Public Perseption on Modern Design of Traditional Markets in Semarang City

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV4IS090632

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  • Total Downloads : 107
  • Authors : Prof. Ir. Edy Darmawan, M. Eng. , Ir. Hermin Werdiningsih, Mt, Arnis Rochma Harani, St, Mt, Yasmina Nurul Falah, St, Mt
  • Paper ID : IJERTV4IS090632
  • Volume & Issue : Volume 04, Issue 09 (September 2015)
  • Published (First Online): 29-09-2015
  • ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
  • Publisher Name : IJERT
  • License: Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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Public Perseption on Modern Design of Traditional Markets in Semarang City

Prof. Ir. Edy Darmawan, M. Eng; Ir. Hermin Werdiningsih, MT; Arnis Rochma Harani, ST, MT; Yasmina Nurul Falah, ST, MT Architecture Department, Engineering Faculty,

Diponegoro University, Semarang-Indonesia

Abstract – Semarang is a city that has many traditional markets. What makes these markets different from traditional markets in other big cities is their building design. The traditional markets in other cities have a modern building design, whereas the traditional markets in Semarang are still utilized old buildings with its dirty, crowded, and stinking image. A building looks more interesting if the design is in accordance with its function. The design of traditional market, therefore, should have an appeal able to attract the people surround it and in the end, it could also preserve one of the cultures of Indonesian people, shopping in traditional market. To implement this, knowledge of peoples perception in Semarang city is needed.

The method used in this research is a quantitative paradigm with post posivistic rationalistic approach analyzed based on the data collected from questionnaires and processed by SPSS program. Observation, questionnaire, field recording are the methods used to collect data. The samples are the people of Semarang city usually shopping in traditional market, and these people will be chosen based on random sampling method.

The purpose of this research is to know peoples perception on the design of traditional market in Semarang city. This knowledge is useful as a positive input for the Municipality of Semarang to design traditional markets that are in accordance with the desire of Semarang people and as criteria in designing traditional markets particularly in Semarang. When all of these are implemented, local wisdoms of Indonesian people can be preserved, and traditional markets are able to grow along with modern market (malls and others).

Keywords: Traditional Market, Design, Peoples Perception, Local Wisdom


    Market is a place where seller and buyer meet and do a transaction. The definition of market is a place where people fulfill their daily needs. Traditional market particularly is a market located in certain place providing daily needs with minimum facilities. The impression of traditional market is always negative. This market is always considered to have uninteresting design, smelly and unpleasantly dirty.

    As the negative impression about traditional market is growing among the society, the government has been rejuvenating the traditional market by rebuilding traditional markets with modern design in order to improve

    traditional markets local wisdom, so the people are more interested in shopping at this market.

    Design is usually interpreted as applied art, architecture and other creative achievements. In a sentence, the word Design could be used as either noun or verb. As a verb, the word of Design is a process of making and creating a new object. As a noun, the word of design refers to final result of a creative process, which is in the form of a plan, proposal or a real object (

    A building will be more interesting if the applied design is in accordance with its function. The design of a market, therefore, should have its own attraction for its society. Semarang City is the capital of Central Java province and has some traditional markets located in downtown such as Johar market, Bulu market, Karang Ayu market, Jatingaleh market and Ungaran market. These markets, like Johar market and Bulu market, have typical design which is historic legacy. Even though these markets have old, filthy, dirty and unorganized design, but they still have many visitors.


    After examining the research methodology and the typology of the research approach, this research is considered appropriate based on quantitative paradigm with post positivistic-rationalistic approach. Thinking rationalistically is to think not only using ratio but also based on rationalism philosophy (Muhadjir, 2000). Rationalism as a philosophy of science is the direct opposite to positivism. According to positivism, all sciences come from empirical sense. According to the rationalism, on the other hand, all sciences come from our intellectual understanding based on logically argumentative abilities, and it is not based on empirical experience like positivism.

    Research methodology with positivism approach requires object which is specified, eliminated from another object; and basically accompanied an assumption that another object (usually called as variable) is in unchanged condition. Research methodology with rationalistic approach requires holistic character and a researched object which is put in its context; and is examined in a focus or certain accentuation without eliminating its context.

    The holistic character required by rationalistic approach is the using of meaning construction based on empirical sense, logic or ethic. Science built based on rationalism emphasizes the empirical meaning. Deep intellectual understanding is the most important part for rationalism.

  3. MODERNIZATION ON TRADITIONAL MARKETS In these days, there is modernization of traditional markets, like what happens in traditional markets in Semarang city like Karang Ayu market, Johar market and Bulu market. The design of these markets has been


    b. Bulu market

    From pictures above, we can see that the design of Bulu market, both interior and exterior, has been modernized, although this market is a traditional market. Bulu market, firstly built in 1930, is ± 13.733 m2 in width; where its productive are is only ± 6.146 m2 which can contain ±

    1.306 sellers with various commodities. While the rest area, ± 7.587 m2, is non-productive area.

    1. Johar Market

      In 1931, the old prison building located near Johar market was reconstructed relative to the plan of municipality of Semarang city to build a Modern Central

      1. Karang Ayu Market

    Karang Ayu market was built in 1988. This market is one of the main markets in Semarang. The municipality of Semarang will even renovate this market to be a modeling market in Semarang. Karang Ayu market, located at Jendral Sudirman Street, West Semarang, it has a strategic location because it is located in the downtown and it is easy to access. Although this market is a traditional market, its exterior and interior part have been modernized in

    market. Central market was built in order to unite the functions of five the existing markets, which are Johar market, Pedamaran market, Benteng market, Jumatan market and Pekojan market. The planned market site is according to the sites of Pedamaran, Johar market, prison site, several shops, some of Kanjengans yard and some of the square.

    Several modern facades have been added to this market, so its traditional form is no longer visible.


    The respondents of this research were 90 peoples, divided into three segments, with 30 peoples each segment. Respondents categories are divided into 3 categories, which are (1) residence, (2) the frequencies of arrival to

    market (Locus of Research) and (3) The Occupation. These three categories are considered as the most closely associated with the locus of research.

    Table 5.1 Respondents Residence


    Respondent Composition



    Respondents Residences










    In Table 5.1, according to the residence, we can see that the most respondents, about 38 people (42%), are respondents residing within 1-5 km (locus of research). Secondly, 28 people (31%) of respondents residing close to the market having distance 0-1km from the market. The lowest respondents, about 24 people (42%), are respondents residing far from the market (or more than 5 km).


    The hypothesis of this study is to test the influence of modern design of traditional market (independent variable) on the public perception of Semarang City (the dependent variable) in the three loci of research which are Bulu market, Johar market and Karang Ayu market. The hypothesis is acceptable if:

    – Sig. < (0.05) ~ < (0.05)

    – T value < t table = accept H0

    Data processing results using regression analysis assisted by computer program SPSS version 15 can be seen in Table 5.43

    Table of Statistical Tests

    Statistics Test: Significance Level and Regression Value (B)

    Research Area


    Regression Coefficient

    P-Value (Sig.)

    t table ( 0.005)


    Bulu Market


    There is an influence of modern design of traditional market on

    the public perception





    Accept H0

    Johar Market


    There is an influence of modern design of traditional market on

    the public perception





    Accept H0

    Karang Ayu Market


    There is an influence of modern design of

    traditional market on the public perception





    Reject H0


    – * The confidence level 95%, or 0.05 (Cozby, 2009; Bungin, 2005; Sugiyono, 2009).

    Confidence level is the reverse of the significance. If the significance is 5%, then the confidence level is 95% (Bungin, 2005).

    – The value of P = P-value = significance level: is Observed Significance Level


    The hypothesis of this study is to test the influences of modern design of traditional market (independent variable) on the public perception of Semarang City (the dependent variable):

    • H0 : There are influences of the independent variable on the dependent variable in the Bulu market

    • H0 : There are influences of the independent variable on the dependent variable in the Johar market

    • 0 : There are influences of the independent variable on the dependent variable in the Karang Ayu market

    R2 value = 0.113 indicated that 100% of the architecture component, modern design of traditional markets can only explain 11.3%, whereas, the rest is explained by other factors not discussed in this research. (Cozby, 2009). The influence of independent variable (x)

    on open variable (y) can be expressed by following equation: Y = 10 858 + 0.176×1-0.057×2 + 0.250×3.

    Each 1 (one) increasing value of the Karang Ayu market variable causes the increasing of perception value

    (Y) as much as 0.250.


The purpose of this research, to determine the public perception of traditional market design in Semarang City, has been achieved. Research conducted by taking 3 samples of traditional markets in Semarang City indicated that the two traditional markets having an ancient or traditional design are greatly affected the traditional image of the market, while the market having modern design has no image as a traditional market. However, all of them show that the design of a market determines the public perception in Semarang on traditional markets.

It can be concluded that the building design of traditional market should follow its function as a traditional market building. Although it is built with more modern design, this market should maintain its traditional elements, so there is a difference between the traditional and the modern market. In Semarang, traditional markets are still interesting for the people even though modern markets have grown rapidly. Related to the local culture, it is still necessary to maintain and to develop the traditional market in Semarang City.



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