- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 443
- Authors : Shankar Bhat K., Miriam K. Simon
- Paper ID : IJERTV2IS2385
- Volume & Issue : Volume 02, Issue 02 (February 2013)
- Published (First Online): 28-02-2013
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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A Replacement Policy for the Repair Facility in a Two-Unit Cold Standby Redundant Repairable System
Shankar Bhat K.* and Miriam K. Simon
Department of Statistics, Madras Christian College, Chennai 600 059, India.
The paper deals with a cold standby redundant system with finite repair capacity. The expected repair time of units increases after each repair. In order to increase the system reliability, a replacement policy based on MTSF is suggested. The analysis of the system is carried out identifying suitable regeneration points. The replacement policy is illustrated through an example.
Keywords: Reliability engineering maintainable systems regenerative stochastic processes – MTSF.
state of equilibrium once the repair facility undergoes sufficient number of repair completions. In order to increase the system reliability a replacement of repair facility based on mean time to system failure (MTSF) is suggested. The policy includes the computation of MTSF, the stabilization of which identifies the time epoch of replacement of repair facility.
2. System Description
The system consists of two dissimilar units. We
label them as U1 and U 2 . Their functional
1. Introduction
Standby redundancy repair maintenance and replacements are important methods through which the system reliability is enhanced [1, 2, 3]. Cold standby redundancy optimization through optimal design configurations is studied by many reliability analysts for non-repairable series-parallel system with cold standby redundancy [4]. In the analysis of redundant repairable systems it is generally assumed that the repair facility is as-good-as-new after each repair[1, 2]. In other words, the expected repair time of each unit is assumed to remain unchanged repair after repair. In many practical situations we observe that in the process of making a unit good-as-new (that is, to restore the properties of a unit), considerable damage will be done to the operational ability of the repair facility, which may reflect upon the repair rates of the units in subsequent repairs. Intuitively, we expect the mean repair time of a unit
behaviour is same.
Initially U1 is put online and U 2 is kept as a cold standby.
There is one repair facility RF . Online failed units are repaired using RF on first come first serve basis.
The repair time distribution for the units are different upon each failure. Furthermore, it is assumed that the repair rate of each unit increases as the number of repair increases.
The failure times and repair times of units are independent random variables
The operational ability of the repair facility is considered not satisfactory once it completes 2k number of repairs.
There are no switchover delays and the switch is perfect.
fi (.),Fi (.),F ij (.) p.d.f, c.d.f, s.f of failure time of
to increase after each repair. Thus, it would be more
unit i,
i 1,2
realistic to assume different repair time distributions for the units, upon each failure. Moreover, it is clear that the repair facility may mot perform the desired operation satisfactorily after it has undergone a sufficient number of repair completions. This indicates that the system reliability will reach the
gij (.), Gij (.) p.d.f, c.d.f. of unit i while undertaking repair for the j-th time, i 1,2
j 1,2,…k
At the instant of failure of unit 2, unit 1 has
Reliability Analysis
completed its
j 1 th repair and is found in
operable condition in its standby state.
We define the following events to characterize the system:
Ei 0 :event that unit i , which has not gone through any repair till then, just begins to operate
Qr ( j, t) = f 2 (t)G1, j 1 (t)
We observe that
j 1,2,…k 1
Eij :event that j th repair of unit i just begins; at this
Hr ( j, t)
t = Pr E1 j occurs between t and
t t and the system is operable
instant an operable standby unit is put
in 0.t
/ E2 j 1 at t 0 ©
online, i 1,2 j 1,2,…k
Observing that these events are regenerative events exhibiting Kingman regenerative
Pr E2 j occurs between t and
t t and the system is operable
phenomenon, the following auxiliary system-down avoiding functions are defined to obtain p.d.f. of time
in 0.t
/ E1 j
at t 0
intervals between Eij events.
j 2,3,…k
Pr ( j,t)
t = Pr
E1 j 1 occurs between t and
Using the expressions [3.1] and [3.2] we get
[3.7]t t and the system is operable
Hr ( j,t) = Pr ( j
1, t)
Qr ( j
1, t)
in 0.t
/ E 2 j
at t
1,2,…k 1
[3.1]We also observe that
j 2,3,…k
[3.8]Qr ( j, t)
t = Pr
E2 j 1 occurs between t and
r ( j, t)
t = Pr
E2 j 1 occurs between t and
t t and the system is operable
t t and the system is operable
in 0.t / E1 j 1 at t 0
in 0.t / E20 at t 0 ©
j 1,2,…k 1
[3.2]Pr E2 j occurs between t and
t t and the system is operable
Hr ( j, t)
t = Pr
E2 j occurs between t and
in 0.t
/ E2 j 1 at t
t t and the system is operable
[3.9]in 0.t / E2 j 1 at t 0
j 1,2,…k
Using [3.3] and [3.4] we obtain the following recurrence relation
( j, t) t = Pr E occurs between t and
[3.3]r ( j.t) = r ( j 1, t) Hr ( j,t) j 2,3,…k
[3.10]r 2 j
r (1, t) t = Pr E21 occurs between t and
t t and the system is operable
t t and the system is operable
in 0.t
/ E20 at t
j 1,2,…k
[3.4]r (1,t) = Hr
(1, t)
/ E20 at t 0
[3.11] [3.12]We observe that the functions [3.1] and [3.2] are
Hr (1, t) =
f 2 (t)G1,1 (t)
[3.13]system down avoiding functions in the sense that a system down is not permitted between the two events. These functions can be easily evaluated with
the help of regenerative events E .
The reliability function R(t) of the system is
R(t) = F 1 (t) f1 (t) © F 2 (t) f1 (t) ©
At the instant of failure of unit 1, unit 2 has completed its j th repair and is found in operable
condition in its standby state.
r ( j, t) © F 1 (t) Pr ( j, t)
j 1
© F 2 (t)
[3.14]Pr ( j, t)
= f1 (t)G2 j (t)
j 1,2,…k
[3.5]The expression [3.14] is obtained by considering the following mutually exclusive and
exhaustive cases:
unit 1, which has not gone through any repair till then, does not fail before t.
The equation [4.3] is derived by considering the following mutually exclusive and exhaustive possibilities :
unit 2, which is instantaneously switched over from standby and has not gone through any repair till then, does not fail before t.
(i) the interval
an E11 event.
0, t
is not intercepted by
(iii) unit
i, (i
while operating online after
(ii) the interval
0, t
is intercepted by at
j th repair ( j
1,2,…k) does not fail before t.
least one E11 event.
The mean-time-to-system failure of the system is
A Replacement Policy based on MTSF
We have assumed that each unit can make use of the repair facility onl k times. In other words, the
given by
R* (0)
repair facility will be scrapped when it completes 2k repairs. However, this assumption can be modified so that the system might be available in the long run. When a repair facility completes 2k repairs. It is replaced by a similar new repair facility. The policy of replacement is as follows:-
For the purpose of illustration we consider a model in which both the units are identical by virtue of their statistical properties.
After nk-th repair completion of unit 1, the old repair facility is scrapped and a new repair facility is
fi (t) = e
introduced, where n denotes the number of such
g ij
(t) =
2te jt
j 0, i
replacements, n 1. We suggest replacement of repair facility only and not operable units. When a unit, while operating online after k-th repair, fails, it is switched over to the new repair facility; at this epoch an operable standby is instantaneously switched online.
j 1,2,…k
The integral equations given in [3.14] can be solved using Laplace transform technique. The Laplace transform of R(t) is given by
Reliability Analysis
R* (s) =
(s )2
k j
LR (s)
LR (s)LR
r (0, t)
t = Pr E11 occurs between t and t t
n 1
j 1 n 2
and the system is operable in
1 1 LR (s)
[5.1]0.t / E11 at t 0 [4.1] s j
The function r (0, t) is the p.d.f. of time
where LR (s)=
j j 1,2,…n
interval between two successive
E11 events, the
(s )(s 2
system being operable between these two events. Thus
We observe that
R* (s) is a rational function of
r (0, t) =
r (k, t)© g 2k (t) f1 (t)
[4.2]its arguments and can be easily inverted for small
values. Thus, the reliability can be explicitly
The reliability function of the modified system is given by
The Mean-Time-to-System Failure (MTSF) after simplification is
R (t) =
R (t)
(0,t)(n) ©
* 2 k R j R R
1 1 1 r
n 1
R (0) =
L1 (0)
1 n 2
Ln (0)Ln 1 (0)
F 2 (t)
r ( j,t) F 1 (t)
j 1
LR (0) =
1 1 LR (0)
j j
[5.2]g 2k
(t) f1
© F 2
j 2
[4.3] jwhere 1 R1 (t) is given by the expression on the right hand side of [3.14].
The MTSF for various values of k where = 0.065, = 10, computed using Visual Basic is listed in Table 1.
Table 1: MTSF of the system for specified values of the parameters and
We observe that for a system that contains identical units, U1 is identical to U2, MTSF stabilizes at k = 10 and conclude that system improvement is not attained beyond k = 10. This clearly indicates that it is not worthwhile to retain the repair facility once it completes 10 repairs. This means each unit can be repaired 5 times efficiently using the present RF. Therefore, we suggest that at this stage the repair facility may be replaced by a new one in order to increase the system performance. When a unit fails for the 6th time, it may be sent to the new repair facility for repair.
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