VCET Event Management

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV9IS03007

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VCET Event Management

Pooja Parikh

Ketan Paatil

Rahul Yadav

Department of Computer Engineering.

Vidyaardhinis college of Engineering & Technology,Vasai

Department of Computer Engineering.

Vidyaardhinis college of Engineering & Technology,Vasai

Department of Computer Engineering Vidyaardhinis college of

Engineering & Technology,Vasai

Abstract:- In real time work of event management this website would help the organization to interact or communicate the event efficiently not only with the member or participant but also with would spread awareness between students about the event. The portal has two logs activity and news which will give overall updates of all the event that will occur an that have occurred or happened successfully through this portal the members would be able to upload all the snaps and videos of the event directly to the event and would be able to book auditorium ,seminar halls for the event and make event successful. The portal would give an platform to make more people aware of the event happening in college in different department. The admin login who will add the faculty of specific department who will assign an event co coordinator for every event. The event co coordinator then appoint the organizing head of the event and marketing head of the event .the people book auditorium, seminar or refreshment and do marketing of the event through social media and by writing report. The organizing head first book the auditorium and then the passkey is generated after generating passkey the passkey is transfer to event co coordinator secretly and the event co coordinator ten adds the event tot the portal and then the marketing head take snaps of the event successfully and post it on social media through the portal directly. All the students can review the events any department through this portal and can get updates of the event happening in the college.



    Now in morden way, the events such as festivals, wedding etc. have become a part of life which has concluded in event planning and Management. With the customers and events increasing at greater rate, it is not possible to manage using older system using sheets, traditional database and more. In order to overcome the problems of older Event Managing System, a new Event Management System has been introduced which uses the new technology and Framework for managing various tasks like planning for customer, location and more. With the help of this

    , the communication between customer and management team has reduced with the Smart access. Event management is the application of project management to the creation and development of large scale events such as festivals, conferences, ceremonies, formal parties, concerts, or conventions. It involves analyzing the brand, identifying its target customer, the event concept, and coordinating the technical aspects

    before actually start of the event. The process of planning the event is usually way to as event planning and which can include budge scheduling, venue selection, accomodation necessary permits, transportation and parking, arranging for entertainers, arranging decor, event security, catering, coordinating with vendors, and emergency plans.

      1. SURVEY

        The literature studied several papers based on event management system. The paper which we studied is named as Barcode Enabled Event Management System for Logistics and Consumables Management which was published by Aswin Chandrasekharan, Nikhail Venkat, Aniruddha P.B, and Siva Rama Krishnan Somayaji[1,2,5]. In this paper access and identity is provided by barcode. Barcode used to ensure smooth registration. It is faster and efficient as well as it is secure .The outcome of this is quick and secured registration. The second paper named as Smart Event Management System[4] which is published by Assistant Prof. Khalil Pinjari and Khan Nur. This paper introduced a system which will be modernize and has been developed using advanced language. It was a web application. Now a days, the events such as festivals, wedding etc. have become a core part of life which has resulted in event planning and Management Company to rise[3]. With the customers and events increasing at larger rate, it is difficult to manage.Using traditional system using spreadsheets, traditional database and more. In order to overcome the drawbacks of traditional Event Managing System, a new Smart Event Management System has been introduced which uses the modern technology of .Net Framework for managing various tasks and planning for employees, customer, location, transport and more The third paper named as Event Management System [7]which is published by

        M. Mahalakshmi , S. Gomati and S. Krithika,.The main idea of this paper is used to maintain the College Event information and organize the event and to send the Student Registration time through sums with verification code to the student using mobile application based on Android App[6]. The tools constitute Android SDK development, Java.


    The system is computerized and has been developed using advance language therefore it gives more advantages than older and traditonal system. It provides quick access to any data. In this system user have to

    upload the data only once and then it get associated with all files. This reduces the work of the user and it is also a less time consuming process. The information about any

    event can be easily accessed. The system maintains all records easy. The proposed system is a database system using .net.. The system is divided into many phases; each phase describes a number of actions. The model used in building the system is the Evolutionary Model, because it is easy to use, as it allows small systems to be developed quickly and it allows user engagement with the application. Evolutionary development model uses small, incremental product releases, frequent delivery to users plans and processes. This web based system are implemented in hotels, clubs,resorts for booking events. The system can be utilized as software to advertice the entire booking. The user gets all the resources at a single place instead of searching for it from diffirent places.


    An event management without proper coordination led to collision in work, clash of accessibility and give rise to unsuccessful events. This system will be used to organize the event in an efficient way by adding all the cell members and their roles and responsibilities .This system would be helpful in marketing, organizing , communicating and coordinating between members and give an easy flow to keep track of work through this system.

    OBJECTIVES-To offer best platform for event organizers to make their work more easy by making an interactive portal. Gives platform to students to keep track of event happening in the college. Gives opportunity for marketing head to do marketing of the event through the portal only.


        MODULE1:Adding members to system. MODULE2:Adding events to the system. MODULE3:Adding successful events to portal. MODULE1-In module one the process of adding members details the database is done. There are several entity in the project as admin, faculty ,event coordinator

        ,organizing head, marketing head the role of each entity is different and has responsibility. Admin: add faculty for each department. Faculty: add event coordinator for particular project. Event coordinator: add events and elect organizing head and marketing had. Organizing head: book venue and refreshments. Marketing head : upload snaps and videos on internet and generate report.

        MODULE2-In module two firstly the organizing head books the venue and refreshments and generate passkey through the portal and then this passkey is pass on to the event co coordinator and the while adding event to the portal the event co coordinator matches the passkey and then adds the event to the portal.

        MODULE3-In module three after the adding and occurrence of the event the marketing of successful events or successful stories is done . For this the marketing head generate report and upload snaps and video directly through the portal to the social media.



    In this paper weve given an idea of the vcet event management system and its application.This paper will give the readers astringer understanding regarding the vcet event management system and the strategies and algorithm used to develop the vcet event management system.


      1. Lung-Chuang Wang, Enhancing construction quality inspection and management using RFID technology, Journal Automation in Construction, Elsevier, pp. 468-469, 2008

      2. Fauzan Saeed, Mustafa Rashid, "Integrating Classical Encryption with Modern Technique", IJCSNSS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security.

      3. Kullaprapa Navanugraha, Pornanong Pongpaibool, Chalee Vorakulpipat, Nuttapong Sanglerdsinlapachai, Siwaruk Siwamogsatham, The Deployment ofthe Auto-ID System in a Conference.

      4. L. McCathie and K. Michael, Is it the End of Barcodes in Supply Chain Management?

      5. Cristian CIUREA, "Implementing an Encryption Algorithm in Collaborative Multi cash Service desk Application".

      6. Paul M. Swamidass, Bar Code Users and Their Performance, White Paper.

      7. Roozbeh Derakhshan, Maria E. Orlowska and Xue Li, RFID Data Management: Challenges and Opportunities.

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