Secured Image Transferring in the Networks

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV6IS07135

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Secured Image Transferring in the Networks

1. Godham Kumararaja. R

1 Student.,

Deportment of Computer Science and Engineering, Sree Sakthi Engineering College,

2.Sujitha Krishnan. T. U,

2. Student ,

Deportment of Computer Science and Engineering, Sree Sakthi Engineering College,

3. Ramakrishnan.M M.E., (Ph. D).,

3. Assistant Professor ,

Deportment of Computer Science And Engineering, Sree Sakthi Engineering College


Abstract – In the image processing, while transferring multimedia data in the network there may occur some attacks. To prevent our encrypted data from attacks, we use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). In this method we use a secured encrypted and decrypted data here; we explain with the help of two images for encryption the original image is covered inside the dummy image while decrypting data the original image will be displayed. If an attacks or intermediates a data the dummy image will be displayed. The original image is encrypted and decrypted with the help of secret key generation. No matters what the arrangements of permuted elements are, any permutation-only encrypted algorithm without change their histogram. The client can send and receive the data with full security.

Keywords – Cryptography, Attacks, Hidden phases, Encryption, Decryption


Image processing is a process in which the images were used for process. The images are performed some operations to secure a data .In which input image, like video frame or photography and output may be image or characteristics join together with that image. Image processing is processing of image using some mathematical operations by using any form of the process like signal processing for which the input is an image, a text image or a video, such as photography or video frames the output of image processing may be either image or set of characteristics or a numerical related to the images. Most of the image processing techniques involve deal with the certain way the images as a two-dimensional signal and applying standard signal-processing techniques to it. Image are also processed as three-dimensional signals where the third dimension being time. Image processing is closely related to the computer graphics and computer vision. In computer graphics, image are manually made from physical model of objects, the surroundings and effects of light, instead of being acquired from natural clips, as in most animated movies. Computer vision, on the other hand, is often considered high- level image processing out of which machine or computer or software design to decipher the physical content of image or a sequence of images. In modern sciences and technologies, images also gain much broader scopes due to the ever growing importance of scientific visualization. Image processing is technique to improve image quality by applying mathematical

operations. Image processing projects works on pattern recognition concept which is used for object detection, classification and computer vision segmentation which requires some of the image processing algorithm or techniques. Many images are represented by 2D arrays, where each element stores information about a pixel in the image. Some image arrays have more dimensions to represent colour information or an image sequence. Research in computer communication network is underway to provide new methods for design, analysis, and optimization of increasingly complex and demanding communication .In genetics research, or real time multi-asset portfolio trading in finance.

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In cryptograph, they are designed an algorithm to give a secured communication between the network transaction. They specify a multimedia, Image Scrambling Encryption Algorithm (ISEA) has been successfully, in terms of the number of required plaintexts, the complexity of the attacks, and the storage space needed. As different scrambling elements may have dramatically different effects on the sensible information of the plaintext, different multimedia scrambling encryption algorithm may possess totally different strength against cipher text-only attacks. The secure type of the binary image scrambling encryption algorithm, against cipher text- only attacks and known/chosen-plaintext attacks was studied comprehensively. Just as previous cryptanalytic works on the class of permutation-only encryption algorithm have shown, secret scrambling operations are incapable of providing a sufficiently high level of security against known/chosen- plaintext attacks alone.


The image processing is the process of the executing the input Image and the output image, by using advanced encryption algorithm. The original name of AES is Rijndael.

The AES operates based on blocks that are 128-bits in length. There are actually 3 variants of the Rijndael cipher, each of which uses a different key length. The permissible key lengths are 128, 192, and 256 bits.




AES Algorithm


State starts out as the 128-bit input. We operate on the state by performing successive rounds. A round is made up of three parts: application of the S-box, linear diffusion, and sub key addition. We discuss each part below.



Image file

Insert image with message

Encrypted message

Architecture diagram

Jpg/bmp image



3. The S-Box

Crypto Modules

.1. Mathematical Preliminaries of AES

The fundamental unit of blocks of operations are operated upon is a byte, that is, 8 bits. Bytes are thought of in two different ways in Rijndael. Let the byte be given in terms of its bits as b7, b6, , b0. We may think of each bit as an element in GF (2),the finite field of two elements. First, one may think of a byte as a vector, (b7, b6, . ., b0) in GF(2)8. Second, one may think of a byte as an element of GF (28), in the following way: Consider the polynomial ring GF (2) [X]. We may mod out by any polynomial to produce a factor ring. If this polynomial is irreducible, and of degree n, then the resulting factor ring is isomorphic to G (2n). In AES, we mod out by the irreducible polynomial X8 + X4 + X3 + X + 1, and so obtain a representation for G(28). A byte is then represented in G (28) by the polynomial b7X7 +b6X6 +. . .+b0. It is also convenient to refer to bytes (in either setting) by their hexadecimal representations. Of course, we may then define polynomial rings over G (28). Later on, the ring G (28) [Y]/(Y4

+ 1) we be used. We note that while this is not a field (as Y4 + 1 is not irreducible in G(28)[Y], being equal to (Y + 1)4), elements are invertible if they are cop rime to Y4 + 1, that is, if they are not divisible by Y + 1.

2. The State

For simplicity, we limit ourselves to describing AES with a 128-bit key. The other variants are essentially the same. Operations are done on intermediate results known as the state. The state is 128-bits long. We think of the state as divided into 16 bytes, a(i, j) where 0 _ i, j _ 3. We think of these 16 bytes as an array, or matrix, with 4 rows and 4 columns, like so:

a(0,0) a(0,1) a(0,2) a(0,3).

a(1,0) a(1,1) a(1,2) a(1,3).

a(2,0) a(2,1) a(2,2) a(2,3).

a(3,0) a(3,1) a(3,2) a(3,3).

S-boxes, or substitution boxes, are common in block ciphers. These are objective functions on the blocks that are, ideally, highly non-linear. Much of the security of block ciphers can be thought of as residing in their S-boxes. In AES, the S-box has a relatively simple form. The S-box is the same in evey round, and it acts independently on each byte. It has two parts. For the first part, we think of each byte as living in GF (28). We then simply apply the patched inverse. This sends a byte a to a-1. If a is non-zero, and send sit to 0 if it is zero. This can also be expressed as sending aa254. This inversion is actually optimal with respect to several measures of non-linearity, and non-linearity is important to protect against several common families of attack.

For the second part, we apply an affine (over GF(2)) transformation. Think of the byte a as a vector in GF(2)8. Consider the invertible matrix A,

1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1

1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0

0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

Much like inversion, the structure of A is relatively simple, successively shifting the prior row by 1. If we define the vector v 2 GF(2)8 to be(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0), then the second half of the S-box sends a byte a to A · a + vT .As a whole then, the action of the S-box is a(i, j) A . a(i, j)-1 + vT .

  1. Linear Diffusion

    Next, we apply two different linear maps to mix the state. The first map is the Row Shift. Here, we simply shift the rows around. The first row is unchanged; the second row is shifted to the left by 1, the second by 2, the third by 3. Graphically, if the state after the S-box step is denoted by the matrix (a(i, j)), the new state is

    a(0,0) a(0,1) a(0,2) a(0,3).

    a(1,1) a(1,2) a(1,3) a(1,0).

    a(2,2) a(2,3) a(2,0) a(2,1).

    a(3,3) a(3,0) a(3,1) a(3,2).

    The second step, the Mix Column transformation, not surprisingly mixes the columns. We do more, however, than just move around bytes within the columns. We interpret the bytes of each column as the coefficients of a polynomial in GF(28)[Y ]/(Y4 + 1). Then, we multiply each column by the polynomial 03Y3 + 02Y2 + 01Y + 02 (which is invertible in our ring) and reduce appropriately.

    Each step, and hence their composition, is linear, whether viewed over GF(2) or GF(28). Note that in the last round, for reasons of efficiency in decrypting, we will leave out the column mixing.

  2. Subkey Addition

    From the original key, we produce a succession of 128-bit keys, by means of a key schedule. The details of the key schedule need not concern us here; we simply note that later round keys are produced from earlier round keys by applications of the S-box above and by XOR ring prior round keys together. Each 128-bit round key may then be divided into bytes, and the bytes placed in a 4×4 matrix. We refer to the (i, j)th byte of the mth round key by km,(i,j). Then in round m we replace byte a of the current state with a(i,j) km,(i,j).

  3. XOR Operations

    The AES algorithm is then as follows. Put the input into the state. We start with this because any actions before the first (or after the last) use of the key are pointless, as they are publicly known and so can be undone by an attacker. Then, apply 10 of the above rounds, skipping the column mixing on the last round (but proceeding to a final key XOR in that round). The resulting state is the cipher text.

  4. Hidden Phases

In hidden phase, we use two images, then we segregate one image as original image and another one as dummy images. This techniques was implemented using Most Significant Bit(MSB). MSB-based information hiding algorithm has the Feature of high robustness, but it may easily lead to changes in picture quality. In order to improve the security and robustness of hidden information in the image, the algorithm must be improved. In the hidden phases we use image resolution, image overlay, and image compression these are used to process a hidden work in the image .


  1. AlgorithmAttack

    Algorithmic attacks are in some ways much more difficult to perform because they generally require an extremely high degree of knowledge in mathematics. Rather than going after the entire key space, the code breaker will try and find flaws in the algorithm that causes it to be reduced to a problem of decreased complexity.

  2. Birthday Attacks

    A brute-force attack used to find collisions. It gets its name from the surprising result that the probability of two or more people in a group of 23 sharing the same birthday is greater than 1/2.

  3. BruteforceAttacks

    Brute Force Attack is a form of attack in which each possibility is tried until success is obtained. Typically, a cipher text is deciphered under different keys until plaintext is recognized.

  4. Chosen Plaintext Attacks

    A form of cryptanalysis where the cryptanalyst may choose the plaintext to be encrypted.

  5. Ciphertext-onlyAttack

    A cryptanalysis where has some cipher text but nothing else. Modern cryptosystems are not weak against cipher text-only attacks; however, in practice it is often possible to guess the plaintext, as many types of messages have fixed format headers. For example, many classical attacks use frequency analysis of the cipher text; however, this does not work well against modern ciphers.

  6. Known Plaintext Attack

A cryptanalysis where knows both the plaintext and the associated cipher text.


In this paper we have explained that the secured multimedia data files were studied comprehensively. Just as works on the class of permutation-only encryption algorithms have shown, secret operations are capable of providing a secured high level of security against attacks alone. Correlation existing in multimedia data may be used to support some specific attacks and enhance breaking performance; the size of each independent domain should be carefully checked to obtain the expected security requirement; No matter what the permuted elements are, any permutation-only.


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