- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 11
- Authors : Madhusudan.M.S
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV3IS27120
- Volume & Issue : NCRTS – 2015 (Volume 3 – Issue 27)
- Published (First Online): 30-07-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
An Effective Task Assigning Scheduler based on Job Size in Hadoop
1Postgraduate Student -P.E.S Collage of Engineering Mandya
Abstract The MapReduce framework and its open source implementation in Hadoop is existing as an standard for Bigdata related processing in industry and academies. When a bunch of jobs are simultaneously submitted together to a MapReduce cluster, bunch of jobs will compete for available resources by this the overall system performance may go down, this is because in MapReduce cluster different kinds of workload is shared among multiple users. Existing scheduling algorithms which is supported by Hadoop always cannot guarantee good average response time with different workloads. Therefore it is a challenging ability to design an effective scheduler which can work with shared MapReduce cluster. To solve this problem we propose a new hadoop scheduler which works on the different workload patterns and reduces overall execution time and job response time by dynamically tuning the available resources that is shared among multiple users and scheduling algorithm for each user. The experimental results are obtained from CloudEra shows that proposed scheduler reduces the average job response time under different workloads that are compared with existing Fair and FIFO Scheduler.
Keywords-Job Scheduling; Hadoop; Mapreduce; Workload; HDFS;
MapReduce is software framework that breaks a computation job into number of small MapReduce tasks and lets them to run on different resources in parallel[1]. MapReduce is an important part for parallel data oriented cluster programming because of its flexibility and simplicity [2].MapReduce allows Processing of large structured and unstructured data simultaneously. Apache Hadoop is an open source implementation of MapReduce and it has distributed file system called HDFS (Hadoop Distributed file System [4,5].
Hadoop is primarily developed by yahoo and is used for processing hundreds of terabytes of data on at least 10,000 cores[6].There are variety of data intensive application that uses MapReduce. Nowadays, many clusters are deployed with Hadoop and shared among multiple users to run a bunch of long batch jobs and short interactive jobs[7]. There are two types of jobs one map tasks and another one is reduce tasks. Map task is applied to map and process a block in the given input data and it produces an intermediate data in the form of key-value pairs . This intermediate data partitioned by hash function and fetched to reducer task, after getting the data reducer starts the execution and produces the final result. A Single master node will communicates and manages all the slave nodes.
The master node will communicate to slaves though a heartbeatmessage. The heartbeat message consists of status and other information related with number of slaves. Job scheduling is done by jobtrackerassigns and manages the tasks to slave nodes that has free resources. The nodes with free resources are determined by heartbeat messages.
Each slave node have prefixed slots each slot can run either single map or reduce task at a time.
When multiple users enter into the execution environment they compete for the slots available. Recent surveys found that MapReduce workloads has busy tailed characteristics this is because there are large and small jobs in this case even small jobs need a long waiting due long jobs. This may results in overall
system performance degradation. In such MapReduce only effective Scheduling Policy can improve the system performance. By default Hadoop comes with FIFO(first in first out) scheduling where number of jobs are served based on incoming order irrespective of job size this is not sufficient to serve different kind of workloads i.e., if long job is submitted first and a small job is submitted next to it the small job experiences long waiting time. Alternative to FIFO a Fair scheduler is proposed to improve the job response time by assigning all jobs with a equal share of resources. But there arises problem with the Fair Scheduler i.e., Fair scheduler makes scheduling decision without considering different types workload pattern by users. Thus it is necessary to design an efficient Hadoop scheduler which can work with different kinds of workload pattern and reduces overall execution time of MapReduce tasks.
We propose a good Hadoop scheduler which aims towards improving the average job response time by looking at job size patterns to tune the scheduling policy among users, we first develop information collector that collects the information about recently fetched jobs by each users. A self tuning scheduling procedure is designed in two levels or tiers: at tier1 the available resource share to the multiple user is tuned based on the file size of job submitted by each user; and the job scheduling for each individual user is further done at tier 2. Experimental results are obtained by the simulation model which executed on CloudEra confirms the effective working of our solution. Our schedulers job response time is compared with FIFO and Fair scheduler under different workloads.
The scheduling of a set of tasks in a parallel system has been proposed [8] focus on scheduling tasks and focus on system performance under different workload.
I order to study the pros and cons of the existing scheduler i.e., FIFO and Fair, we conduct several experiments inHadoop at cloudEra. We created 4 nodes one node serve as a master remaining serve as a slave. Each slave node contains 3 map slots and 3 reduce slots. Three different application i.e., WordCount, CharCount, LineCount run to compute the occurrence frequency of words, lines, characters in the input file with different sizes.
A.Slots Sharing
There are two tiers of scheduling in Hadoop system which is shared by multiple users: (1) Tier 1 is responsible assigning available slots to active users, and (2) Tier 2schedules the jobs for each individual users. In this aspect first we look at Hadoop scheduling policies at Tier 1.When no minimum share of each user is specified, Fair scheduler Fairly allocates available slots among users such that all users get an equal share of slots. However,Fair scheduler unfortunately becomes inefficient when job sizes of active users are not uniform.
In a context of single user job queue, giving preference to shortest job first can reduce the overall response time. Using Shortest Job First (SJF) has some disadvantages one is long jobs
may be starved in this SJF, SJF lacks flexibility when certain level of priority between users is required. However precise job size prediction before execution is required in SJF, which is not much easy to achieve. The sharing based scheduling can easily solve the starvation problem between users for example, setting up minimal shares for users. Allowing all users to run their application simultaneously also helps to improve the job size prediction accuracy in Hadoop system.
Information obtained by this studies and the analysis processor sharing between multiple users in , we evaluate the share policies in Hadoop systems. It is difficult to find out an optimal sharing policy within a dynamic environment where each user workload pattern may change time to time.Therefore we planned to assign the slot based on current average job size of users and dynamically tune the share over time based on workload patterns.
B. Scheduling
In this section we describe the two scheduling policy works at Tier 2, i.e., allocating slots to the jobs from same user. The execution time in enterrise workloads may vary from seconds to hours. Average job response time with FIFO scheduling may increase as the small jobs remains behind lager ones and waits for long time to get its turn, this may cause the small job to experience the Starvation. Where as in Fair Scheduler this problem is solved by giving equal slots based on job size. When job size has large Variations, i.e., coefficient of variation CV>1,Fair gets Performance than FIFO, But this performance decreases when CV<1.
The response times of each job in the three experiments with different job size distributions are also plotted in Figure 1. We noticed that when the job sizes are similar, most of jobs gets shorter response times under FIFO than under Fair, show in Figure 1(a). However, as the variation of job sizes increases, i.e., CV > 1, the percentage of jobs which are finished more quickly under Fair increases as well, which thus allows Fair to achieve better average job response time. These results further confirm that the relative performance between two scheduling policies depends on the job size distribution. Clearly, the response time of each individual job is mainly related to that particular jobs size under Fair scheduling policy. On the other hand, under the FIFO policy, each jobs response time may be affected by other jobs which were submitted earlier. FIFO allows most of the jobs to experience faster response times when the job sizes are similar; while most jobs are finished faster under Fair when jobs have variable sizes.
ate the
workload of
ate the
workload of
We propose an adaptive scheduling algorithm which works on workload information and dynamically Tune the scheduling schemes to improve efficiency in terms of job response time.
Job Tracker
Job Tracker
Information Collector
Information Collector
Estim UsersSubmit jobs each User.
To verify this observation, we conduct experiments in our Hadoopby running WordCount applications under three different job size distributions: (1) input files have the same size with CV = 0; (2) input file sizes are exponentially distributed with CV = 1; and (3) input file sizes are highly variable with CV = 2. As shown in Table 1, when input file sizes are exponentially distributed, both FIFO and Fair gets similar average job response times, while Fair significantly reduce the average job response times under the case of high variance but loses its superior when all files have similar sizes.
Calculate the Slot Share for user at Tier 1
Tune the Scheduling for eachuser
at Tier 2
Task Tracker
Map Reduce
Map Reduce
. ..
hitec.ture ofEffe.c. ti
Task Tracker
Map Reduce
Map Reduce
. ..
hitec.ture ofEffe.c. ti
AssignStatus Report
Tier 1
Tier 2
CV = 0
CV = 1
CV = 2
60.33 sec
78.32 sec
54.48 sec
61.72 sec
CV = 0
CV = 1
CV = 2
60.33 sec
78.32 sec
54.48 sec
61.72 sec
Average job response times under FIFO and Fair when job sizes have three different distributions.
Fig 2. The arc
Task Tracker
Map Reduce
Map Reduce
. ..
ched.uler ..
Task Tracker
Map Reduce
Map Reduce
. ..
ched.uler ..
ve S
Job Response Time (sec)
Job Response Time (sec)
Low Variability : CV = 0 (b) Medium Variability : CV = 1 (c) High Variability : CV = 2
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12
14 16 18 20
Job ID Job ID Job ID
Fig. 1.Response times of each WordCount job under FIFO andFairwhen the input file sizes have differentCV
The architecture adaptive scheduler is shown is in Fig.2. The Effective scheduler consists of three parts:
Information collector: This gathers the workload information form user, monitors the execution of each job and task.
Tier1: Scheduling among multiple user which allocates slots
collector is used to get the information of jobs and user. This information is updated when each job is bifurcated as map and reduce tasks.
In Effective scheduler, the important is workloadinformation that needs to be collected for each user ui includes itsaverage
task execution time(and ), average size.
to users based on their workload.
Algorithm 1 Effective scheduler
Tier 2: Tunes the scheduling for each user based on job size.
Information Collector
To Design an effective scheduling algorithm the job size and patterns of it must considered. So, a light weight information
When user submit a new job
Job size is estimated for user .
Slot share is modified among users, alg.2
Job Scheduling is tuned for user , alg. 3
When job is of task is finished Execution time, is updated.
When th jobof user finished average map reduce time is measured , .
Algorithm 2 Tier 1: Slot Share Allocation to users
, ,
After Tuning the available free slots are allotted based of the tuned scheduling order.
Our Statistics are based on below formulas,
,= + (1)
for each user do
Update the slot share details of usersusing Eq.6;
forusersth job do
if ,is submitted first then
, ,
= + (, )/ (2)
= (, )2.( 1)/ (3)
= // (4)
= . (. . + 1 ) (5)
As shown in above algrithm in first step after arriving a new job, Effective scheduler updates the job size of that user and
adaptively adjusts slot share( ) among all users using Eq.5
denotes size of th j b completed of user u ,
where represents the estimated slot share that will be assigned
, o
i ,
(respected ) represents the measured average map (respected reduce) task execution time of ,means the measured map (resp. reduce) task number of the ,. A jobs size, is defined as the summation of the execution times of all tasks of the job, which is independent on the level of task concurrency during the
execution. The estimation of a jobs size uses the previous tasks execution times of the job based on a well accepted assumption that the same type of tasks (either map or reduce tasks) of the same job have similar execution times. Additionally, = denotesthe variance of job sizes and are both initializedas 0 and updated each time when a new job is finished and its information is collected.
The data structure used to collect users information that includes user ID, number of submitted by the user, map/reduce task execution times, average and variance of job sizes, and the last update time for detecting inactive users. The memory space used for each user is 26 bytes and our proposed system requires a total memory space of 130 bytes when 5 users are taken in our experiments. This is a overhead for regular MapReduce clusters. To further reduce the space overhead, proposed system timely checks the inactive user records if a user has not submitted any jobs in 5 minutes. The average task execution time of each active
to the users.
The Effective scheduler sorts the user in descending order with redistributed slots. The scheduler will dispatch the job towards the slots after assigning slots. When the free slots are available with new order then that free slots can be allotted to users waiting.
C. Tier 2
The Design principal in our proposed system after adjusting share slots among multiple users dynamically tunes among each individual user jobs by observing at each individual user job details. This tier look into the available resources and equally distributes it among shared resources and it avoids small jobs waiting behind large ones i.e., it gives priority to shortest job first and then looks for the longest job.
Algorithm 3 Tier 2: Dynamically tuning the scheduling
for each user
for each user do ifuser is active then find current jobs
if<1 and <1 then
Scheduling is based on job submission;
if>1 and >1 then
jobis recorded in another data structure, e.g., JobInfo used by Fair.
ts are equally allotted among jobs;
JobInfo is used to store information such as number of running tasks for each active job, which is created when a job is submitted and after execution job is deleted.
B. Tier 1
This section tells about algorithm used for scheduling between number of users. The main goal is decide the number of slots allocate the slots to active user. MapReduce consists of two kinds of slots map and reduce slots. We have designed two algorithm, one for allocating map slots and another one to allocate reduce slots.
Assigning slots equally cannot give better result. So, we proposed a new scheduler which adaptively allocates slots shares among all users. Consider an example where two users, if their job ratio is equal to 1:2, then number of allotted to user1 will be twice that of user2. Consequently our scheduler give higher priority to smaller jobs, results in shorter response time.
One serious problem that has to be addressed is how to exactly measure the execution time of map or reduce task that are waiting or running currently. In hadoop it is not possible to get the exact processing time of job before the job is completely executed. We can predict the execution time of job in hadoop as discussed in earlier section.
The Resulting share slot need not to be equal to the actual share slot assignment between users. After redistribution which user can get the available slots as shown step 4 in the below
clear the previous information and start execution from beginning.
The above considers the of job sizes, i.e., map plus reduce size, of each user to find out which scheme should be used to allocate the free slots to jobs from that user. To improve the accuracy, we combine the job size information and the estimated size of running and waiting jobs in system. of currently finished jobs sizes of user is provided directly by the history information collector, and of waiting and running jobs sizes is calculated based on the estimated job sizes. When the two values of a user are both smaller than 1, the proposed scheme
schedules the current jobs in that users in the order of their submission times, otherwise the user level scheduler will equally assign slots among jobs. The previous information will be cleared and a new collection window will start at this time.
In this section, we introduce a queuing model Which is designed to embed theHadoop system. The main purpose of this model is to compare withnumerousHadoop scheduling schemes, and give best proof result to our new approach. This model does not include all the details of the complex Hadoop system, but provide a generalized guideline to users .
Sm Map Slots
Map Task Map Queue
Fair scheduling scheme and proposed to launch reduce tasks
Job Generator
Update Percentage of Finished Map Tasks for Each Job
gradually according to the progress ofmap phase. We further found that delaying the launch time of reduce tasks, can improve the performance of the Fair and the other slots sharing based schedulers. However, this is not a necessary assume in the model. When compared to the complex design of a MapReduce system, the simulator built based on this model is a much- simplified tool. Our aim is design a queue that can quikly adopt
Reduce Task
Queue (Qr)
any scheduling. Point of the simulation model is to record the
Sr Reduce Slots
Fig. 3.Design of the HadoopMapReduce cluster simulator.
The model shown in Fig. 3 consists of two queues for map tasks (Qm) and reduce tasks (Qr), respectively. Once a job is submitted, tasks will be inserted into Qm through the map task dispatcher and then it is reduced and inserted to reduce queue(Qr ) through reduce dispatcher.
An very important feature of MapReduce is jobs need to be considered in the model is the dependency between map and reduce tasks. In a Hadoop cluster, there is a Key which decides when a job could start its reduce tasks. By default, this parameter is set as 5%, which shows that the first reduce task can be started when 5% of the map tasks are committed. However, Studies [14] found that this setting would lead to poor performance under the
reactions of different scheduling policies on the job response time under different conditions. Therefore, the model we designed mainly simulates this key feature, i.e., how to share slots, without capturing the low-level details of a MapReduce system, such as communication costs, locality of data, and fault-tolerant mechanism.
Here we present the performance evolution of our proposed scheduler which mainly targets on how to improve efficiency of Hadoop system under different workloads.
imulation Results
Initially we test Effective scheduler with the simulation
Average response Time (Sec)
Average response Time (Sec)
Overall (b) User 1 (c) User 2 750 750 750>
500 13%
500 500 1%
37% 23% 37% 36% 0.4%
250 250
60% 62%
medium busy
medium busy
normal medium busy
Fig. 4. Average job response times of (a) two users, (b) user 1, and (c) user 2 under three different scheduling policies and different job size distribution settings. The relative improvement with respect to Fair is also plotted on each bar of LsPS.
Average response Time (Sec)
Average response Time (Sec)
(a) Overall (b) User 1 (c) User 2 300 300 300
200 10%
200 200 3%
58% 34% 59% 23% 0.6%
100 100
78% 69%
medium busy
medium busy
normal medium busy
Fig. 5. Average job response times of (a) two users, (b) user 1, and (c) user 2 under different scheduling policies and different job interarrival time distributions. The relative job size ratio of two users is 1:5.
model shown in previous section which is emulated with existing Hadoop system. We use a trace driven simulation model to evaluate the performance of proposed scheduler to improve it in terms of average response time, we use this on the top of the model. Later the performance of the scheduler can be improved by implementing it on a CloudEraHadoop cluster.
We have configured number of map reduce slots in the clusters in the simulation model. We have U users i.e.{ u1, u2,.. ui, …., uU} this users get the slots after submitting their jobs to the system. Each user specification like jobId, inter arrival time, job size etc are recorded. Each hadoop job scheduled is determined with number of map tasks and respective reduce tasks during the execution.
We consider different workloads to calculate average job response time and execution time. Here we consider busy workload, intermediate workload and normal workload.
We consider three simple cases where the available cluster is shared with two users and with multiple clusters. We consider different job size in first case, different job arrival pattern in case two.
Case 1: Different job size with two users
Here we consider two usersu1 and u2simultaneously submit their Hadoop jobs to the system. We evaluate this Hadoop jobs with existing FIFO and Fair scheduler with job size patterns we consider different job size patterns with user u1 and u2. We consider scheduler performance with different jobs and same job size with two users. number of scheduling policies. Job response is measured
from when job a particular job is submitted and arrived to the job tracker till it is assigned to map reduce. We noted
Figure 4 shows the job response time of both users under that
high variance in job size decreases the performance under FIFO because a huge number of small jobs will stuck behind the large ones, it is plotted in Figure 4(a) in contrast with fair and proposed scheduler where performance is improved in other two schemes by scheduling the available slots between users. Our proposed scheduler further improves by scheduling FIFO with user 1 and other 2 is scheduled with FIFO and user1 with other policies as shown in Figure 4(c). Same experiment is done with fair that shows the performance improvement with two users with our proposed scheduler.
Case 2: Different job size arrival pattern with two users
In this Section we consider changes in job arrival pattern. We conduct some experiments with two users with their differing arrival pattern the job arrival ratio between user is considered here so we test with a job arrival ratio say 1:5 with respect user 1 and user 2, we consider the job arrival with different workload patterns, the average response time of two users shown in Figure 5.
Our proposed scheduler performs well in terms job response times as shown in Figure 5(a) we noted that the outcome benefit come with improvement in response time of user, our scheduler assigns more slots to user 1 with FIFO scheduling to smaller jobs based on FIFO because FIFO has low variability job sizes as shown in Figure 5(c).
Case 3: Different job size/arrival pattern with multiple users
To further verify our scheduler with multiple number of users we conduct experiments with complex case of 4 users which have mixed workload of changing job size arrival and job size patterns. Here user with larger job id will have larger job size in average. We also adjusted the average arrival rate such that all the users submit the same load to the system. Below table 2 shows the average job response times of jobs of users under different scheduling schemes. We compare our scheduler with other available schedulers i.e., FIFO and Fair.
Average response times (in seconds) of all users and each user under different scheduling policies.
Table 2 shows the average job size in terms time for each individual users and average of all six users as well. The above table also gives the simulation results of effective scheduler with ratio of job size with number of users equal to 0:2,0:4,1:0.
Notations used in the algorithm
number of users/ ith user
set of all user i jobs
, ,
average map/reduce task execution time of job
, ,
number of map/reduce task in job
size of job
Average size of completed/current jobs from user ui
CV of completed/current jobs from user ui
Slot share of ui/slot share of jobi,j
The use of FIFO and Fair scheduler will seriously degrade the performance of the overall Hadoop system. So, the proposed Effective scheduler is an adaptive scheduling technique which can improve the performance of the Hadoop system that process large number of MapReduce jobs. In enterprise the workload will drastically increase with different workload patterns this may happen from seconds to hours that will put workload on MapReduce cluster as well. Adopting our policy can record job size patterns based on the job size pattern knowledge can schedule among all users and further it dynamically tunes the scheduling among individual user jobs and assigns the available slots efficiently. Exeriments done in CloudEra had shown that our Effective scheduler will dramatically improves the performance in terms of job response time under varying workloads.
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