- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 36
- Authors : Abhinav Lotankar , Ankita Usare , Omkar Rane , Nagaraj Koppa
- Paper ID : IJERTV7IS040193
- Volume & Issue : Volume 07, Issue 04 (April 2018)
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV7IS040193
- Published (First Online): 16-04-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Stabilization of Lateritic soil by using Terrazyme: an Overview and Assessment Study
Abhinav V. Lotankar Student-Civil Engineering
Gharda Institute of Technology, Lavel, Tal. Khed, Dist.Ratnagiri 415708 University of Mumbai
Omkar A. Rane Student-Civil Engineering
Gharda Institute of Technology, Lavel, Tal. Khed, Dist.Ratnagiri 415708 University of Mumbai
Ankita D. Usare Student-Civil Engineering
Gharda Institute of Technology, Lavel, Tal. Khed, Dist.Ratnagiri 415708 University of Mumbai
Nagaraj H. Koppa Guidance-Civil Engineering
Gharda Institute of Technology, Lavel, Tal. Khed, Dist.Ratnagiri 415708 University of Mumbai
Abstract: In konkan belt we are facing lots of problem in soil. Most of the area in konkan do not have access to all weather roads and hence have a tough time during the monsoon. One of the major reason for the damage of the roads in India is lack of strength possessed by subgrade soil and also it fails to bear the loads imposed on it during or after the construction. The various techniques in which soil stabilization can be done like use of biopolymers, synthetic polymers, tree resins, fiber reinforcement, calcium chloride etc. The present study is aimed at determining the strength behavior of Lateritic soil with terrazyme in percentage wise manner. In this project Lateritic soil with varying index properties have been tested and also the CBR test was performed for stabilization process under soaked and unsoaked condition by taking different dosages of terrazyme. The results indicated that the Safe Bearing Capacity of Lateritic soil can be increased by the optimum content of terrazyme.
Keywords: CBR, Index properties, Lateritic soil, Soaked, Unsoaked.
Every structure must rest upon soil or be made of soil. The process of improving the strength and durability of soil is known as soil stabilization. Soil stabilization is a treatment of soil with the objective of improving its engineering properties or alternating one or more properties of a soil so as to improve its engineering performance. The main aim of stabilization is cost reduction and to efficiently use the locally available material.
The Lateritic soil covers impressively vast zone of Konkan belt. This soil is formed by sedimentation action of parent rock. This type of soil is good for drainage purpose, but if we think about water retention capacity of this soil then we will get poor results. Road construction on soils with poor engineering properties necessitates adoption of Stabilization techniques. This research work investigates the effects of treating a soils having poor geotechnical properties with a terrazyme to determine its suitability for use as road pavement layer material. Bio-enzymes are found to improve the Geotechnical and Engineering properties of road sub grade and thus performance of roads. terrazyme effect on soils depends on types of soil, dosage of bio- enzyme (terrazyme). terrazyme enhance the soil properties
and provide higher soil compaction and strength. terrazyme is non-toxic, non-corrosive and inflammable liquid which can be easily mixed with water at the optimum moisture content. terrazyme improves the properties of soil and strength of soil significantly. The chemical bonding of the soil particles is increased by the use of terrazyme. Apart from improving strength of soil this bio enzyme replaces the need of sub base.
Lateritic soil: Lateritic soil is used in this project is collected from Lavel village, Tal-Khed, Dist. Ratnagiri in Maharashtra state. During collection of soil it had high moisture content about 40-45% due to rainy season. Lateritic soil is a rusty colour, iron and aluminium rich rock like appearing soil that gets formed due to prolonged weathering of the parent rocks mainly in humid and hot tropical areas.
Terrazyme: Terrazyme is an inflammable liquid which is brown in colour and is formulated from the vegetable and fruit extract. It is easily mixed with water and for optimal results should be diluted with optimum moisture content of that soil. It reacts with the organic matter in the soil to form cementatious material. This decreases the swelling capacity of the soil particles and reduces permeability by increasing the chemical bonding between the soil particles making a permanent structure. The treated soil becomes water resistant and also increase safe bearing capacity.
In this present investigation various laboratory and experimental works have been carried out. We firstly determined all index and engineering properties of lateritic soil such as field density, moisture content, specific gravity, liquid limit, plastic limit. and also the CBR test was performed for stabilization process under soaked and unsoaked condition by taking different dosages of Terrazyme i.e. 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% per 4.5kg soil sample respectively.
EXPERIMENTAL WORK & RESULTS Geotechnical properties of lateritic soil
Table1: Geotechnical properties of soil
Sr. No.
IS code
Field Density
IS2720 (Part
Moisture content
IS2720 ( Part
Specific Gravity
IS 2720 (Part
Grain size
Sand (%)
IS 2720 (Part IV),1985
Silt &Clay (%)
Liquid Limit
IS 2720 (Part V)
Plastic Limit
IS 2720 (Part V)
Classification of soil sample
IS 2720 (Part V)
Maximum Dry
IS2720 (Part
Density (gm/cc) Optimum
Moisture Content
CBR value
IS2720 (Part
5mm penetration
Fig1 Load vs Penetration curves for CBR test
Effect of Terrazyme on California Bearing Ratio results
California bearing ratio test was done for both unsoaked and soaked conditions. Lateritic soil was treated with 3 dosage of terrazyme at optimum moisture content 15%. The test was performed by taking different dosages of terrazyme i.e. 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% per 4.5kg soil sample respectively. Table 2 shows the effect of terrazyme on the CBR value of soil sample (Unsoaked). While table 3 shows effect of terrazyme on soil sample (soaked). Figure 2 and 3 shows the results of unsoaked and soaked CBR respectively.
Table2: CBR value for unsoaked condition
Dosages of Teradyne
2.5 mm penetration
5mm penetration
Fig2. Variation chart of CBR value vs Dosage of Terrazyme for Unsoaked condition
Table3: CBR value for soaked condition
Dosages of Terrazyme
2.5 mm penetration
5mm penetration
Fig3. Variation chart of CBR value vs Dosage of Terrazyme for soaked condition
From the results we have found that addition of terrazyme in soil as admixture which imparts properties on soil. Majorly terrazyme plays important role in the bearing capacity of soil.
We have found that optimum dosage of terrazyme in soil is 0.1% and which results indicate 60% and 40% of increase in the bearing capacity value in both unsoaked and soaked condition by comparing without addition of terrazyme in soil.
Finally we concluded that, due to heavy rain fall in konkan belt pavement surfaces are getting alligator cracks on the surface. Hence by using terrazyme in subbase of pavement which improves the property up to 40-60% in CBR.
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