Residential Attributes for Housing Preferences on Suburban Area

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV5IS010516

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Residential Attributes for Housing Preferences on Suburban Area

Anggun Pudjiwidyastuti


Department of Architecture Real Estate Planning Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia

Ir. Purwanita Setijanti, M.Sc., Ph.D. Prof. Ir. Happy Ratna S, M.Sc., Ph.D.


Department of Architecture

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia

AbstractThe demand of residences in Sidoarjo suburban area increase due to continuous escalation of population and economic growth in Surabaya that the neighborhood and the capital city of east java. It encourage developers for developing of residential property estate. Therefore, developers must be more active, creative, and innovative improving quality and diversity of residential attributes. This research aims to understand what the most determine factor of residential attributes of housing preference in Sidoarjo Suburban area. Therefore, developers they could give there consumers the right preference and satisfaction. In that effort, developer need to pay attention to consumer satisfaction. This research is using descriptive statistical analysis. The result of this research, there are tenth variables that determinant factor of purchasing decision of housing choice in Sidoarjo suburban area, including landownership, residential public utilities, residential infra- structure, public transportation, housing price, advantages residential location, payment method, physical and housing facilities, credibility of real estate developers, ease of reaching socio-economic activities.

KeywordsHousing Attributes, Housing Decision, Residential; Suburban.


    The growth of residential construction in suburban areas has increased along with the increasing amount of demand for housing. It also occurred in the suburban area of Sidoarjo where administratively directly adjacent to the Surabaya city. Surabaya is one of the cities which experienced the phenomenon of urban sprawl [1]. In general phenomena and the tendency shows the rapid growth of residential areas that not happen in a Suburban of Surabaya, but that happen in a suburban Sidoarjo namely Waru district.

    Administratively, the Waru district is a border area between Surabaya and Sidoarjo city, which has a property developmental prospect. It is a target and opportunities for investors and developers who want to develop real estate properties, particularly residential just outside the city of Surabaya but still close to the city of Surabaya. The development of residential property in the Waru district increased developed rapidly. Based on RDTRK of Waru district 1999/ 2000 – 2008/2009, the use of land in Waru district mostly intended as a settlement which amounted to 1185.49 hectares or by 42.75%, that means in the Waru district dominated by housing settlement. Existing settlements in Waru district obscenity include formal and informal settlements. Waru district as an area of research because its territory is administrative located in the city of Sidoarjo

    directly adjacent to the city of Surabaya. Then, strengthened by the Sidoarjo District Regulation No. 6 of 2009 on Spatial Planning Sidoarjo Regency Year 2009-2029 are listed in Article 24, that the Waru district included in the Development Area Sub Unit (SSWP) I with the main function of settlements, industry and trade local, regional and international, but the Waru district at the center of growth and development.

    Residential property developments that occurred in the Waru district that encourage housing developers as actors of development to compete in developing housing in a suburban of the city. To win the competition an increasingly competitive, developers are required to be able to create competitive advantage for products and services as an effort to satisfy consumers.

    In that effort developers need to pay attention to the needs of the wants and needs of consumers by promising a good value as seen from housing services [2] with the purpose of providing satisfaction to customers through marketing. In the context of residential property, developers need to pay attention to residential product attributes on which to purchasing decision of residential housing. Residential attributes are elements of the product are considered necessary by the customer and serve as the basis for decision making [3].

    The decision to buy a house aims to fulfill the consumer needs. Before purchasing the decision, consumers generally will seek information about the desired house to assess and compare [4]. Residential product attributes are attributes attached to the housing itself, which physical and non-physical attributes [5]. Demand for residential housing caused by influencing factors, including the location of housing, income owned, ease of funding, facilities obtained, public facilities, the price of the home market, consumer tastes and regulations [6].

    Residential product attributes is attached to the residential product itself, such as the name of the developer (brand), building design, color, quality of facilities, facilities and amenities, public service. Residential product attributes that have good value can affect consumer perception [7]. Consumers will notice and remember that the product has more advantages compared to other similar products, so that these products will have added value compared to other products.

    In decision making, in addition to the demands fulfillment, consumers also get a stimulus from outside himself [8]. The decision is usually categorized in two types, namely stimulus of marketing and others stimulus. Stimulus marketing involves four elements of the marketing mix (marketing mix) of product, price, location, and promotion. While others stimuli such as economic conditions, technology, politics and culture [8]. The stimulus will deliver consumers in decision- making processes that include the activity of problem recognition, information search, evaluation, and decision- making related to the purchase of housing. Through marketing strategies, developers facilitate the consumer needs where they choose and find a house with corresponding residential attribute in the fulfillment of their activities. Completeness of residential attributes products offered by the developer to the buyer into a residential product excellence. From the beginning of the construction development of the residential housing on the outskirts of Sidoarjo, competition among developers in the development of housing in the suburban of Sidoarjo-Surabaya encourages developers in the marketing to focus on consumer needs and satisfy the consumer, which is to highlight residential product attributes. Residential product attributes as fulfilling the needs of residential housing. Developers and their marketing should be able to fulfill the demands of consumers, because consumers are increasingly interested to see the product and usually consider the suitability of housing and benefits before deciding to buy a house.

    Therefore, this research is important to determine the residential product attributes that influence purchasing decisions at least as an overview of housing developers for the fulfillment of consumer satisfaction with a gain factor of residential product attributes that dominant influence purchasing decisions housing in a suburban area of Sidoarjo- Surabaya, especially Waru sub district.

    1. Definition and Terminology

      Product attributes are elements of product that considered necessary and serving customer for the basic decision making [3]. The product attribute are perform a major role in determining the rand that consumers will consider and give serious attention when making purchase decision [2]. While, in Indonesian Dictionary, residential is a group home that serves as living environment equipped by public facilities and infrastructure. Then, a purchase decision is an act of consumers to willing to buy or not buy a product [2].

      Suburban is an area that transition from urban and rural region that have different attributes and characteristics. The suburban area is an area that located between the two areas with different environmental conditions. The two are is seems different that one side seem urbanity apparent and other side seem visible countrylike of urban approach [9].

      This research concern to the product residential attributes in the purchasing decisions of housing in suburban area which the elements of product residential attributes as the basic decision making with considering the quality services and benefits received.

    2. Residential Property and Real Estate Development

      Real estate used to refer to things that are not movable object such as land and improvements permanently attached to the land, and the ownership rights associated with the real

      estates are referred to as real property [10]. The real estate classified into two property types: residential and non- residential property. Then, residential property classified into two type, there is single-family home and multi-family homes. Single-family home can be form into a single house, detached house, type cluster house, residential and housing settlement.

      The matters can affecting the residential development are population, lands, technology and construction industry development, institution, legislation and governmental with community participation that for equip resident needs, and housing neighborhood should be supported by public facilities service of housing development [11].

    3. Developers and Marketing on Residential Property

      Developers are actors (planner) in the residential property development. The developer are an actor to prepare raw land for residential development by increasing road, networks, and utilities [13]. Developer (private-sector-developer) are also builders which are actually building improvements on real estate [13]. The developers will seek the possibility of maximum returns and minimalize risk in the financial in the time there have in order to make a great profit [13]. The developers in the development processes always maintain the stability of the company. Several components that must be done in maintaining the stability: the costs be compensated in the reaching of development projects, the grains of sales from the long-term investors, the possibility of the right of ownership of corporate assets in the long term, the achievement for developing and improving a new concept of urban environment, and to improve reputation of company to get opportunity for other development project in the future.

      The marketing is defined as social process in which there are individuals or groups who get their needs and wants by freely creating, offering, and exchanging values product with others [13]. Then, the development of residential property, marketing is a tool that needed to boost sales by promising a great value as seen from residential housing services for giving to customer satisfaction. Accordingly in an effort to obtain customer satisfaction in the middle of the competition, a developer must know what consumers needs and what their wants. Therefore, it needs a marketing strategy by selecting market segments and target market so as to create the maximum profit.

      The effort of developers in the marketing strategy of residential with the aim of providing consumer satisfaction can be as follows: the residential product launched (exhibition) at a certain place to introduce residential product to the public, establish a relationship with the property marketing company, open-house with show unit at the location of residential, advertising on television, newspapers, radio and other media, perform personal selling, making brochures, pamphlets, billboard and other media, and also marketing via internet [14].

    4. Characteristic of Residential Housing in Suburb Area

      The characteristic of suburb area among other is the life of the community, the potential resources (employment), natural physical neighborhood, and public facilities, especially for transportation and communications. Sufficiency in life, Community are seeing the livehood opportunities that exist such as proximity to work, and ease of transportation such as bus stations, airport and the environmental conditions [15]

      Development of residential housing and settlement in an area affected by the development of the region including what occurred in the suburb. In deciding that purchasing decision of residential in the suburb, the community prefer based on site location of selection residential housing. Theoretically of location, that influenced purchasing decision and housing choice namely by accesibilities and transportations, easiness of reach destintiond, the price of land, topography, environmental conditions, utility, environmental including public service and facilities, and regulations. Residential location theory related in site selection is needs to consideration easiness reach to office and it could blend with the surrounding. Besides, in site selection needs to consider availability public transport, public facilities (health care, social, economy, school) [16].

      There are several criteria that must considered in residential location including: regulations (sepadan line, type- size-height building requirenment), utilities (sewage disposal water, sanitation, electrically, telephone, gas instalation), technical-phisical factors (soil conditions, topography and drainage, design-cost), location (accesibility, neighborhood conditions, traffics), aesthetic (landscaping, residential style), community (social-cultur-economic), public service and facilities and cost of tenure [17].

      In determining a person's purchase decision housing will consider many factors, one of which socio-economic sphere (employment, income, family size, age of the head of the family and the education level of the head of the family). Home purchase decisions are influenced how many members of the family, more family members then the individual will adjust the condition (size) of their house.

    5. Decision Making of Residential Housing

    There are phrases of decision-making approach to the purchase of housing, the phrase are product introductions, looking forward product information, evaluation (alternative), purchase decision and post-purchase evaluation [8]. The income level can influence a person to chosing the housing location. It can be concluded that the level of income aspect which is used to determine the sosio-economic conditions of the community in determining their location if residential housing [18]. The most salient attributes or features of product to the consumer do not necessarily always imply that they are the most important ones [2]. Residential attributes attached to housing settlement on the suburb area, including physical and non-physical residential attributes [5]. Residential attributes of physical and non-physical are primary aspect for consideration for decided to buy residential housing, including transportation, ease of reach the service based social- economic, ease of reaching the activities.


    The reasearch aimed to determine the purchase decision of residential housing choice on suburb area in Sidoarjo. Based on the purpose of the research, the concept of this research is using descriptive methodology. Variables in this research are derived from the literature review and a preliminary survey conducted in expert and practitioners that are experienced in residential housing dan settlement, especially for residential housing and settlement. There are seventeen variables it may affect the purchase decision makig of residential housing in the suburb area, namely are residential housing product

    quality services factor, lifes style and comfortly activitiy factors, finance factor, housing residential phisycal aminities, tax factors. Based on the purpose of the research, the concept of this research is using descriptive methodology. To achieve research objectives, this research used questionnaire as instrument of the research that distributed to buyer or housing resident which living in residential housing on Sidoarjo Suburb.

    1. Variable Measurment

      The measurement of variables will be used on this research to determine the effect of housing attribute on purchasing decisions. Seventeenth variables were obtained from literature will be used on the questionnaire as research instrument. Measurement of questionnaire data is analysis a subset of the statistics attitude scale. The attitude scale used is using a grading scale with a score intervals 1 -7. Score intervals 1-7 is used to measure perceptions of respondent about the residential attributes that influence the residents for purchasing decision of housing on Sidoarjo Suburb area.

    2. Population, Sample, and Sampling

      The population is generalization region consisting of subjects/objects that have certain qualities and characteristics defined by researchers to be studied and the drawn the conclusion [19]. The population of this research is the society that lives on housing resident in Sidoarjo Suburb.

      The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling. The purposive sampling. Purposive sampling conducted to obtain initial respondents as resident which lived and stayed at residential housing in the suburb area. Then, the housing residential are a residential which are actually building improvements and development on real estate by developer (private-sector-developer).

      The samples are part of numbers and characteristics of the population. It is learned from the conclusion of samples will be applied to the population. The sample of this research is the resident that lives on the residential housing in Sidoarjo Suburb, especially at Waru district which the administrative region directly adjacent to the city of Surabaya.

    3. Descriptive Statistical Analysis

    The descriptive analysis is a form of analysis that is used to describe the raw data in large numbers, so the results can be interpreted [20]. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyze statistics by describing or depicting data that has been collected as without intending to apply to the general conclusions or generalizations, and without significance test. Descriptive analysis carried out by using the ratio between the average value (mean) and standard deviation of the overall assessment of respondent perceptions of each. Furthermore, the value is mapped into Cartesian diagram (in the form of a scatter plot) in order to easily see the data distribution does have a tendency to cluster or spread. Furthermore, the value is mapped to a Cartesian diagram which is divided into four distinct quadrants, and shown in the Figure 1.

    Figure. 1. Cartesian Diagram

    Based on Figure 1, the existing data that would indicate the variables that occupy each quadrant of the Cartesian diagram. The variables can read by the mapping on distribution of variables, then in Figure. 2. can be explained as follows :

    1. Large Mean – Small standard deviation. Factors which are in quadrant I put in the first place because of the high mean values means most respondents give high scores on these factors, while the value of a small standard deviation means that most respondents agree on the answer.

    2. Large Mean – Large standard deviation. Factors that are in quadrant II placed in the second because of high mean values means most respondents gives a high score on the factor, while the value of the large standard deviation means most respondents are less agree on the answer.

    3. Small Mean – Large standard deviation. Factors that are in quadrant III placed at third place due to the low mean values means most respondents give a low score on these factors, while the value of the large standard deviation means most respondents are less agree on the answer.

    4. Small Mean, Small standard deviation. Factors which are in quadrant IV placed in fourth due the low mean values means most respondents give a low score on these factors, while the value of a small standard deviation means that most respondents agree on the answer.


    The criteria that must be considered in selecting housing location: zoning regulations, utilities (waste disposal, sanitation, gases installation, electrically and telephone), technical factors (drainage, topography, design and cost), location (accessibility, neighborhood, traffic), aesthetic, community, public service (education, health service organized by government), and the costs [17].

    This research used the descriptive analysis to determine of residential attributes that influence purchasing decision a residential housing in suburbs area of Sidoarjo-Surabaya region. The descriptive analysis is kind of analysis that concluded, classify or separate component to describe the

    consistent pattern in the data, so results can be interpreted in brief and meaningful [20]. This research is statistical analysis method, which used the questionnaire survey method as instrument of the research. In the depiction mapping of the pattern generated data, then it is used measure of tendency with mean (average value) which aim to measure the tendency of set of average data clustered or centralized in a specific numeric value; and a measure of variability with a standard deviation that seeks to measure the distribution of data deviations, meaning that if the value of the standard deviation is relatively large, the data used or the distribution of high variability, on the contrary, if the value of the standard deviation is relatively small, meaning that the data used to cluster around the average value and a small deviation.

    Descriptive analysis in this research aims to describe the spread of the primary factors based on the average value of respondents perceptions of assessment of each of the factor that influence a purchasing decision of residential housing in suburban area, as compared with the value of its distribution or standard deviation values.

    So, the mapping the mean value and standard deviation value on Cartesian diagram can be determined that primary factor have an influence elected a purchasing decision of residential housing in Sidoarjo Suburban area or not. As a result, Cartesian diagram figured in Figure 2. By the descriptive analysis, the result in the Cartesian diagram can be seen the determination of agree or disagree about the residential attributes that influence purchasing decision of residential housing that based on the mean value and standard deviation values. The mean values approaching grading scale 7 (scale agreements used are intervals 1-7) of each residential attributes can be describe and map out that each of the respondents gave a high approval. It can be determined that the residential attributes is approved as primary factors that influencing purchasing decision of residential housing in Sidoarjo suburban area.

    Figure. 2. Cartesian Diagram Residential Attributes

    Base on Figure 2, there are explained that there are tenth residential attributes which into Quadrant 1:

    1. X7 : Landownership

      (Mean : 6.05, Std. Dev : 1.08)

    2. X11 : Residential Public Utilities (Mean : 6.02, Std. Dev : 0.86)

    3. X12 : Residential Infrastructure and Amenities (Mean : 6.02, Std. Dev : 0.73)

    4. X1 : Public Transportation

      (Mean : 5.78, Std. Dev : 0.94)

    5. X4 : Housing Price

      (Mean : 5.61, Std. Dev : 1.01)

    6. X8 : Advantages Residential Location (Mean : 5.48, Std. Dev : 0.99)

    7. X5 : Payment Method

      (Mean : 5.43, Std. Dev : .16)

    8. X9 : Physical and Housing Facilities Mean : 5.41, Std. Dev : 0.81)

    9. X17 : Credibility of Real Estate Developers (Mean : 5.41, Std. Dev : 1.05)

    10. X2 : Ease of Reaching Socio-economic Activity (Mean : 5.29, Std. Dev : 0.90

    The Quadrant (I) explained the tenth residential attributes as primary factors that influencing purchasing decision of residential housing in Sidoarjo suburban area. Which that most respondents give a high score on those residential attributes and most respondents agreed.

    Land status that considered by consumers in purchasing decision a residential housing. It is associated with the land price [21]. Land status in the form of land certificates document, namely SHM (Sertifikat Hak Milik) and SHGB (Sertifikat Hak Guna Bangunan). According to respondent, the landownership status for the customers is quite important, because with the clarity of the certificate document of land/building that will ensure security of land/building in their future.

    In a residential housing, there are element of infrastructure networks as a supporting housing, namely clean water distribution installation, electricity networks systems, transportation, communication system such as telephone, internet networking [14]. There are residential public utilities is quite important in the purchasing decision a residential housing. It is supported by similar research which the public utilities are factors that influence the purchase decision of residential suburban. The characteristic of the residential suburban including facilities, utilities, accessibility, the price of land and comfort of neighborhood. The residential public utilities namely networks of clean water, electricity, telephone, and garbage disposal [9].

    Then, the residential infrastructure should be provided to provide convenience to the resident to ease to do for activities, including the existence of roads, drainage systems, waste disposal system, security system [22]. The availability of infrastructure and facilities is essential for the feasibility of human life as the inhabitants of a residential neighborhood [23]. According to respondent, the residential infrastructure is important, due to adequate that consumer needs and have a good comfortable of neighborhood, therefore the residential to be facilitated utilities and infrastructure goods. The residential

    with good infrastructure has good road conditions [24]. The conditions of roads leading into the residential noticed by respondents, such as the width of the road is impassable for car, weather the condition of the road hole or flooded during the rainy season. Moreover, the residential security also considered by residents.

    A good residential environment must have access to service center such as education, healthy, trade service [25]. This access is reached by roads and public transportation. Public transportation such as public transportation route traversed, proximity to transportation terminals such as bus terminals purabaya or juanda airport is an important factors. According to the respondent, that residential location not far from the highway has an appeal because of the distance to be taken to the destination facilitated by connecting the quick access.

    In addition to the consideration of public transportation as purchasing decision of suburban residential that housing price is fairy considered. The housing price is an important factor considered in purchasing decision of housing choice [24][26]. The housing price must be adjusted to the financial ability possessed, consumer consider the price of the house with existing funds when buying a home. The housing price is an important consideration of purchasing decision with considering the suitability of price and quality of residential unit, and the housing price increases with an increases in value in the future.

    The residential location with good environmental condition is free from environmental interference, because it can reduce that value of a residential location. Then the good environmental conditions, is the residential housing free from pollution, including flood-free, traffic-jam free, noise-free, and air-pollution free.

    Interestingly a residential housing as a consideration of the section of housing including development such as the location of residential is in/round the CBD (Central Business District) in downtown terms of impact is not interesting (because traffic-jam, expensive land, air pollution of vehicles/industries [27]. So the interestingly of residential location into the advantage residential location is residential attributes that consideration of purchasing decision the residential suburban.

    Residential purchasing decisions conform with the financial conditions that are owned. The purchasing can be done in various ways weather in cash, in-house or mortgage (KPR) with term and conditions. Obviously, the flexibility of purchasing is can be considered. The ease mortgage (KPR) is a type of credit services that provide loans to customers who want a house with building or renovation of house and their houses and obtain a residence with ease of funding due to the limited purchasing power of cash [28][29]. The ease of financing a loan is very influential in decision-making because of the mortgage (KPR) system with credit given period of time so the costumers have several options how to buy a residence.

    According to respondents that the physical and housing facilities in the form of building design which corresponds with the architectural concept into consideration purchasing decision. There is the façade design layout, color interior design, garage or carport, garden with/without fences. The building design includes the physical attributes, and as an

    element that is considered important by consumers to base purchase decisions [30]. The quality of building materials and building design also are considered of purchasing decision [31]. Because of the good quality will provide durability and comfort in the house. in other, the element of physical housing that must be consider are layout, type of building, size, facade, and the possibility of the development or renovation of the house in the future. Which that house have a large area to extend the house. Size or type of house and zoning into consideration which emphasizes the number of occupants to number of rooms and also the effectiveness of function of the room in a house.

    Last, the credibility of developer as the consideration to purchasing decision. Developer as actors to development of

    r t

    activities [18]. Ease of reaching socio-economic activities including ease of reaching a government service centers, trade and shopping centers, health care centers, ease of access to CBD (Central Business District) and ease of access to reach the workplace. Ease the reaching of the activity can be measured by the distance. Distance to reach into the activities center from residential that affect the mobility of resident, because it affect the times and expenses that will be charged.

    Then, based on Figure 2, on Quadrant (IV) describe that respondent mostly didnt agrees with residential attributes as a factors of purchasing decision. And the attributes which into Quadrant (IV), there are seventh residential attributes, follows:

    1. X13 : Residential Public Facilities (Mean : 4.97, Std. Dev : 1.28)

      esidential property [12] will adjus the needs of residents as

      consumers. The credibility of developers associated with the reputation of developers in the residential market and must have foundation for strong relationship. When the consumers decide to buy a house, consumer will encounter some decision [32]. The majority of respondents bought a house with assess and prioritize aspects such as location and accessibility, price, availability of facilities, completeness adequate of facilities as basic consideration in purchasing decisions. Consumers who perceive a fairly credible enterprise through the evaluation of the company (deveopers) with an attitude to support and preferred to buy the developers residential attributes. For maintaining and improving the residential product, the developers must be pay attention about residential product quality, it closely related to the satisfaction of household as a consumers. Quality service is the fulfillment of the expectations of consumer and consumer needs that compares the results with the expectations and determine whether the consumers receiving quality service. Measurement of service quality on a given residential product attributes is quality service and after-sales service which that services provided after the handover of the home.

      The quality of residential services, there are several indicators of product excellence in a housing including the advantages of accessibility and location, excellence of design, aesthetics and residential prestigious including the interior, the exterior of the housing units, the benefits of durability and building materials, superior features and housing facilities, such as supporting facilities [7].

      According to respondents, in assessing the credibility of the developers, they can see through the aspects and criteria owned by the developer in the development of housing, that the real estate developers pay attention to service products in marketing and promoting the residential attributes product. But in reality, there are many developers who do not fulfilled the criteria that should be used as a basis for the development of a property. This is possible because developers want to reduce operating costs in the provision of facilities and facility completeness to target profit.

      Ease of reaching socio-economic activities related to residential attributes that concerning the accessibility and location which related to reach the location or distance to reach activities and workplace in suburban. Accessibility and location are attributes that consideration for purchasing decision [33][34] in the residential suburban. The socio elements that influence the purchasing decision of residential, including social scope and community in socio-economic

    2. X15 : Handover of PSU (Prasarana, Sarana, Utilitas)

      (Mean : 4.95, Std. Dev : 1.69)

    3. X16 : Marketing Method

      (Mean : 4.95, Std. Dev : 1.69)

    4. X10 : Residential Cluster Trends (Mean : 4.94, Std. Dev : 1.34)

    5. X3 : Ease of Reaching Socio Interaction Activities (Mean : 4.92, Std. Dev : 1.31)

    6. X6 : Property Tax

      (Mean : 4.86, Std. Dev : 1.36)

    7. X14 : Residential Complementary Facilities (Mean : 4.16, Std. Dev : 1.49)

    Generally in the residential development, residential public facilities has been provided by developer, including completeness of education facilities, health facilities, worship facilities, trade and shopping facilities, sport facilities, commercial and banking facilities, green and open space, public service. The availability of residential facilities into consideration that purchasing decision of residential suburban. Increasingly an available and complete residential facilities, it will be possibility of the purchasing decision will occur [31].

    To ensure the reputation of the developer in the development of real estate properties, as planners maintain their good relationship with the local government of the initial permit to complete the construction of real estate development until the handover of infrastructure, facilities and utilities (PSU:Prasarana, Sarana, Utilitas). It aims to ensure the sustainability of maintenance and processing, infrastructure, facilities and utilities in a residential neighborhood and residential. This was stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 9 of 2009 in the form of submission of infrastructure, facilities and utilities.

    According to the respondent in the purchasing decision of residential that marketing method doesnt affect as basic consideration. The marketing through the introduction of attributes products such as launching residential products through cooperation with other companies for marketing the property, do open-house be a model home, then advertising on the medium of television, radio and the internet, and also make print brochures, magazines, through newspapers and other

    The developer in the developing residential and increase sales to make efforts through marketing strategies and target markets competition, which it aim to providing customer satisfaction [32]. It can be done by doing marketing through the introduction of housing products such as launching

    residential products through cooperation with other companies for marketing the property, do open-house be a model home, then advertising on the medium of television, radio and the internet, and also make print brochures, magazines, through newspapers and other woods. Property sales strategy is a plan was made to determine how it can boost product sales, in this case with the real-estate products give satisfaction to the consumer on the price of the components, the quality and the quantity supplied. One of them offer promo / reward / bonus; promo may include special discounts, get a bonus gift or a case of buying homes with full furnishing (procurement of furniture such as wardrobe, kitchen set etc, and furnishing or utilities such as air conditioning, etc).

    One of the types of popular housing in Indonesia is residential cluster-type [35]. It is residential housing classify an architectural style similar residential buildings, dedicated to modern society the middle class. Residential cluster is the numbers of houses that in an environment which is constrained by a good security system [36]. For example, the residence have security posts and the home environment designed without a fence. Residential cluster can be interpreted the concept of a closed housing (cluster) that uses a single gate for access to exit and entry a residential. The 24- hour security system or one gate system is taken into consideration in the selection of housing.

    Proximity to the position of friends, family in the social scope into consideration to determine the location of residence [18]. The accessibility expected to support social activities for example the desire of individuals to maintain closeness to the families and relatives to retain "geographical familiarity", social contacts and access to reach are indispensable. In determining the location of residence can through ecological approach that has four elements, including the position of family and friends in the social scope, the scope of the housing that includes the value and quality of the home and home type [18]. It can be said that the proximity of the ease of access reaching shelter with family and friends also became one of the considerations in purchasing decisions.

    Considers that lower taxes is a consideration in the purchase of the house [27]. Tax laws (UN and BPHTB) is a material consideration in buying a home consumer. The amount of property tax to be charged by the buyer in the future, which affect the tax itself is land area and shape of the building, as well as the value SVTO where house building is standing in an area. It can be concluded that the land and building tax considerations into one housing purchase decisions. The price of land is a location specified by the corresponding taxable value of each area [37]. Taxable value (NJOP) as a set price. The amount of property tax to be charged by the buyer in the future. Property taxes are taxes to be paid by people on the land and buildings it owns.

    Consumer must be pay attention to the completeness of infrastructure is complete, support facilities housing becomes used as advantages housing in marketing strategies [7], such as for example the support facilities housing such as a clubhouse, swimming pool, golf course view, and so forth. These advantages make a material consideration in the purchase decision housing with the aim to satisfy consumers. These facilities such as housing support facilities (clubhoue, convention hall, etc.); Facilities eat it public services such as child care / baby care, post office, laundry).


From the analysis, it can be seen that there are tenth factors namely landownership factor, residential public utilities factor, residential infrastructure and amenities factor, public transportation factor, housing price factor, advantages residential location factor, payment method factor, physical and housing facilities factor, credibility of real estate developers factor, and ease of reaching socio-economic activities factor. Tenth factors clustered in Quadrant I which the mean value is quite high and a low standard deviation value. It can be dominant factors that affect the purchasing decision of residential choice in the Sidoarjo-Surabaya Suburban. The analysis also be known that the characteristic of resident who live at residential suburban in Sidoarjo- Surabaya is middle class. Therefore, Quadrant IV which the mean value is quite low and a low standard deviation value. There are seventh factors namely residential public facilities factor, handover of PSU factor, marketing method factor, residential cluster trends factor, ease of reaching socio- interaction activities factor, property tax factor, and residential complementary facilities factor.


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