Survey on Security issues in Cloud Computing

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV3IS14022

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Survey on Security issues in Cloud Computing


6t h sem, Dept. ofISE

Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Bangalore,India


6t h sem, Dept. oflSE

Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Bangalore,India

Ahltract- Cloud computing is the latest effort in delivering computing resources as services. It is based on sharing resources between multiple users. It provides software, data storage space, computation facility .The facilities provided by Cloud computing doesn't require an end user to have the knowledge on, where the data is stored, how the data is accessed etc. Since all the data stored in a public cloud can be accessed by multiple clients (organizations) data stored on a cloud is vulnerable to attacks. It is necessary for the cloud service provider to provide security to the user's data. To increase the adoption of cloud for business environment the cloud services being provided to the customers must be highly secure. In this paper we discuss about few security issues faced by a user.

Keywords- Cloud computing, Definition of cloud Computing

by NJST,cloud computing security issues.


    According to NIST, the definition of cloud computing[!] is "Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction" . Cloud computing is the sharing of computing resources rather than having local servers to handle applications. The user uploads the input data to the cloud which is a user's data which is in unencrypted form. This posses some security and privacy challenges. Because the service provider can access the data any time which is in cloud, there is a possibility that the users private data is leaking to other tenants. User could knowingly or unknowingly alter or delete the data or some unauthorized intruder may get the users data by breaching into the cloud. Therefore there are various security concerns in cloud computing.


    There are many security issues for cloud computing as it encapsulates many technologies such as virtualization, databases, load balancing, memory management , transaction management etc.

    Virtualization -As per [2], virtualization is a technique in

    which a single resource or application is shared among


    61h se m, Dept. ofISE

    Sai Vidyalnstitute of Technology Bangalore,India

    Mahesh .Pai

    6th Sem, Dept. ofISE

    Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Bangalore,India

    multiple users (organization). Virtualization is done by assigning a logical name to a physical resource and by pointing a pointer to that resource on demand for that particular resource. Several security concerns are due to Virtualization exemplar. For example, mapping of physical machines has to be carried out securely.

    Resource allocation-According to V.Vinothina[3], resource allocation is the technique of assigning available resources among the applications which require its services. If resource allocation is not done properly then the services may get stalled or may not work properly due to insufficient resource allocation or improper resource alloca tion.

    Load balancing-Rajesh George Rajan[4] tells that load balancing means to share a work among different nodes in a collective system so as to get best responses time and to utilize the resources to the fullest. Hence resource allocation algorithms must be secure and accw·ate.

    Memory management-The act of managing memory is called as memory management. In a cloud we need to have good management algorithms to maintain proper memory management. The best example in this field according to Harithan Reddy Velagala[5] is the Amazon' s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).


    Cloud is hit badly went it comes to security. A cloud service provider must also make sure that data stored/ being used by a user is not lost or corrupted or misused. The service provider must make sure that all the data in the cloud is secure. There are chances that a malicious user may try to access the data in a cloud by impersonating a legitimate user and thereby infecting the cloud and its end users.

    1. Data Access control:

      A typical user may store his files on a cloud to access them else where on internet may not bother much about security but, in case of companies which store highly confidential data on a cloud they should be confident that their data on a cloud is secure. But since cloud offers services to multiple clients and therefore data stored in a cloud is vulnerable. Young-Gi Min[6] says that insider attacks is a

      huge risk in cloud computing. An unethical hacker may hack into a cloud and retrieve sensitive and confidential data of other clients of the cloud. So the cloud service providers must provide features to make sure that the data in a cloud is well secured.

    2. Data theft

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      Cloud computing makes use of ex1emal data server for various operations as a result of which chances of data being stolen from external servers is more.A client is always worried about his data being stolen from the cloud It is the duty ofth e cloud service provider to ensure that the data of clients is not stolen, for which he may have to apply certain algorithms, procedures etc.

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      Fig 1: figure ex-plaining Data theft.

    3. Data inregrity.

      Anitha Y(7] in her paper tells that, data integrity means assuring accuracy and consistency of data over its life cycle. It is possible that a user may make a mistake while entering certain data or it is possible that a error may arise while data is being transmitted from source to destination. Due to virus or bug data may get corrupted. Therefore there arises need for certain data integrity methods in cloud computing.

    4. Data loss.

      Data loss may happen as a result of deleting data without having a backup or due to unauthorized access. Anitha Y[7] tells that if banking transactio ns, sharing research ideas are all taking place online then unauthorized people will be able to access those data and may cause harm to that data or may delete the data. If at all a server goes down or is attacked by a virus, the data in the server may be lost.

    5. Privacy issues.

Privacy is an important issue when it comes to cloud computing. A client stores his personal information on a cloud. Most of the servers in cloud computing are e;-..ternal so the cloud service provider must ensure that the data in the cloud is secure and the privacy of client' s data is ensured. Therefore, the job of software engineers while developing a cloud is that, they should develop a cloud in such a way that it has all the criterions that maintain the privacy of the user's

data and reduces the risk of a user loosing his privacy over the data he has stored on a cloud.

F Phishing attack.

Phishing is the way of acquiring sensitive information of a user such as usemame, password, research data, bank transactions etc by fake(untrustworthy) users ia emails, advertisements and messages. Shilpa.D[8] tell that the links through which a user is targeted may appear authentic but will ultimately lead to fake access locations.

According to [9],the various types ofphishing are:

G. Deceptive phishing.

Account theft using instant messaging, is referred to as Phishing. But, today the most common method of phishing is by Deceptive email messaging. Messages such as verify your account, system failure requiring users to re-enter their information and many such scams are broadcast to large number of recipients with the hope that a un-aware user will respond to the mail where their data is collected without the knowledge of the authorized user.

H Ma/ware based phishing.

Running a malicious software on the user ' s machine, consequence of which is the data collection of the authorized user by the unauthorized user is called as Malware based phishing. The malware can be introduced to a user by sending it through mails as an attachment or by introducing it as a downloadable file exploiting its secu1i ty vulne rabilities.

I. Content injection phtshtng.

By inserting malicious content in a legitimate website that leads the user to a malicious website or may install malicious software on to the machine of the user and this software may redirect user' s data to the phishing server.

J Man-in-the-middle phishing.

The type of phishing that is not very easy to detect is the man-in-the-middle phishing. Here the hacker/unauthorized user settles himself between the user and the Cloud, records the details without the knowledge of both the user and the cloud service provider and passes the details entered by the user to the server of the cloud normally. Later the man-in-the­ middle sells or uses the recorded information of the user.

Fig 2: Types of phishing.

L. Denial-of-service attacks (DOS).

If a fake user increases the traffic of the cloud services to such an extent that all the authentic users cannot make use of the services of the cloud, this situation is called as Denial-of-

service attacks. T.Poomachandar and D.Jaya Prakash[lO] in their paper have told that in cloud, multiple users make use of services of cloud. Attacker first establishes a network of computer that will be used to generate high volume of traffic which is needed to deny services to legitimate users. As a result, the legitimate customers face a decrease in performance.


In this paper we have discussed about various security threats that arise when a user makes use of cloud. A cloud service provider must ensure the client about the security of the data being stored in the cloud or else the client may stop using the services of the cloud. Methods, algorithms must be implemented where ever necessary to ensure that the data of clients in a cloud is not compromised with.


[I] National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Definition of Cloud Computing, Sept 2011 .

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