- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 158
- Authors : Rahul Shahane, Prof.Roshani Talmale
- Paper ID : IJERTV2IS100769
- Volume & Issue : Volume 02, Issue 10 (October 2013)
- Published (First Online): 23-10-2013
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Optimization of Performance of MIMO-OFDM system using Neural Network as Channel Estimator and Compensator
Rahul Shahane
M-Tech Scholar(CSE) TGPCET ,Nagpur,India
Prof.Roshani Talmale
TGPCET, Nagpur,India
MIMO-OFDM systems are one of the systems which have become the basis of many communication researches nowadays.
used in MIMO in same frequency band [4] which increases the capacity linearly with the number minimum of transmit and receive antennas. However it imposes a challenge that is
Combination of both stands a good possibility of being the next-
the increased complexity [5] of channel equalization (to
generation (4th generation) of mobile wireless systems. The
separate all the signal paths and to remove the changes caused
increased complexity of channel equalization is a major
by the channel) on receiving side. Because of high degree of
challenge. Wireless channels are responsible for adding Inter
non-linearity of NN, they can be effectively used to decode
Channel Interference (ICI) and Inter Signal Interference (ISI) .
symbols transmitted through difficult channels. Equalization
For removing the effect (imposed by channel) from received
and compensation of channel can be also regarded as a
signal, the receiver needs to have knowledge of CIR (Channel
classification task [6]. In particular, due to their universal
impulse response) it is usually provided by a separate channel
approximation capability, NN can form arbitrarily shaped
estimator. Here we proposed the technique of Neural
decision boundaries [7]. In recent years NN have been often
Network(NN) as channel estimator and compensator. We train the NN with different algorithms. Then length of known training
proposed for digital equalization of communication channels.
sequence varied and observations are made. Further the whole
The research proposes a technique, which based on artificial
system is compared with the traditional algorithms and
neural networks, carries out (MIMO-OFDM) channel
observations are made to show the effectiveness of NN based channel estimator and compensator for MIMO-OFDM system.
estimation and compensation.
Estimation of channel is calculated in terms of synaptic weights and bias values of neural network, whereby, different
Keywords-MIMO-OFDM; channel estimation; neural network
algorithms have
to calculate
weight and bias values.
research also attempts
of neural
based channel
estimator by
The targets of communication systems are to provide
comparing results obtained by use of different NN-training
services that include video, voice and data with high speed and
algorithms. To ascertain the flexibility and performance of the
reliability. MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and
proposed technique; length of the training sequence has been
OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division multiplexing)
varied over a reasonable range and the result has been
together give rise to 4th generation technology. MIMO
observed. Then, the results obtained by using different
communication system is a technology to achieve the targets
algorithms for training NN have been compared with each
of high data rates by taking advantage of multipath signals [1].
other and against the traditional least square algorithm for
OFDM provides resistance to ISI (Inter symbol Interference)
channel estimation.
and ICI (Inter carrier interference) [2]. With both technologies (MIMO & OFDM) bringing a good possibility of being the
next-generation (4th generation) of fixed and mobile wireless
Following are the Phases of Implementation of Proposed
systems [3]. The wireless channels are multipath fading
channels, causing ISI (inter symbol interference), whereby, for each path there is an independent path delay, independent path gain (or loss) and independent path phase shift. So to remove channel effect from the received signal, the receiver needs to
Phase I
As shown in below fig.1 the 2*2 MIMO channel is chosen from Matlab Simulink. Random signals are passed through
have knowledge of CIR (Channel impulse response), it is
MIMO channel. BPSK modulation is used for modulating the
usually provided by a separate channel estimator. Channel
data. BPSK modulation technique is used because it is very
estimation is based on the known sequence of bits, which is
efficient modulation technique.
unique for each transmitter and is transmitted in each
The mathematical model for 2*2 MIMO system is given
transmission burst. Multiple transmit and receive antennas are by
In MIMO systems, a transmitter sends multiple streams by multiple transmit antennas. The transmit streams go through a
The mathematical model for OFDM is given as follows. The problem of inter channel interference(ICI) existing in
matrix channel which consists of all paths between the
an OFDM system under a time -varying channel is given and
transmit antennas at the transmitter and receive ant t r t the r
properties are discussed. fig 1 shows a discrete-time baseband
ennas at he receive . Then, the receiver gets eceived
sig and
equivalent model for OFDM system. Input bits are encoded
nal vectors by the multiple receive antennas decodes th t form
into a symbol Xm. and N symbols are sent to serial to parallel
e received signal vectors in o the original in
narrowband flat fading MIMO system is modeled as
y=Hx+n ………(1)
ation. A
converter(S/P). The inverse fast Fourier transform(IFFT) is
then applied. The nth output of the IFFT Xn can be expressed as follows.
y and
x are
respectively, and H and n are the channel matrix and the noise vector, respectively.
to information
capacity of MIMO systems where both the transmitter and the receiver have perfect instantaneous channel state information is[13]
to serial
prefix is
to avoided
of the
prefix is
where denotes Hermitian transpose and is the ratio
interval is longer than or equal to the delay spread of the
between transmit power and noise power (i.e., transmit SNR).
channel. the cyclic prefix is ignored for simplicity in this
The optimal signal covariance is achieved
analysis, however. By assuming that the channel consist of L
through singular value decomposition of the channel matrix
multipath components, and changes at every sample, the
and an optimal diagonal power allocation matrix
output of the channel can be given by
. The optimal power
allocation is achieved through waterfilling,[14] that is
elements of D,
is selected such that
is zero if its argument is negative, and
where hn;l and wn represent the channel impulse response
(CIR) of lth path and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
If the transmitter has only statistical channel state inf n g e a
at time n, respectively. From (2.1), yn can be written as
ormatio , then the er odic chann l capacity will decre se as
the signal covariance can only be optimized in terms of the
average mutual information as
The spatial correlation of the channel have a strong impact on the ergodic channel capacity with statistical information.
If the transmitter has no channel state information it can select the signal covariance Q to maximize channel capacity
Depending on the statistical properties of the channel, the
ergodic capacity is no greater than times larger
than that of a SISO system. System Model under a Time- Varying Channel.
where hn;l and wn represent the channel impulse response
to the
(CIR) of lth path and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
transmitter. The known Pilot symbols are also added to the OFDM transmitter.
at time n, respectively. From (6.7), yn can be written as
Here, Wm, ®m, and ¯m represent the Fourier transform of wn, the multiplicative distortion of a desired subchannel m, and the interchannel interference caused by a time-varying channel, respectively. Note that ®m is the average frequency
response of the CIR over one OFDM symbol period. If the
where H n (m) is the Fourier transform of the channel impulse
is timeinvariant, in
H(k) n is
not a
response at time n.
of n,
®m simply
Then, yn can be rewritten as
…………. (11)
response of the CIR, as expected.
We can express (6.7) in a compact vector-matrix form as
…………………………………….. (16)
After removing the cyclic prefix, the demodulated symbol Ym at the receiver is
obtained by applying the fast Fourier transform (FFT) so that
From (6.5), Ym can be written as
…………………… (12)
Here, Hm;k is defined as
…………………………………. (13)
……………… (18)
In an OFDM system over a time-varying channel, the inter channel interference can be characterized by the normalized Doppler frequency fdT where fd is the maximum Doppler frequency and T is the time duration of one OFDM symbol. Hence we can think of the normalized Doppler frequency as a
maximum cycle change of the time-varying channel per
OFDM symbol duration in a statistical sense.
or off-diagonal elements of H in
represent the inter
channel interference (ICI) caused by the time-varying nature of the channel. In a time invariant channel, one can easily see that ¯m is zero, or H becomes a diagonal matrix, due to the
orthogonality of the multicarrier basis waveforms. In a slowly time-varying channel, i.e., the normalized Doppler frequency fdT is small, we can assume Efj¯mj2g ¼ 0. On the other hand, when the normalized Doppler frequency is high, the power of the ICI cannot be ignored, and the power of the desired signal is reduced.
Phase II
The OFDM receiver receives the signals and this data is now
R represents the output of Layer#2 (the output layer).
r1 is the output received from first neuron of layer#2 (estimate of the real part of transmitted signal) and r2 is the output received from second neuron of layer#2 (estimate of the Imaginary part of transmitted signal).
used as
The Neural Network
is trained using this dataset. We use
training dataset is shown in fig 2. Neural network is provided with the input value and the target value for output, training algorithm calculate the weights & bias values of the network
Levenberg-Marquradt algorithm for training of NN .
After training the MATLAB creates a trained NN block separately .The trained NN box is shown in fig 3. This trained
block of NN can be used anywhere in the system.
sequences are passed through the network and straight
Phase III
computations are made to calculate the estimate of transmitted signal. The output of layer#1 is computed as
Z = purelin {(W{1} I) + B{1} }
Where I is the input to the neural network and is providedwith the received signals.
Z represents the output of layer #1.
Now we apply this trained NN block to our MIMO-OFDM system.After applying trained NN block to previous system as shown in fig 1. our system looks as shown in fig below
Phase IV
The whole system is now complete as shown in fig.4.Now vary the Signal-To-Noise (SNR)ratio using AWGN channel and observe the changes of Bit-Error-Rate (BER).
Simulation of MODEL
Simulate the model from 0-25 dB SNR and make
observations. And Graphs are plotted for SNR vs BER.
Fig 1: MIMO-OFDM model with BPSK modulation.
Fig 2: Dataset from MIMO-OFDM system. Fig 3: Trained Neural Network Block.
Fig 4: MIMO-OFDM system using Neural Network as Channel Estimator and Compensator
performance of MIMO-OFDM system for varying value of SNR in AWGN channel and its corresponding BER for the
system. The graph shows two channels. The channel 1 is
The model is simulated .The simulation takes place for
without estimation and channel 2 is with NN estimation. The
SNR 0-25 and the observation is made for varying BER.The
significant difference is observed in both channel. It is
Graphs are plotted for SNR vs BER for different values of
observed that the performance of MIMO-OFDM is improved
SNR. Following are the graphs for whole system. Graph
when the NN as channel estimator is used.
shows the relation between SNR vs BER. It shows the
This paper presents a NN-based technique to estimate and compensate channel effect for MIMO-OFDM communication
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