- Open Access
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- Authors : Dr. N. Dhanasekar, S. Soundarya
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV6IS14090
- Volume & Issue : Confcall – 2018 (Volume 06 – Issue 14)
- Published (First Online): 05-01-2019
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Smart Health Monitoring System using IoT
Smart Health Monitoring System using IoT
Dr. N. Dhanasekar1
Associate Professor / EEE
A.V.C College of Engineering
S. Soundarya2
UG Student
College of Engineering
Abstract:- This paper gives us the system that monitoring patient health by using heart beat sensor, blood pressure sensor, temperature sensor, glucose meter and humidity sensor. By this we can easily provide alert from users or patients critical condition send to the doctor at real time over internet. In India many patients are not getting proper help during critical condition like heart attacks and that why patients are dying in those periods. In the patient monitoring system based on Internet of things project, the real-time parameters of patients health are sent to cloud using Internet connectivity. These parameters are sent to a remote Internet location so that user can view these details from anywhere in the world. There is a major difference between SMS based patient health monitoring and IOT based patient monitoring system. In IOT based system, details of the patient health can be seen by many users. The reason behind this is that the data needs to be monitored by visiting a website or URL. Whereas, in GSM based patient monitoring, the health parameters are sent using GSM via SMS.
This is one of the Latest electronics project ideas related to Medical applications. One more benefit of using IOT is that, this data can be seen using a desktop computer, laptop, using an Android smart phone or Tablet. The user just needs a working Internet connection to view this data. There are various cloud service providers which can be used to view this data over Internet. Things speak, Sparkfun and IOT Geek are few famous and easy to use service providers among these.
IOT patient monitoring has 5 sensors. First one is a temperature sensor, second is Heartbeat sensor and the third one is humidity sensor. We also measure the BP and insulin level using sensors. This project is very useful since the doctor can monitor patient health parameters just by visiting website or URL. And nowadays many IOT apps are also being developed. So now the doctor or family members can monitor or track the patient health through the Android apps. To operate IOT based health monitoring system project, you need a Wi-Fi connection. The micro- controller or the Arduino board connects to the Wi-Fi network using a Wi-Fi module.
This project will not work without a working Wi- Fi network. You can create a Wi-Fi zone using a Wi-Fi module or you can even create a Wi-Fi zone using Hot-spot on your smart phone. The Arduino UNO board continuously reads input from these 5 senses. Then it sends
this data to the cloud by sending this data to a particular URL/IP address.
Hardware Specifications
Heartbeat Sensor
Temperature Sensor
Humidity sensor
Pressure sensor
Insulin sensor
Wi-Fi Module
LCD Display
Software Specifications
Arduino Uno
MC Programming Language: C
IOT patient monitoring has 5 sensors. They are temperature sensor, Heartbeat sensor, Pressure sensor, Glucose meter and humidity sensor. This project is very useful since the doctor can monitor patient health parameters just by visiting website or URL. And nowadays many IOT apps are also being developed. So now the doctor or family members can monitor or track the patient health through the Android application. To operate IOT based health monitoring system project, you need a Wi-Fi connection.
Fig. 1: Health Monitoring System Using IOT
The microcontroller or the Arduino board connects to the Wi-Fi network using a Wi-Fi module. This project will not work without a working Wi-Fi network. You can create a Wi-Fi zone using a Wi-Fi module or you can even create a Wi-Fi zone using Hotspot on your smart phone. The Arduino UNO board continuously reads input from these 5 senses. Then it sends this data to the cloud by sending this data to a particular URL/IP address. Then this action of sending data to IP is repeated after a particular interval of time.
This monitoring system is also be used by arduino controller alone. But it is not sufficient because with the use of IOT we can collect the information from anywhere (world wide). By use of arduino controller alone we can get the information from one place only. It is space limited. It needs Doctor or nurse to monitor the patient and device always at the particular place.
IOT Monitoring proves really helpful when we need to monitor & record and keep track of changes in the health parameters of the patient over the period of time. So with the IOT health monitoring, we can have the database of these changes in the health parameters. Doctors can take the reference of these changes or the history of the patient while suggesting the treatment or the medicines to the patient.
Hospital stays are minimized due to Remote Patient Monitoring. Hospital visits for normal routine checkups are minimized.
Patient health parameter data is stored over the cloud. So it is more beneficial than maintaining the records on printed papers kept in the files. Or even the digital records which are kept in a particular computer or laptop or memory device like pen- drive. Because there are chances that these devices can get corrupt and data might be lost. Whereas, in case of IOT, the cloud storage is more reliable and does have minimal chances of data loss.
IOT APPLICATIONS OF THIS PROJECT This is an important sensor based project which
has the latest technology implemented in it. And it has many applications & advantages as mentioned below.
IOT Health care is the most demanding field in the medical area. This project is for, elderly person in our home. Also for the senior citizen living alone or living with 1 or 2 members. This project really proves helpful when family members need to go out for some emergency work.
Disable patients can use this project. Disable patients who find it really difficult to go to doctors on daily
basis or for those patients who need continuous monitoring from the doctor.
An efficient PHMS is developed to monitor the up to date status of the patient irrespective of the presence of the doctor. The system collects information like temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate of the patient and updates the same to the doctor. The system is evaluated experimentally and collected the sample data of ten patients to verify the status of patients. The doctor can monitor the progress of patients' health now and then to advise them about their health.
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