- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 1589
- Authors : Sushil I. Bakhtar, Prof. Ram S. Dhekekar
- Paper ID : IJERTV1IS3106
- Volume & Issue : Volume 01, Issue 03 (May 2012)
- Published (First Online): 30-05-2012
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Use of RFID for Safety at School/Hospital Campus
Sushil I. Bakhtar¹, Dr.P.V. Ingole² and Prof. Ram S. Dhekekar³
Lecturer in E & TC Depart ment, G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering & Manage ment , A mravati (Maharashtra)¹ Principal, G.H. Ra isoni College of Eng ineering and Management, A mravati²
Associate Professor in Electron ics & Teleco mmun ication Depart ment, SSGM CE, Shegaon (Maharashtra)³
The main purpose of the campus security system is to mak e the college campus secured in every way that is need to be done and also maintaining the discipline in the educational campus in the way by reducing the loudness of the horn and the proper main functions are listed below.
Keep log the person entering the campus automatically.
Limit the speed of vehicle and horn loudness automatically when it enters the campus.
Only RFID installed vehicle can enter in college campus
RFID technology is used in many diffe rent applications, such as television, radio, cellu lar phones, radar, and automatic identificat ion systems. The term RFID (radio frequency identification) describes the use of radio frequency signals to provide automatic identification of ite ms.
Radio frequency (RF) refe rs to electro magnetic waves that have a wavelength suited for use in radio commun ication. Rad io waves are classified by their frequencies, which are expressed in kilohertz, megahert z, or gigahert z. Radio frequencies range from very low frequency (VLF),
which has a range of 10 to 30 kHz, to extre me ly high frequency (EHF), which has a range of 30 to 300 GHz.
An RFID system contains RFID device (transponder or tag) that contains data about an item, antenna used to transmit the RF signals between the reader and the RFID device, RF transceiver that generates the RF signals, reader that rece ives RF transmissions from an RFID device and passes the data to a host system for processing
The RFID tag contains information such as vehicle number. The RFID tags based on the mode of operation are classified as active and passive tags. The classification is done on basis of the tags ability to transmit the code embedded in it. Hence an active tag is capable of transmitt ing to a reader independently, whereas the passive tag needs an e xternal e xc itation to transmit the code. The reader usually provides the excitation. Further each of the tags either active or passive has their own frequency of operation.
Fig.1: Internal structure of tag
If a vehicle has entered in ca mpus then its ma ximu m speed and loudness of its horn is automatically limited to some predefined value depending upon vehicle type. Identity of vehicle (vehicle number) is automatically recorded by RFID reader placed near main gate. By controlling its fuel injection mechanism and horn mechanis m, its speed and horn volume is controlled. Also identity and mobility in campus of each person campus will be monitored and recorded by no. of RFID readers placed in ca mpus and a central database station.
The CC2500 is a low cost true single chip 2.4 GHz transceiver designed for very low power wireless applications. The circuit is intended for the ISM (Industrial, Sc ientific and Medical) and SRD (Short Range Device) frequency band at 2400- 2483.5MHz. The RF transceiver is integrated with a highly configurable baseband modem. The modem supports various modulation formats and has a configurable data rate up to 500 kbps. The communicat ion range can be increased by enabling a
Forwa rd Erro r Correct ion option, which is integrated in the modem. CC2500 provides extensive hardware support for packet handling, data buffering, burst transmissions, clear channel assessment, link quality indication and wa ke-on-radio.
The ma in operating parameters and the 64- byte transmit/receive FIFOs of CC2500 can be controlled via an SPI interface. In a typical system, the CC2500 will be used together with a microcontroller and a fe w additional passive components.
2.1 P89V51RB2/RC2/RD2
The P89V51RB2/ RC2/ RD2 a re 80C51
microcontrollers with 16/32/64 kB Flash and 1024 bytes of data RAM. A key feature of the P89V51RB2/ RC2/ RD2 is its X2 mode option. The design engineer can choose to run the application with the conventional 80C51 c lock rate (12 c locks per mach ine cycle) or select the X2 mode (6 c locks per machine cycle) to achieve twice the throughpu t at the same clock frequency. Another way to benefit fro m this feature is to keep the same performance by reducing the clock frequency by half, thus dramat ically reducing the EMI. The Flash program me mo ry supports both paralle l progra mming and in serial In-System Progra mming (ISP). Para llel programming mode offers gang-programming at high speed, reducing programming costs and time to ma rket. ISP a llo ws a device to be reprogrammed in the end product under software control. The capability to fie ld/update the application firmware ma kes a wide range of applications possible.
The current provided by the MCU is of the order of 5mA and that required by a motor is
~500mA . Hence, motor cant be controlled directly
by MCU and we need an interface between the MCU and the motor. A Motor Driver IC like L293D or L298 is used for this purpose which has two H-bridge drivers. Hence, each IC can drive two motors.
To control motor speed we can use pulse width modulation (PWM), applied to the enable pins of L293 driver. PWM is the scheme in wh ich the duty cycle of a square wave output from the microcontroller is varied to provide a varying average DC output. What actually happens by applying a PWM pulse is that the motor is switched ON and OFF at a g iven frequency. In this way, the motor reacts to the time average of the power supply.
Fig.2: Ve locity Control of Motor Using PWM
RS232 is used for serial co mmunication. RS232 is most wide ly used for I/O interfac ing standards. In RS232, 1 is represented by -3 to -25V and 0 is represented as +3 to +25V ma king -3 to +3 undefined. Therefore to this reason, to connect RS232 to a mic rocontroller, MAX232 is needed to convert TTL logic leve ls to RS232 voltage leve ls. MAX232 is known as Line drivers.
2.5 MAX232:
RS232s voltage levels are not compatible with microcontroller so to make it co mpatible MAX232 is used which is known as line drivers. It converts the TTL leve ls to RS232 voltage levels and vice versa.
Advantage of MAX232 is that it uses 5V power supply which is same as for mic rocontroller.
The automatic vehicle tracking fac ility delivers the fle xibility, suitability, and responsiveness for diffe rent organizat ions. In a global ma rketplace where productivity is crucia l to success, vehicle fleet operators use vehicle management systems as a formidable tool to drive down costs and increase the value of their service .
With the concept of stationary transceiver kept in college ca mpus and the vehicle with the RFID transceiver which is CC2500 and when the vehicle enters in the campus the stationary RF module reads the another module entered in the ca mpus attached to the vehicle and vehicle number is displayed in host computer
Fig. 3: Vehic le no. d isplay in host computer
RFID technologies offers practical benefits to almost anyone who needs to keep track of physical assets. Manufacturers imp rove supply chain planning and execution by inorporating RFID technologies. Retailers use RFID to control theft, increase efficiency in their supply chains, and improve demand planning. Pharmaceutical manufacturers use RFID systems to combat the counterfeit drug trade and reduce errors in filling prescriptions. Machine shops track their tools with RFID to avoid misplacing tools and to track which tools touched a piece of work. RFID-enabled smart cards help control perimeter access to buildings. And in the last coup le of years, owing in large part to Wal-Mart and DoD mandates, many ma jor reta il chains and consumer goods manufacturers have begun testing pallet- and case-level merchandise tagging to improve manage ment of ship ments to customers.
M. Karkka inen Increasing Efficiency in the Supply Chain for Short Shelf Life Goods using RFID Tagging International Journal of Reta il & Distribution Management, pages 529_ 536, October 2003
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Malaysia, pp. 1-5. 2007
B. Lee and H. Kim. Ubiquitous RFID based Medical Application and the Security Architecture in Smart Hospitals, International Conference on Convergence Information Technology, 2007
E.P.C. Inc. The EPC g lobal Network: Overv iew of Design, Benefits and Security. EPC Global White Paper, 2004.
Glen E. Holt, Jens Ingemann Larsen, Ton van Vlimmeren. customer self service in the hybrid lib rary. International Network of Public Libraries Berte lsmann Foundation, Gutersloh, Germany in 2002.
www.microchip.com 89V51RD2 datasheet. 2.4GHz RFID card details. 2.4GHz RFID reader details. [7] www.laranrfid.com
(A basic introduction of RFID technology paper by
La ran)
Mic rocontroller And Microprocessor By Ma zid i
Integrated circu its by Ra makant Gaikwad
B.Glover and H. Bhatt. RFID Essentials. O'Re illy, 2006.
K. Finke lze lle r, The RFID Handbook , 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
First Author: Sushil I Ba khtar, Lecturer in
Depart ment of Electronics & Te leco mmunication Engineering, G.H. Ra isoni Co llege of Engineering & Management, Amravati(Maharashtra)
Second Author: Dr. P.V. Ingole, Principal, G.H. Ra isoni College of Eng ineering and Management, Amravati(Maharashtra)
Third Author: Prof. Ra m S. Dheke kar, Associate Professor in Depart ment of Electronics &
Teleco mmunication Engineering, Shri Sant Ga janan Maharaj College of Engineering, Shegaon(Maha.)