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- Authors : Dhrubajit Choudhury
- Paper ID : IJERTV2IS90108
- Volume & Issue : Volume 02, Issue 09 (September 2013)
- Published (First Online): 04-09-2013
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Graph Theoritical Approach: The Complete Set of ODCH Coxeter Polyhedra P10-1
Graph Theoritical Approach:
The Complete Set of ODCH Coxeter Polyhedra P10-1
Dhrubajit Choudhury
The Director, HDR Foundation, H-19, Shankar Path, Hatigaon, Guwahati, Assam, India-781038,
A n-dimensional orbifold is a topological space with a structure based on the quotient space of n by a finite group action. An orbifold is called good if its universal cover is a manifold. We will concentrate only on good orbifolds.
To give a hyperbolic structure on an orbifold, we model it locally by the orbit spaces of finite
subgroups of PO 1, n acting on open subsets of Hn . Similarly, to put a real projective
structure on an orbifold, we model it locally by the orbit spaces of finite subgroups of
PGL n 1, acting on open subsets of Pn .
A real projective structure on an orbifold M implies that M has a universal cover M and the
deck transformation group 1
acting on M so that
M is homeomorphic to M.
1 M
A convex set in Pn is a convex set in an affine patch. If we use Klein's model of a n-
dimensional hyperbolic space, then is an open ball in Pn and PO 1, n is a subgroup of
PGL n 1, preserving Hn . Therefore Hn can be imbedded in an n 1-dimensional real
vector space V as an upper part of hyperboloid
x2 x2 … x2
1 2 n1
Hence hyperbolic orbifolds naturally have real projective structures. But a real projective structure of an orbifold may not have hyperbolic structure.
We will concentrate on 3-dimensional compact hyperbolic orbifolds whose base spaces are homeomorphic to a convex polyhedron and whose sides are silvered and each edge is given
an order. If the dihedral angle of an edge of a compact hyperbolic polyhedron is say that the order of the edge is n where n is a positive number.
then we
Definition 1.0.1. Let X be S3 , E3
, or
H3 . Let Isom(X) denotes the group of isometries of
X. A Coxeter polyhedron is a convex polytope in X whose dihedral angles are all integer sub- multiples of . Let P be a 3-dimensional Coxeter polyhedron and be the group generated by the reflections in the faces of P. Then is a discrete group of Isom(X) and P is its fundamental polyhedron. Conversely, every discrete group of Isom(X) can be obtained from a Coxeter polyhedron P such that P is its fundamental polyhedron. The number of faces intersect at vertex is called the degree of that vertex. Also the edge order of edges of a Coxeter polyhedron are positive integers.
Definition 1.0.2. Let P be a fixed convex polyhedron. Let us assign orders at each edge. Let e
be the number of edges and e2
be the numbers of order-two. Let f be number of sides.
We remove any vertex of P which has more than three edges ending or with orders of the edges ending there is not of the form
2, 2, n, n 2,2,3,3,2,3, 4,2,3,5,
., orders of spherical triangular groups. This make P into an open 3-dimensional orbifold.
P denote the differential orbifold with sides silvered and the edge orders realized as
assigned from P with vertices removed. We say that
P has a Coxeter orbifold structure.
P of projective structures on an orbifold P
is the
space of all projective structures on
P quotient by isotopy group actions of P .
Definition 1.0.4. We say P is orderable if we can order the sides of P so that each sides meets sides meets sides of higher index in less than or equal to 3 edges.
Example 1.0.5. Cube and dodecahedron are not satisfying orderability condition.
be the orbifold structure of a 3-dimensional polyhedron P. We say
that the orbifold structure
P is orderable if the sides of P can be ordered so that each side
has no more than three edges which are either of order 2 or included in a side of higher index.
P is trivalent if each side F has three or less number of edges of order two or edges
belonging to sides of higher class than F.
Definition 1.0.7. A combinatorial polyhedron is a 3-ball whose boundary sphere S2 is
equipped with a cell complex whose 0-cells, 1-cells and 2-cells will also be called vertices, edges and faces respectively, and which can be realized as a convex polyhedron. Topologically, a compact polyhedron P is a combinatorial polyhedron. A polyhedron is called trivalent if degree of each vertex is 3.
Remark 1.0.8. For our convenient, we will use notation in short as:
A compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedron is as CH-Coxeter polyhedron.
An orderable and projectively deformable compact hyperbolic Coxeter orbifold is as ODCH-Coxeter orbifold.
HYPERBOLIC POLYHEDRA], we proved the following proposition.
Proposition 1.0.9. Let P be a 3-dimensional CH-Coxeter polyhedron and P
be its Coxeter
orbifold structure. Suppose that P
is orderable and projectively deformable. Then the total
number of combinatorial polyhedral of such P is 5 and P is one of the combinatorial polyhedrons T, P6, P8-1, P10-1 and P10-2. The figure of P10-1 is as follows:
In this article, we find the complete set of orderable and deformable compact Coxeter hyperbolic polyhedron P10-1.
be its Coxeter orbifold structure. Suppose that
is orderable and projectively
deformable. Then the total number of such P10-1 is 5 and P10-1 is one of the polyhedrons in figure 2.
Proof. Using Chois theorem, we prove that the number of edges of order 2 is exactly 5. By Andreevs condition for compact hyperbolic polyhedrons, we prove that the order of the
edges at each vertex is one of the form 2,3,3,2,3, 4, 2,3,5 . Using graphical properties, we can assign the orders to each edge in five different ways up to symmetry. Then we assign the order of the faces in each of these five polyhedrons to form ODCH Coxeter polyhedron.
Andreevs Theorem. In 1970, E.M. Andreev provides a complete characterization of 3- dimensional compact hyperbolic polyhedral having non-obtuse dihedral angles on his article [2]. Therefore Andreevs theorem is a fundamental tool for classification of 3 dimensional compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedron. Some elementary faces about polyhedral are essential before we state Andreevs theorem.
Definition 2.1.1. A cell complex on S2 is called trivalent if each vertex is the intersection of
three faces. A 3-dimensional combinatorial polyhedron is a cell complex C on S2
satisfied the following condition:
Every edges of C is the intersection of exactly two faces.
Anon-empty intersection of two faces is either an edge or a vertex.
Every faces contains not fewer than 3 edges. If a face contains n edges then n is called the length of the face.
Suppose C* be the dual complex of C in S2 . Then C* is a simplicial complex which embed
in the same S2 so that the vertex correspond to face of C, etc. A simple closed curve in
C* is called k-circuit if it is formed by k edges of C*. A k-circuit is called prismatic k- circuit if the intersection of any two edges of C intersected by is empty. If a prismatic k-
circuit meets the edges
e1, e2 ,…, ek
of C successvely then we say that the edges
F1, F2 ,…, Fk
are an k-prismatic element of C.
simplex and suppose that non-obtuse angles 0 ij 2
are given corresponding to each
Fij Fi Fj
of C where Fi
and Fj
are the faces of C. Then there exist a compact
hyperbolic polyhedron P in 3-dimensional hyperbolic space which realize C with dihedral
at the edge
if and only if the following five conditions hold:
C is trivalent.
Fijk Fi Fj Fk
is a vertex of C then
ij jk ki .
If is a prismatic 3-circuit which intersects edges
ij jk ki
Fij , Fjk , Fki
of C then
If is a prismatic 4-circuit which intersects edges
ij jk kl li 2 .
Fij , Fjk , Fki , Fli
of C then
If Fs
is a four sides faces of C with edges
Fis , Fjs , Fks , Fls
successively, then
is ks ij jk kl li 3
js ls ij jk kl li 3
Furthermore, this polyhedron is unique up to hyperbolic isometries. Also Roeder, Hubbard and Dunbar proved that if C is not a triangular prism, then condition (5) is a consequence of
(3) and (4) (Sec [14]). Andreevs restriction to non-obtuse dihedral angles is necessary to ensure that P be convex. Without this restriction of dihedral angles, compact hyperbolic polyhedral realizing a given abstract polyhedron may not be convex. Since dihedral angles of Coxeter polyhedron is non-obtuse, Andreevs theorem provide a complete characterization of 3-dimensional hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedron having more than four faces.
Definitation 2.2.1. We denote k(P) the dimension of the projective group acting on a convex polyhedron P.
3 if P is a tetrahedron,
1 if P is a cone with base
a convex polygon which is no
0 otherwise
Definition 2.2.2. A Coxeter group is an abstract group define by a group presentation of form
Ri, ;Ri Rj ,i, j I
Where I is a countable index set, nij N is symmetric for i, j and nij 1 .
The fundamental group of the orbifold will be a Coxeter group with a presentation
i i j
i i j
R ,i 1, 2,… f , R R nij 1
Ri is associated with silvered sides and
Ri, j
has order
ni, j associated with the edge
formed by the i-th and j-th side meeting.
A Coxeter orbifold whose polytope has a side F and a vertex v where all other sides are adjacent triangles to F and contains v and all edge orders of F are 2 is called a cone-type Coxeter orbifold. A Coxeter orbifold whose polyhedron is topologically a polygon times an interval and edges orders of top and bottom sides are 2 is called a product-type Coxeter
orbifold. If P
is not above type and has not finite fundamental group, then P
is said to be a
normal-type Coxeter orbifold.
be given a normal type
Coxeter orbifold structure. Let k(P) be the dimension of the group of projective
automorphisms acting on P. Suppose that P
is orderable. Then the restricted deformation
space of projective structures on the orbifold P
is a smooth manifold of dimension
f e e2 k P if it is not empty.
P be given a normal type Coxeter
orbifold structure. If space is empty.
3 f e e2 0
and P
is orderable, then the restricted deformation
Remark 2.2.5. Let P be a convex polyhedron and
P be given a normal type Coxeter orbifold
structure. Let k(P) be the dimension of the group of projective automorphisms acting on P.
Suppose that P is orderable. Then P
is projectively deformable if and only if
3 f e e2 k P 0
Definition 2.3.1. A planar graph is a graph that can be drawn on the sphere( or the plane) without edge crossings. Two edges of a graph are parallel if they have the same endpoints. A loop is an edge whose endpoints are the same vertex. If there are neither parallel edges nor loops, a graph is called simple. A simple graph is called k-connected if the removal of any k-1 or fewer vertices (all the edges they are incident with) leaves a connected graph. The dual graph of a plane graph is a plane graph obtained from the original graph by exchanging the vertices and faces. The dual graph of a graph is k-connected if and only if the graph is k- connected. If all the faces of planar graph is triangles then the graph is called triangulation. The dual of a triangulation is a trivalent planar graph. A triangulation with n vertices has
exactly 3n 6 edges and 2n 4
G1 V1, E1 and G2 V2 , E2
be two graphs imbedded on the sphere
such that
be the set of vertices of G1,G2
E1, E2
be the sets of edges of G1,G2 . An
isomorphism from G1
to G2
is a pair of bijections
:V1 V2
: E1 E2
preserve the vertex-edge incidence relationship.
Definition 2.3.3. Let P be a convex polyhedron. The vertices and the edges of P from an abstract, finite, simple graph, called the graph of P and denoted by G(P). Thus, G(P) is an abstract graph defined on the set of vertices vert (P) of P. Two vertices u and v in vert (P) are adjacent in G(P) if and only if [u,v] is an edge of P.
Definition 2.3.4. A 3-dimensional polyhedron is called simplicial polyhedron if every face contain exactly 3 vertices. A 3-dimensional polyhedron is called a simple polyhedron if each vertex is the intersection of exactly 3 faces.
Theorem 2.3.5 (Blind and Mani). If P is convex polyhedron, then the graph G(P) determines the entire combinatorial structure of P.
In other words, if two simple polyhedral have isomorphic graphs, then their combinatorial polyhedral are isomorphic as well.
Steinitz established the following basic theory for 3-dimensional polyhedron.
Since the compact hyperbolic polyhedron is simple, the combinatorial polyhedron of a compact hyperbolic polyhedron can be known from 3-connected planar graph of the polyhedron.
Let P be a CH-Coxeter polyhedron and
P be its Coxeter orbifold structure of P.
P is orderable, then P is also orderable.
Remark 3.1.2. If P is not orderable, then
P is also not orderable.
Let e be the number of edges of P and e2
be the number of edges of edge order 2.
Let v be the number of vertices of P and f be the number of faces of P.
be Coxeter orbifold structure of P. Suppose P
is orderable and projectively deformable.
Every vertex is incident with exactly three edges.
Every vertex is incident with at least one edge of edge order 2.
v e
5 v 10 .
2 2
v is even.
3.2 Main Results. Now we are ready to establish the main results.
be its Coxeter orbifold structure of P. If P
e2 5 .
is orderable and projectively deformable then
Proof. By Chois theorem 2.2.3, 3 f e e2 k P 0 . By definition 2.2.1, for the polyhedra with 10 vertices P, k P 0 .
Since the combinatorial structure of orderable and projectively deformable compact
hyperbolic coxeter polyhedra with 10 vertices are
P10-1, P10-2 , therefore
f 7, e 15 .
Since f
7, e 15 , therefore
3 f e e2 k T 0 3 7 15 e2 0 0 6 e2
By proposition 3.1.3, every vertex is incident with at least one edge of edge order 2. Since there are 10 vertices of T and each vertex incident with exactly two vertices, therefore the
number of edges of order 2 is at least v 5 . Hence e 5 .
2 2
Since 5 e2 6 , therefore e2 5 .
be its Coxeter orbifold structure of P. If P is orderable and projectively deformable then the
order of the edges at each vertex is one of the form 2,3,3,2,3, 4, 2,3,5 .
Proof. Since there are 5 edges of P of order 2 and 10 vertices in P and each vertex is incident with at least one edge of order 2, therefore each vertex is incident with exactly one edge of order 2.
Suppose that r1, r2 be the order of the two edges at a vertex other than 2. Then r1, r2 3 . By Andreevs first condition, we have
1 1 1 1
2 r1 r2
1 1 1
r1 r2 2
1 2
1 2
Since r , r 3 , therefore
1 1 2 . Hence
1 1 1 2 .
r1 r2 3 2 r1 r2 3
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
If r , r 4 then 1 1 1 . This is a contradiction. Hence r 3 or r
r1 r2 2
Assume that
r2 3 . If r1 6 then
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 r 3 r 2
2 r r 2 6 r 2 6 r 6 r 2 2
1 2 2 2 2
This is a contradiction. Hence 3 r1 5 .
Therefore the edge order at each vertex is one of the form 2,3,3,2,3, 4, 2,3,5 .
be its Coxeter orbifold structure. Suppose that
is orderable and projectively
deformable. Then the total number of such P10-1 is 5 and P10-1 is one of the tetrahedrons in figure 2.
Proof. Suppose that the order of the edges be follows:
r1, r2 ,…, r15
and level the faces of P10-1 as
From the above figure-3, the 3-prismetric circuits are F2 , F5 , F3 ,F4 , F7 , F3 ,F4 , F5 , F3 . Therefore by Andreevs second condition, we have
1 1 1
1, 1 1 1
1, 1 1 1 1
r1 r6
r3 r7
r3 r12
Therefore only one edge can be order of 2 in each set ofr1, r6 , r11,r3 , r7 , r11,r3 , r12 , r15
2, 3cannot be a subset of each set. Since there are five edges of order 2 and each vertex is incident with an edge of order 2, therefore all the edges of order 2 are disjoint.
By definition of orderability 1.0.4, the order of the faces depends on the edges of order 2 and
faces of higher index. Therefore we first assign edge order 2.
Suppose that
r1 2 . Then
r6 , r11 2
by equation (1). Since all the edges of order 2 are
disjoint, therefore
r5 , r4 , r3 , r2 2
and hence
r10 r7 2 . Since
r7 2 , therefore
r13 , r12 2 .
Since at the vertex
v10 , one edge is of order 2, therefore
r15 2
and hence
r8 2 . Since five
edges are order 2, therefore remaining edges must have order other than 2. In this case the
order of the faces are
F1, F6 , F2 , F7 , F4 , F5 , F3 .
Suppose that r5 2 . Since all the edges of order 2 are disjoint, therefore r1, r4 , r6 , r10 2 .
Since at the vertex
v5 , one edge is of order 2, therefore
r11 2 . From the equation (1), we
r3 , r7 , r1, r6 2 . Therefore
r2 2 . Since
r11 2
at vertex
v10 , therefore
r13 , r15 2 . Then
r12 2
r9 2 . Since five edges are order 2, therefore remaining edges must have order
other than 2. Since 2, 3 cannot be a subset of each setr1, r6 , r11,r3 , r7 , r11,r3 , r12 , r15and
2r1, r6 , r11r3 , r12 , r15, therefore
3r1, r6 , r11r3 , r12 , r15. Thus
r1 3, r3 3 . But the
edge order at each vertex is one of the form 2,3,3,2,3, 4, 2,3,5
by proposition 3.2.2. At
the vertex v1 , the edge order r2 2 , therefore one of r1, r3 must be 3. This is a contradiction.
Suppose that r4 2 . By symmetry r4 r9 , we will arrive similar situation as the case r5 2 .
Therefore there is only one polyhedral P10-1 with edge order 2 which is as follows:
Since 3r1, r6 , r11r3 , r12 , r15, therefore
r3 3, r6 3, r11 3. Since at each vertex there is at
least one edge of order 3, therefore r2 r4 r5 r9 r13 3 . Since r12 3 , therefore r14 3 .
From the equations (1), we have
1 1
1 , 1 1
1 , 1 1 1
r6 r11
2 r3 r11
2 r3 r12 2
Therefore 4 r6 , r11, r3 , r11, r12 5 and r6 , r11 ,r3 , r11 ,r3 , r12 are not identical with 4, 4 .
Suppose that r3 4 . Then r11 r12 5 . We can choose r6 as 4 or 5.
Suppose that
r3 5 . If
r11 4
then we will get same polyhedron by symmetry
r11 .
Therefore we choose r11 5 . By symmetry r12 r6 , r12 4, r6 5 and r12 5, r6 4 will give
same polyhedron up to symmetry. Therefore we can choose r12 , r6 as 4, 4,4,5,5,5 . Therefore we have exactly five orderable and deformable compact hyperbolic coxeter
polyhedra P10-1 and these are as in figure-2. The order of the faces is
F1, F6 , F2 , F7 , F4 , F5 , F3
for each of the above polyhedrons. Therefore each of these above polyhedrons has ODCH Coxeter Orbifold structure.
In this article, we find that the number of orderable and deformable compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedral P10-1 in real projective space is exactly five. It can be extended to find all the 3-dimensional compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedral which are orderable and deformable in real projective space.
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Corresponding Author: Dhrubajit Choudhury, The Director, HR Foundation, H-19, Shankar Path, Hatigaon, Guwahati, Assam, India-781038