Web Image Retrieval using Hashing Technique: A Survey

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV4IS020855

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  • Total Downloads : 476
  • Authors : Dattatray Waghole , Rupesh Bagul , Sandeep Turai , Ashwini Dawlekar
  • Paper ID : IJERTV4IS020855
  • Volume & Issue : Volume 04, Issue 02 (February 2015)
  • DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV4IS020855
  • Published (First Online): 07-03-2015
  • ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
  • Publisher Name : IJERT
  • License: Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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Web Image Retrieval using Hashing Technique: A Survey

Dattatray Waghole Rupesh Bagul

Department of IT Department of IT


Sandeep Turai Ashwini Dawlekar

Department of IT GSMCOE,PUNE

AbstractWeb Image retrieval, is an effective approach to regain the effective results for image searched by the users with the help of queries. Which is used by the recent marketable search engines likes Bing, Google, and Internet Explorer and so on. First step is to retrieve the images from large databases based on the user queries in the form of Textual Information. And then, users select the images based on their textual queries but it is in the form of visual images pool. Those images are re- ranked in the web from an effective output for other users based on queries. The important challenge in the web images retrieval is not to predict exact output based on the user queries. To overcome the above challenge, the semantic signatures proposed for the effective output in the web images. But it fails to produce the matching efficiencies in the results. In this paper we investigate and to produce output efficiency we propose the keyword expansions technique for to describe suggestion classes preserve incorporate extra metadata and keep a record of data moreover the textual and image based features. For example, the co-occurrence in order of keywords or queries given by users is helpful and can be acquired in recorded data. In regulate to modernize the suggestion classes over time in an efficient way. And we also implement Hashing technique in this paper for matching efficiency in the output results web images. Our proposed technique is efficient when compared to the previously proposed schemes.

Keywords Image search, image retrieval, semantic space, semantic signature, keyword expansion, recorded metadata, hashing

Deparment of IT GSMCOE,PUNE

categories, relevant image as Palm in the hand and irrelevant image such as Palm Tree, Palm oil, and Palm Sunday. In order to resolve the uncertainty, text or information based image rescue with importance feedback of the web users is widely used. Web-Images are re-ranked for the other users output efficiency based on the intellectual images or visual features. However, it gets feedback from the users it will not produce exact relevant images as output. In order to overcome this, the authors proposed many schemes to address the matching deficiencies in the web images.[16]


    Nowadays, the Commercial Search engines like Bing, Google, Yahoo, MSN and so on gives many benefits to the users. It includes information search in the form of text and visual features. The search engines produces the efficient matching results in output whatever the users given as inputs in the form of text information, images or visual features.[2]

    Large Web scale image exploration engines habitually user use keywords or queries as the input and relies on immediate content to search images. And this web image search suffer from the uncertainty of users query keywords, for the reason that it is tough for users to exactly express the visual contented of target images only using queries or text.

    For example, using Palm as a user query keyword, the reclaimed many relevant and irrelevant images from different

    Figure-1.The Typical Example for Web Images Search [16]

    We consider facilitating adding visual information to image search is important more than the text based information as user queries. However, the users interaction or feedback about the images has one click to be as easy as possible. Some of the obstacles are rising in retrieval schemes.

    One major problem impacting performance is the mismatches between the actual content of image and the textual data on the web page [4]. One method used to solve this problem is image retrieval, in which both textual and visual information is combined to return improved results to the user. The ranking of images based on a text-based search is considered a reasonable baseline, albeit with noise. Extracted visual information is then used to re-rank related images to the top of the list.

    We do believe that adding visual information to image search is important. However, the interaction has to be as simple as possible [4] i.e. One-Click. After query by keyword, user can click on one image, indicating this is the query image.

    Text-based search techniques perform well in textual documents; but often result in wrong result to the image search. The reason is that metadata cannot represent the semantic content of images.

    The performance of such systems mainly relies on the relevance between the text and the images. However, they may not always match well enough, which causes noisy ranking results. The retrieval process is used to improve the search accuracy by reordering the images based on the multimodal information extracted from the initial text-based search results, the auxiliary knowledge and the example image. The auxiliary knowledge can be the extracted visual features from each image or the multimodal similarities between them.[7]

    In addition, these approaches cannot handle ambiguity inside a keyword query, since the assumption that images returned by querying one keyword are all from one class does not hold, and the structure of the returned image set is much more complicated.[4]

    The purpose of this work is to automatically discover and model the visual and semantic structures of web image collections, study their properties at a macroscopic level, and demonstrate the use of such structures and properties through concrete applications. To this end, we propose to model web image collections using the Visual Semantic Complex Network (VSCN), an automatically generated graph structure on which images that are relevant in both semantics and visual content are well connected and organized.[6]

    However, a large proportion of the search results may not be related to the query because the textual information may fail to capture image contents. In order to improve search results, a lot of efforts were conducted in designing techniques that use both textual information and visual contents to refine the search results. The basic principle is that visually similar images tend to be ranked together. Recent works on search results refinement instead investigate techniques to select relevant samples with high confidence scores and subsequently match them with the rest images to reorder search results. The criterion of selecting confident samples is checking if the images are visually dominant in the search results.[11]


    Old Image Retrieval Framework Major Web image search engines have adopted the strategy. A query keyword input by a user a pool of images relevant to the query keyword are retrieved by the search engine according to a stored word- image index file by the user to select a query image which observes the users search objective, from the set, the remaining images in the set are re-ranked based on their visual similarities with the query image. The text-image index file and visual features of images are pre-calculated offline and stored visual features must be saved then the web image collection is dynamically upgraded. If the visual features are not selected and only the similarity scores of images are stored whenever a new image is added into the collection and we have to compute its similarities with existing images, then the visual features need be computed again.[1]

    Many large internet scale image search methods are text- based and are limited by the fact tha query keywords cannot describe image content accurately. In paper an approach named ReSPEC(Retrieval Sets of Pictures by Exploiting Consistency), that is a hybrid of the two method sit is shown that visual consistencies in the output images can be find out and then used to rank the images according to their closeness to the visual object category. CBIR (Content-based image retrieval) uses visual features to evaluate image similarity. Many visual features were developed for image search in recent years. Some were global image features, such as GIST and HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradient) Kevin proposed GIST which exploit visual context, by which we mean a low- dimensional representation of the whole image. Some local image features such as SIFT David proposed a method for extracting distinctive invariant features form visual information retrieval Images that can be used to perform suitable matching between different views of an object or scene.[2]

    The CBIR systems usually require users to provide images as queries to retrieve photos, i.e., under the query by example framework. However, it is more natural for users to retrieve the desirable photos using textual queries (i.e., tags). The most related work is the textual query based consumer photo retrieval system proposed in, which also employed loosely labelled web images to learn SVM classifiers for photo retrieval. In contrast to the approach in, our batch mode framework can effectively utilize the similarities of photos within the group and the semantic proximities of tags in the lexicon to improve the retrieval performance. Moreover, we propose a new classification method of AFSVM, which performs SVM.[3]

    In, the methods of multimodal feature fusion are classified into two categories, namely early fusion and late fusion. It has been shown that if an SVM classifier is used, late fusion tends to result in better performance. Wang et al. have provided a method to integrate graph representations generated from multiple modalities for the purpose of video annotation. Geng et al. have integrated graph representations using a kernelized learning approach. Our work integrates multiple features into a graph-based learning algorithm for click prediction.[4]

    This problem has been analysed in more detail in several other papers. McGinty and Smyth investigate the role of diversity in recommender systems and propose an iterative procedure to improve the user experience when interacting with the system. They conclude that the user will and satisfactory result much faster if the diversity of there sults is higher. However, they also note that too high diversity has the risk of losing relevant items and that thus a trade-off is required.[5]

    A novel framework, which learns query-specific semantic spaces to significantly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of online image retrieval. The visual features of images are projected into their related semantic spaces automatically learned through keyword expansions offline. The extracted semantic signatures can be 70 times shorter than the original visual features, while achieve 25-40 percent relative improvement on retrieval precisions over state-of-the- art methods.[6]

    Graph-based learning methods have been widely used in the fields of image classification, ranking and clustering. In these methods, a graph is built according to the given data, where vertices represent data samples and edges describe their similarities. The Laplacian matrix is constructed from the graph and used in a regularization scheme. The local geometry of the graph is preserved during the optimization, and the function is forcefully smoothed on the graph. However, a simple graph-based method cannot capture higher order information. Unlike a simple graph, a hyperedge in a hypergraph links several (two or more) vertices, and thereby captures this higher-order information.[7]

    A new multimodal hypergraph learning based sparse coding method for the click prediction of images. The obtained sparse codes can be used for image retrieval by integrating them with a graph-based schema. We adopt a hypergraph to build a group of manifolds, which explore the complementary characteristics of different features through a group of weights. Unlike a graph that has an edge between two vertices, a set of vertices are connected by a hyperedge in a hypergraph. This helps preserve the local smoothness of the constructed sparse codes. Then, an alternating optimization procedure is performed and the weights of different modalities and sparse codes are simultaneously obtained using this optimization strategy. Finally, a voting strategy is used to predict the click from the corresponding sparse code. Experimental results on real-world data sets have demonstrated that the proposed method is effective in determining click prediction. Additional experimental results on image retrieval suggest that this method can improve the results returned by commercial search engines.[8]

    A tag-based photo retrieval framework by re-tagging a group of semantically related Flickr photos. In our framework, we first construct a group specific lexicon consisting of only the tags of all the photos within the group. For any query tag, we obtain loosely labelled positive and negative training web images by using inverted file based method. Based on these loosely labelled training web images, we train SVMs with Augmented Features (AFSVM) classifiers for all the tags in the test dataset by leveraging the prelearned SVM classifiers of

    popular tags. Next, we use a graph-based method to further refine the annotation tags. Finally, we conduct tag-based photo retrieval by using the relevance scores. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.[9]

    A unique retrieval framework is proposed for image search on internet in which only only one-click as feedback by user. Specific intention weight schema is used proposed to combine visual features and visual similarities which are adaptive to query image are used. The feedback of humans is reduced by integrating visual and textual similarities which are compared for more efficient image retrieval. User has only to do one click on image, based on which retrieval is done. Also duplication of images is detected and removed by comparing hash codes. Image content can be compactly represented in form of hash code. Specific query semantic spaces are used to get more improvised retrieval of image. Features are projected into semantic spaces which are learned by expansion of keywords.[10]

    A visual semantic complex network to model the complex structures of a web image collection. We studied multiple fundamental structures of complex networks, which reveal some interesting facts about the VSCN. They not only help us understand the huge web image collection at a macroscopic level, but are also valuable in practical applications. The exploiting structural information of the VSCN not only substantially improves the precisions of CBIR, but also greatly enhances the user experience in web image search and browsing.[11]

    Generative approaches learn a model on the images obtained from the search engine and then rank them by the likelihood of the images under the model. Constellation models are used in, where an initial model is trained on all images and RANSAC is used to iteratively remove outliers. In Gaussian mixture models are trained on features of image regions as well as LSI vectors coding the words surrounding the images. The model is refined using EM and used to determine which regions of the images retrieved for the query are most likely to correspond to the query object. Topic models such as PLSA and LDA.[12]

    An optimization technique for online image search Retrieval is a novel Internet image search approach which only requires one-click user feedback. Intention specific weight schema is proposed to combine visual features and to compute visual similarity adaptive to query images. Without additional human feedback, textual and visual expansions are integrated to capture user intention. Expanded keywords are used to extend positive example images and also enlarge the image pool to include more relevant images.[13]

    Image Reranking by Example: A Semi-supervised Learning Formulation proposed to utilize both the visual information and user interaction to rerank the images returned by text- based search. Previous methods either only use visual information or only use an example input by the user. They formulated the problem as graph-based semi-supervised learning. We further extend it to multiview learning for multiple feature fusion. In this problem, a bottleneck may be

    that we only have one example image for semi-supervised learning. Our future work may be to explore better methods for multiple feature fusion, such that the challenging problem of semi supervised learning using very few labeled samples can be well solved.[14]

    In Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding paper we propose new multimodal hypergraph learning based sparse coding method for the click prediction of images. The obtained sparse codes can be used for image retrieval by integrating them with a graph-based schema. We adopt a hypergraph to build a group of manifolds, which explore the complementary characteristics of different features through a group of weights. Unlike a graph that has an edge between two vertices, a set of vertices are connected by a hyperedge in a hypergraph. This helps preserve the local smoothness of the constructed sparse codes. Then, an alternating optimization procedure is performed and the weights of different modalities and sparse codes are simultaneously obtained using this optimization strategy. Finally, a voting strategy is used to predict the click from the corresponding sparse code.[15]


    In this system the user essential a collective observation dictionary, it learns diverse semantic features for different query keywords individually and automatically. In this model, the images to be re-ranked based on the users feedback. This helps to exclude most of different irrelevant images from different categories. This also works on the basis of keyword expansion automatically. In this textual and visual space of images gets efficiently based on the semantic signatures generation. The semantic feature of the web images are related to the visual oriented information to be re-ranked can be considerably lessened down by the qualm keyword given by the user. The above proposed approach allow web users only to intermingle with the enormous images collections in the databases, i.e. investigating or searched images present within a very undersized limited region either in the text information or visual features in web, this is the reason for restriction in the matching efficiency and results images in web. In this paper we investigate and to produce output efficiency we propose the keyword expansions technique for to describe suggestion classes preserve incorporate extra metadata and keep a record of data moreover the textual and image based features. For example, the co-occurrence in order of keywords or queries given by users is helpful and can be acquired in recorded data. In regulate to modernize the suggestion classes over time in an efficient way. And we also implement Hashing technique in this paper for matching efficiency in the output results web images. Our proposed technique is efficient when compared to the previously proposed schemes.


      But it fails to produce the matching efficiencies in the results.

      In order to achieve the matching efficiency in the results we contribute some suggestion in this paper as follows:

      1. In this paper we investigate and to produce output efficiency we propose the keyword expansions technique for to describe suggestion classes preserve incorporate extra metadata and keep a record of data moreover the textual and image based features. For example, the co-occurrence in order of keywords or queries given by users is helpful and can be acquired in recorded data.

      2. In regulate to modernize the suggestion classes over time in an efficient way. And we also implement Hashing technique in this paper for matching efficiency in the output results web images. Our proposed technique is efficient when compared to the previously proposed schemes.


    The requirement to implement this System is Pentium IV 2.4 GHz. Hard Disk 40 GB. Monitor 15 VGA Colour. Mouse Logitech. Ram 512 Mb. Software Requirements Operating system Windows XP. Coding Language C#.NET and Data Base MS SQL SERVER.

    Figure 2: Admin page

    The figure 2 is about adding a image to the database in this the every image is given a unique ID, Name ,Color , Behavior and a file can be uploaded into database using add button.

    Figure 3: User Search

    Figure 3 shows the result of user search for the image query given by the user as per the click predication technique image can short.

    Figure 4: User Search Intention

    Figure 4 shows searched result is filtered using visual similarities i.e the image with same visual similarities are removed.

    Figure 5: Image Updating

    Figure 5 shows the detailed information about images uploaded into the database and are categorized in different classes.


We recommend an original support for web images retrieval based on the user queries on textual or visual information features. Which discovers significantly improve the matching efficiency and efficient of online image retrieval by clicks. By using hashing technique we predicated matching efficiency and we also proposed the keyword expansions technique for to describe suggestion classes preserve incorporate extra metadata and keep a record of data moreover the textual and image based features. Our proposed technique is efficient when compared to the previously proposed schemes. Our system reduces the duplication and gives the click based predication. In Future we have to improve more parameter of the image retrieval.


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  16. https://www.google.co.in/search?newwindow=1&hl=en&biw=1366 &bih=655&site=imghp&tbm=isch&q=palm+hand&revid=15092637 55&sa=X&ei=zYngVO2bJc6UuATu9YGAAQ&ved=0CB8Q1QIoA A#imgdii.

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