Renewal Concept for Human Settlement in Wonokromo Riverside

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV6IS070074

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Renewal Concept for Human Settlement in Wonokromo Riverside

Rahardiyan Ari Wicahyo ST

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) Department of Architecture

Laboratory for Human Settlement Surabaya, Indonesia

Muhammad Faqih, Ir., MSA., Ph.D. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) Department of Architecture

Laboratory for Human Settlement Surabaya, Indonesia

Dewi Septanti S Pd, ST, MT Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS)

Department of Architecture Laboratory for Human Settlement Surabaya, Indonesia

AbstractEffort to create an integrated form of settlement, with the socioeconomic conditions of society and the current government economy, it is not possible for a short time to take drastic measures against the Rejuvenation of Slum Neighborhoods in the City. This necessitates the acceptance of circumstances that have so far been achieved and produced by the community, by trying to improve them according to the existing capabilities and opportunities.

Necessary to study the potential of slum dwelling neighborhoods in urban villages. Slum neighborhoods in the urban areas that will be the subject of this study are settlements located in the Wonokromo area of Surabaya. This study is a preliminary study of the development of Wonokromo residential area with the aim to find out whether it has a dimension of community participation and contains the potential for residential development.

From this preliminary study, it is hoped that a direct and indirect action proposal can be developed within the stipulated limits which in the end can be made a self-sustaining development model of the inhabitants.

Keywords; Renewal, Settlement, Urban


    In an integrated handling business developed today, in addition to providing employment and living opportunities for low-income communities in the urban areas but still in the city's good growth prospects. This study is an early stage of action research conducted in the field of settlement arrangement of slum neighborhoods in the kampung Kota, especially Wonokromo area of Surabaya. It is expected to provide an overview of the settlement area, whether it has a dimension of community participation and contains the potential for development of self-sustainable settlement development.

    Emphasis of this study is to describe the socio-economic conditions of society as well as the existing social networks, particularly those relating to economic life and their settlement processes. This descriptive study was conducted by survey in study area with interview technique and using questioner with sample of respondents randomly. The study area is limited to only one community with predetermined criteria.


    1. Research Objetives

      It is expected that in the neighborhood of urban settlements at least will ;

      1. Have a dimensions of community participation

      2. Strategy development potential

    2. Benefits

      1. Improve the quality of the environment and to overcome the problems, reduce and prevent poverty and strengthen the economy in urban areas.

      2. Can be developed models of self-help development and settlement environment in urban village.


    This research is in the form of direct research in the field, with steps that will be implemented as follows:

    1. Conduct preliminary observations, to formulate models / action plans with measurable objectives.

    2. Data collection, including data obtained from the field by interviewing and filling out a questionnaire.

    3. Processing of field data, by tabulation.

    4. Data analysis.

    5. Preparation of research report.


After the field observation was done in the area of Pulo Wonokromo is still need improvement of the quality of residential environment. The results of the study findings obtained the description of a group of people who in limited income has been able to prepare a means to take shelter for his family. Despite their success in meeting these basic human needs, it seems that they are also showing their business.

Creating jobs by utilizing some of the building of his house. Thus the definition of house building for people living in this study area is not only interpreted as a place to live, but

also as a source, family income. OIeh because the process of settling for the community here besides presenting a form or characteristic of its own settlement also creates a social economic network especially for its inhabitants and for the community / society in the surrounding environment. Thoroughly peughasilan average residents in this settlement is relatively high. There are still problems to be faced with this huge income, that is there are also high fluctuations. By itself if their efforts can be fostered and supported then through increased efficiency potential and income can still be improved further. The mobility indicator that needs to be shown is also related to residence. Of the building owners who generally intend to settle in that place, only a few have a steady job. And generally they have long been in that place. On the contrary from the group of tenants the picture is also not entirely showing the nature of the circular or temporary. The tenants who had been there for more than ten years, showed permanent symptoms and stuck with mobility.

Ddifferent from the general opinion, such settlements turned out to be the process of improving the perumannya occur dynamically and continued by the ability itself, then the end result is sometimes better than settlements whose status is formal but not fostered properly. Limitations in many ways are a common feature of this settlement. What is interesting to note is that the current inhabitants are not the few who bought either land or houses from previous owners. This means the house for them is already an investment that in many ways is a change from the previous property in the former (village). It turns out that less than a third of the size of the house is smaller than the modest house of government pattern, the rest is the same or larger and the form of housing offered by the government.Bila ditinjau dari pekerjaan kepala keluarga, ternyata relatif hanya sedikit yang menggunakan tempat tinggal sebagai tempat usaha. Sebagian besar mengandalkan pada pekerjaan di luar rumah dan tidak perlu modal besar. Namun hal lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah adanya cukup besar yang mengandalkan pada pelanggan di sekitarnya. Sepintas gambaran dari pola sosial-ekonomi dan penghinu kawasan pemukiman di Pulo Wonokromo ini, tidak beda dengan pola sosial ekonomi penduduk yang mata pencaharian utamanya bergerak disektor informal. Tetapi karena sering terjadi salah menanggapi, maka disini secara umum hendak diurut kembali sebagai berikut:

  • Is a society of the lowest socio-economic layer.

  • Ada kedinamisan dan potensi yang tinggi, tetapi sering terhalang oleh vonis yang salah terhadap mereka, berupa penduduk liar dan menyalahi peraturan.

  • There is a high dynamic and potential, but it is often hindered by a wrong verdict against them, in the form of squatters and against the rules.

  • Has saved both in in cash and in kind in the form of pontensial housing.

  • There is a well-developed and robust socio-economic network that supports the holding of profitable activities. That this area provides a business opportunity with minimal capital.

  • There is a varety of levels and circumstances of the development of its socio-economic potential, from the most prepared to the location to the most jammed / bound.

  • Finally, the poorly understood characteristic is self- reliance and high self-reliance as a society that has developed an unsupported or unsupported social-economy that is experienced by a formal group.

According from the long occupants, place of business and interconnection with the environment, then on them also tasks, burdens and responsibilities obtained 5 character / type of occupancy. The vast majority (28.9%) are those living in their permanent residences whose businesses depend on their surroundings. Because in the operation of its business activities even without the use or use of force, its business uses raw materials and meperoleh customers from the same RW. While (13.2%) ie those who live now in transitory whose business is very dependent on the surrounding environment. Because in the operation of his business activities even without or using labor, his business using raw materials And obtain the same customers and RW.

There are essentially three levels of the intensity of the interconnectedness of the housing and its inhabitants to the existence of this settlement. Dynamic Linkage; In this form, the ability to adjust to new high state. This is primarily derived from the group in terms of transitional and temporary shelter and free economy. Some of the residential groups are resident but with high socio-economic mobility are included in this group. Static Linkages; This includes a considerable amount, more than a third of the association with high locality with socioeconomic patterns is highly dependent on the locality of existing housing. Included in this group are residents of the second generation and beyond which does not improve. Pontential Linkage; As the intermediate form of the two socio- economic relationships expressed above, then there is the first form of linkage, basically this potential linkage will not improve if there is no real intervention.

  1. Problem Solve

    TThe There are four actors directly involved in the fostering of these settlements, namely: Government, society, Catalysts and residents concerned. Local people; Those who are the subject of this coaching; So they should be the benchmarks of the results achieved. But in their tasks dual, burden dab the biggest responsibilities that apply. Catalysts: if the first group of locals has been there for a long time and is developing as it is, then the catalyst group will be able to bring about change as it will. This group should need to be the core movement of the coaching process to reach the final stage of improving the living conditions of the population concerned. Local government: however the local government is responsible for the circumstances of all citizens in the area. This is a fair duty and responsibility of all Local Governments in Indonesia. Implementation of this task should be integrated with development efforts.

    Referring to the above understanding, it becomes the duty of local governments to do the maximum limit of the (large) capacity to bring and present a better and prospective situation for these residents who should never be seen only from their existing limitations, but especially Utilizing the various capabilities that have been there both effective and still pontensial as described above, even including those that still have to be explored further. Communities around: from many existing lives, such as trying the informal sector very closely united with the community. This is not detached and clearly visible from the description of residential data in this Pulo

    Wonokromo region. People and businesses in the informal sector have interaction with each other. The linkages of the development of the surrounding community with entrepreneurs in the sector sometimes arise mutually supportive. It means there are businesses that provide profitable service, and this situation further forms an adjacent consumer society that arises because of this favorable service.

  2. Conclusion

    From this descriptive research is obtained picture that:

    1. Settlements in the Wonokromo area proved to have the role of community self-help in the development of settlements.

    2. Apart from that the study area also contains development potential in the improvement of residential environments.

    3. Handlers in the study area need to be involved and various development actors either government, community, or local people.

    4. This preliminary study needs further research in preparing the proposed actions either directly or indirectly within the limits set. In the end is a whole action research.


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