An Idea to Reduce the Power Consumption of Tablet in Low Power Mode

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS051942

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An Idea to Reduce the Power Consumption of Tablet in Low Power Mode

Tejas Ha

a Industrial Electronics, SJCE, Mysore.

B S Renukab

b Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCE, Mysore.

Vikas Mishrac

c Mobile Communication Group, Intel Technology India Ltd, Bangalore.

Abstract-Tablets and other mobile device requires long battery life. Nowadays it is attained by increasing battery size and using advanced technology batteries which in turn will increase the size, cost and weight of the final form factor. Additional increase in battery backup stays with the power controlling software which manage the underlying hardware to have a planned power supply to the components depending on the use case situation. This paper introduces a method to decrease the power consumption by a tablet to increase the battery back up by modifying the voltage of the components in the tablet to the lowest allowable voltage Vlow during low power state.

Here we emphasize on the optimization method and discuss the expected power saving by optimizing 2.85V and 1.0V rails in a reference tablet.

Keywords: Standby, battery life, tablets, phones, power delivery


    Tablet is a basic requirement for most of us making it easy to be synced with fast-paced lifestyles. To do this efficiently, tablets must have multitasking capability. They also have to be compact and have an increased battery life in order to keep working throughout the day.

    Consumers now expect that a tablet should run efficiently for longer duration. Existing battery technologies are based on LI (Lithium-polymer) chemistry, which has helped increase battery life by keeping the battery size unchanged. Though greater capacity batteries can be used, this impacts the final product. Hence improving battery size and technology is not adequate to assure increase in battery backup of a tablet. Further, battery backup can be increased with the power management software that manage the underlying hardware to have a planned power supply to the components depending on the use case situation by switching the tablet power to the lower power states.

    On other hand Battery backup depends on the system architecture, architects have to create an improved power consumption structure for each and every component in the tablet. As tablet stays most of the time in low power (standby) state, optimizing power intake from battery in this state will have a substantial influence on the battery life, there is scope of power optimization expected in the low power (standby)

    state and this paper tries to explore the power optimization that can be achieved.

  2. PLANNED TECHNIQUE OF OPTIMIZATION During low power state several components in the tablet

    are switched to sleep modes. In low power sleep mode, the

    current and potential difference to the components is reduced [2]. The magnitude of voltage will be determined by circumstance and the components connected. There is always a margin in the input voltage to the components from the voltage set by low power mode.

    Now, in figure 1 lets look at the operating range v/s voltage for a component in a tablet.

    Figure 1: Operating range v/s Voltage

    The power supply to the component is directed by the voltage regulator (VR) of that rail and this voltage regulator has to ideally supply Vset value required by the component, but in real applications voltage regulator is configured to supply VOpt voltage, with Vopt greater than Vset in order to compensate the losses. From figure 1, looking at the voltage operating range of the component there is usually an allowable input voltage range, say this range is ±10% from the Vset value. This range is provided in order to bear the deviation in the input voltage after feeding losses and the leakage current. So for the

    component to function properly with no abnormalities the voltage supplied to the module should be between Vlow and Vhigh.

    Now its well-known that power [3] is given by

    P = V*I (1)

    Where V = Voltage, I = Current

    As explained earlier, current to the modules is reduced to the minimum value during the low power state.

    Now, (1) for low power mode becomes

    Plow-power = V*Ilow (2)

    safe operating voltage of the module. From (3), it can be inferred that decreasing voltage will decrease the power consumption by the component proportionally.

    So far it was assumed that the current in low power state to be constant, now lets consider voltage and current dependency.

    From leakage current equation of the semiconductor component [4],

    Ileak = Isub-t+ Ioxide (5)

    Isub-t= K1We-V/nV(1-e-V/V) (6)

    Where Ilow is the low power state current and Plow-power is the power consumption of the component in low power mode. Low power current is assumed to be constant in (2). Hence,


    = K2W e-Tox/V (7)

    Plow-power would be proportional to voltage. In (2) assuming Ilow current to be constant

    Plow-power V (3)

    And also transmission losses during low-power state is given by


    Power Loss = I2 *R (4) Where Ilow =Current, R=Resistance

    As current is low, the losses is low and also the variation of voltage at the component is low. This allows us to decrease the voltage up to the lower allowable limit Vlow .

    Figure 2: Proposed Operating Voltage Range

    Now, idea is to reduce the voltage of the rail during low power mode to the value Vsuggested that is almost equal to Vlow value as shown in figure 2. Vsuggested is still in the allowable

    From above equations it can be inferred that:

    V I (8)

    Where V= voltage to the component and I= current to the component.

    Hence ideally from (8) we can infer that by reducing the voltage, will proportionally reduce the current. This reduction will further contribute to the total power saving in low power state.


    To choose the percentage of voltage to be decreased on a particular rail needs a detailed analysis of the platform and the components connected on each rail and their behavior in low power mode. This paper tries to briefly analyze the rails that are ON in low power mode and the modules on that particular rail. Firstly, lets understand the power tree of tablet during low power mode. Figure 3 is an indicative power map of a tablet during low power state [5] and the figure also indicates the components being active/partially active during the low power modes.

    Figure 3: Reference Tablet Power tree in low power mode

    From the above power tree it is observed that various components are on during low power sleep state, for experiment lets take up few rails from the figure 3 to optimize the power consumption.

    Lets discuss the proportion of voltage that can be reduced and the expected power saving on each of the above mentioned rail.

    1. Optimizing 2P85 Power Rail

      During low power state flash memory is the only consumer on this rail and there is no flash memory access happening during low power mode. 1P8 rail supplying flash memory will take care of Self refresh of the memory. Hence, the proposal is to decrease the voltage of 2P85 rail to zero, that is turn OFF 2P85 rail in low power state to save the power.

      So (1) Power consumption by 2P85 rail at VOpt voltage is given by

      1. Expected power saving

        VOpt (operating voltage) of this rail is 1.05V and decreasing this voltage to 0.90V would be 14.28% decrease in the voltage. From (8) dropping voltage by 14.28% would decrease the current proportionately.

        [email protected] = V85.7% * I90%. (13)

        Power saving expected:

        Psaving = P1P0- [email protected] 24% of P1P0. (14)

        Table 1 summarize expected power saving by the proposed method which is shown in table below.

        Rail Name






        power saving












        P2P85 = V2P85 * I2P85 (9)

        Where V2P85 = VOpt voltage, I2P85 = Current in 2P85 rail at Vopt voltage.

        1. Expected power saving:

        In (1) substituting the value of voltage after 2P85 rail is turned off


    P2.P85@0V0W (10)

    Power saving expected is

    Psaving = P2P85- P2P85@0V 100% of P2P85 (11)

    So it can be ideally expected to have 100% power saving by turning off this rail, but practically the rail and leakage losses consume power. Yet, the power saving can be estimated to be near around 100%.

    1. Optimizing 1P0 Power Rail

    As the components on this rail are SOC and Random access memory (RAM), supply to this rail cannot be turned OFF. So, to optimize the power consumption by this rail during low power state we can decrease the voltage of this rail. According to the modules specification of RAM the tolerable low voltage Vlow is 10% lower than the Vset (1.0V) value, i.e. 0.90V. Hence, during low power state the voltage can be reduced to 0.90V.

    So (1) Power consumption by 1P0 rail at VOpt voltage is given by

    As a part of testing the proposed method, the rails mentioned above are subjected for optimization on a reference platform. A probing tool is used to poke the voltage regulator setting of these rails and decreases the voltage of these rails to the suggested voltage during low power state of the tablet. And the same tool was used to restores the voltage back to default value on low power mode exit. Table 2 summarize the rail level power measurement performed on the reference platform.

    Rail Name

    Voltage set

    Expect d power saving

    Actua l powe r

    savin g

    Set (V)

    Operati ng (V)

    Suggest ed (V)














    P1P0 = V1P0 * I1P0 (12)

    Where V1P0 = VOpt voltage, I1P0 = Current in 1P0 rail at Vopt voltage.

    Lets look at the impact of optimization on the voltage regulator efficiency,


    Rail Name

    Before optimizatio


    After optimizatio








    Figure 4: Power Saving Results

    From table 2 and figure 4, in 2P85 rail there is small amount of increase in power consumed by the rail and component loss, so the actual power saving is bit lower than expected value. And in 1P0 the power saving is greater than the expected value as the efficiency of this voltage regulator is increased that has contributed to the increase in power saving.

    Power saving contribution of these individual rail to the total platform power

    PTotal_saving=PDefault-POptimized (15)

    Where,PDefault= Total platform power consumption before optimization and POptimized= Total platform power consumption after optimization

    It is observed that total power saving contributed by 2P85 and 1P0 rails to the overall platform (battery terminal) power consumption is around 2%


The proposed method has been experimented in view of optimizing the power consumption and to increase the battery backup in Tablets during the low power mode. Based on theoretical calculations and the actual power measurements on the reference device, we can conclude that the proposed method will contribute around 2% of reduction in total platform power consumption during low power mode that is the proposed method can increase the battery backup of a tablet by around 2% during low power standby mode.


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