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- Authors : Ms. Deepshree Dekhane, Dr. Asha Thakur
- Paper ID : IJERTV7IS110046
- Volume & Issue : Volume 07, Issue 11 (November – 2018)
- Published (First Online): 05-01-2019
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Role and Significance of E-Trends in MBA Education
Role and Significance of E-Trends in MBA Education
Ms. Deepshree Dekhane
Ph.D. Scholar
Dept. of Business Management Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University,
Dr. Asha Thakur Ex-Dean(Academics) RIMR, Nagpur
Abstract: -The field of education has seen a drastic change in the past two decades. The changing scenario of world economy and advancement in information and communication technology has resulted in the beginning of many new trends in education. Modern day education is all about innovation, accessibility and suitability.
In this competitive world everyday some new trend is emerging to provide good learning techniques to the learner, among the popular technology some current emerging E-trends or we can say learning platforms in todays education system are Mooc, mobile learning, social networking, LMS, Open contents, cloud computing, Peer to peer assessment and In house authoring. Emerging trends in education provides enhanced teaching and learning, globalization with no geographical limitations.
trends and technologies played very vital role in our current education system as well as it also plays an essential role in higher education like MBA degree. It aids a lot in MBA courses and other higher degrees like visual classrooms, online courses, Moocs, LMS, cloud computing, Mobile Learning, which are now a days important part of higher degree courses, it upgrades the level of education and increases the level of faculty and students both. It enhances the traditional MBA into an advanced one. It gives more practical and realistic exposure to the students and help them to be more verse according to the current market scenario.
Key Words: E-trends, E-learning, MBA, MBA Education
The field of education has seen a drastic change in the past two decades. The changing scenario of world economy and advancement in information and communication technology has resulted in the beginning of many new trends in education. Modern day education is all about innovation, accessibility, and suitability. From kindergarten to university, students are encouraged to learn through interactive and practical tools.
Higher education is more career-oriented today than ever before. The barriers of time and age have also been removed, while geographical boundaries don't matter anymore. These revolutionary trends have benefitted those people who want to get practical knowledge for their personal and professional growth. In this paper I am highlighting some of the most popular trends in education that can help the students and faculty both.
With digital learning emerging as one of the most rapidly developing trends in modern education, there are careers galore in this field. Emerging technologies are tools, concepts, innovations, and advancements utilized in diverse educational settings to serve varied education-related purposes.
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new, Socrates opined.
Digital based learning is one of the most rapidly developing trends in modern day education. Scholars and researchers around the world have predicted the influx of many new technologies and segment in the E-Learning market. The ed- tech space is undergoing an exciting makeover, has a flurry of introductions to make. This has revolutionised the movement of teaching and learning and has opened various avenues for the educators to innovate new learning modules and even specialise in that field.
There is no doubt that e-learning is becoming one of the most popular ways to further education, and some even believe it has the potential to become an alternative to traditional methods.
There are still many remote places in the world where people simply dont have access to local schools, colleges, and universities, and these places are beginning to see the possibilities for e-learning to solve an age-old problem.
Literal meaning of E-trend is Electronic Trends, Simply stated, E-trend is combining of technology or we can say latest technology over traditional teaching methods, it will make sessions more interactive, interesting and seeks attention of students more easily as compared to the traditional teaching methods.
In today's dynamic classrooms, the teaching and learning process is becoming more nuanced, more seamless, and it flows back and forth from students to teachers.
In this competitive world everyday some new trend is emerging to provide good learning techniques to the learner, among the popular technology some current emerging E-
trends or we can say learning platforms in todays education system are as follows:
Mobile Learning:
Mobile learning is the ability of an individual to obtain or provide educational content on personal pocket devices such as PDAs, Smartphone's and mobile phones. These devices with access to internet connection or with the availability of the resources on itself will be a great source of e- learning. Today everyone has smart mobile phones on which huge memory and faster internet availability can be achieved and this makes the user to learn anything he desire at any time and in any place. These devices are so portable that as if they walk with the user and never be a hurdle to carry them from one place to another.
Social Networking:
Most of the E-trends are able to integrate with social media so you can share your content or news items via Twitter or Facebook etc. at the click of a button.
MOOCs is a platform where every student can discover a free online course through internet for years, although the quality and quantity of courses changed day by day. It has changed the face of education. MOOCs can be considered as a term or word related to the scalability of open and online education.
Cloud Computing:
This type of e-learning is creating ripples in the field of education and business. These learning systems are hosted on the internet and can be easily accessed by logging into a service provider's site. Rather than installing all the software and course on user's or learner's computer, the instructional designers will simply use their internet browsers to upload course content, create new courses, and communicate with learners and users directly.
LMS stands for Learning Management System and it's a global term for a computer system specifically developed for managing online courses, distributing course materials and allowing collaboration between students and teachers. A LMS will allow you to manage every aspect of a course, from the registration of students to the storing of test results, as well as allowing you to accept assignments digitally and keep in touch with your students.
Peer to Peer Assessment:
As we know that Humans are social animals. When someone shares his or her own valuable knowledge in a group or on social media, everyone can learn it.
When enough information has been shared within the group, all members should know almost the same things. Everyone can assess each others piece of knowledge and help each other to reach the same level of knowledge and competences. Peer to peer assessment adds an extra layer of responsibility for students. They firstly need to assess their own level of competence, and then compare and contrast it with that of others. They might want to learn more from their peers, or help other get to their own levl.
Open Content:
Open content is material, such as documents, images and audio or video presentations that may be freely and legally reproduced, edited, excerpted, expanded and republished. The term applies to copyrightable content that is made freely available and licensed according to permission.
Wikipedia, one of the earliest and most prominent examples of open content, makes its content available under Creative Commons licensing.
In House Authoring:
In-House Content Authoring is regularly cited as one of the big eLearning trends to keep an eye on. So it comes as no surprise that organisations are increasingly developing custom eLearning materials in-house.
This trend has been spurred on by organisations attempting to reduce training costs and saving time in roll out training courses. Given the organisational benefits, designing, building and delivering e-Learning in house seems the obvious choice.
Education is in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skill, and habit of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching and training and research.
If we talk about the traditional education system, academicians, teachers rarely used the technology, E-trends in their sessions. But now a days we cant even imagine the education system without the current trends and technologies, or we can say that it is playing the most essential role in our education system.
In traditional system mostly the academicians prefer to deliver their lectures by using chalk and talk or sometimes by using projectors only or more than that, but in todays era educationalist commonly prefer to deliver their sessions through current technologies and trends. That is more impressive, interactive and interesting for students as well as easier for the teachers.
In the traditional model of education, the professor would have to extend an invitation to said expert, and incur the costs of his flight, stay and training but now days with the help of current e-learning trends the professor has the ability to host a guest lecture without having to spend much money. It can be done virtually, with cameras for both the lecturer and the students, and with the use of microphones to facilitate the same level of interaction that would be possible if the lecturer were physically present in the room. The added benefit comes in when we are able to replay the lecture and gain even more out of it. Students that missed out can view the recording, or students that attended can watch it again to further their understanding.
My perception for the current education system in context of e-trends and technologies is that it consists of three main factors i.e.
Enhanced teaching and learning:
Technological developments lie digital cameras, projectors training softwares, visualization tools etc. all these have become a great source s for the teachers to help students grasp a concept easily.
Enhanced teaching and learning makes learning fun and enjoyable for students. They are able to participate more in the classroom and even teacher get a chance to make their classes more interactive and interesting.
It is the system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. It involves the technological, economic, political and cultural exchanges made possible by advance in communication, transportation and
Infrastructure. Education in the global society has greater responsibility of shaping preferred future of the students.
No Geographical Limitations:
Modern system is not geographically bounded. Now geographical limitation is not a barrier for the exchange of knowledge and information between teachers and students. Moocs, Cloud computing, visual classroom, online degree courses are the common examples of it. With the introduction of online degree courses there is hardly any need of
being present physically in the classroom. Distance learning and online education have become very important part of education system nowadays.
E-trends and technologies played very vital role in our current education system as well as it also plays an essential role in higher education like MBA degree. As we all know that today technology plays a significant role in all fields as well as it impacts a lot in higher degrees like MBA. Students are very fond of e-trends, they depends lot on current trends and technologies. They are benefited more as compared to the traditional system.
It helps a lot in upgrading the education system especially the level of MBA, as well as the faculty and students both. It helps both the faculty and students to express and convey their thoughts and views more easily and impressively.
It aids a lot in MBA courses and other higher degrees like visual classrooms, online courses, Moocs, LMS, cloud computing, Mobile Learning, which are now a days important part of higher degree courses, it upgrades the level of education and increases the level of faculty and students both. Because of these trends it very easy to connect globally, there is no need to present physically everywhere, one can get knowledge and share it with the help of these trends.
trends and technology enhances the traditional MBA into an advanced one. It gives more practical and realistic exposure to the students and help them to be more verse according to the current market scenario.
Faculty and especially students think that technology increases their learning engagement, enrichment and efficacy.
Students use their devices and the currents technology extensively and view them as important to their academic success.
With the use of current trends and technology in the courses like MBA one can share and also acquire knowledge anywhere, there is no need to physically present there. It connects globally.
It increases the opportunity of good future employment.
It helps students to give training (Product, market, IT, customer etc.) easily and effectively.
A campus technology 2016 survey found 71 % of faculty respondents reported using a mix of online and face to face environment to teach.
How does technology impact the ability of education to build effective skills in students in the always connected world today?
Wireless, mobile and other digital technologies are shaping new patterns of delivering education. In India alone, the market of e-learning is predicted to cross 1.29 $ billion by the end of 2018. The combined ease of portable mobile devices, and fast internet speeds have created a massive scope for students to benefit from digital learning by
creating smart classrooms anywhere, anytime. Futuristic technologies like cloud computing, and Internet of things will accelerate the development of artificial intelligence.
Published in Engineering Science & Technology On Monday, 22 January 2018
The data for the study is basically secondary data collected from Articles, books, magazines and research papers published in journals.
Basically data regarding this research paper is related Electronic-trends, their role and importance in Education especially for MBA. There is the list given below in the reference.
evolved together and will continue to do so. The technologies discussed herein have the potential to improve higher education; however, technology alone is insufficient to address the many challenges students and educators face today. New technology is but a part of the broader solution that should include new business models, reform of the tenure system, greater incentives for teaching, and a variety of other critical changes to higher education system. Only wth such a comprehensive approach will we be able to educate and train todays students to become tomorrows leaders.
E-trends and technologies, in comparison with traditional learning, significantly reduces the time needed to locate information. It also offers access to online resources, databases, periodicals, journals and other material you wouldn't normally have access to from a library. If a student has trouble understanding part of the coursework, finding tips on the matter couldn't be easier than having immediate access to supplementary, unlimited and mostly free material online! Those characteristics can potentially maximize the time spent actually learning rather than looking for information Education and technology have historically
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