- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 22
- Authors : Michiko Miyamoto
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV4IS01003
- Volume & Issue : ICIDB – 2015 (Volume 4 – Issue 01)
- Published (First Online): 24-04-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Relationships of Factors for Successful ICT Projects Management
Michiko Miyamoto
Department of Management Science and Engineering Akita Prefectural University
Yurihonjo, Akita Japan
AbstractThis study presents a framework and empirical analyses to measure relationships of factors for successful ICT projects management, by using the survey data from 1,678 managers and professionals working in a collaborative environment for Japanese software houses. The results of the research model using SEM show that there is a significant, strong and positive relationship between managers roles and communication/atmosphere, accomplishment/challenge, and obstacles. Furthermore, communication/atmosphere is closely related to obstacles.
KeywordsManagers roles; communication/atmosphere; accomplishment/challnege; obstacles, SEM.
As for project management in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry, the companies have strived to apply the most secure practice for ensuring the success of their projects. ICT projects reflect a dynamic team-based work structure; however, firms realize that designing and managing teams that work well together is a complex challenge [1, 2, 3]. The theoretical literature on ITC project management tends to assume that certain organizational rules, executive procedures, and environmental conditions are essential to the success of all types of projects. Meanwhile, management practitioners frequently ignore such general rules, because they are convinced that their particular projects pose entirely unique kinds of problems [4].
Projects vary greatly in terms of targets, duration, budget, staffing and difficulty. However, in all projects involve elements, such as communication, atmosphere, accomplishment, challenge and obstacles, need to be managed throughout the project life cycle. The project life cycle includes those phases; the initiation phase, the planning phase, the implementation (execution) phase, and the closing phase [5].
This paper empirically investigates relationships between managers roles, communication, atmosphere, accomplishment, challenge and obstacles, within the collaborative environment, the ICT project team.
For estimating a fit between factors, advanced quantitative techniques of structural equation modeling (SEM) [6] have been employed. SEM has been established as an analytical tool, leading to hundreds of published applications per year. Overviews of the state of the method can be found in Cudeck et al.[7], Jöreskog [8], Millerand Form [9], and Shirai [10]. In this study, a suggested SEM
model connects factors such as managers roles, communication, accomplishment, obstacles by using a survey data of 1,678 Japanese software development managers and professionals.
This paper is organized as follows. Following the introduction on Section 1, Section 2 presents literature review on factors needed for successful ICT development teams. Section 3 outlines research model and hypotheses. Section 4 describes the data and variables. Section 5 presents the result of analysis. Finally, a summary of results are discussed in Section 6.
Successful project methodologies provide the framework for management cultures are based on trust, communication, cooperation, and teamwork [11].
Communication is known as the most important component within any project. The project management literature frequently outlines the importance of good communication for success in projects [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. The success of most projects, whether handled by a dedicated project team or a cross-departmental team, depends upon a set of crucial communication skills and techniques. Communication affects performance. Therefore, effective communication entrenchments are needed in order to get high-performance teams working on a project. Without well- established communication channels, it is likely that the project will fail. Successful project managers typically have good communications skills that include being able to effectively present the issues, listen and act on feedback, and foster harmony among team members. [1].
Charvat [1] suggests that there are three communication channels that managers need to establish once the project has started (See Fig. 1), and managing and improving these channels can dramatically increase chances of project success. Communication has long been documented as important for building and maintaining a productive interface between functional units.
Motivating people is a key activity of a project manager. The project management should be effective, initiating a collaborative and responsible working atmosphere within the project team and the partners. The project manager can create an atmosphere where informal communication is expected and reinforced.
Special attention has been paid to explain the concept of the project in order to create a single project vision and federate the team and the partners. According to Nash [17],
leaders distinguish themselves by strong will to win, focus on achieving the results, establishing the culture of readiness for changes, and creating an atmosphere of trust.
Upward Channel
Communication to senior executives Highlight issues, risks
and exceptoins
Lateral Channel
Communication to clients, provide direciton to vendors, and functional project team managers
Highlight tasks Involves negotiations for pending, scheduled resources, budgets, and tasks, dates, and time allocations
general team briefings
Downward Channel
Upward Channel
Communication to senior executives Highlight issues, risks
and exceptoins
Lateral Channel
Communication to clients, provide direciton to vendors, and functional project team managers
Highlight tasks Involves negotiations for pending, scheduled resources, budgets, and tasks, dates, and time allocations
general team briefings
Downward Channel
Fig. 1. Three communication channels (Based on Charvat, 2002)
Roles of Project Managers
Projects are managed in a work environment that is complex because each project is unique and dynamic [18]. In the context of project management, good leaders are required to assign appropriate importance to relationships, communicate their values, and at the same time pay suitable importance to processes [19].
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. The project manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the project objectives [20].
In addition to working across functional and organizational environments, the project manager has other challenges such as providing leadership without documented, formal authority, and working in matrix organizations where unity of command is an issue [21]. Consequently, project managers are perceived to be leading a diverse set of people with little direct control over the team members [22].
Uniqueness, complexity, and unfamiliarity, are often considered as the characteristics of projects. Projects usually experience frequent personnel changes. People involved with projects are often dispersed when projects end, which creates challenges for generating, transferring, and sharing knowledge [23]. Projects are often associated with change, habitually facing resistance. Consequently, leadership is a determinant of success, as it provides vision and ability to cope with change [24]. Te challenge for the project manager is to make best and most effective use of the team that is selected [25].
One of the challenges of project leadership is its limited role as a transformational leader. Helping subordinates develop to their fullest potential is an integral part of transformational leadership; however, projects may offer a limited role for transformational leadership from this perspective in traditionally functional hierarchy organizations [26]. A limited role is attributed to project formation and organizational structure that are different from those of traditional organizations, including the time-bound
participation of people in multiple projects reporting to different project leaders. The project manager is the person who can challenge and who is responsible for accomplishing the project objectives.
In the IT sector, the results of the Chaos survey from The Standish Group in 2014 shows that 31.1% of all projects are cancelled before they ever get completed, while the average is only 16.2% for software projects that are completed on- time and on-budget. The failure has been posited to result from managers not implementing projects that align with the business strategy in global businesses [27]. Lyytinen and Hirschheim [28] identified 4 major categories of ITC failure; correspondence failure, process failure, interaction failure and expectation failure. According to Sauer [29], failure occurs when the level of dissatisfaction of supporters with a system rises to the extent when there is no longer enough support to sustain it. Problems in any of these three relationships will be the source of consequential difficulties for the other two, and unless the problems can be solved, this will lead ultimately to total withdrawal of support and system failure. Projects fail to meet time and cost targets due to people-related issues, such as poor morale, poor human relations, poor productivity, and lack of commitment [30].
RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES Based on literature, the author measures relationships of
those factors for successful ICT projects management, including (1) managers roles, (2) communication/atmosphere,
(3) accomplishment/challenge, and (4) obstacles. In this study, a research framework was developed as shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. A research framework
More specifically the author will investigate the following six hypotheses regarding an effective ICT management:
H1: Managers roles will affect communication/ atmosphere. H2: Managers roles will affect accomplishment/challenge. H3: Managers roles will affect obstacles.
H4: Communication/ atmosphere will affect accomplishment/challenge.
H5: Obstacles will afect accomplishment/challenge. H6: Communication/ atmosphere will affect obstacles.
In structural equation modeling, the author considers the causalities among all variables, especially between the result
and the latent variables. Latent variable enables us to find many compiled observed variables at the same time based on the notion of structure. This works for generating and verifying hypothesis to find factors and causalities.
The survey was sent to several software development companies in Tokyo, Japan, from January 2002 to March 2002 [31], and amassed 1,678 valid responses. The questionnaire was sent by mail to project managers of each firm, and they delivered the questionnaire to each project member.
Since the survey was conducted through project managers of the companies where Enokida and Matsuodani
[31] closely associated with, a response rate was close to100%. Most of the questionnaires are asked by a 4 point scale.Table I shows the demographics of the data. 84% of the participants are male, and most of them are between 26 and
40 years old, having rich experiences in software development. One third of them are managing the project. There are short projects lasted less than one month, while more than 800 projects are going over one year long. A list of variables is shown in Table II.
Table III contains the Pearson correlation coefficient between all pairs of twenty variables with the two-tailed significance of these coefficients. All variables correlate fairly well and are statistically significant, and none of the correlation coefficients are particularly large; therefore, multicollinearity is not a problem for these data.
25 or below
over 41
software house
individual entrepreneurs
Role within the project
Professional experiences
less than 2years
6-10 years
3-5 years
over 11years
Your work place
Number of people at the work place
less than 5 people
more than 101
Management style of the project
top down
Length of your participation in the project
less than 1 month
less than 6 mo
over 1yr
less than 3 mo
less than 1 yr
Appropriate supports
Ambitious management
The good feeling, respect for the manager
Having good communication
Satisfied with the management and project policy
Resolved unclear role responsibilities
Roles of Project Managers
The project role is determined by the right man in the right place, it operated smoothly
Exactly fair evaluation
Project policy and management policy have been told
Sharing of necessary information
This project will be successful
Your role has been clearly explained
Responsibility on the project is appropriate
Communication with members of other teams is good
Informal communication with project members is good.
Communication between teams of each of the project is a good.
Communication with team members is good
Satisfied with workplace relationships
q27 Atmosphere conducive to aggressive behavior
Hope to work with the same leader and same members in the next project.
Cooperative atmosphere of "trying to achieve the goals of the job."
It is possible to increase one's ability
Increase your market value
Given a challenging worth work
A sense of accomplishment for the day-to-day work.
Have ever received the unreasonable treatment.
By a sudden emergency, a trouble came to your work
There were difficult problems associated with the adjustment of the user and the vendor
Troubles happened by uncooperative members.
Because of the power relationships between organizations and members of the project, it is difficult to work.
Working under time pressure.
Disturbance sectionalism
q1 q10 q11 q14 q17 q18 q19 q21 q22 q23 q24 q25 q26 q27 q28 q29 q3 q30 q1 1 .210** 323** -.025 .052* .044 .239** .295** .287** 255** .246** .244** .278** .328** .367** .203** .366** .215**
q10 1 318** .119** .243** 229** .318** .319** .310** 261** .239** .243** .320** .340** .369** .409** .363** .372** q11 1 .042 .111** 099** .394** .368** .343** 312** .291** .288** .325** .391** .421** .280** .404** .211** q14 1 .293** 259** .151** .065** .080** 087** .041 .051* .046 .085** .079** .138** .164** .167**
q17 1 569** .273** .110** .103** 107** .022 .072** .137** .143** .208** .226** .181** .268**
q18 1 .300** .110** .104** 107** .033 .052* .140** .101** .159** .208** .165** .256**
q19 1 .424** .338** 276** .272** .290** .456** .363** .417** .350** .448** .322**
q21 1 .491** 405** .434** .479** .675** .506** .436** .319** .370** .251**
q22 1 483** .636** .551** .413** .494** .467** .409** .352** .319**
q23 1 .433** .489** .326** .374** .368** .297** .263** .315**
q24 1 .614** .360** .401** .362** .287** .238** .207**
q25 1 .393** .459** .390** .317** .270** .236**
q26 1 .489** .458** .335** .409** .310**
q27 1 .572** .483** .389** .319**
q28 1 .466** .460** .359**
q29 1 .358** .515**
q3 1 .313**
q30 1
Testing the efficacy of the structural equation model was conducted by AMOS 22, and the major results of analysis are shown in Fig. 3. The path diagram highlights the structural relationships. In this diagram, the measured variables are enclosed in boxes, latent variables are circled, and arrows connecting two variables represent relations, and open arrows represent errors.
q31 q32 q33 q36 q37 q38 q39 q4 q40 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9
.605** .550** .366** .292** .202** .426** .332** .428** .402** .313** .373** .336** .295** .260**
FIT indices Recommended level Research Model
.281** .284** .296** .329** .344** .256** .297** .247** .332** .298** .353** .330** .271** .350**
.317** .276** .345** .325** .270** .365** .406** .435** .370** .462** .429** .416** .344** .396**
CFI >0.90 (Bentler, 1990) 0.900
.029 .046 .096** .148** .320** .090** .182** .081** .094** .054* .200** .106** -.014 .124**
IFI >0.90 ( Bollen, 1989) 0.901
q17 .150** .140** .144** .182** .367** .142** .215** .076** .146** .115** .225** .159** .132** .181**
<0.08(Browne and Cudeck,1993)
q18 .103** .116** .113** .161** .347** .128** .238** .103** .140** .104** .233** .165** .132** .154** AIC
Smaller values suggest a good fitting (Akaike, 1974)
.283** .302** .433** .364** .340** .362** .442** .363** .397** .343** .449** .502** .460** .416**
p-value >0.05 0.000
.281** .271** .485** .432** .303** .358** .379** .349** .443** .391** .414** .602** .499** .357**
q22 q23
.312** .318** .340** .495** .278** .371** .379** .282** .474** .343** .379** .327** .290** .364**
.281** .250** .284** .530** .265** .292** .266** .295** .471** .233** .254** .303** .209** .300**
When SEM is used to verify a theoretical model, a
.217** .217** .311** .404** .183** .320** .244** .250** .359** .265** .277** .289** .228** .304**
better goodness of fit is required for SEM analysis [6]; the
.244** .251** .336** .486** .254** .349** .294** .278** .422** .290** .287** .317** .251** .276**
better the fit, the closer the model matrix and the sample
.329** .304** .490** .422** .317** .346** .413** .324** .480** .383** .435** .659** .608** .377** matrix. By means of various goodness-of-fit indexes,
.357** .357** .404** .489** .344** .356** .380** .345** .493** .401** .406** .416** .365** .379** including the comparative fit index (CFI) [32], the
.395** .398** .415** .485** .323** .418** .476** .341** .496** .391** .456** .446** .420** .420** incremental fit index (IFI) [32], and the root mean squared
.275** .280** .323** .505** .463** .300** .340** .294** .459** .261** .357** .343** .307** .329** error of approximation (RMSEA) [33], the estimated matrix
q31 q32 q33 q36 q37 q38 q39 q4 q40 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9
.605** .550** .366** .292** .202** .426** .332** .428** .402** .313** .373** .336** .295** .260**
FIT indices Recommended level Research Model
.281** .284** .296** .329** .344** .256** .297** .247** .332** .298** .353** .330** .271** .350**
.317** .276** .345** .325** .270** .365** .406** .435** .370** .462** .429** .416** .344** .396**
CFI >0.90 (Bentler, 1990) 0.900
.029 .046 .096** .148** .320** .090** .182** .081** .094** .054* .200** .106** -.014 .124**
IFI >0.90 ( Bollen, 1989) 0.901
q17 .150** .140** .144** .182** .367** .142** .215** .076** .146** .115** .225** .159** .132** .181**
<0.08(Browne and Cudeck,1993)
q18 .103** .116** .113** .161** .347** .128** .238** .103** .140** .104** .233** .165** .132** .154** AIC
Smaller values suggest a good fitting (Akaike, 1974)
.283** .302** .433** .364** .340** .362** .442** .363** .397** .343** .449** .502** .460** .416**
p-value >0.05 0.000
.281** .271** .485** .432** .303** .358** .379** .349** .443** .391** .414** .602** .499** .357**
q22 q23
.312** .318** .340** .495** .278** .371** .379** .282** .474** .343** .379** .327** .290** .364**
.281** .250** .284** .530** .265** .292** .266** .295** .471** .233** .254** .303** .209** .300**
When SEM is used to verify a theoretical model, a
.217** .217** .311** .404** .183** .320** .244** .250** .359** .265** .277** .289** .228** .304**
better goodness of fit is required for SEM analysis [6]; the
.244** .251** .336** .486** .254** .349** .294** .278** .422** .290** .287** .317** .251** .276**
better the fit, the closer the model matrix and the sample
.329** .304** .490** .422** .317** .346** .413** .324** .480** .383** .435** .659** .608** .377** matrix. By means of various goodness-of-fit indexes,
.357** .357** .404** .489** .344** .356** .380** .345** .493** .401** .406** .416** .365** .379** including the comparative fit index (CFI) [32], the
.395** .398** .415** .485** .323** .418** .476** .341** .496** .391** .456** .446** .420** .420** incremental fit index (IFI) [32], and the root mean squared
.275** .280** .323** .505** .463** .300** .340** .294** .459** .261** .357** .343** .307** .329** error of approximation (RMSEA) [33], the estimated matrix
.318** .321** .414** .368** .356** .383** .467** .468** .420** .399** .595** .486** .425** .444**
q30 .336** .238** .278** .412** .452** .229** .294** .250** .384** .218** .307** .300** .273** .267** q31 1 .757** .448** .338** .256** .392** .330** .373** .436** .336** .359** .324** .297** .280** q32 1 .458** .323** .240** .413** .332** .350** .406** .318** .383** .328** .323** .263** q33 1 .413** .339** .358** .374** .423** .420** .381** .451** .486** .423** .342**
q36 1 .414** .341** .361** .331** .612** .305** .382** .387** .323** .331**
1 .441** .362** .451** .333** .452** .392** .329** .305**
1 .362** .496** .398** .505** .431** .377** .377**
1 .398** .353** .423** .406** .313** .309**
1 .356** .457** .456** .372** .349**
1 .559** .444** .415** .392**
1 .544** .468** .481**
1 .712** .450**
1 .391**
1 .441** .362** .451** .333** .452** .392** .329** .305**
1 .362** .496** .398** .505** .431** .377** .377**
1 .398** .353** .423** .406** .313** .309**
1 .356** .457** .456** .372** .349**
1 .559** .444** .415** .392**
1 .544** .468** .481**
1 .712** .450**
1 .391**
q37 1 .302** .340** .317** .413** .232** .372** .336** .256** .311**
can be evaluated against the observed sample covariance matrix to determine whether the hypothesized model is an acceptable representation of the data. In general, incremental fit indexes (i.e., CFI, IFI) above 0.90 signify good model fit. RMSEA values lower than .08 signify acceptable model fit, with values lower than .05 indicative of good model fit [33]. The research model is shown in figure 3; CFI=0.900, IFI=0.901, RMSEA= 0.060 (see table IV). The
Path Coefficient for both structural models suggested that the regression coefficient for all constructs show significance. Since all of the indexes satisfy the cut-off values, these results are regarded as acceptable.
Fig. 3. A research model
construct Std.
Unstd. S.E. C.R. P
This paper presents a framework and empirical analyses
Communication_Atmosphier |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.803 |
0.939 0.053 |
17.803 |
*** |
for the survey data from 1,678 managers and professionals |
Obstacles |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.355 |
0.515 0.068 |
7.593 |
*** |
working in the collaborative environment for Japanese |
Obstacles |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.438 |
0.543 0.06 |
9.094 |
*** |
software houses to measure relationships of factors, such as |
Accomplishment_Challenge <— Communication_Atmosphier 0.365 0.38 0.052 7.359 *** managers roles, communication/atmosphere, |
Accomplishment_Challenge |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.481 |
0.585 0.061 |
9.585 |
*** accomplishment/challenge, and obstacles, for a successful |
Accomplishment_Challenge |
<— Obstacles |
-0.11 |
-0.092 0.035 |
-2.655 |
0.008 ICT projects management. Effective and efficient project |
q4 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.559 |
1 |
q11 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.578 |
1.171 0.057 |
20.658 |
*** management is a critical success factor for any project. [34] |
q39 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.643 |
1.23 0.06 |
20.33 |
*** |
The results of the research model suggest that managers |
q9 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.606 |
1.274 0.065 |
19.555 |
*** |
roles are closely related to communication/atmosphere, |
q5 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.614 |
1.292 0.065 |
19.728 |
*** |
accomplishment/challenge, and obstacles. |
q33 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.646 |
1.175 0.055 |
21.487 |
*** |
Furthermore, communication/atmosphere is closely |
q3 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.686 |
1.313 0.058 |
22.775 |
*** related to obstacles, such as Have ever received the |
q19 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.654 |
1.32 0.065 |
20.451 |
*** unreasonable treatment (Q37), By a sudden emergency, a |
q6 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.754 |
1.418 0.063 |
22.368 |
*** trouble came to your work (Q17), There were difficult |
q21 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.669 |
.307 0.063 |
20.768 |
*** |
q26 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.68 |
1.295 0.061 |
21.059 |
*** problems associated with the adjustment of the user and the |
q8 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.649 |
1.295 0.063 |
20.448 |
*** vendor (Q18), Troubles happened by uncooperative |
q7 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.744 |
1.431 0.064 |
22.266 |
*** members (Q30), Because of the power relationships |
q24 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.617 |
1 |
between organizations and members of the project, it is |
q25 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.601 |
0.946 0.039 |
24.089 |
*** difficult to work (Q29). Working under time pressure |
q22 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.692 |
1.15 0.053 |
21.906 |
*** (Q14), and Disturbance sectionalism (Q10). The previous |
q23 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.569 |
0.902 0.047 |
19.14 |
*** |
survey conducted by CompTIA in 2007 also suggested that |
q36 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.718 |
1.199 0.053 |
22.506 |
*** |
poor communication is the number one cause of project |
q27 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.739 |
1.262 0.057 |
21.952 |
*** |
q40 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.783 |
1.297 0.059 |
21.946 |
*** |
q28 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.734 |
1.221 0.056 |
21.665 |
*** |
every stage, and once managers understand the objectives of |
q38 |
<— Accomplishment_Challenge |
0.708 |
1 |
the project, the expected results and the budget restrictions, |
q1 |
<— Accomplishment_Challenge |
0.764 |
1.254 0.055 |
22.841 |
*** |
they need to clearly communicate that information to |
q31 |
<— Accomplishment_Challenge |
0.751 |
1.354 0.064 |
21.16 |
*** |
everyone involved [35]. Poor communication from |
q32 |
<— Accomplishment_Challenge |
0.672 |
1.203 0.059 |
20.242 |
*** |
stakeholders is also listed as one of problems of IT projects |
q37 |
<— Obstacles |
0.708 |
1 |
delays, along with inadequate planning, a high degree of |
q17 |
<— Obstacles |
0.375 |
0.563 0.041 |
13.807 |
*** |
uncertainty due to a new technology, and constant changes in |
q18 |
<— Obstacles |
0.384 |
0.523 0.038 |
13.633 |
*** |
q30 |
<— Obstacles |
0.625 |
0.921 0.044 |
20.799 |
*** |
q29 |
<— Obstacles |
0.704 |
1.075 0.047 |
22.789 |
*** |
suggested that a good project communications plan is a key to |
q14 |
<— Obstacles |
0.308 |
0.429 0.04 |
10.671 |
*** |
project success. |
q10 |
<— Obstacles |
0.608 |
0.86 0.043 |
20.048 |
*** |
The results of this study imply that the roles of managers |
Communication_Atmosphier |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.803 |
0.939 0.053 |
17.803 |
*** |
for the survey data from 1,678 managers and professionals |
Obstacles |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.355 |
0.515 0.068 |
7.593 |
*** |
working in the collaborative environment for Japanese |
Obstacles |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.438 |
0.543 0.06 |
9.094 |
*** |
software houses to measure relationships of factors, such as |
Accomplishment_Challenge <— Communication_Atmosphier 0.365 0.38 0.052 7.359 *** managers roles, communication/atmosphere, |
Accomplishment_Challenge |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.481 |
0.585 0.061 |
9.585 |
*** accomplishment/challenge, and obstacles, for a successful |
Accomplishment_Challenge |
<— Obstacles |
-0.11 |
-0.092 0.035 |
-2.655 |
0.008 ICT projects management. Effective and efficient project |
q4 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.559 |
1 |
q11 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.578 |
1.171 0.057 |
20.658 |
*** management is a critical success factor for any project. [34] |
q39 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.643 |
1.23 0.06 |
20.33 |
*** |
The results of the research model suggest that managers |
q9 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.606 |
1.274 0.065 |
19.555 |
*** |
roles are closely related to communication/atmosphere, |
q5 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.614 |
1.292 0.065 |
19.728 |
*** |
accomplishment/challenge, and obstacles. |
q33 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.646 |
1.175 0.055 |
21.487 |
*** |
Furthermore, communication/atmosphere is closely |
q3 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.686 |
1.313 0.058 |
22.775 |
*** related to obstacles, such as Have ever received the |
q19 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.654 |
1.32 0.065 |
20.451 |
*** unreasonable treatment (Q37), By a sudden emergency, a |
q6 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.754 |
1.418 0.063 |
22.368 |
*** trouble came to your work (Q17), There were difficult |
q21 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.669 |
1.307 0.063 |
20.768 |
** |
q26 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.68 |
1.295 0.061 |
21.059 |
*** problems associated with the adjustment of the user and the |
q8 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.649 |
1.295 0.063 |
20.448 |
*** vendor (Q18), Troubles happened by uncooperative |
q7 |
<— Managers_Roles |
0.744 |
1.431 0.064 |
22.266 |
*** members (Q30), Because of the power relationships |
q24 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.617 |
1 |
between organizations and members of the project, it is |
q25 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.601 |
0.946 0.039 |
24.089 |
*** difficult to work (Q29). Working under time pressure |
q22 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.692 |
1.15 0.053 |
21.906 |
*** (Q14), and Disturbance sectionalism (Q10). The previous |
q23 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.569 |
0.902 0.047 |
19.14 |
*** |
survey conducted by CompTIA in 2007 also suggested that |
q36 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.718 |
1.199 0.053 |
22.506 |
*** |
poor communication is the number one cause of project |
q27 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.739 |
1.262 0.057 |
21.952 |
*** |
q40 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.783 |
1.297 0.059 |
21.946 |
*** |
q28 |
<— Communication_Atmosphier |
0.734 |
1.221 0.056 |
21.665 |
*** |
every stage, and once managers understand the objectives of |
q38 |
<— Accomplishment_Challenge |
0.708 |
1 |
the project, the expected results and the budget restrictions, |
q1 |
<— Accomplishment_Challenge |
0.764 |
1.254 0.055 |
22.841 |
*** |
they need to clearly communicate that information to |
q31 |
<— Accomplishment_Challenge |
0.751 |
1.354 0.064 |
21.16 |
*** |
everyone involved [35]. Poor communication from |
q32 |
<— Accomplishment_Challenge |
0.672 |
1.203 0.059 |
20.242 |
*** |
stakeholders is also listed as one of problems of IT projects |
q37 |
<— Obstacles |
0.708 |
1 |
delays, along with inadequate planning, a high degree of |
q17 |
<— Obstacles |
0.375 |
0.563 0.041 |
13.807 |
*** |
uncertainty due to a new technology, and constant changes in |
q18 |
<— Obstacles |
0.384 |
0.523 0.038 |
13.633 |
*** |
q30 |
<— Obstacles |
0.625 |
0.921 0.044 |
20.799 |
*** |
q29 |
<— Obstacles |
0.704 |
1.075 0.047 |
22.789 |
*** |
suggested that a good project communications plan is a key to |
q14 |
<— Obstacles |
0.308 |
0.429 0.04 |
10.671 |
*** |
project success. |
q10 |
<— Obstacles |
0.608 |
0.86 0.043 |
20.048 |
*** |
The results of this study imply that the roles of managers |
weight weight (t-value) value
failure, as communication is a component of a project at
the scope [36]. A survey conducted by Mnkandla [37] also
A result of the research model for relationships among factors relating to an effective ICT management; (1) managers roles, (2) communication/ atmosphere, (3) accomplishment/challenge, and (4) obstacles, shows the following six findings;
H1: There is a significant, strong and positive relationship between managers roles and communication/ atmosphere.
H2: There is a siginificant and positive relationship between managers roles and accomplishment/challenge.
H3: There is a siginificant and positive relationship between managers roles and obstacles.
H4: There is a siginificant and positive relationship between communication/ atmosphere and accomplishment/ challenge.
H5: There is a siginificant, but weak and negative relationship between obstacles and accomplishment/ challenge.
H6: There is a siginificant and positive relationship between communication/ atmosphere and obstacles.
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