- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 163
- Authors : Jyotika Doshi, Savita Gandhi
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS20786
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 02 (February 2014)
- Published (First Online): 27-02-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Improved Compression Rate using Quad-Byte Index Based Transformation as a Pre-Processing to Arithmetic Coding
Jyotika Doshi
GLS Inst.of Computer Technology Opp. Law Garden, Ellisbridge Ahmedabad-380006, INDIA
Savita Gandhi
Dept. of Computer Science, Gujarat University Navrangpura
Ahmedabad-380009, INDIA
AbstractTransformation algorithms are used to increase redundancy in data sets and achieve better compression when conventional compression techniques applied later. Arithmetic coding is the most widely preferred entropy encoder used in most of the compression methods. It is nearly optimal and compression rate cannot be further improved without changing the data model. In this paper, we have used QBT-I (Quad-Byte Transformation using Indexes) technique to change the data model and introduce more redundancy in the data. We have experimented QBT-I at a pre-processing stage before applying arithmetic coding compression method. QBT-I transforms most frequent 4-byte (quad-byte) integers. Most frequent quad-bytes are arranged in sorted order of their frequency and then divided in a group of 256 quad-bytes. Each quad-byte in a group is encoded using two tokens: group number and the location in a group. Group number is denoted using variable length codeword; whereas location within a group is denoted using 8-bit index. QBT-I can be applied on any source; not necessarily text or image or audio. Minimum of 2.5% compression gain is observed using QBT-I at a pre- processing as compared to compression using only arithmetic coding. Increasing number of groups gives better compression.
Keywordsdata compression, data transformation, quad-byte transformation, arithmetic coding
Data transformation transforms data from one format to another. When data transformation is applied before applying conventional compression, the main purpose of a data transformation is to re-structure the data such that the transformed file is more compressible by a second-stage conventional compression algorithm. The intention here is to improve the overall compression rate as compared to what could have been achieved by using only arithmetic coding compression algorithm.
Majority of the data compression methods transforms data first and then apply entropy coding in the last step. Some of such methods are: LZ algorithms [21, 25, 28, 29];
DMC (Dynamic Markov Compression) [2, 4]; PPM [15] and their variants, context-tree weighting method [26],
Grammarbased codes [10] and JPEG-MPEG methods used for image and video compression. Earlier-generation image and video coding standards such as JPEG, H.263, and MPEG-2, MPEG-4 were using Huffman coding in the entropy coding step; whereas recent generation standards including JPEG2000 [7, 23] and H.264 [13, 24] utilize arithmetic coding.
Arithmetic coding [9, 12, 27] is the most widely preferred efficient entropy coding technique providing optimal entropy. Here, the problem is that further improvement in compression is not possible due to its entropy limitations. To achieve better compression, the only possibility is to change the data model and have it more skewed. One way to change the data model is applying data transformation.
Authors of this paper have proposed Quad-Byte Transformation using Index (QBT-I) method with an intention to introduce more redundancy in the data and make it more compressible using arithmetic coding at the second stage [6]. Implementation of this proposal has resulted in minimum of nearly 2.5% improvement in compression as compared to compression using only arithmetic coding.
QBT-I transforms most frequent quad-bytes (4-byte integers) forming various groups of 256 quad-bytes and then encoding quad-byte using two tokens: group number and location (8-bit index) of quad-byte within a group.
Due to two-stage process of transformation and then compression, it is obviously going to be somewhat slower. This slowness is acceptable since the transform truly skews the data source to fulfil our purpose of achieving more compression.
Another advantage of QBT-I is that it can be applied to any type of source; may be text, binary file, image, video or any other format.
Most of the research work in data transformation is intended to compress specific type of files. Transformation techniques like DCT and wavelet are used for image files.
Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT) [3, 16] performs block encoding. Even though it is intended for text source only, it can be used for any source. For each block, BWT requires rotation-sorting-indexing. It is very time consuming and requires better data structures for efficient pattern matching. It gives better compression only when it is combined ad-hoc compression techniques Run Length Encoding (RLE) and Move-To-Front (MTF) encoding and then entropy coding.
Star family transformation techniques are intended to compress text files. Star Transform [11], Length Index Preserving Transform (LIPT) [1, 17], and StarNT [22] are some such techniques shown in Table 1.
Star encoding
Source Type
22 sub-dict
22 sub-dict
Size of token to be encoded
word upto 22 letters
word upto 22 letters
comparison time per token
O(Dict- size)
Code length
variable length: word-size
variable length:
<*, word length, index>
variable length: index with max. 3-letters
Redundancy using
index, length
index, length
Compression methods that can be applied later
Huffman, Arithmetic coding
Huffman or Arithmetic Coding
Applicable to text source only
Requires pattern matching
Dictionary Based Encoding (IDBE) [20], Enhance Intelligent Dictionary Based Encoding (EIDBE) [18] and Improved Intelligent Dictionary Based Encoding (IIDBE)
[19] are the transformation methods used for text files as shown in Table 2. They transform words using their index position in the dictionary.TABLE II. DICTIONARY BASED ENCODING TECHNIQUES
Source Type
22 sub-dict
22 sub-dict
Size of token to be encoded
comparison time per token
Code length
variable length: <1- byte codeword length, codeword>
variable length: <1- byte word length, codeword>
variable length: <1- byte codeword length, codeword>
Redundancy using
(index, length)
index using ASCI characters 33-250,
length 1-4 using ASCII characters 251-254
(index, length) index using ASCII characters 33-231,
length 1-22 using ASCII characters
(index, length)
index using characters (A-Z, a-z) as in StarNT, length 1-22 using ASCII
characters 232-253
Compression methods that can be applied later
Pre-processing to BWT, Later MTF and RLE and entropy encoding
Applicable to text source only
Requires pattern matching
Compression-time more as used as a pre-processing to BWT
Methods BPE (Byte Pair Encoding) [8], digram encoding and ISSDC (Iterative Semi-Static Digram Coding) [14] are also intended for text files, but can be applied to any type of source. They will benefit more only when applied to small- alphabet source like text files.
Digram encoding
Source Type
Size of token to be encoded
Digram (2 bytes)
string or integer comparision
comparison time per token
O(1): 2-byte comparison
Code length
fixed, depends on dictionary size
1 byte
Redundancy using
Compression methods that can be applied
Huffman or Arithmetic coding
benefits only with small- alphabet source
repetitive, benefits only with small sized source file and small alphabet source
repetitive, benefits only
when source
have some unused symbols,
i.e. for small alphabet source
Many of the present day transformation techniques, along with transforming data, may introduce some compression also. Additionally they retain enough context and redundancy for later applied compression algorithms to be beneficial.
Star family and dictionary based methods are applicable to text source only and string matching is time consuming.
BWT can be applied to any source even though it is designed for text files. It is very slow due to the need of rotations, sorting and mapping. It gives good compression only when later applied sequence of MTF, RTF and entropy encoding.
All these methods require better data structures and pattern matching algorithms for efficiency.
Digram based encoding can be applied to any type of source, but they will be beneficial only for small-alphabet source files like text. Here the advantage is of integer comparison leading to speed in transformation.
We saw a research scope in transforming quad-bytes instead of digrams. Our assumption is that it will result in a
reduced file size and take less transformation time as compared to digram based transformation.
As arithmetic coding is the most widely used entropy encoding method used with almost all compression methods, we intend to apply quad-byte transformation that can be applied to any type source data and introduce redundancy to skew the distribution for getting better compression using arithmetic coding later.
We have already proposed Quad-Byte Transformation using Index (QBT-I) in paper [6]. In this paper, we have shown experimental results that proved our assumption true.
QBT-I transforms most frequent quad-bytes.. It first prepares the dictionary of quad-bytes sorted in decreasing order of their occurrence. The dictionary is then logically divided into groups of 256 quad-bytes. Number of groups may be specified by a user. If number of groups is nGrp, then it can encode (256 x nGrp) quad-bytes.
Each quad-byte found in the dictionary is encoded using two tokens; group number and the location of quad-byte within a group. Group number is denoted using variable length prefix codeword and location is denoted using 8-bit index. Redundancy is introduced with 8-bit index. More the number of groups; more is the redundancy and better is the compression assumed to be achieved using arithmetic coding later.
For decoder, it requires to know whether it is reading transformed quad-byte or not. Encoder uses group codeword
0 to denote untransformed quad-byte. Minimum-length codeword 0 is chosen considering that most of the quad- bytes will not be available in the dictionary. Quad-bytes found in dictionary are encoded using variable length prefix code starting with bit 1 to denote group number and its index position within a group.
Thus, a quad-byte integer is transformed using two components <variable-length prefix code for group number, 8-bit index code>.
Here, prefix codes are 0, 10, 110, 1110, 11110,….,all 1s.
Prefix codes are 0 and 1 for nGrp=1; 0, 10, 11 for nGrp=2; 0, 10, 110, 111 for nGrp=3 and so n. Thus, prefix codes denotes the group: code starting with 0 implies no transformation, with as many 1s as the number of groups implies the last group and otherwise it implies group number 1 to nGrp-1.
8-bit index codeword introduces redundancy in the dataset. To exploit redundancy at the time of arithmetic coding, we have kept group code and index code in separate files.
Use of variable length code leads to more reduction the size of transformed file. Most frequent codes reside in the initial groups and are assigned shorter prefix code.
Shortest prefix code 0 is used for untransformed integers assuming smaller dictionary size. Smaller dictionary sizes helps to speed up the search process.
Algorithm uses two output files: transformed data file
and code file.
The transformed data file contains the index codewords (for transformed quad-bytes only). Purpose of storing index codewords separately is to introduce redundancy in the data for better compression.
Prefix codes denoting group codeword are copied in the
code file.
The number of bytes in a source file may not be in multiple of size 4, so initial nExtrabytes (= filesize modulo
bytes are not processed and output as they are. Transformation is applied to remaining bytes.
The structure of code file is as follows:
Byte 1: nExtrabytes (2 bits) and nGrp (6 bits, maximum 64 groups)
Byte 2 to nExtrabytes+1: unprocessed initial extra bytes from source file
Next 2 bytes: Dictionary size d = number of most frequent integers to be stored
Next 4*d bytes: quad-bytes in descending order of frequency
Remaining bytes: prefix codes of transformed and untransformed integers
QBT-I Encoder:
Find source file size, Accept nGrp
nExtrabytes = filesize module 4
Combine nExtrabytes (2 bits) and nGrp (6 bits) in a byte and write in the code file
Read nExtrabytes bytes from source file and write to code file
Pass I (Dictionary building)
Scan source file and compute frequency of quad-bytes
Sort integers in descending order of the frequency.
Output dictionary information in code file
Dictionary size = minimum (256 x nGrp, number of integers with frequency > 0)
Write dictionary size (using 2-bytes) and those many most frequent quad-bytes in the code file. Keep the dictionary stored in memory for later use in pass II. (One may use data structure like array or binary search tree (BST). BST is more efficient while searching.)
Pass II (Transformation: Rescanning the source from the beginning after extra bytes)
Let prefix array contain binary numbers 10, 110, 1110, for nGrp groups.
Read integer.
Search in dictionary.
If found at location k in dictionary,
Output index = (k modulo 256) in transformed data file
Determine prefix code:
Grp = k/256
If Grp is the last group, i.e. value of Grp is same as nGrp-1, then write last prefix (i.e. nGrp times 1) to prefix code file
If Grp is not the last group, write bits of prefix[Grp] to prefix code file
If not found in dictionary, output integer data in the transformed data file as it is and write prefix bit 0 in prefix code file.
Repeat steps from b onwards till all integers are scanned.
QBT-I Decoder:
Read nExtrabytes and nGrp from code file
Read nExtrabytes bytes from code file and write in output file
Dictionary building
Read Dictionary size and corresponding number of integers from code file.
Store most frequent integers in dictionary (in memory) in the order of their arrival. For dictionary, one may use data structures like array or Binary Search Tree.
Inverse Transformation:
Fetch prefix code from code file (bits are extracted till either 0 is found or nGrp bits are extracted)
If prefix code is 0 (i.e. untransformed data), read 4-bytes integer from transformed data file and write in the output file.
If prefix is not 0, it means transformed data file contains 8-bit index for actual data.
Determine the group where the actual data belongs:
If prefix is all 1s (i.e. lastPrefix), Grp = nGrp-1 (i.e. last group)
Otherwise, search for prefix in prefix array. If it is found at location k, then Grp = k. (To avoid searching array, count number of leading 1s and then subtract 1 to determine Grp)
Determine location of the data in dictionary:
Read 1 byte index from transformed data file
Location of data in dictionary = Grp*256 + index
Write quad-byte from location in dictionary to output file.
Repeat step 3 till end of code file.
Programs for QBT-I and arithmetic coding are written in C language and compiled using Visual C++ 2008 compiler.
Experiment is performed on computer with Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo T6600 2.20 GHz processor with 4GB RAM.
QBT-I is experimented with number of groups varying from 1 to 4. Experimental results are recorded using average of five runs on each test files. Most of the test files are selected from Calgary corpus, Canterbury corpus, ACT web site. Test files are selected to include all different file types and various file sizes as shown in Table 4.
We have used AC-nShft implementation of arithmetic coding with multi-bit processing [5]. It is faster than conventional implementation of arithmetic coding.
Our prime motive is to improve compression using data transformation techniques as a pre-processing stage for applying arithmetic coding. So, execution time is not considered that important.
Table 4 presents transformed file size (bytes) after applying QBT-I with number of groups varying from 1 to 4. With QBT-I, it is observed that as number of groups increases, resulting transformed file size decreases. Larger number of groups may increase the size of code file due to the use of longer prefix codes; but at the same time, it also increases the number of transformed integers which results in smaller file size. Additionally it introduces more redundancy in data set.
Table 5 shows the size of compressed files as a result of compression (i) using only arithmetic coding (AC) and (ii) using AC after applying data transformation with QBT-I at pre-processing stage.
Fig. 1. Overall Compression Rate (%) using only AC, using AC after QBT-I with varying nGrp
As seen in Table 5 and Figure 1, increasing number of groups in QBT-I gives better compression; from 19.20% to 19.49% for nGrp=1 to 4. Minimum of 2.5% compression gain is observed using QBT-I over using only arithmetic coding.
Figure 2 presents the compressed file size of 18 individual test files using AC only and applying QBT-I transformation as preprocessing to AC. Here QBT-I is applied with only 256 most frequent quad-bytes in the dictionary; i.e. nGrp=1.
Fig. 2. Compressed File Size using only AC, using AC after QBT-I with nGrp=1
FINDING MOST FREQUENT QUAD-BYTES Possible values of quad-byte are from 0 to 4GB. To store
the frequencies of all possible quad-bytes, use of array data structure needs memory of 4GB integers. Here, we have used binary search tree to accommodate initial 4096 distinct quad- bytes and used nGrp*256 most frequent quad-bytes.
With QBT-I data transformation applied before arithmetic coding, our purpose of achieving better data compression is achieved. Using QBT-I at a pre-processing stage of arithmetic coding, more than 2.5% overall data compression is achieved over compression using only arithmetic coding.
No. |
File name |
Corpus and Description |
Source Size (Bytes) |
File Size (Bytes) After Applying QBT-I Data Transformation |
nGrp=1 |
nGrp=2 |
nGrp=3 |
nGrp=4 |
1 |
act2may2.xls |
ACT: excel file |
1348036 |
1019293 |
1020582 |
687486 |
685917 |
2 |
calbook2.txt |
Calgary: troff format |
610856 |
528536 |
496279 |
353580 |
351240 |
3 |
cal-obj2 |
Calgary: object file, Mac executable |
246814 |
232428 |
231727 |
185236 |
184686 |
4 |
cal-pic |
Calgary: CCITT fax file, bitmap image |
513216 |
188699 |
200260 |
95375 |
95151 |
5 |
cycle.doc |
Own: word doc with images, text,drawing |
1483264 |
1013909 |
1031846 |
799990 |
798697 |
6 |
every.wav |
ACT: sound file |
6994092 |
7211412 |
7210525 |
6858272 |
6858198 |
7 |
family1.jpg |
Own: photograph |
198372 |
204187 |
204000 |
200671 |
200568 |
8 |
frymire.tif |
ACT: graphics file |
3706306 |
2401825 |
2369254 |
1852155 |
1846827 |
9 |
kennedy.xls |
Canterbury: excel |
1029744 |
605851 |
573195 |
390123 |
390488 |
10 |
lena3.tif |
ACT: graphics file |
807800 |
805860 |
777784 |
777719 |
11 |
linux.pdf |
Own: pdf file, large |
8091180 |
8277780 |
8280338 |
7342506 |
7342367 |
12 |
linuxfil.ppt |
Own: power-point with text, drawing |
246272 |
180380 |
182313 |
154276 |
154101 |
13 |
monarch.tif |
ACT: graphics file |
1179784 |
1199573 |
1193682 |
1115984 |
1114711 |
14 |
pine.bin |
ACT: executable |
1566200 |
1361793 |
1343690 |
1141274 |
1138803 |
15 |
profile.pdf |
Own: pdf file with text, photos |
2498785 |
2558049 |
2558631 |
2525449 |
2525331 |
16 |
sadvchar.pps |
Own: ppt show |
1797632 |
1825283 |
1826270 |
1782983 |
1782868 |
17 |
shriji.jpg |
Own: image file |
4493896 |
4616222 |
4615417 |
4560971 |
4560877 |
18 |
world95.txt |
ACT: text file |
3005020 |
2677540 |
2576469 |
1865242 |
1856176 |
Total Size |
39796037 |
36910560 |
36720338 |
32689357 |
32664725 |
No. |
File name |
Source |
Compressed File Size (Bytes) |
Size (Bytes) |
using only AC |
Applying AC (Arithmetic Coding) after data transformation using QBT-I |
nGrp=1 |
nGrp=2 |
nGrp=3 |
nGrp=4 |
1 |
act2may2.xls |
1348036 |
789951 |
670903 |
669755 |
667583 |
666612 |
2 |
calbook2.txt |
610856 |
367017 |
357514 |
351368 |
347377 |
344817 |
3 |
cal-obj2 |
246814 |
194255 |
184946 |
184534 |
184083 |
183521 |
4 |
cal-pic |
513216 |
108508 |
81292 |
84761 |
84657 |
84705 |
5 |
cycle.doc |
1483264 |
891974 |
776520 |
782263 |
780583 |
779452 |
6 |
every.wav |
6994092 |
6716811 |
6735354 |
6739310 |
6741340 |
6741060 |
7 |
family1.jpg |
198372 |
197239 |
197905 |
197934 |
197877 |
197837 |
8 |
frymire.tif |
3706306 |
2200585 |
1833394 |
1806508 |
1794159 |
1788738 |
9 |
kennedy.xls |
1029744 |
478038 |
372619 |
371831 |
369205 |
369167 |
10 |
lena3.tif |
786568 |
762416 |
761667 |
761177 |
761338 |
761442 |
11 |
linux.pdf |
8091180 |
7200113 |
7198297 |
7202927 |
7203486 |
7203460 |
12 |
linuxfil.ppt |
246272 |
175407 |
151576 |
152064 |
151819 |
151758 |
13 |
monarch.tif |
1179784 |
1105900 |
1099243 |
1095444 |
1093428 |
1092356 |
14 |
pine.bin |
1566200 |
1265047 |
1146782 |
1137193 |
1132226 |
1130004 |
15 |
profile.pdf |
2498785 |
2490848 |
2483069 |
2480761 |
2484303 |
2484867 |
16 |
sadvchar.pps |
1797632 |
1771055 |
1760557 |
1761645 |
1761713 |
1761710 |
17 |
shriji.jpg |
4493896 |
4481092 |
4477193 |
4478571 |
4479594 |
4479663 |
18 |
world95.txt |
3005020 |
1925940 |
1866426 |
1842754 |
1829326 |
1820744 |
Total Size |
39796037 |
33122196 |
32155257 |
32100800 |
32064097 |
32041913 |
Overall Compression Rate |
16.77 |
19.2 |
19.337 |
19.429 |
19.485 |
Overall Bits Per Symbol |
6.658 |
6.464 |
6.453 |
6.446 |
6.441 |
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