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- Total Downloads : 706
- Authors : Katuru Phani Raja Kumar, Dr. V Kamala, Dr. Acs Kumar
- Paper ID : IJERTV2IS70723
- Volume & Issue : Volume 02, Issue 07 (July 2013)
- Published (First Online): 22-07-2013
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Optimisation Of Job Shop Scheduling Problem For Batch Production
Katuru Phani Raja Kumar 1, Dr. V Kamala 2, Dr. ACS Kumar 3
1*Research Scholar, JNTU Hyderabad.
2Professor, Mechanical Engineering TKR College Engg & Technology Meerpet Hyderabad
3Professor, Mechanical Engineering JNTUH (Rtd) Hyderabad
The Job Shop Scheduling is a major aspect, for which maximum utilization of the resources have to be considered. Each job has a constrained sequence of operations which have to be performed on the machines. In this paper Batch production job shop Scheduling Problem is solved by using an algorithm considering the shifting bottleneck technique. The main objective was to obtain the best batch size for each job, optimise the makespan and total flow time.
Scheduling is the process of assigning the resources over time for the competing activities. It has been the subject of a major amount of literature in the operations research field. The JSSP is recognized as NP-hard [1]. Many techniques have been developed by researchers, to solve the JSSP by optimization and approximation based approaches. The techniques have been limited to small size problems, due to maximum execution time for determining the solutions.
Mathematical optimization of the JSSP were solved with linear or mixed integer programming for formulating the problem accurately [2,4].
Besides exhaustive search algorithms based on branch and constraints, several approximation algorithms were developed based on priority rules and active schedule generation [5]. Sophisticated method called shifting bottleneck has been shown to be very successful [30]. The individual batch setup time has to be defined for each machine. The sequence of operations has to be considered for processing the jobs in batch when moving to other machines [7, 8, 13]. A number of heuristic algorithms including genetic algorithm have been used to solve practical big-sized problems in a reasonable computational time. To determine the performances of the algorithms, results were compared with the lower bound of the problem [12]. From the literature reviewed, some of the heuristic algorithms showed very good performances [9, 11].
Shifting Bottleneck Technique
Several heuristic have been developed by several researchers to solve the job shop problem. The Shifting bottleneck algorithm was developed by Adams, Balas, Zawack in 1988. It was modified by Dauzere Teres and Lesserre in 1993. It was developed to solve the general sequence problem where the makespan was minimized [21]. The SB algorithm sequences machines sequentially one at a time. The machines that have not been sequenced and ignored and machines that have been sequenced have their sequences held fixed. At each step the SB algorithm determines the bottleneck machine from the set of machines that have not been sequenced. Every time bottleneck machine is sequenced, re-optimize procedure from set of machines that have been sequenced is performed. The re- optimization is performed by freeing up and re- sequencing each machine in turn with the sequences on the other machines held fixed. Large problems up to 500 operations and 10 machines have been solved. The SB algorithm determines the bottleneck machine with stable and accurate when their many more jobs. The Shifting bottleneck heuristic is an efficient method to find Cmax and Lmax objectives in a job shop. It is an iterative method. At each iteration of the method, a bottleneck machines is identified using 1 | rj | Lmax methodology. A processing sequence of jobs on the machine is found so as to minimize Lmax.
Algorithm for batch production JSSP
For scheduling jobs in batch production it is a tedious job. Each job is constrained with sequence of operations. For the considered real time problem some of the jobs have to be produced in batches. In order to complete the processing of the jobs with minimum makespan an optimized batch size for the production has to be determined.
An algorithm has been generated to determine the optimized batch size of the jobs. The flow chart is shown in figure 1.
Figure1: Flow chart to determine batch size of the jobs
The main objective of simulation is to reduce the idle time of the machine and obtain maximum utilisation from the machines. The setup time, processing time at each machine, number of components to process and the constraints have been considered from the experimental data for the component.
Results and Discussion
For the components the Gantt chart is drawn to analyse the total processing and machine utilisation shown in figure 2. For the present job shop problem a hybrid algorithm is written by decreasing the batch production size so that the shorter jobs will not wait until the whole batch is completed. Based on the sequence of operations the jobs are allotted according to the necessity and completion of the job. The shifting bottleneck method has been used for the proposed batch size problem. The scheduling has been done using different methods to obtain the optimal solution. In order to optimise the total processing time of the JSSP, the proposed algorithm is considered. The machines were constrained and the batch of components to be produced was specified from the algorithm.
Figure 2: Gantt chart for proposed batch size.
Figure 3: Comparison of makespan using different techniques
Figure 4: Comparison of average flow time using different techniques
The minimum makespan of the JSSP using proposed algorithm was 1074 hrs for the determined batch size and the minimum makespan for the actual problem was 1407 hrs. The average flow time for the JSSP from the proposed algorithm was 699 hrs. It is observed that the average flow time has been decreased by 436 hrs as shown in figure4.
The JSSP has been optimised by using proposed algorithm for the batch size production JSSP. The results obtained from the algorithm decreased the makespan by 23.7% and average flow time by 38.4% when compared with actual batch size problem. The
proposed algorithm reduced the idle time of the machines and increased the utilization of the machines. The proposed algorithm can be utilised for Job shop scheduling problems with n jobs and m machines where batch production is required for maximum utilisation and allocations of the jobs can be optimised.
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