Political Communication And The Function Of Articulating Public’s Aspiration In The District Legislative Of Persatuan Pembangunan Party In East Java

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS50790

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Political Communication And The Function Of Articulating Public’s Aspiration In The District Legislative Of Persatuan Pembangunan Party In East Java

Dr. Nurul Azizah, M. Pd.I., MA

Sociology Lecturer of Ibrahimy Islamic Institute in Situbondo-East java Indonesia

Abstract : This article discusses political communication and the function of articulating publics aspirations in the District Council of Persatuan Pembangunan Party in East Java. The specific research problems are; (1) How do the District Council of Persatuan Pembangunan Party (DPW PPP) in East Java implement the Law number 2 year 2008 about political party in actualizing its function as the media to articulate publics aspiration, (2) How do the District Council of Persatuan Pembangunan Party (DPW PPP) conduct their political communication in getting the publics aspiration in East Java. The perspective of this study is political social. This research is conducted in District Council of Persatuan Pembangunan Party (DPW PPP) in East Java. The data is collected through depth interview and analyzed by using phenomenology model. The results show: (1) the implementation of law number 31 year 2002 about politics party has been done well by the District Council of Persatuan Pembangunan Party (DPW PPP) in East Java in actualizing their function as the media to articulate publics aspiration. (2) Most of the political communication of District Council of Persatuan Pembangunan Party as the media to articulates publics aspiration is done by the legislator in East Java Council. Three of the functions are; legislative function, controlling function, and budgeting function. Three of those functions have been done by the member of East java Council from Persatuan Pembangunan fraction.

Keywords : political communication, media to articulate publics aspiration, political party.


Political communication is needed by the political party, especially for the new party. It is because the political communication is needed for the political party. It is used especially in introducing the profile of the organization, the leader of the party, vision and mission of the party, and other main partys programs. Political party is one of the keys to get success from the party in their role as articulation society political organization institution. It is expected that this party can be the bridge for discussing publics aspiration, idea and their wants in the partys program.

Besides that, all of the organization activities of political party are formulated to be the policy of the party. It is intended to be articulateed to the government in order to be the public policy. On the other words, all of the publics needs are articulateed through political party.

Therefore, political communication which is done by the political organization is for socializing the partys program. In this partys program, the political party can actualize their functions as the publics aspiration media. Then, they will try hard to make it to be government policy which the effect can meet the publics interest and publics needs.

The problems discussed in this article are (i) How do the district council of Persatuan Pembangunan Party (DPW PPP) in East java implement the law no.2 year 2008 about political party in actualizing their function as the media to articulate publics aspiration. (ii) do How the form of political communication in getting the publics aspiration which is done by District council of Persatuan Pembangunan Party (DPW PPP) in east Java.


According to Riant D1, over all, public policy is a decision or treatment which influence public or individual or group attitude. Riant differ the public policy by 2. First, regulative versus non regulative and restrictive versus non-restrictive, is a policy which decide a new thing which is limited and everything which is free from the limitation.

Second, alocative versus distributive/ redistributive, this policy is about budget or public finance. Richard A. Musgrave and Peggi B explain that the function of public policy is the alocative function which aims to allocate the public goods and mechanism to allocate goods and service which cannot be done through marketing mechanism, distributive function is about the similarity of the wealth which included taxing, stabilization function which is related to stabilizing role from the alocative activity and distributive activity and the budgeting coordination function is about the budgeting coordination horizontally and vertically.

1 Nugraha, Riant D. 2003. Kebijakan Publik (Public Policy. Elexmedia. Jakarta

The approach used to analyze the implementation of policy about energy conservation is a theory which is articulateed by George C Edwards III. It is stated that implementation can be started by abstract condition and one question what the requirements which can make the policy can run successfully. According to George C. Edwards III2, there are four variables in public policy, communications, resources, dispositions or attitudes and bureaucratic structure.

The definition of political politics by Gabriel Almond in Blake and Haroldsen is a function which always stays in every political function, therefore there is a possibility for the political scientist to compare many kinds of political system and different cultural background.

Political communication is a articulating political message which is done intentionally by the communicator to the communicant to make communication do a certain attitude. It is explained more by Winddlesham3 that before a political message can be constructed to be articulateed to communicant, in order to influence him, there must be a political decision which is formulated based on the consideration.

One of the political functions as stated in chapter V article 7 verse C law number 2 year 2008 about political party is absorbing, collecting, and articulating publics aspiration constitutionally in formulating and deciding the State policy. Therefore, it can be concluded that political party is a dominant actor in the process of deciding state or government policy.


This research is a qualitative research by using descriptive model. This research aims to describe the functions of articulating publics aspiration and the role of political communication of District council of Perstauan Pembangunan Party in East Java.

2 Edward III, George C. Implementing Public Policy. 1980 Congresinal, Quartely press

3 Windelesham, Lord. 1972. What IS Political Communication, in K.J McGarry (ED). Mass Comunication, Linnet

Books & Cive Bingely.

The data are collected through interview, document, the result of the observation, and observation. The main informants in this research are 1) the leader of DPW PPP East Java, Drs. Musyaffa Noer, Msi.MM and the secretary of DPW H. Moh. Hasan Asyari, SH, the vice of DPW, KH. Mujib Imron, the leader of PPP fraction in District I Council East Java, Hj. Munjidah Wahab, BA and another sources. In this research, the researcher limits the informant purposively until getting the data from the informant who can be guaranteed, comprehensive, appropriate and accurate. (ii) Accident or situation which has ever been happened has strong relation with the research about the role of political communication in actualizing the function of articulating publics aspiration in DPW PPP East Java.


Persatuan Pembangunan Party was established on January 5th 1973 as the result of political fusion from 4 Islamic Parties., Nahdhlatu Ulama Party, Muslimin Indonesia Party (Parmusi), Syarikat Islam Indonesia Party and Islam Perti Party. PPP was established by 5 declarators who lead the four Islamic Parties of Election participant in 1971 and a group leader of Persatuan Pembangunan, just like fraction in the Council4.

Table : the Leader of PPP







HMS. Mintaredja, SH

H. Yahya Ubeid, SH



DR. H. Jailani Naro, SH

H. Yahya Ubeid, SH



DR. H. Jailani Naro, SH

H. Matori Abdul Djalil



H. Ismail Hasan Metareum, SH

Drs. H. Mardinsyah



H. Ismail Hasan Metareum, SH

Drs. H. Tosari Wijaya



DR. (Hc) H. Hamzah Haz

H. Alimarwan Hanan, SH



DR. (Hc) H. Hamzah Haz

H.M Yunus Yosfiah



Drs. H. Suryadharma Ali, MSi

Drs. H. Irgan Chairul Mahhfis



Drs. H. Suryadharma Ali, MSi

Ir. HM. Romahurmuizy

4 Materials for Muktamar VIII. 2011. 3rd-7th July in Bandung

PPP has joined general election seven times since 1977 until the general election was conducted earlier with the unstable result, up and down.

Based on their identity above, the vision of PPP is the existence of public who are obedient to Alloh SWT and Indonesia which is fair, wealth, has great moral, democratic, great law supremacy, the full respect of human right, and establish humanity value and social fair which based on the Islamic value.

The Head of District council of Persatuan Pembangunan Party East Java5 is located in Kendang Sari Street number 36 Surabaya in the work year 2011-2015. The leader is Drs. H. Musyaffa Noer, the secretary is H. Hasan Asyari, SH and another daily official based on the decree (in the appendix)

The Head of District council of Persatuan Pembangunan Party East Java has 38 branches in the cities all round East Java. It can be seen in the table below.

Table: DPC PPP East Java






DPC PPP Lamongan

M. Samsuri, SH, S.Pd.

M. Zainuri


DPC PPP Bangkalan

KHR. Zainal Alim, ST, MM

M. Subchan Aziz


DPC PPP Magetan

KHR. Bustami Jauhari, S.Ag

Ahmad Zahni


DPC PPP Kediri City

M. Zeid

M. Makin


DPC PPP Mojokerto

Riha Mustofa

Mukti WIjaya


DPC PPP Gresik

Nur Qolib

Drs. Hasan Basri


DPC PPP Sumenep

KH. Baharuddin, SH.

HM. Zubaidi, SE, MM



M. Muhdlor

Ago Sihabuddim


DPC PPP Probolinggo Regency

Habib Salim Quraisy

Abdul Manap


DPC PPP Sidoarjo

Hj. Umi Chaddah

Ali Masad M.PdI


DPC PPP Batu City

Hj. Tifatul Jannah

Arifin HS

5 Materials of District Discussion in Perstuan Pembangunan Partu East Java. Surabaya. 2011. Sukolilo Hajj Boarding on 7th February.


DPC PPP Lumajang




DPC PPP Blitar City

Agus Junaidi, SE

Rachmad Fauzi


DPC PPP Tulungagung


KH. Fathurrahman


DPC PPP Kediri Regency

H. Syamsuddin

Arief priambodo


DPC PPP Ngawi Regency

Dimas Alfinor Rahmadi

Budi Purwanto


DPC PPP Pasuruan Regency

H. Agus Asyari

M. Shobih


DPC PPP Madiun City

M. Fadil

Ir. M. Zainuri


DPC PPP Madiun Regency


M. Ruslan


DPC PPP Probolinggo City

Achmad Sholeh

Abd Latif


DPC PPPJombang Regency

Silahuddin Asyari

M. Hamim


DPC PPP Pasuruan City

HM. Arief

Dwi AGus T.


DPC PPP Sampang regency

K. Mutasim

Choirul Fatah


DPC PPP Pamekasan Regency

KH. Nawawi Toha

Wazirul Jihad


DPC PPP Banyuwangi Regency

HM. Fauzan

Syamsul Arifin


DPC PPP Bondowoso Regency

Drs. Buchori Munim

Imam Tohir


DPC PPP Bojonegoro Regency

M. Hadits

Choirul Anam


DPC PPP Malang Regency




DPC PPP Nganjuk Regeny

Drs. HM. Sarwani



DPC PPP Mojokerto Regency

H. Kusairin, S.Ip

Fasihatus Sadiyah


DPC PPPTrenggalek Regency

K. Lamirin

Wachid Hasyim


DPC PPP Blitar Regency

Syafi Zam-Zami

Sulton, Mpd


DPC PPP Situbondo regency

KHR. Fawaid Asad



DPC PPPJember Regency


Abd Kholiq


DPC PPP Surabaya City

HM. Buchori Imron

HM. Syafik Mahfud


DPC PPP Pacitan regency

Agus Setiyanto, S.Sos



DPC PPP Ponorogo regency

Beni Sulistiyono

Sahri S.Ag.


DPC PPP Malang City

Drs. Ad Rozak


Source : Kaleidoscope Branch Discussion VI PPP East java 2010-2011

The representative principle and equality principle between districts are the important thing in implementing the system of the party because it is strongly related to the effectiveness of governmental system. The implementation of that technique is divided into 11 election areas in East Java. They can be seen in the table below:

Table: Election area (Dapil) in East Java




Election Area

City/ Regency


Dapil I

  1. Surabaya City

  2. Sidoarjo Regency



Dapil II

  1. Probolinggo City

  2. Probolinggo regency

  3. Pasuruan City

  4. Pasuruan Regency



Dapil III

  1. Banyuwangi regency

  2. Situbondo Regency

  3. Bondowoso Regency



Dapil IV

  1. Jember regency

  2. Lumajang regency



Dapil V

  1. Malang City

  2. Malang Regency

  3. Batu City



Dapil VI

  1. Kediri regency

  2. Kediri City

  3. Tulungagung Regency

  4. Blitar City

  5. Blitar regency



Dapil VII

  1. Pacitan Regency

  2. Ponorogo Regency

  3. Trenggalek Regency

  4. Magetan Regency

  5. Ngawi Regency



Dapil VIII

  1. Nganjuk Regency

  2. Jombang Regency

  3. Mojokerto Regency

  4. Madiun Regency

  5. Mojokerto Regency



Dapil IX

  1. Bojonegoro Regency

  2. Tuban Regency



Dapil X

  1. Lamongan Regency

  2. Gresik Regency



Dapil XI

  1. Bangkalan Regency

  2. Sampang Regency

  3. Pamekasan Regency

  4. Sumenep Regency


Source : Central General Election Committee 2011

Since the reformation era, Persatuan Pembangunan Partys votes decreases significantly, either in national or regional. Nowadays, there is a question whether the image of Islamic Party which uses long style and idea does not attract public again.

The rising of Persatuan Pembangunan party since 1999 has not shown a positive effect. In the multi parties and political fragmentation, Persatuan Pembangunan party gets 58 chairs in DPR RI or equal with 10.17% votes. By using motto PPP is rising in the General Election on 2009, PPP must be passion because their votes is decreased and only 38 chairs or equal with 5.33% of the national votes, even in some areas, PPP cannot send their representation to the DPRD.

It also happened in East Java, Persatuan Pembangunan Party gets the significant decreases of the votes. It is proven by the representative who are in the DPRD East Java are only four people. It is different from legislative election on 2004-2009, PPP got 8 chairs from the 10 election areas, therefore PPP loses their votes 50%.

Four election areas which gets chairs are election area VIII, consist of Jombang regency, Mojokerto Munjidah Wahab, election area II Probolinggo and Pasuruan Mahdi, election area X is Madura Hasan Asyari, election area III, Situbondo, Banyuwangi, and Bondowoso, M. Ibrahim Adib.

Table : names of DPRD member in east Java from PPP periods 2009-2014







Hj. Munjidah Wahab, BA


Head of the Fraction



KH. Hasan Asyari, SH


Committee B

Secretary DPW


Mahdi, SE.SH


Committee D

Vice DPW


M. Ibrahim Adib, SH


Committee E

Vice DPW

Source : Smart Book DPW PPP East Java 2011

To get the maximal votes in general election 2014, DPW PPP Eat Java has conducted work area discussion at least once a year, by inviting all of the committee of DPW and head of council branch PPP East Java. It is used to discuss and formulate appropriately, to get the best result, therefore some activities which must be conducted are mapping and analyzing weakness

and strength of PPP, mapping the potency of weakness and strength of opponent, another parties, constituent segmentation, election area, and choosing the strategic issue nationally or regionally.

The Implementation will run effectively if the criteria and the purpose of the policy can be understood well by each of the daily official in the environment of DPW Persatuan Pembangunan party in East Java which is responsible in achieving the partys goal. The clear of criteria and purpose of the policy are needed to be communicated appropriately between the official party and legislative member as the part of the party. The consistency and similarity of the basic and purpose need to be discussed, therefore the member of PPP will know exactly the criteria or the purpose of the goal of the Partys policy. Communication in the political party is a complex and detailed process. Some committee can hold on it for the sake of certain interest or share it. It is like what Hasan Asyari explains:

I have been in this party in 20 years, I have understood how the organizational of the party always trick each other for their private interest, sometimes the voting is needed to get the decision, because of the hard rivalry.

Besides that, different source of the information also will cause different interpretation. To make interpretation runs effectively, the one who has responsible to run the decision must know well whether the daily committee can run it. Actually, the implementation of the policy must be accepted by all of the daily official, and they must know clearly the meaning, the purpose, and the goal of the party. When the daily officials know the unclear specification of the policy, they will not know what actually directed is. All of the daily committee are confused what must they do, therefore they need to be forced to get the best result. The lack of communication to the leader and daily committee in the DPW PPP East Java effects seriously the implementation of the internal policy party.

Resources is not the problem of how clear and consistent the implementation for the program and how accurate the communication is articulated if the functionaries of the party who responsible to run the program is lack of the resources in running their jobs. The component of the sources consists of the number of the staffs, skill of the executor, relevant and enough information to implement the policy and filling the related sources in running the program. There is an authority which guarantee that the program can be directed to the expected program, and there are supported facilities which can be used to run the program such as fund and infrastructures.

The lack of human resources (number and ability) causes the program cannot be run perfectly because they cannot have good control. If the number of the executives staffs are limited, they must improve the skill of the executives to run the program. Therefore, the good human resources management is needed to develop the work program. It is as stated by the head of PPP East Java Musyaffa:

the result of the work program from Persatuan Pembangunan Party, the target which will be achieved, actually is clear and good, unfortunately the problem is placed in the work of the committee and the human resources, therefore sometimes the goals cannot be achieved or it cannot meet the planned goal.

The disability to run this progam is caused by the policy on energy conservation which is new to run this program, they need the special skill, at least they must master the electricity techniques. Information is the important source for the executor of the policy.

There are two kinds of information. First, information about how to solve the program policy and for the executor, they must know what attitude which must be conducted. Second, information about the supporting data in the obedient to the governmental rules and law. The fact in the fields is that the central level does not know the needs which are needed by the executor. The lack of information/knowledge in how they must run the policy has the direct consequence

such as the irresponsible executor, or the executor is not in the work place. Therefore, it can cause inefficient result. The implementation of the policy needs the obedient of the organization and individuals to the governmental rules.

Another important resource is the authority to decide how the program is run, the authority to spend/manage the money, the available of the money, the readiness of the money, staffs, or supervisor.

The facilities which are needed to run the policy/program must be ready, such as office, infrastructures, and enough fund. Without these facilities, it is impossible to run the program.

Dispositions/Attitudes. One of the factors which causes the effectiveness of the implementation of the policy in Persatuan Pembangunan Policy is the attitude of the committee of the party. If the committee agree with the parts of the policy, they will run the program with their pleasure, on the other hand if their point of views are different with the policy maker, the implementation process will get any problems.

There are three kinds of committee attitudes to the policy6; the awareness of the executor,

the directionj of the executor to respond the program, the acceptance or refusal, and the intensity of that response. Maybe the executor understand the meaning and the goal of the program, but they often get failure in running the program appropriately because they refuse the goals, therefore they suit the program and avoid it. Besides that, the support of the executor is needed to achieve the goal of the program. This situation is agreed by Musyaffa.

Sometime, there must be a committee who cannot agree with the policy or partys decision, because their vote is minority, they will create some power structurally or culturally. For example, the make the disapproval letter to the DPP by giving many signatures from the committee, social leader, or constituent. This is the dynamic in the party, many kinds of interest.

6 Mas Roro Lilik Ekowati, Perencanaan. (Planning). 2005. Implementasi & Evaluasi Kebijakan atau Program. (Policy and Program Implemetation & Evaluation) Surakarta. Pustaka cakra SOLO.

The support of the leader absolutely affects the program to achieve the goal effectively and efficiently. The form of the leaders support is by placing the policy as the priority program, runner placement with people who support the program, pay attention to the balance of the area, religion, ethnics, gender, and another characteristics of the demography besides that, the sufficientavailable fund gives the incentive for the executor of the program to make them support and work totally in running the program.

Bureaucratic Structure. In discussing the executor of the policy, we cannot go from the bureaucratic structure. Bureaucratic structure is the characteristics, norms, and relation forms which always happen in the executive boards and have good and real potential relation in running the policy. Van Horn and Van Meter show some character which possible to affect certain organization in implementing the policy7, there are (i) the competence and the criteria of

the staff (ii) controlling hierarchy level to the policy of sub unit and processes in the executive

board; (ii) political sources of the organization (such as supporting between the member of the legislative and executive); (iv) vitality of the certain organization; (v) opened communication level. That is a horizontal and vertical working communication freely and their freedom level which is relatively high in their communication to the individual outside the organization; (vi) the relation between formal and informal of the certain board with the board who make the decision or the runner of the decision.

If the resource is enough to run the policy and the official committee in the council of Persatuan Pembanguan Party know what must they do, the implementation will be still failure if the bureaucratic structure against the needed coordination in running the policy. It is explained by Munjidah Wahab;

7 See Solichin Abdul Wahab, 1991. Analisis Kebijakan dari Formulasi ke Implementasi Kebijakan Negara. (Policy analysis from the formulation to Impelmentation of State Policy). Jakarta. Bumi Aksara.

it is useless if we apply the new AD/ART, the result of the previous muktamar, about the enlargement of the official, the representative of the election area if those person cannot work and be active, although the official is limited, but if we can cooperate and be unified, no one drop another. This condition is different from last years.

The complex policy needs cooperation from many people, the more use of resources will affect the result of the implementation. The changing done will affect the individual and generally will affect the bureaucratic system.

The actualization of the political communication is DPW PPP of East Java as the media to articulate publics aspiration. In its function to articulate the publics aspiration, DPW PPP East Java, Persatuan Pembangunan Fraction has the similar function with another fraction. The functions are as follows; Legislative function, controlling functions, and budgeting function. There are some cases how the Persatuan Pembanguan Party in East Java listen, accommodate, and articulate the publics aspiration, such as; (i) the visit of the member of DPRD abroad. It is like what is stated in mass media toward the activities and the work of legislative member which is not really proportionally, making all of the activity and the visit of DPRDs member abroad become the main attraction of the media. The more spread of the news will affect the bad image of the DPR in the society.

To prevent publics negative perception to the member of legislative and negative view of constituent to the Persatuan pembanguan Franction in East Java, the leader of the fraction and DPW PPP East Java has made the policy that there is a mistake if the member of PPP visit the aboroad.

If there is a strong intension or the policy of Legislative by using certain reason to still conduct their visit to abroad, those member has a chance to purpose the written permission to the head of District Area council of PPP in East Java. (ii). Concerning the Ahmadiyah, after getting suggestion from many sides, structurally or directly come from public, in some occasion,

PPP has agreed to break up Ahmaddiyah because it has broken up the decree of three ministries by still articulating their beliefs which is not in line with the religion. (iii) Hajj.

Another thing which is also important to be discussed in Persatuan Pembangunan Party is hajj in 2010 has answered many kinds of problem and increases rather than before.

Many sides have agreed that there is an improvement in the Hajj management, such as service, transportation, accommodation or consumptions. The number of Hajj who can live in the Ring I in Mecca is not less than 70% and it becomes 85% in the Hajj management 2011.

PPP uses three political communication form in articulating the aspiration which has been got. There are Top Down Model, Bottom Up Model, and Combination model. It is explained clearly as follows: (i) Top Down Model. It is a political communication which is conducted by DPW PPP directly by getting the policy without confirmin it to the constituent before. It means DPW PPP get the direct way related to the policy through daily meeting staffs. On the other word, it is known as the policy form the top to the down. It means from the DPW is instructed to DPAC, branches and party constituent.

Some policies which are directly made by DPW PPP in East Java is related to the system decision and party management, it includes the mapping of the function to articulate publics aspiration.

Political communication which is conducted through top down usually is used to solve the urgent thing and it is not related directly to the constituent. It is in line with the result of the interview conducted by the researcher to the secretary of DPW PPP East java KH. Moh. Hasan Asyari, SH:

sometimes the party (DPW PPP East java) conducts the political communication in the top down form, because there are not all of the Partys decision must be consulted to

the constituent. It is limited to anything which is related to the managerial party and how we conduct the communication with the government and another party.8

The top down form is also conducted in the political communication which is related to the investment. For the investment, the DPW PPP East Java has conducted the close meeting for the daily staff to decide what recommendation which will be articulateed to the Province government in east Java through the Fraction of PPP in DPRD of East Java. It is explained by Musyaffa, The head of DPW PPP East Java:

we apply the Top down as political communication in solving the problem which is related to the stop of investment (in East Java) where we are from DPW think that it must be solved and we do not need to wait for the under constituent. We can look at it directly from the responsibility report of the Governor or statistical data..9

(ii) Bottom up form, like another party, DPW PPP also getting the publics aspiration directly. Some time ago, this term is known as jarring asmara (getting the publics aspiration). This form is used to decide the significant policy of the party, such as getting the candidate for the district leader and vice, in the province level or in the regency/city around East Java.

The bottom up has been conducted by DPW PPP East Java. It is stated by KH. Mujib Imron, the head of General Election winning institution:

DPW PPP East Java has conducted the convention in deciding the candidate of the district leader and vise in the direct general election. This convention aims to decide the candidate of the district leader and vice in all around East Java from Persatuan Pembangunan Party. This election is conducted democratically, although the decision is not get directly in the convention, but after having certain discussion in each DPC or the management in the regency/city level.10

Convergence model. This model is the mix of top down and bottom up. DPW PPP gets the publics aspiration through this model. Then, the party continues it by conducting daily closed meeting.

8 The result of interview with Secretary of DPW PPP Hasan Asary on 12th December 2011

9 The result of interview with Leader of DPW PPP Musyaffa Noer in Surabaya on 14th December 211

10 The interview with KH. Mujib Imron, The Head of Election Winning Institution. On 14th December 2011

This form has been conducted by DPW PPP in East Java especially which is related to the election of the candidate for legislative member where the election area are separated in 10 areas in East Java. In this case, DPC PPP in the regency level gives the recommendation to certain people to get the place in each election area. DPW PPP in East Java will process and decide those who have right to stay in the sequence number in each district area. It is in line with what have been stated by Musyaffa, the head of DPW PPP in East Java:

Yes, indeed, we get the aspiration directly from DPC PPP and then we decide the people who will be placed based on the sequence number in district election, and it is totally DPWs authority to decide, although the raw materials come from DPC.11

The convergence form is also conducted by DPW PPP east Java, in solving the permission problem in East Java. After getting the enough data, DPW PPP conducts the meeting and then is continued by fraction PPP, and it can be the data from the constituent and can be directly from the DPW PPP East java.

Each of the political communication has the strength and weakness. From the top down, this form is relatively simple and do not need time and fund. The decision is also decided quickly. On the other hand, sometimes the decision or the policy which is not appropriate will cause protest from the DPC PPP or event from the constituent. Therefore, top down is very appropriate to solve the managerial problem in the party and not for the access problem which has big effect to the consitutent. The top down is used well to decide the non strategic decision.

Bottom Up is an ideal political communication which based on the democracy. It is like Persatuan Pembangunan Party, therefore the decision comes from the bottom side and the real condition of the constituent. This form needs High Cost and needs long time, but the result can satisfy all of the sides, because the decision is based on the aspiration of the public/constituent. If

11 The result of interview with The head of DPW PPP East Java Musyaffa Noer in the DPW Office. Kendang Sari

Street 36 Surabaya on December 14th 2011

the political communication is done but the product does not meet the aspiration, the conflict will grow up as the sign of disappointment. This form is good enough for the party but something that must be remembered is the majority votes is not directly meet the aspiration.

Convergence form is a complicated form because they must stay in two tracks, up and down. This form is absolutely appropriate for the compromised decision.

Political communication management of DPW PPP East Java in managing the aspiration. The political communication which is planned by the daily officer of DPW PPP is usually made in the daily meeting. This plan meeting is opened by the leader and is noted in the notulen by secretary. Therefore, the result of the meeting will be signed the daily officer of DPW PPP as the partici[pant of the meeting in the notulen. This is in line with what has been said by the secretary of DPW PPP, Hasan :

usually, we make a meeting to plan the partys activities once a month which is participated by all of the daily officer. It includes discussing the aspiration and how to communicate it to the related parts, sometimes we also invite the member of East Java Council and Legislative member in all of the Regencies and Cities in East Java.12

Organizing the political communication. After it is planned, then it is followed by organizing it through getting the details of political communication which is expected. Then, they make the recommendation for the people who will conduct that political communication. Moreover, they will create the Letter of Decree by DPW PPP of East Java to handle some problems which must be paid more attention.

This explanation is in line with what have been described by Musyaffa to the researcher at the office of DPW PPP in East java, Kendang Sari Street 36 Surabaya :

12 The result of the interview with the Secretary of DPW PPP Hasan As;ary on 12th December 2011 at Indra Pura building FPPP room East Java.

the planning has been made by the daily officer, then they are looking for the people who meets the requirements to articulate that political communication, sometimes the member of the legislative from the similar commission to the problem is asked to gall out in handling the problem. It is like the activities before the election of district leader. There will be a certain group which is used for District election. Therefore, the chosen officer who are in the team are the person who are competent in that field. It is expected that they wll be able to solve the problem and the candidate

form the Persatuan Pembangunan party can be the winner.13

The political communication is an implementation of the political organization which can be handled directly by the Persatuan pembangunan Fraction in DPRD East java. Sometimes FPPP conduct the meeting which is related to te issue or instruction given by DPW PPP East Java. The leader of FPPP East Java explains:

we always follow up the instructions come from DPW PPP and we directly execute it. It can be done trough criticizing the government policy and the misappropriation such as Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism. We also can do it through lobbying to the government. It is because DPRD is a political institution and they solve the problem politically.14

Monitoring and Evaluation Political Communication in DPW Persatuan Pembangunan Party east Java. DPW PPP also conducts monitoring and evaluation related to the instruction and publics aspiration. They will take a look whether the aspiration and instruction have been followed up and done by the member of FPPP DPRD East Java or not. They also want to know how far they succeed in articulating the political aspiration. It is done through directly inviting FPPP in the daily officer meeting of DPW PPP East Java. The secretary of DPW, Hasan said :

DPW often invites the member of FPPP DPRD East Java related to the aspiration and instruction of DPW, whether they have been followed up, what the constraints are, what their success level is. If it has been succeeded yet, we will create again another planning and scenario.15

13 The result of interview with The head of DPW PPP East Java Musyaffa Noer in the DPW Office. Kendang Sari

Street 36 Surabaya on December 14th 2011

14 The result of the interview with the Head of FPPP East Java HJ. Munjidah Wahab, BA in DPRD East Java Surabaya on 12th December 2011.

15 The result of the interview with the Secretary of DPW PPP Hasan As;ary on 12th December 2011 at Indra Pura building FPPP room East Java.

DPW PPP East Java has well political communication management. It starts from the working planning, organization, execute, monitor and evaluation from the political communication which have been done.

In the planning level, political communication comes from publics aspiration and the planning of DPW PPP East Java must look at the composition of the daily officer as the planning team. When some officers are not involved in the party, it will be one of the reason of the broken party and law solidarity of the officer which have been related.

In the organization level, DPW PPP East Java has conducted tactically ways. It will be more perfect if DPW PPP East Java involve the competent expert and team in political fields. Therefore, they can give guidance in organizing, articulating publics aspiration or constituent party.

According to the researcher, monitoring and evaluating which have been conducted by DPW PPP East Java is well. It is because there are still some cases which have not been solved by FPPP and the cases have not been followed up by the DPW PPP. The mechanism to give responsibility has not been given also.

According to the researcher, there will be better if the political communication management of DPW PPP East Java use the political guidance book as the guidance to run the execution and become the technique guidance in running the organization especially Persatuan Pembangunan Party. Therefore, this book can be shared to all of the partys member is East java. If it is conducted by DPW PPP East Java, the grass root constituent will not find difficulties in articulating their political aspiration.

Then, the next step is giving reward to the partys officer who successfully socializes the working program party and punishment for the officer who is not active in their partys

activities. Therefore, it can be noted the success, the weakness, and the failure of the political communication.


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