- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 178
- Authors : Lokendra Bhati, Rajat Malviya
- Paper ID : IJERTV2IS100537
- Volume & Issue : Volume 02, Issue 10 (October 2013)
- Published (First Online): 17-10-2013
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Application of larger wings to create more lift force in aeroplane
Lokendra Bhati 1,Rajat Malviya 2 1B.E.in mechanical engineering, I.I.ST. Indore, India
2B.E.in mechanical engineering, I.I.ST.
Indore, India
Air travel is continuing to experience the fastest growth among all modes of transport. Increasing total fuel consumption and the potential impacts of aircraft engine emissions on the global atmosphere have motivated the industry, scientific community, and international governments to seek various emissions reduction options. the impacts of aviation emissions on the global atmosphere are expected to continue to grow. Despite the efforts to understand and mitigate the impacts of aviation emissions, it still remains uncertain whether proposed emissions reduction options are technologically and financially feasible. The consumption of the fuel in jet plane can be reduced by investing in more fuel-efficient technologies, nurturing the growth of alternative energies.The purpose of this article to reduce fuel consumption in jet plane .At present, jet planes have small wings which indicates they require more velocity tocreate sufficient lift force on the jet plane. Higher velocity in turns requires more reaction force hence greater fuel consumption. This fuel consumption can be reduced by increasing entire surface area of the wings which reduces the requirement of reaction force& this directly decreases fuel consumption.
At Present our counrys defense aircraft consumes large amount of fuel.which in turn increases our defense budget.According to ministry ofdefense,The defense budget is ($37.7 billion) of year 2013 and the budget of our countrys major project like GOLDEN QUADRILATERAL was ($9.2 billion).which is 1/4th of the our defensebudget.If the fuel Consumption is reduce, which saves our thousands of millions in defense budget .This money can be utilize for major project like GOLDEN QUADRILATERAL.
Keywords:jet plane, lift force, reaction force
Air travel is continuing to experience the fastest growth among all modes of transport, averaging5 to
6% per year. Increasing total aviation emissions from aircraft engines and their potential impacts on the global atmosphere have drawn the attention of the aviation industry. In a world where we are dependent on the availability of cheap and abundant energy to fuel our cars, heat our homes, and propel our planes, our economic well-being is inexorably tied to the price of oil. And nowhere is the need to respond to this reality urgently. Air transports contribution to climate change represents 2% of man-made CO2emissions and this could reach 3% by 2050, according to updated figures from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) There is also a direct link between reduced fuel
use and environmental performance each ton of fuel saved means approximately 3.15tonnes fewer CO2 emissions. This shows that it is necessary to reduce fuel consumption to safe our environment.
The fuel consumed by a jet plane is number of times greater than the fuel consumed by a commercial one. This fuel consumption must be reduced so that it is economically feasible to air travel for everyone. Drag is proportional to the lift required for flight, which is equal to the weight of the aircraft in level flight. As induced drag increases with weight, mass reduction, with improvements in engine efficiency and reductions in aerodynamic drag, has been a principal source of efficiency gains in aircraft, with a rule-of-thumb being that a 1% weight reduction corresponds to around a 0.75% reduction in fuel consumption.
Principle of working of plane
The lift force is generated by a small pressure differential between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing, caused by the aerodynamic reaction to the wing motion through the atmosphere. The magnitude of the pressure differential, and the consequent momentum applied to the airflow, is generally dependent on the speed of the aircraft, the angle of
attack and the physical characteristics of the wing. The wing Centre of pressure moves fore and aft in response to changes in the aerodynamic reaction, thereby introducing pitching moments that affect the aircraft's trim. Drag induced by the generation of lift is modified by the plan form, the twist and the aspect ratio of the wing. Ailerons, flaps, and other lift and drag changing devices are fitted to the wing for control and performance purposes.
A jet aircraft (or simply jet) is an aircraft (nearly always a fixed-wing aircraft) propelled by jet engines. Jet aircraft generally fly much faster than propeller- powered aircraft and at higher altitudes as high as 10,00015,000 metres (33,00049,000 ft.). At these altitudes, jet engines achieve maximum efficiency over long distances. The engines in propeller-powered aircraft achieve their maximum efficiency at much lower altitudes. Some jet aircraft can move faster than sound.
When in flight, there are certain forces acting on the airplane. It is the primary task of a pilot to control these forces so as to direct the airplanes speed and flightpath in a safe and efficient manner. To do this the pilot must understand the among the aerodynamic forces acting on an airplane during flight, four are considered to be basic because they act upon the airplane during all maneuvers.
These basic forces are
: Lift
Weight (Gravity)
Drag force and their effects
Lift force
The amount of lift generated by an object depends on the size of the object. Lift is an aerodynamic force and therefore depends on the pressure variation of the air around the body as it moves through the air. The total aerodynamic force is equal to the pressure times the surface area around the body. Lift is the component of this force perpendicular to the flight direction. Like the other aerodynamic force, drag, the lift is directly proportional to the area of the object. Doubling the area doubles the lift.
There are several different areas from which to choose when developing the reference area used in the lift equation. Since most of the lift is generated by the wings, and lift is the force perpendicular to the flight direction, the logical choice is the wing plan form area. The plan form area is the area of the wing as viewed from above the wing, looking along the "lift" direction. It is a flat plane, and is NOT the total surface area (top and bottom) of the entire wing, although it is almost half that number for most wings. We could, in theory, use the total surface area as the reference area. The total surface area is proportional to the wing planform
area. Since the lift coefficient is determined experimentally, by measuring the lift and measuring the area and performing the necessary math to produce the coefficient, we are free to use any area which can be easily measured. If we choose the total surface area, the computed coefficient has a different value than if we choose the wing plan form area, but the lift is the same, and the coefficients are related by the ratio of the areas.
This diagram shows the projected surface area for two different aircraft. The airplane on the left is shown in a cruise condition while the airplane on the right is shown in a takeoff or landing condition. Takeoff and
landing are times of relatively low velocity, so to keep
For a conventional aircraft, the drag is divided into two main parts; lift related drag, and non-
lift reated drag. The first part is called induced drag (Di), because this drag is induced by lift
(pressure). The second part is referred to as zero-lift drag (Do), since it does not have any influence from lift, and is mainly originates from shear stress.
Induced drag: The induced drag is the drag directly associated with the production of lift.
i Di
i Di
D =1V2SC
C =KC 2 here, C =2mg
Di L
L SV 2
the lift high (to avoid the ground!) designers try to increase the wing area. This is done by sliding the flaps backwards along metal tracks and shifting the slats forward to increase the wing area. The next time you fly in an airliner, watch the wings during takeoff and landing to see the change in wing area.
For calculation ofone has to calculate the value ofCDi which can be calculated with the help of above formula.
Zero-lift drag: The zero-lift drag includes all types of drag that do not depend on production of the lift. Everyaerodynamic component of aircraft (i.e. The components that are in direct contact with flow) generates zero-lift drag. Typical components are wing, horizontal tail, vertical tail, fuselage, landing gear, antenna, engine nacelle, and strut. The zero-lift drag is a function of airspeed, air density, reference area, and the external shape of the components.
D =1V2SC
o 2 Do
Lift is directly related to surface area
Increases the Area- Increases the Lift force F =1V2SC
Where CDof, CDow, CDoht, CDovt, CDoLG.. are respectively representing fuselage, wing, horizontal tail, vertical tail, landing gear, nacelle, strut, high lift device (such as flap) contributions in aircraft CDo. Dots at the end of equation illustrates that there are other components that are not shown here. They include non- significant components such as antenna, stall horn, wires, interference, and wiper.
By the increase in reference area there is a little change in the value of CDow, due to increase in wing area only
CDow will change rest all CDof, CDow, CDoht, CDovt,
L 2 L
FLis lift force is air density
v is true airspeed,
S is Planform area, and
CL is the lift coefficient at the desired angle of attack, Mach number, and Reynolds number
Now putting the given values
CDoLG will remain same.
For calculation of do one has to calculate the value of CDo which can be calculated by the calculation by CDow.Calculation of CDow is quit tough.
Procedure for calculation of CDow is explained below:
For calculation of do one has to calculate the value of CDo which can be calculated by the calculation by CDow.Calculation of CDow is quit tough.
Procedure for calculation of CDow is explained below:
Firstly Reynolds no is calculated by using following equation to check whether the flow is laminar or turbulent.
D=Total Drag Force Di=Induced drag force Do=Zero drag force
i Di
i Di
D =1V2SC
For this we have to calculateCDi
C =KC 2 (given k=0.055)
After calculation of Re machno(M) and skin friction coefficient Cf is calculated. Generally the flow is turbulent so for turbulent flow following equation is used.
Di L
As per given data
C =
C =
L SV 2
C = 2380000 9.81
C = 0.455
L 1.255 580.32(420.5144 )2
f Log 10 Re 2.58
CDi=KCL (on putting values)
After that FM, Ftc, Swetall are calculated as per the derived relations.
FTC=1+2.7 max+100 4
CDi= (0.055)*(0.2190)2 =0.00263
D =1V2SC
S =2[1+0.5
i 2 Di
max] bC 1
Finally the value of CDo(w) is calculated by the use of all above calculated parameters by the relation
as follow:
Di=2*1.225*(420*0.5144)*580.32*0.00263 Di=448360.60N
C =C F
F (SWET(w)) (CDmin(w))0.4
Now we have to calculate Do, as it is assumed that[CDo.
TC(w) M S
= (3*C
)] we will calculate C
) and replaceC
by CDo. = (3*CDo(w)).
Do(w Do
Consider a cargo aircraft is cruising at sea level with airspeed of 420 knot (216.40 m/s). With the following features m = 380,000 kg S = 580.32 m2, MAC = 9.3m,(t/c)max = 18%,Cdmin =
0.0052,S=340m2,=1.2kg/m3,K =0.055.calculate the
Calculation ofCDo(w) is as per procedure described in introduction
Re =V
1.225 420 0.5144 9.3
net change in drag force if reference area is increased by 80% with the help of slider gliding plates during accident. Assuming [CDo. = (3*CDo(w))]
Re =
M =
1.785 105
m=mass in kg M=mach no
M =420 0.5144 =.635
Here the flow is turbulent as the Reynolds no is >2*106
S=Planform area in m2
C = 0.455 = 0.455
=density in kg/m3
f Log 10 Re 2.58 Log 10 137889458 .8 2.58
For the calculation of net drag force we have to calculate induced and zero drag individually as
FM =1-0.08M1.45=1-0.08(.635)1.45=0.958
Ftc=1+2.7 max+100 4max Ftc=1+2.7(.18)+100 (.18)4=1.591
Swet =2[1+0.5 max] bC =2[1+0.5(.18)]
580.32=1265.09 m2
D=Do+ Di
C =C F
F (SWET(w)) (CDmin(w))0.4
TC(w) M S
C =.002035*1.591*0.958*(1265 .09)*( 0.0052 )0.4
FM =1-0.08M1.45=1-0.08(.635)1.45=0.958
CDo(w )
580 .32
Ftc=1+2.7(.18) +100 (.18)4=1.591
Now, D =1V2SC
Re, CF, FTC and swet will change i.e.
o 2 Do V
D =1*1.225*(420*.5144)2 *580.32*0.00743*3
Re = µ
2 1.225 420 0.5144 16.74
Re =
1.785 105 =248201025.9
C = 0.455
= 0.455
o i f
Log 10 Re 2.58
Log 10 248201025 .9 2.58
D=378871.41+44836.60 D=423708.01N
Ftc=1+2.7(.10) +100 (.10)4=1.28
Swet =2[1+0.5 max] bC =2[1+0.5(.10)]
1044.57=2193.59 m2
C =C F
F (SWET(w)) (CDmin(w))0.4
New Mac = 9.3+9.3*.8=16.74
TC(w) M S
C =.001879*1.28*0.958(2193 .59) ( 0.0052 )0.4
New reference area will be=580.32+580.32*.8=1044.57m2
(t/c) max = 10%
CDo(w) =0.00534 Now, D =1V2SC
1044 .57
o 2 Do
K =0.090 (approx.)
D =1*1.225*(420*.5144)2 *1044.57*0.00534*3
Again on repeating above procedure we get 2
i Di
i Di
D =1V2SC
For this we have to calculateCDi CDi=KCL (approx k=0.090) As per given data
C =2mg
TOTAL DRAG FORCE = D=Do+Di D=490133.37+40795.22 D=530928.59N
L SV 2
C = 2380000 9.81
L 1.255 1044 .57(420 .5144 )2
Lift force is given by
CDi=KC 2 (on putting values) CDi= (0.090)*(0.1217)2 =0.00133
i Di
i Di
D =1V2SC
F =1V2SC
=1.225(kg/m3) v =216.40m/s
S =340m2
D =1*1.225*(420*0.5144)*1044.57*0.00133
i 2 CL=02190
F =1(216.40)2*1.225*.2190*340
L 2
Now we have to calculate Do , as it is assumed that[CDo.
= (3*CDo(w))] we will calculate CDo(w) and replaceCDo by CDo. = (3*CDo(w)).
Calculation ofCDo(w) is as per procedure described in
Now if we increase area by 80%, S=340*18=612m2
Theneffective lift force is given by
F =1(216.40)2*1.225*.2190*612
M = 420 0.5144 =.635 L 2
340 FL=3844290.00N
Now % change in lift force is given by
%change= (New Lift Force Old Lift Force )*100%
Old Lift Force
% change =(3844290 2135716 )*100%
2135716 .6
% change=80%
The Purpose of this article is to increase the lifting capacity of the plane for the same fuel consumption for to reduce the fuel consumption for lifting capacity. Although it can be interpreted from the analysis that with with increasing area by 80%,the rise in drag force is 30%.which inturn with increase fuel consumption but we can condone this rise in drag force because we have aggrandized the lift force by 80%.This will definitely increases the mileage per passenger.
This paper can become advantageous for the further research in the same direction.
Chapter 3 drag force and drag coefficient from: sadraey m., aircraft performance analysis, vdm verlag dr. müller, 2009
forces acting on an airplane in flight :prof. dr. mustafacavcaranadolu university, school of civil aviation Eskisehir, turkey
Historical and Future Trends in Aircraft Performance, Cost, and Emissions by JoosungJoseph Lee.
http://www.boeing.com/news/techissues/pdf/statsum.p df