- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 562
- Authors : Swathi G R, Veena R
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS041272
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 04 (April 2014)
- Published (First Online): 23-04-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Design of IEEE-754 Double Precision Floating Point Unit Using Verilog
Swathi. G. R
Chickballapur, Karnataka, India
Veena. R
Assistant Professor, ECE dept., SJCIT, Chickballapur, Karnataka, India
Abstract-Floating point addition, subtraction and multiplication are widely used in large set of scientific and signal processing computation. Thus an IEEE-754 double precision floating point
Related Works
unit (FPU) is designed in this paper. The proposed design involves logarithmic approach for computing floating point numerical operations. It performs all the four basic arithmetic operations that also handle overflow, underflow, rounding and various exception conditions. The design is coded in Verilog hardware description language and simulated in Questasim.
Keywords-IEEE 754, Double precision, Floating point unit (FPU), logarithmic approach.
Real valued numbers are represented as floating point (FLP) numbers, which has its own standardizations and representations. Hence performing computations on these numbers are quite complicated and different from performing computations on ordinary numbers. The complexities in the computation are reduced by reducing the strength of operations, which can be done by having different number systems (as per Prahami's) [7] like logarithmic number systems (LNS).An IEEE 754 double precision floating point number format has been adopted in this paper. Figure 1 shows the IEEE-754 double precision binary format representation. Sign(S) is represented with one bit; exponent
and fraction (M or Mantissa) are represented with eleven and fifty two bits respectively. For a number is said to be a normalized number, it must consist of 1 in the MSB of the significand and exponent is greater than zero and smaller than 1023.
Fig 1: IEEE-754 Double Precision Floating Point Number Format
The real numbers are represented by equations (1) and (2).
Z = 1s 2(Ebias ) (1. M) (1)
Value = 1sign bit 2(Exponent 1023 ) (1. Mantissa) (2)
Lots of works have been proposed for FPU models, and all suggests some improvements in certain levels at various stages. An island-style with embedded FPU [11] is proposed by Beauchamp et al, and it gives a delay improvement than standard implementation for floating point applications.
A coarse grained FPUs where suggested by ho et al., and they presents a Hybrid architecture, where word blocks were used for computing simple operations. This also suggests improvement in delay as whole complex operations were moved to the coarse grained to reduce routing delays.
Evan suggests a multiplier for performing single precision or either a dual precision floating point numbers,
Akkas further tunes Evan's multiplier and presents a quad precision multiplication .
In all these works done suggested the delay [11], [12] improvements and area reductions [13] – [15]. In our paper, we suggest an efficient model for performing the floating point operations by reducing the operation complexities by adopting the log conversion [2] of Sagunath Paul et al.
Conventional Floating Point Computations
Conventional floating point computation uses the similar computation architectures of integers with slight revision in computation logics. The representation of the floating point numbers itself got three individual parts; the computation has to be done on mantissa with respect to its sign and exponent parts. for example, the floating point adders uses any of the adder structures like carry look ahead adder or ripple carry adder or carry save adder, etc., to add the mantissa terms, but the addition have to be done in accordance with the sign and exponent bits. Let X1(sl,el,ml) and X2(s2,e2,m2) be two floating point numerals. Then X3(s3,e3,m3) be the addition result of X1 and X2, the computation is done basically in three steps as expressed in (3), (4) and (5).
3 = 12 (3)
3 = 1 2 (4)
3 = {1} {}3 {2} (5)
The sign bit chooses the operations whereas the exponent decides the operands or bits in mantissas to which be added. This shows the whole addition process apart from adding also includes some extra logics, which increases the complexity.
This will be worse in the case of multiplication in which the random multiplication patterns have to be done on the mantissa parts with respect to their exponent parts. Let X4(s4, e4, m4) be the output of product of floating point numbers X1 and X2, then the computation done as expressed in (6), (7) and (8).
and subtraction are processed efficiently in FLP representation. The concept of this hybrid number system design is shown below in figure 4.
FLP input
4 = 12 (6)
4 = 1 + 2 (7)
4 = 1 1 2 2 (8)
Bit De-
separat or
Bit Separat or
X 1
FLP output
X 2
Fig 2: Conventional Floating Point Multiplier
LNS Representation
In contrast with FLP numbers, LNS includes neither an integer exponent nor separate linear mantissa. It is much simpler because it uses a single scaled exponent and can be represented by:
(1) × 2. (9)
where s, m and f indicate sign, integer and fractional bits respectively. Although there is no commonly accepted standard for the LNS format, the most widely used format is shown in Figure 3.
Fig 3: Basic Components of Logarithmic Number Format
Typically, base-2 logarithms are used in LNS computations though in principle any base can be used. When the real numbers represented are signed, LNS has a maximum and minimum range between 2^-128 to 2^+128, 2.9E 39 to 3.4E + 38. A special arrangement of bits is used to indicate the real number zero.
A combination of two different data formats, including elements from both LNS and FLP systems, has been adopted in this design. These allow the multiply and divide operations to be rapidly computed using the LNS format, while addition
Fig 4: Concept of Hybrid Number System
An optimized architecture for Floating point unit is shown in Figure 5. As the computation of floating point numerals are very complicated, it demands a separate unit for its processing and this leads to the design of FPUs. By exploring the existing FPUs the phenomenon of arithmetic computations are still the same as the ordinary ALU operations, it just acts like an additional prop up for normal ALUs.
Fig 5: Proposed Model
Addition and Subtraction
Addition or subtraction computation phenomenon is done by adding or subtracting the mantissa bits according to the exponent and sign bits, and the steps involved in the computing are described as follows.
The difference of the two exponents is calculated. If any, perform the mantissa shift and set the larger exponent as the tentative exponent of the result.
Shift the mantissa of the smaller exponent to right by the bits of difference in the exponents.
According the sign bit perform addition (if equal) or subtraction (if unequal) on mantissas, to get the tentative mantissa for result.
Check for exception. If yes, set the signal exception.
If no, normalize and round off the mantissa result. If there is an overflow due to rounding,shift right and increment exponent by 1 bit.
Have the highest of sign bits as the sign bit of the result.
Multiplication and Division
Multiplication or division computation procedure involved in this design simplifies the overall data-path of the FPU, as there is mere computation with mapping only involved and this simplifies the overall stages involved in computation. The stages are described as follows.
Map the mantissa of the input data to the corresponding logarithmic number in the LUT. Its value is given by (1) × 2. , which provides a similar representation range to FLP numbers.
Add/Subtract the logarithms, if any overflow shift to the right, and map with antilogarithm LUT to obtain the mantissa of the result.
The exponent of the result is obtained by adding the exponent bits.
The sign bit of the result is obtained by the xor of both sign bits.
This section shows the simulated results of the proposed design coded in Verilog. The proposed design is verified using the Questasim simulator version 6.4c.Snapshots of the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are shown below.
Fig 6: Snapshot of Floating point adder adding two numbers
Fig 7: Snapshot of Floating point subtractor subtracting two numbers
Fig 8: Snapshot of Floating point multiplier multiplying two numbers
Fig 9: Snapshot of Floating point divider dividing two numbers
This paper presents an IEEE-754 double precision floating point unit capable of performing double precision addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.The use of logarithmic approach for multiplication and division reduces the complexity of computation and simplifies the overall data-path of the FPU. The main requirement for this model is the LUTs and its memory occupancies lead to the latency in the model.
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