Android Application for Online Railway Stipulation System

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV3IS18045

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Android Application for Online Railway Stipulation System

Mr. N. Sendhil kumar,

Mr.S. Palani,

D. Prudhviraj,

Associate Professor, HOD

Assistant Professor,

PG Scholar,

Department of MCA,

Department of MCA,

Department of MCA,

Sri Venkateswara college of

Sri Venkateswara college of

Sri Venkateswara college of

Engeneering & Technology,

Engeneering & Technology,

Engeneering & Technology,




Abstract-In earlier days if we want to reserve tickets we have to go that particular station and wait for some while and also we are facing lot of crowd. By overcoming all that problems finally the ticket may book. During this online reservation process by using internet directly we are going to reserve the tickets by our home itself. It enlights the people as very much comfortable by travelling through train. In this the ticket cancellation also available if any critical case occurs for the people.

Keywords: Transport System(TS), Computer Reservation System (CRS).

These functions will be handled with the help of following sub functions:-

  • It reserves and cancels seats for the passenger.

  • It contains information about the trains.

  • It contains information about the passengers.

  • It contains the details of reservation fees, any concessions etc.

  • It makes entries for reservation, waiting, cancelled tickets.

  • It will update for uptime and downtime trains.


      This system is basically concerned with the reservation and cancellation of railway tickets to the passengers. The need of this system arose because as is the known fact that India has the largest railway network in the whole of the world and to handle it manually is quite a tough job. By computerizing it, we will be able to overcome many of its limitations and will be able to make it more efficient. The handle of data and records for such a vast system is a very complex task if done manually but it can be made much easier if the system is computerized.

      To be more specific, our system is limited in such a way that a train starting from a particular source will have a single destination.

      The basic functions being performed by our system are reservation and cancellation.

    2. ANDROID:

      Android is an operating system. Now a days people are showing very much interest for using android OS. Because it consist of lot of application features.

      It is an free open service system. Any type of users can make a move by this operating system. It is an user friendly system. It provide lot of value added services for users. Mobile developers as developed powerful android applications for all type of users. Android applications provide much security for users. In any case the data may lost, by using recovery softwares the data may recover very quickly. we mount the applications by developer requirements. Mobile users are showing much interest about different animated photo styles, and wallpapers thats the reason the android place very much powerful role.


      Figure: 3.1System Architecture Diagram

      The user sends a request from the mobile to the server for booking a ticket. The server receives the request and sends the details and notifications, availability about the reservation details. The user booking the ticket and pay the cash for it and confirms the seat & ticket by the server.

        1. Administrator Gain Access:

          The total controlling of the system is an administrator, the administrator is login by giving username and password, after login administrator is easy to giving instructions to the passengers and also adding the new trains , editing, deleting in the database. The administrator will give the details about the trains, like train name, departure, destination, seat availability, and running days.

        2. Passenger Login:

          The passenger wants to book the ticket for traveling, he must and should the passenger can login. The passenger can have a username and password to login, after login the user can book the ticket. If passenger doesnt have username and password, he will have a facility to get the password and username by register.

        3. Passenger Enrollment:

          If you want to login into the passengers page and book the ticket, we need username and password for login, if the passenger doesnt have the username and password, passenger is going to enrollment for register the username and password. For getting this passenger will enrollment is must and to register passenger is going to the register module.

        4. Train Rummage:

          The passenger, after successfully login can search the available trains in the mentioned date for passenger requirements, if he doesnt have train in the mentioned time and date he can change his journey date. If he has the trains in his requirement timings he will book the ticket and reserved for his journey.

        5. Ticket Stipulation Module:

          If the passenger wants to book the ticket for his journey, he will reserve the ticket in the stipulation module. The passenger can reserve the train in particular time and date, first he need to select a train, after that it showing the details of the seat availability to where you seat in the train and also shows how many seats you need in the train, there will be limited seats. After reservation the payment process is going on, by the card or net banking to pay the money for ticket.

        6. Ticket Cancelation:

          After reserved the ticket, passenger can stop his journey for some unwanted resins, it has a facility to cancel the ticket after reservation, which is also will done in one click. And also you can get the money return to your account, after cancelation.

          But some less amount reduce for the cancelation.

        7. Train Schedule:

          The train schedules tells about the train details like train number, train name, station, location etc. And also tells the details about the timings and from where it is started and where it is reached. The timings are showing one is railway (24 hr) time and other one is general (12 hr) time , the timings are useful to the passenger to identify the train timings easily.

          Figure: 3.8.1 Showing the Train Schedule

        8. Train Tracking:

          The train tracking is to display the trains are currently where it is running, the map is displaying in the application to knowing the where it is going in the current time. the map is showing the current train and the next upcoming stations, and also showing next trains. Due to this, passenger can easily identify the location and he can estimate the reaching time to catch the next train.

        9. Fare Details:

          The passenger doesnt know the ticket fare details, to reserve the ticket for his journey, so this module is provide the all the details of fare to reserve the ticket and seat. After selecting the train no, destination, class, and age, it tells the fare details. It is easy to knowing the details about the fare to book the ticket.

          Figure: 4.1 Login Form

        10. Train Canceled Details:

      Due to Some unwanted resins, the trains may be cancelled, it tells about the trains canceled details, wh it is canceled and which train is canceled. So passenger can know about this and he can stop or take alternate situations to move his journey.


      The login form is to login the passengers to reserve for his ticket in the computer Reservation System (CRS).

      Figure: 4.2 Displaying of Train Tracking

      The train tracking is to displaying the tracking details of the current trains and next available trains in the Transport System (TS).

      Figure: 4.3 Process Of Railway Stipulation System in Online The passenger can book a ticket in the mobile, in online the database, web server, app server and payment of the process is done in a structural


      Figure: 4.4 Hierarchical Stipulation Process

      Hierarchical Stipulation process is a process of multiple users login at a time and booking the tickets.


      In this section, we discuss railway reservation for passengers, to book their tickets at their convenience of seats and also free transactions for both railway and passengers. No need to go to railway station for ticket reservation, so time & money, save for both passengers and railway department.

      Figure: 5.2 Search for Available Train

      If passenger wants to travel, he searches the available train on his requirement time, and he fills all the fields to search for train in the train search train.


      The focus of this paper is to provide a ticket reservation for passengers in online railway system to book the seats and tickets. This is a use full app for buying railway tickets through their smart phone application .This android application can be very useful for both passengers and railway department


We take this opportunity to thank our project guide Prof.N.Sendhil kumar & Mr.S.Palani for their valuable guidance and H.Nawaz for providing all the necessary facilities, which were indispensable in completion of this paper.

Figure: 5.1 Getting fare details

Passenger wants to get the fare details for a ticket, which is based on the destination and age also, and the passenger select the given fields and click Get Fare Details to get the fare for ticket.


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Wiley Publishing Inc.

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