Fig. 1. RAM, 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC) generator using Linear Feedback Shift Register(LFSR) and a register to store the value obtained after the calculation, 8-bit Sync register parallel to serial shift register, glue logic, transmitter logic are the sub modules of USRT transmitter. Similarly USRT receiver consists of serial to parallel shift register, CRC and Sync comparator and RAM, CRC generator. RAM is used for data storage purpose and we h
Fig. 1 USRT module
USRTs operate as parallel to serial converters as well as serial to parallel converter. This can be explained as: At the transmitters side the data is transmitted as individual bits in a sequential fashion the parallel to serial converters come into picture whereas at the receivers side, USRTs assemble the bits into complete data and thus act as serial to parallel converters.
The processor can send individual or a block of data, whose size is determined by mo d e l , through the transmitter section of the USRT. Data is stored into the Random Access Memory, then framed accordingly to the transmitter and user defined options. Finally, the frame is sent to its destination bit
by bit with respect to a clock signal. At the receiver side, the data frame bits are received and sampled. The extracted data from the received frame resides in the internal receiver RAM waiting to be read by the processor with respect to the same clock. The receiver monitors the reception for possible errors and informs the recipient of their existence by setting the proper control bit(s).USRTs have a status monitoring mechanism through dedicated status register(s), a 16-bit register, through which some of the internal operation aspects can be observed. A simple block diagram of the internal structure of a USRT is shown in Fig.2
Fig. 2 simple block diagram
Modes of Operation
The main modes of operation in USRT is Synchronous. The latter prevails in most applications. Our area of interest lies with the former.
In synchronous mode, both the transmitter and receiver are synchronized to the same clock signal which is usually with respect to the data sent from the transmitter and the data is sent along with the clock on a separate link to the receiver. The receiver in turn utilizes the received clock in extracting the timing sequence and the data and determining the beginning and end of the received bit interval.
In this mode of communication, the transmitter and receiver are pre-configured to the required timing parameters in advance and special bits namely Synchronous bit which is sent initially and n-bits of data and then the 16 bit CRC bits are appended to the data frame for synchronization purposes. Thus timing is embedded in the frame and the need to send a timing signal to the receiver is eliminated
Common Communication Errors Encountered in USRTs
The most common errors encountered in USRTs are sync errors, CRC error showing the detection of noise during transmission; such errors occur frequently in hostile environments especially when cables are damaged, if the data have been lost in the receiver side because the internal reception RAM is full then the overrun error occurs.
The modern serial communication demands of high performance and reliability. This also takes compatibility with legacy devices into consideration, these demands were considered in the design specifications
To adapt to modern practices, the USRT offers eight bit mode synchronous or asynchronous communication, variable stop bit options and full duplex mode. However to retain compatibility, it also offers five to seven bit transfer and half duplex mode of communication. Table 1 lists the detailed specifications of the proposed USRT.
Table 1 USRT functional specifications
Supports the following transmission modes :
In modern systems, full duplex mode is employed while half duplex mode is retained for compatibility with legacy systems.
Supports a wide range of transmission/reception rates (from 50 Hz to 3MHz). This range is obtained using a baud rate generator that
High frequencies are essential for high speed communication. Lower speeds are needed to communicate with older USRTs. Moreover, lower speeds can be used to minimize cross talk if similar links are adjacent.
Asynchronous (Full/Half duplex modes)
Synchronous (Full/Half duplex modes)
Eight-level Transmitter/Receiver Buffer
To account for the high speeds of communication
hat the USRT can reach,
blocks of data can be
received and buffered until
read by the user. Also, this
allows the user to issue the
transmission of a block of
eight-frame size in a single
operation. This will also
reduce the load on the
USRT operation in the system.
Parity Supported
Single error detection
(Programmable –
techniques might prove
Enable/Disable parity and
beneficial in noisy operation
Odd/Even parity).
Variable data lengths
Byte communication is the
supported (Programmable –
modern norm. Five to seven
five to eight bits)
bits data length is to retain
compatibility with legacy
Variable stop bits
This is to comply with the
supported. (Asynchronous
RS232 standard where two
mode) (Programmable
stop bits mode is used to
One or two stop bits)
accommodate slightly
different clocks in the
transmitter and receiver
sides when USRTs from
different vendors are
connected together.
Error Detection of the following errors:
Parity error detection provides a measure of the reliability of
communication. Framing error detection indicates the necessity of reconfiguring the internal clocking sources at both ends correctly. Finally, overrun error informs that data has been lost and the need to frequently read the received data.
Parity Error
Overrun Error
Framing Error (Asynchronous mode)
Supports Interrupts (Programmable with ability of Global Masking)
Most modern systems are interrupt-driven for the reason that interrupt techniques save processing clock cycles in comparison with polling techniques and are essential in real time applications.
Supports Addressable (8-bit
Mainly used in industrial
Universal Addresses up to
and control applications in
256 devices
multi-drop networks where
a master USRT can
communicate with a certain
other slave USRT.
The methodology adopted in carrying out the USRT system design was based on systems and software engineering approaches though no single definitive approach was considered in its own regard. Minor variations to systems engineering approaches were considered to account for the working environment under which the project was developed. The design steps that the system went through are [3]:
Requirements Definition. The requirements definition phase specified the functionality as well as the essential and desirable system properties. This involved the process of understanding and defining what services were required from the system and identifying the constraints on system operation and development.
System/Subsystem Design [4]. This phase was concerned with how the system functionality was to be provided by the components of the system and where the system specification was converted into an executable system specification.
Subsystems Implementation and Module Testing. The subsystems identified during subsystem design were implemented and mapped into hardware code using the VHDL. In this critical stage, individual modules were extensively tested for correct functional operation. Each component, once implemented, was tested independently without the other system components and the assessment of the functional behavior was concluded from the simulation output.
System Integration. During system integration, the independently developed subsystems were merged together to build the overall USRT system in an incremental approach.
System Testing. The overall integrated system was subjected to an extensive set of tests to assure correct functionality, reliability and performance. The tests were
aimed to test the behavior of the system as a whole in addition to the interfacing between the subsystems.
VHDL was used to develop and simulate the USRT system and subsystems under Xilinx ISE 13.1 environment. USRT modules have been designed and verified separately, before being integrated together.
The Baud Rate Generator
The USRT system contains a programmable clock generator. Inputs are the system clock and the values of the two divisor registers.
This module is designed to generate a square clock irrespective of the divisor value. In synchronous mode of communication, this clock is transmitted along with the data. Also, it is used to generate the baud-rate clock, through a division by 16.
Assume that the system clock Frequency is 50MHz, baud rate is 9600bps, and then the output clock frequency of baud rate generator should be 1* 9600Hz. Therefore the frequency coefficient (M) i.e. counts value of the baud rate generator is: M =50MHz/1*9600Hz=5208 When the USRT receives serial data, determining where to sample the data information will be very critical. The ideal time for sampling is at the center of each serial data bit.
In this design, we generate a baud rate of 115200 using the 75 MHz clock that the system have and then we divide this baud rate into various other baud rates to generate the different values. We have designed configurable baud rate generator, the selection of baud rate shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Selection of Baud Rate
Hence, different baud rate has different frequency coefficient (M) i.e. count value of the baud rate generator.
For ex: for 2400Hz, M =50MHz/1*2400Hz=20833
Glue Logic
The processor sent the Sync, Data, Address and the Control register bits together. The Glue logic is used for obtaining the required information from the one which is sent by the processor. The Glue logic checks for the address and then decodes the information, and then sent it to the respective registers present. The data from and to the processor from external source is sent through a single line which is taken care by this glue logic.
D . The Transmitter Module
The transmitter module is responsible for transmitting the data serially utilizing the criteria set by the user through special control registers. These criteria include the data rate, number of data bits, 8-bit Sync bits and CRC bits. The processor gives itsrequirement through a control register that is present. Based on the control register values the CRC- one,- zeros, -all sync etc. may be enabled or disabled based on this value that is given.
Fig. 3 Transmitter subsystems block diagram
The Receiver Module
Fig. 4 shows the different subsystems used for the design of the receiver section. Again, we chose a sample to show the internal design details of one of the subsystems.
Fig. 4 Receiver subsystems block diagram
The CRC generator
A 16-CRC generator is present at both the transmitter as well as at the receiver end. At the transmitter end the CRC generator uses the data sent by the processor and generates 16- bit CRC and at the receiver side the data along with the CRC sent from the transmitter will be sent to the CRC generator at
the receiver side leaving the CRC register with all zeros when the last bit of the CRC is passed through the CRC register.
In general, the system testing process has two distinct goals:
To demonstrate to the developer and the customer that the system meets its requirements.
To discover faults or defects in the system where the behavior of the system is incorrect, a n undesirable or does not conform to its specification [3].
The first goal leads to validation testing, where the system is expected to perform correctly using a given set of test cases that reflect the system's expected use. Defect testing is the second goal, where the test cases are designed to expose defects. The test cases can be intentionally obscure and need not reflect how the system is normally used. For validation testing, where the system performs correctly it is a successful test. For defect testing, a successful test is one that exposes a defect that causes the system to perform incorrectly.
In general, the project went through several phases during the testing process as illustrated in Fig. 5:
Fig. 5 System testing phases
The implementation of a USRT interface suitable for use in FPGA based systems is done. The individual codes had been simulated and the results are verified as well as the result is verified after the code is integrated into a single module. The USRT module works according to the specification given and is tested with the FPGA and POWER-PC.
F i g . 6 C R C r e s u l t
F i g . 7 U S R T T r a n s m i s s i o n
F i g . 8 U S R T R e c e i v e r
The design and implementation of a USRT interface suitable for use in POWER-PC based single board computers was presented. The design features both synchronous and asynchronous operation and can uniquely operate using 9-bit address detection mode suitable for use in multi-drop networked serial communication devices. The USRT is able to detect and recover from common serial communication errors such as overflow and framing errors. It can also detect false
start bits. The design is implemented using VHDL and programming it into the FPGA with POWER-PC.
A token of gratitude to my internal guide Ms. Rekha Bhandarkar, and the management of the NMAMIT, Nitte for letting me conduct my research in CRL, BEL. Sincere gratitude to the Management of Central Research laboratory, Bharat Electronics ltd., Bangalore for giving me an opportunity to conduct my project in the esteemed organization. My deep token of gratitude to Mr. Mahesh V (Chief Scientist) and Mr. Ramkrishnan L head ECS/ RSP I also express my deep gratitude to my guide Mrs. Sangeeta Srivastava(Senior Research Staff) and co guide Mr. Amit Prakash Jagtap (Member research staff) for their helpful contribution in my work. Their intellectual creativity, analysis, comprehension has been a great source along with suggestions, encouragement and guidelines that played a vital role in my research work.
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Mr. Sanjay P Nambiar- Is pursuing his M.Tech project at CRL, BEL. He is pursuing his M.Tech in VLSI Design and Embedded Systems from Nitte Mahalinga Adyanthaya Institute of Technology, NITTE and B.E (ECE) from Srinivas Institue of Technology, Mangalore in 2012. He is an intern at CRL-BEL Bangalore from Aug-2013 to present and is pursuing his project phase in his M.Tech.
Dr. Rekha Bhandarkar completed her B.E in ECE in 1989 and M.Tech. in Digital Electronics in 2001. Her thesis is. on Cochlear filter implementation on FPGA. She is currently Professor in the Dept. of Electronics and Communication at NMAM Institute of Technology Nitte. Her areas of interest include Signal Processing, VLSI and Embedded Systems.
Mrs. Sangeeta Srivastava is working as a Member (Senior Research Staff) in the Embedded Computing Systems group of Central Research Laboratory of Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore. She is a Graduate Engineer in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi. Having around 20 years of experience in electronics system design she has worked in major areas of Automotive Sstem Design, Embedded Telecom Systems, Embedded computing systems with x86 and power PC based processors. She has designed and developed rugged avionics grade Single Board Computers for house products. Indias first Intel Core i7 based Ruggedized Laptop and Ruggedized Tablet PC.
Mr. Amit Prakash J is working as a Member (Research Staff) in the Embedded Computing Systems group of Central Research Laboratory of Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore. He had presented various papers in different journals. He had successfully completed Reliability engineer from American Society for quality Engineer.