- Open Access
- Authors : Raviraj Sindhav , Manmeet Joshi , Nayan Kumat , Sagar Modi
- Paper ID : IJERTV9IS060468
- Volume & Issue : Volume 09, Issue 06 (June 2020)
- Published (First Online): 20-06-2020
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Power System Analysis of 66/11 KV Distribution System of Samakhiyari, Kutch
1Raviraj Sindhav, 2Manmeet Joshi, 3 Nayan Kumat, 4 Sagar Modi
1234 B.Tech Student
1234 IITE, Indus University, Rancharda, Ahmedabad-382115
Abstract – This paper proposed Power System Analysis of 66/11 KV Distribution System of Samakhiyari, Kutch.
The system being planned is to be optimal with reference to construction cost, performance and operating efficiency. For this, better planning tools are required. In general, the main power grid tools are: load Flow Analysis, short circuit analysis or fault calculations, stability analysis etc. The purpose of an electric power system is to get and provide electricity to consumers with reliability and economy. The greatest threat to the system is that of the short circuit.The objective of this study is to simulate short circuit faults on different buses of a system network and to estimate the state of the system before and after a fault, which includes various bus voltages and current flow on various transmission lines.The following document contains necessary information about performing the two most important analysis on the power system.
Load flow analysis
Short circuit analysis
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In electrotherm there are 2 units ISU and IPU i.e. Integrated Steel Unit and Integrated Pipe Unit. Both the units are connected with the substation which provide them power. Substation consists of BUS-1 and BUS- 2. Both the buses are connected by bus coupler. In case fault occurs in Bus 1 then supply can be provided with the help of Bus2 or vice versa. Electrotherm has its own Power plant which is known as Captive power plant, one is of 30 MW and another one of 15 MW. Both the power plant produces power which is supplied to the substation by transmission line. Here 30 MW CPP is connected to bus1 and bus2 whereas 15 MW is connected to bus 2.There is an alternative source of power which we received from GETCO Station. Here the switchyard is used to step down the 66KV to 11 KV with the help of transformer 1 and transformer 2 of rating The transformer 1 is connected to bus 1 and transformer 2 is connected to bus2.In present time the 30 MW CPP is in working condition and 15MW CPP is purposed. Power is generated from 30 MW CPP and supplied to 11 KV Bus line with the help of transmission line. Here in the system 2 loads is connected to the substation ISU and IPU.
ISU consist of four loads
1 Induction Furnace 2F (SMS-2) 2 Induction Furnace-GH (SMS-2) 3 Induction Furnace- E (SMS-2)
4 Induction Furnace
IPU consist of four loads Rolling mill
1 Space Iron plant 2 Yo bike division
3 SMS-1 and SMS-2
If fault occur in 30MW CPP there is an alternative source supply from 66KV switch yard from GETCO S/S. Here the 66KV line is further step down to 11 KV line with the help of different panels and supplied to Bus 1 and Bus 2.And the supply continue from the substation to their respective unit.
Parts of Block Diagram
1.30MW Captive Power Plant 2.15MW Captive Power Plant
Switchyard 66 KV
Integrated Steel Unit
Integrated Pipe Unit
Fig.1 Block diagram of the system
30MW Captive Power Plant
This Power Plant generates 30MW. There are two loads in Electrotherm which are Integrated Steel Unit and Integrated Pipe Unit. Both the load receives their respective power from 30 MW CPP which are connected to the substation BUS 1 and BUS 2.
15MW Captive Power Plant
This Power Plant generates 15MW. There is only one load connected to 15 MW CPP and this CPP is connected with BUS2. BUS 2 transfers load to Integrated Steel Unit.
Switch Yard 66/11KV
66 KV incoming line is coming from GETCO. There are two step down transformer of 30 MVA. Transformer step down the voltage to 11 KV. Here the 11 KV line is supplied to the BUS 1 and BUS 2.
11 KV supply is coming from 66 KV Switch yard, which is connected to BUS1 and BUS2 which transfer the power to different loads i.e. Integrated Steel Unit and Integrated Pipe unit.
Integrated Steel Unit
In Integrated steel unit the supply is coming from the 11KV substation which transmits power to different load which are:
Induction Furnace 2F (SMS-2)
Induction Furnace-GH (SMS-2)
Induction Furnace- E (SMS-2)
Induction Furnace
All load capacity is 30 MW.
Integrated Pipe Unit
In Integrated pipe unit the supply is coming from the 11KV substation which transmits power to different load which are:
Rolling mill
Space Iron plant
Yo bike division
SMS-1 and SMS-2
All load capacity is 37.5 MW.
Load flow analysis is that the most significant and essential approach in investigating issues in facility operation and designing. The power flow analysis (also called the load flow Analysis) may be a vital and basic tool involving numerical analysis applied to an influence system. The results play a serious role within the day to day operation of any system for its control and economic schedule. The analysis is additionally utilized throughout power system operation procedures, designing growth and development of management strategies.
The purpose of any load flow analysis is to calculate precise steady-state voltages and voltage angles of all buses within the etwork, for fixed load, generator real power and voltage conditions. Once this info is thought, the important and reactive power flows into each line and electrical device, additionally as generator reactive power output are often analytically determined A power flow analysis for a system under actual or projected traditional operation conditions (base case) provide the results that represent a benchmark for comparison of changes within the network flows and voltages in abnormal conditions. The principal info obtained from power flow analysis, also known as the load flow study is that the magnitude and point in time of the voltage at each bus and real and reactive power flowing in every line.
After analyze the MI-Power report of ET power system., We find out the 45 MW real power generation,25.11 MVAR reactive power generation,2.83 MW total real
power loss,2.61MVAr reactive power loss,30 MW total load, 22.5 MVAR total MVAR load. The Line which is connected with two bus no.(2) and bus no.(16).This line is
overloaded because of the three generator connected with bus no.(2) Solution of this problem we can add more one transmission line connected between bus no.(2) and bus no.(16) which will reduce the overload of the transmission line otherwise we can change the load on another bus.
Short circuit analysis basically consists of determining the steady state analysis of a linear network with balanced 3 part excitation. Such associate analysis provides currents and voltages during a power grid throughout the faulted condition. This information is required to work out the specified interrupting capability of the circuit breakers and to style correct relaying system. To gather enough data, Different types of faults square measure simulated at completely different locations and also the study is repeated. ordinarily within the short circuit analysis, all the shunt parameters like masses, line charging ,admittances are neglected, Then the linear network that has got to be Solved includes of
Transmission network
Generator system and Fault. By properly combining the representations of these parts we will solve the short drawback
After studied about all fault analysis and their results we conclude that 3-Ph line to ground fault is more savior than other faults and its short circuit current is 20.149 KA. Other side Single line to ground fault is less savior than to all other faults and its short circuit current is 16.679 KA.
BUS 15
11 KV
BUS 15
11 KV
BUS 15
11 KV
BUS 15
11 KV
After analyze the ISU unit of Power System. We find out the 45 MW real power generations, 25.11 MVAR reactive power generations, 2.83 MW total real power loss, 2.61MVAR reactive power loss, 30 MW total loads, total reactive power load
22.5 MVAR.
After analyze the entire Power System. We find out the 71.271 MW real power generations, 55.990 MVAR reactive power generations, 3.775 MW total real power loss, 5.365 MVAR reactive power loss, 67.5 MW total loads, total reactive power load 50.625 MVAR.
The short circuit analysis of ET power system gives some short circuit current value as per fault type. Short circuit current of L-L-L-G fault is
20.149 KA, L-L-G fault is 20.009 KA, L-L fault is 17.641 KA and S-L-G fault is 16.679 KA.
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