- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 243
- Authors : Afolabi A, Adagunodo E. R
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS20534
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 02 (February 2014)
- Published (First Online): 07-03-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Application of Fingerprint Security Technique in UBIQUITOUS Learning System
1. Afolabi A, 2. Adagunodo E. R
1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. Nigeria
2. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Abstract Ubiquitous learning system is a kind of learning system in which the student(s) can access information and learn anytime, any day and anytime, without necessarily being with the tutor. Biometrics is a study that involves the analysis of human anatomy majorly for the purpose of security. Parts of the human body used in biometric may be iris, fingerprints, human faces, footprints and so on.mHowever, this project is about using fingerprint to gain access into an ubiquitous learning system environment. The langauge used for the accomplishment of this learning module is C-sharp and ASP.NET since it is a web application while MySQL server 2005 is used for the database.
To a very large extent, the finger print recognition system seems to be one of the most reliable means of authentication with Grfinger SDK being an efficient finger print recognition technique[3] in an environment where an electronic system has to be deployed as in the case of an ubiquitous learning system, even though resource intensive. It is a wireless platform developed for lecturer and students to establish a classroom dynamically irrespective of location and time bounds taking lesson in a lively, vivid, and new learning environment, it enhances students learning performance without any burden like attending classes physically.
Keyword-Ubiquitous Learning, facial Recognition
Ubiquitous learning system is a kind of learning system in which the student(s) can access information and learn anytime, any day and anytime, without necessarily being with the tutor[1]. Fingerprint biometric security method is a security method that takes an image (either using ink or a digital scan) of a persons fingertips and records its characteristics in a database. Software is used to encode and decode the information in a database.
Academics increasingly become more globalized, the need for student and instructor interaction via technology increases. Why? At a rapid rate, universities and colleges are offering new ways to boost student enrolment, retention, and access to resources and course participation. Students are requesting off-site access to college courses due to a variety of reasons, including geographical, familial, and financial challenges to the more traditional, on-site student experience. Ubiquitous learning often provides a way to bridge the gap between the changing generations of students and the increased need for higher education in the global market.
Finger print recognition is a biometric security method that integrates with applications and other technologies to provide a way to identify a person by scanning a persons fingerprint to gain access. Fingerprint recognition is a way to provide higher security because a fingerprint biometric system does not use any password but only valid fingerprints [12].
Fingerprint recognition provides a great solution for doors, computer room access, and desktop login authentication and application integration. Fingerprint recognition provides a low cost biometrics solution and with its small designs makes it a prime choice when setting up a high security solutions [4]. It also offers an infallible means of personal identification which is an essential explanation for their having supplanted other methods of establishing the identities of criminals reluctant to admit previous arrests [3]. Fingerprint recognition requires the comparison of an individual fingerprint with all the fingerprints in a database which may be large.
Ubiquitous computing will help organize and mediate social interactions wherever and whenever these situations might occur. its evolution has recently been accelerated by improved wireless telecommunications capabilities, open networks, continued increases in computing power, improved battery technology, and the emergence of flexible software architectures. With those technologies, an individual learning environment can be embedded in the real everyday life[10]. The main characteristics of ubiquitous learning are shown as follows:
Permanency: learners never lose their work unless it is purposefully deleted. In addition, all the learning processes are recorded continuously every day.
Accessibility: learners have access to their documents, data, or videos from anywhere. That information is provided based on their requests. Therefore, the learning involved is self- directed.
Immediacy: wherever learners are, they can get any information immediately. Thus, learners can solve problems quickly. Otherwise, the learner can record the questions and look for the answer later.
Interactivity: learners can interact with experts, teachers, or peers in the form of synchronous or asynchronous
communication. Hence, the experts are more reachable and the knowledge becomes more available.
Situating of instructional activities: the learning could be embedded in our daily life. The problems encountered as well as the knowledge required are all presented in their natural and authentic forms. This helps learners notice the features of problem situations that make particular actions relevant.
The design is divided into two parts viz;
1. The Ubiquitous learning environment; this application will run on two sides, the server and the client. The server side will contain a central database which will act as the repository for the learning materials and the platform from which each lecture will be streamed to the network which the client side application will decode and show to each students on their PCs, it will also serve as the database for all registered students and lecturers.
1. The Authentication aspect; A fingerprint scanner will be used which takes the image of each unique fingerprint of users, which is converted to a sequence by a software and this is stored in the database. Access will be granted to a user only if the characteristics of his or her fingerprint match with any of those in the database, if not access will be denied. The ubiquitous learning module will be developed using the various methods and steps involved in developing a web application using a high level programming language [4]. The langauge used for the accomplishment of this learning module is C-sharp and ASP.NET since it is a web application while MySQL server 2005 is used for the database[5].
Event diagram is the diagram that shows the various activities that each entity performs to fulfil the necessary requirements. It shows the role each entity performs in the cause of the whole event.
exist two types of users that can work on the client application which are the lecturer and the student.
Figure 2: Lecturer Login Interface
Figure 2 above is the interface that comes up once a user selects Lecturer login option on the first interface shown in Figure 1. If the user has registered as a lecturer, once he places his finger on the reader, access is granted to him to the learning environment. Else, a message comes up that the user has to be registered.
Figure 1: Ubiquitous Learning Home Page
The Figure shown above is the first interface encountered in the ubiquitous learning environment. It displays the options of the types of users that can access the environment as there
Figure3: Student Login Interface
Figure 3 above shows the Student Login Interface. On this interface, a registered student places his finger on a fingerprint scanner to access the learning environment and access is granted to the learning interface else, a message appears telling the user to register
Figure4: Lecturer Registration Form
In Figure 4, if a user selects the lecturer Registration option, it brings the user to the page described in Figure 5 below where his information like Name, phone Number, course taken e.t.c together with the fingerprint is entered before the registration is completed. If all entries are correctly entered a saved successfully message is displayed else an error message is displayed.
Figure 5: Student Registration Form
If a user selects the student Registration option, it brings the user to the page shown in Figure 5 above where his information like Name, phone Number, Department e.t.c together with the fingerprint is entered before the registration is completed. If all entries are correctly entered a saved successfully message is displayed else an error message is displayed.
Figure 6: Lecturer Window
This simply displays the operations that can be carried out by the lecturer which are uploading of notes, setting of questions, answering students questions.
Figure 7: Student Learning Page
Ubiquitous learning is a learning technology that has been developed with the purpose of having an advanced wireless technology for building an Ad Hoc classroom in order to contrive a modern and new learning environment. It is a wireless platform developed for lecturer and students to establish a classroom dynamically irrespective of location and time bounds taking lesson in a lively, vivid, and new learning environment, it enhances students learning performance without any burden like attending classes physically.[7]
Security is a necessity due to the nature of todays society; it plays an important role in all software systems. In order to ensure a more reliable verification, identification and authentication security checks, characteristics features that can really characterise a given person uniquely should be employed. Biometrics ensures that this purpose is fulfilled as it offers automated methods for identification and verification
based on measurable physiological or behavioural characteristics.
To a very large extent, the finger print recognition
system seems to be one of the most reliable means of authentication with Grfinger SDK being an efficient finger print
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