- Open Access
- Authors : Bhagya Sri Chintakula
- Paper ID : IJERTV9IS110119
- Volume & Issue : Volume 09, Issue 11 (November 2020)
- Published (First Online): 23-11-2020
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Problems of Rural System in India, Need for Addressing Them in Rural Development Planning
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Bhagya Sri Chintakula
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Abstract:- India is one of the rapidly urbanizing nations but still, the majority of the Indian population (61% according to the 2011 Indian census) living in rural areas, rural development is very important for the effective development of the country, they also contribute to the 46% of the national income. In India, the majority of rural areas are crippled with many problems that are acting as barriers to the development of rural areas. The main objective of this research paper is to study and understand the problems and challenges in rural areas which are existing, to discuss and describe the factors for the occurrence of these problems in rural areas. These problems impose their harmful effects on the living conditions of the people and are affecting as a barrier to growth and development. This study helps us to understand the causes of the backwardness of the rural areas and also guides us to the measures, which should be taken by the government to improve the living conditions of the people and the importance of developing the rural system for the overall development of the country.
Keywords: Rural India, Poverty, Rural development, urbanization, agriculture, Infrastructure, irrigationPROBLEMS OF RURAL DEVELOPMENTProblems related to people:2. Poverty:4. Unemployment:5. Homelessness6. Crime and Violence:Problems related to agriculture1. Small and Fragmented landholdings2. Unavailability of Inputs3. Water resource and Irrigation4. Lack of mechanization5. Inadequate marketing and storage facilitiesInfrastructure related problems1. Rural road infrastructure2. Rural electrification infrastructure3. The rural water supply systemEconomic problems1. Unfavorable economic condition to adopt high-cost technology2. The high cost of inputs3. Underprivileged rural industries4. Poor infrastructure5. Inefficient agricultureLeadership related problems1. Leadership among the hands of inactive and incompetent people2. Self-interest of leadersAdministration problems1. Political interference2. Improper utilization of budget3. Lack of motivation and interest4. No proper monitoring programsRural Development planning
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