SQL Query Formation for Database System using NLP

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV8IS120055

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SQL Query Formation for Database System using NLP

Aditya Narhe

Chaitanya Mohite

Rushikesh Kashid

Student, JSPMs ICOER,

Student, JSPMs ICOER,

Student, JSPMs ICOER,

Wagholi, Pune

Wagholi, Pune

Wagholi, Pune

Pratik Tade Santosh Waghmode

Student, JSPMs ICOER, Professor, JSPMs ICOER, Wagholi, Pune Wagholi, Pune

Abstract This paper describes a natural language system which is connected to a database system. The natural language system accepts a user input in natural language via voice input. Then it extracts the necessary information needed for the formation of the SQL Query. The extraction or cleaning process is based on the set of keywords we defined. After which we give this information to a multinomial logistic regression classifier, which predicts which type of query is requested by the user. This information is further used to form the final query and output in given to the user on the interface. We feel such easy to use and high-level interfaces will be needed as information systems become more readily available to more users.

Keywords Natural Language Query, Speech-to-text, Speech Recognition, Logistic Regression, Structed Query Language (SQL), Database Query.


    In this paper, we address the problem of automatic generation of Structured Query Language (SQL) queries. SQL is a database language for querying and manipulating relational databases.

    Writing and executing SQL queries is an integral part of relational database courses. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the most active techniques used in Human- Computer Interaction. It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is used for information retrieval, machine translation and linguistic analysis. The main objective of NLP is to allow communication between human and computers without memorizing commands and complex procedures.

    Asking questions to databases in natural language is a very convenient and easy method of data access, especially for casual users who do not understand complicated database query languages such as SQL. This system focuses on the solution of the problems arising in the analysis or generation of Natural language text or speech.

    Using our current system, we can predict which query the user has requested for, is it a SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, or any other query for that matter. This prediction and training the model to give the correct prediction is what is the most import part. After this it will form the final SQL query based on its type and execute it.

    The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we have a brief explanation of our literature survey. Section 3 give us an idea of any existing systems. Section 4 presents a brief description of the proposed system. Section 5 details the architecture of the system. Section 6 explains the algorithm is detail. Finally, section 7 and 8 presents the conclusions and references.


    1. Title: A Model of a Generic Natural Language Interface for Querying Database

      Author: Bais Hanane and Mustaph Machkour

      Abstract: They made a model for Natural language processing using database (NLDBI). This model is based on machine learning for querying database which improves knowledge based on machine learning approach. They showed two approaches for this,

      Linguist Component: Which performs three analysis morphological, syntactic and semantic.

      Database Knowledge Component: Where it consists of two parts DBQ generation and DBQ execution. The task of the DBQ generation is to translate the IXLQ created by the semantic analyzer into SQL. By mapping each element of the logical query to its corresponding clause in the SQL query.

      Once the DBQ is generated it will be executed by the Database Management System (DBMS), and then, displays the answers returned in tabular form

    2. Title: Database Query Formation from NL using semantic Modelling and Statistical keyword Meaning Disambiguation

      Author: Frank Meng and Wesley W. Chu

      Abstract: Here, they show how a NLP interface which will allow users to supply query information from NL input. They used High-level Query Formulator to access the semantic graph which also composes a formal database query in the end.

      N-gram vectors where used to capture the lexical content like converting the natural language sentence into tokens and measuring if they have any meaning in database language.

    3. Title: A Natural Language Database Interface Based On A Probabilistic Context Free Grammar

      Author: Bei-Bei Huang, Guigang Zhang, Phillip C-Y Sheu Abstract: This paper presents a natural language interface to relational database. It introduces some classical NLDBI

      products and their applications and proposes the architecture of a new NLDBI system including its probabilistic context free grammar, the inside and outside probabilities which can be used to construct the parse tree, an algorithm to calculate the probabilities, and the usage of dependency structures and verb subcategorization in analyzing the parse tree. Some experiment results are given to conclude the paper.

    4. Title: Natural Language Interface to Database Using Co-occurrence Matrix Technique

      Author: Anuradha Mohite, Varunakshi Bhojane

      Abstract: This paper showed how data stored in database can be accessed by using SQL queries. Those who are expert in SQL language can access information from database but non- technical user cannot retrieve data from database such as MySQL. There was a need to provide natural language interface to database for non-technical users. In this paper they have discussed the design and implementation of a system using modified word co-occurrence matrix method which will provide access to database using queries in English language

    5. Title: Automatic SQL Query Formation from Natural Language Query

    Author: Prasun Kanti Ghosh, Saparja Dey, Subhabrata Sengupta

    Abstract: Here they explained the process carried out by the Natural Language Processing system by means of a method known as "Levels of Language" or Synchronous Model of language. It was divided into four stages such as Morphology, Lexical, Syntactic, Semantic. The stages had their own significance such as, breaking down the sentences into tokens, after which interpret the meaning of individual words in which all the tokenized sentences will be mapped with the meaning of the same word.

    After which they found the attributes present in the input query from the words generated in the previous stages. Semantics focuses on the study of meaning of the words present in the natural language query and the relation between signifiers like words, signs, phrases and what do they actually stand for. And they used speech recognition using python for android as it was an android based project. 6.Title: A Rule Based Approach for NLP Based Query Processing.

    Author: Tanzim Mahmud, K. M. Azharul Hasan, Mahtab Ahmed, Thwoi Hla Ching Chak

    Abstract: Databases and database technology are having major impact on the growing use of computers. In order to retrieve information from a database, one needs to formulate a query in such way that the computer will understand and produce the desired output. But the non-IT people cannot be able to write SQL queries as they may not be aware of the SQL as well as structure of the database. So, there is a need for non-xpert users to query the databases in their natural language instead of working with the values of the attributes. This paper gave an idea for accessing the database easily using natural language without having any knowledge about the query language. The approach is a rule-based approach. The obvious advantage is that it makes a great promise for computer interfaces easier for the use of general people. Because of this, people will be able to communicate to the

    computer in their own language instead of learning a specialized language or commands.

    1. Title: Formation of SQL from Natural Language Query using NLP

      Author: Uma M, Sneha V, Sneha G, Bhuvana J, Bharathi B.

      Abstract: This paper gave an insight to how a system using NLP by giving structured natural language question as input and receiving SQL query as the output, to access the related information from the railways reservation database with ease. The steps involved in this process are tokenization, lemmatization, parts of speech tagging, parsing and mapping. They have achieved 98.89 per cent accuracy. This paper gives an overall view of the usage of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and use of regular expressions to map the query in English language to SQL.

    2. Title: Review on Natural Language Processing and its Toolkits for Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis.

      Author: Yasir Ali Solangi, Zulfiqar Ali Solangi, Samreen Aarain, Amna Abro, Ghulam Ali Mallah, Asadullah Shah Abstract: In this paper, Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for opinion mining and sentiment analysis are reviewed. Initially NLP is reviewed then briefed about its common and useful pre-processing steps also. In this paper opinion mining for various levels are analyzed and reviewed. At the end issues are identified and some recommendation are suggested for opinion mining and-sentiment-analysis.


      1. There are existing systems such as ELIZA which is a simulation of a Rogerian psychotherapist.

      2. SHRDLU (Terry Winograd, 1968) was an early natural language understanding computer program, developed by Terry Winograd at MIT in 19681970.

      3. And LIFER/LADDER (Hendrix, 1978) was one of the first good database NLP systems. It was designed as a natural language interface to a database of information about US Navy ships.

      4. Since then a lot of advancements have been made in NLP, like the use of NLDBI (Natural Language Database Interface) and the use of CFG (Context free grammar). These systems have been already implemented and we propose a new way to use NLP for querying database systems.


    Nowadays data is increasing rapidly. There are so many new database tools and technologies are growing, therefore we can store large data, but the problem is that the technology or an interface which can process data and display the data as per the user request is not familiarized with many of the people.

    It means many people don't have proper knowledge of handling database. So, we are implementing a system which will be useful to convert natural language questions into SQL query so that user can access exact data from database without prior knowledge of database.

    So, there are multiple stages to how this current system or ours works, it includes:

    1. Voice Recognition: User will give voice input, which will be recognized and then converted into text format.

    2. Text processing: Perform pre-processing on the text converted from voice

      • Tokenization i.e.; In this phase, the sentence is broken down into tokens. Here, we split the given input query sentence in

        natural language into all the words it contains and store the words in a list.

        • Example: Show me all the students from B.E

        • It will get converted into: [Show, me, all, the, students, from, B.E]

          • Stop words Removal: Stop words like; I, me, we, here, you, etc. will be removed from the tokenized list.

            • The list in currently in this state, [Show, me, all, the, students, from, B.E]

            • After stop words removal the output will be, [Show, students, B.E]

          • Parts of speech tagging: It can be important for syntactic and semantic analysis. So, for something like the sentence above the word can has several semantic meanings.

    3. Multinomial Logistic Regression Algorithm: This will predict the type of query from the information that is given to it from the previous steps.

    4. In the next step we will validate which query to execute, after which the query is generated and executed.

    5. Data is fetched from the database and then it is displayed to the user on the interface.


    Fig. 1. Architecture of Application.


    Multinomial Logistic Regression is the generalization of logistic regression algorithm used for the multi-classification task, then the same logistic regression algorithm is called as multinomial logistic regression.


This could as well be a step forward to making database usability accessible to people who have no knowledge how a database query works. Natural Language Processing can bring powerful enhancements to virtually any computer program, because human language is so natural and easy to use for humans. Various processes like tokenization, syntactic and semantic analysis are carried out to generate an equivalent SQL query from a natural language query. This system predicts what the user query is and then validates the query, which is then executed. To get the maximum performance, the data dictionary of the system will have to be regularly updated with words that are specific to the particular system. This system is currently capable of handling simple queries along with some complex queries. Because not all forms of SQL queries are supported, further development would be required. Using our system any novice user can handle a database system efficiently and with ease.


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