- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 109
- Authors : Lakshmi R, Dr. Antony Selvadoss Thanamani
- Paper ID : IJERTV5IS100033
- Volume & Issue : Volume 05, Issue 10 (October 2016)
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV5IS100033
- Published (First Online): 24-10-2016
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Performance Evolution of Dynamic Replication in a Data Grid using DMDR Algorithm
Lakshmi. Ra,
a Part Time Ph. D. Student, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Antony Selvadoss Thanamani b b Department of computer science, NGM College, Pollachi, India.
Abstract Data replication in data grids is an efcient technique that aims to improve response time, reduce the bandwidth consumption and maintain reliability. In this context, a lot of work is done and many strategies have been proposed. Unfortunately, most of existing replication techniques are based on single le granularity and neglect correlation among different data les. Indeed, le correlations become an increasingly important consideration for performance enhancement in data grids. In fact, the analysis of real data intensive grid applications reveals that job requests for groups of correlated les and suggests that these correlations can be exploited for improving the effectiveness of replication strategies. In this paper, we propose a new dynamic data replication strategy, called DMDR, which consider a set of les as granularity. Our strategy gathers les according to a relationship of simultaneous accesses between les by jobs and stores correlated les at the same site. In order to nd out these correlations data mining eld is introduced. We choose the all- condence as correlation measure.
KeywordsReplication; Data Grid; le Correlations; Data Mining;
Data grid is a distributed collection of storage and computational resources that are not bounded within a geophysical location. It is now gaining much important interest in important areas such as high energy physics, bioinformatics, earth observations, global climate changes, image processing. One of the biggest challenges that data grids face today is to improve the data management since the techniques must scale up while addressing the autonomy, dynamicity and heterogeneity of the data sources. One way to effectively address the challenges for improving the data management is to use replication techniques. Replication creates multiple copies of the same le in several storage resources to improve response time, load balancing, reduce the bandwidth consumption and maintain reliability. In this context, many strategies have been proposed. However, most of existing replication techniques are based on single le granularity and neglect correlation among different data les. Actually, in many applications, data les may be correlated in terms of accesses and have to be considered together in order to reduce the access cost [1]. By analysing a real data intensive grid application, called Coadd, found that there is a strong correlation between requested les and those jobs tend to demand groups of correlated les. The knowledge of correlation between data can be extracted from historical data using the techniques of data mining eld. Data mining techniques are analytical tools that can be
used to extract meaningful knowledge from large data sets. Even though data mining (DM) has been applied in numerous areas and sectors, the application of DM to replication in data grids contexts is limited. In this respect, several works have used data mining techniques to explore le correlations in data grids. The main approaches to mining le correlations can be classied into two categories: access sequence mining and association rule mining. Unfortunately, these two approaches are not effective. We believe that access sequence mining cannot fully reveal le correlations. On the other hand, various studies have shown the limits of association rule mining based on the support and condence approach and conrm that it results on an excessively large number of rules, with a majority of them either are redundant or do not reect the true correlation relationship among data [5]. To overcome these drawbacks, we propose to use frequent correlated pattern mining to explore correlations between les. The main idea is to replace the support measure with a more expressive measure that better captures whether the items in a set are associated [6]. Correlated patterns mining was shown to be more complex and more informative than frequent patterns mining and association rules [6].
In this section, we classify and survey the replication strategies which take into account le correlations. We propose to classify these strategies according to whether they are based on data mining techniques or not in nding le correlations. The next subsection is dedicated to those strategies not based on DM techniques and the second is devoted to those using them. Due to lack of space we briey describe the surveyed strategies.
Replication strategies not based on data mining techniques
File clustering based replication algorithm [8]: The proposed algorithm groups les according to a relationship of simultaneous accesses between les and stores the replicas of the clustered les into storage nodes. This aims at satisfying the most of the expected future read accesses to the clustered les as well as processed replications for individual les being minimized under the given storage capacity limitation. The problem of clustering les is reduced to a graph partition problem where the graph is characterized by a set of vertices and a set of edges. A vertex
represents a le and its size and an edge represents the number of times two les are accessed simultaneously by a single process. On the other hand, the problem of placement of groups of les is modelled as integer linear programming. In this respect, constraints are derived from the total le size in a le cluster and the allowable storage capacity for replicas, while objectives are to minimize expected read access times to the clustered les and replication times for the individual les. The experiments on a live grid environment suggest that the proposed algorithm achieves accurate le clustering and efcient replica management.
File reunion based data replication strategy (FIRE) [10]: FIRE is motivated by the observations that a group of jobs in a site tend to demand a common set of les distributed in a data grid. The main idea of FIRE is to gather le sets through data replication so that it resides with the job group on the same site. Each site maintains a le access table to keep track of its local le access history. A site makes independent decisions on whether or not deleting some old les to accommodate new les. On each site, this strategy analyses the sites le access table. If on a site FIRE detects that a common set of les are frequently accessed by a group of local jobs and a strong correlation exists between a group of local jobs and a set of distributed les, FIRE will gather the set of les onto a given site by replication. It is important to mention that the algorithm that computes le correlations is not addressed by the authors. Extensive experiments using OptorSim simulator and synthetic benchmarks demonstrate that, compared with LRU [11] and LFU [12], FIRE performs better in most scenarios.
Replication strategies based on data mining techniques
Data mining techniques, such as association rules, frequent sequence mining, are used mainly to identify le correlations. This section is limited to present replication strategies with data mining approaches.
Replication strategy based on clustering analysis (RSCA) [15]: The RSCA strategy is based on the existence of correlations among the data les accessed according to the access history of users At the rst stage, a clustering analysis is conducted on the le access history by all client nodes in the grid over a period of time. The outputs of this operation are correlated le sets related to the access habits of users. At the second stage, a replication is done on the basis of those sets, which achieves the aim of pre-fetching and buffering data. The clustering method (bottom-up) adopted is used to group all the les that are similar according to a given equivalence relation into equivalence classes. The set of les in the same equivalence class are called correlative le sets. The experimental results show that RSCA is effective and available. Contrary to the other dynamic replication strategies used in the experiments, it has reduced not only the average response time of client nodes, but also the bandwidth consumption.
A pre-fetching based dynamic data replication algorithm (PDDRA) [16]: PDDRA is based on an assumption: members in a VO (Virtual Organization) have similar
interests in les. Based on this assumption and also le access history, PDDRA predicts future needs of grid sites and pre-fetches a sequence of les to the requester grid site, so the next time that this site needs a le, it will be locally available. PDDRA consists of three phases: storing le access patterns, requesting a le, performing replication, pre-fetching and replacement. The simulation results show that PDDRA has better performance in comparison with other algorithms in terms of job execution time, effective network usage, total number of replications, hit ratio and percentage of storage lled.
A pre-fetching based dynamic data replication algorithm (PRA) [17]: The main idea of this algorithm is to make use of the characteristics that members in a virtual organization have similar interests in les to carry out a better replication optimization. The algorithm is described as following: when a site does not have a le locally, it requests a remote site. The remote site receives the request and transfers the le to the local site. At the same time, it nds the adjacent les of the requested le by applying frequent pattern sequence mining technique on the le access sequence data base. A message containing the list of adjacent les will be sent to the local site too. At last, the local site will choose adjacent les to replication. PRA was compared with No Replication and best client strategies [18] and it is proved that it improves the average response time and the average bandwidth consumption. However a major drawback of the algorithm that it does not distinguish the different requests arriving from the different grid sites and considers them as successive le access.
Predictive Hierarchical Fast spread (PHFS) [19]: By considering spatial locality, PHFS uses predictive techniques to predict the future usage of les and then pre replicates them in hierarchal manner on a path from source to client in order to increase locality in access. The correlation between les is inferred from previous access patterns by association rules and clustering techniques of data mining. PHFS operates in three steps. In the rst phase, a software agent in the root node collects the le access information from all the clients in the system and puts them in a log le. In the second phase, data mining techniques are applied on log les with the aim to nd strongly related les that are accessed together. Finally, whenever a client requests a le, PHFS nds the predictive working set (PWS) of that le. The PWS is composed by the most related les to a requested le or in other words the predicted subsequent requests after a requested le. Then, PHFS replicates all members of PWS along with the requested le on the path from the source to the client. Let us notice that in this algorithm, the authors did not describe how to mine the le correlations. However, they assumed that correlations are found by data mining techniques such as association rules and clustering without going into detail. In addition, they did not do experiments to compare the proposed algorithm with other methods. They just used instances to compare the access latency with the Fast Spread strategy [20].
Associated Replica Replacement Algorithm based on Apriori approach (ARRA) [21]: ARRA is introduced in two
parts. In the rst part, access behaviours of data intensive jobs are analysed based on the Apriori algorithm [22], which is a pioneer data mining algorithm. In the second part, replica replacement rules are generated and applied. Accessed data les are considered as items in data grid, while the required data les of each data intensive job is regarded as each transaction. The results of simulations which are performed on the CMS grid [23] show that ARRA has a relative advantage in mean job time of all jobs, number of remote le access and effective network usage compared with LFU [12].
Based on support and condence dynamic replication algorithm in multi-tier data grid (BSCA) [24]: The major idea of the algorithm is to pre-fetch frequently accessed les and their associated les to the location near the access site. It nds out the correlation between the data les through data access number and data access serial. It is based on support, condence and access numbers. BSCA has two sub algorithms: data mining algorithm and replication algorithm. The data mining algorithm applied to identify frequent les is FPGrowth [25]. Moreover, support and condence of association rules between these frequent les are computed. If the support and the condence values between les exceed respective minimum thresholds, frequent les and their associated ones are replicated. The replication algorithm, which is applied in a decentralized manner in each node, sorts the le serial and nds out all les whose access numbers are greater than a threshold. Then, the algorithm constructs sets of related les and replicate les that do not exist in nodes. If free space is lacking, the algorithm deletes weakly correlated les. If the storage space is still insufcient, les whose access number is less than a threshold will be deleted.
Dynamic replication is an optimization method which targets to upsurge network bandwidth and convenience of data and decrease total access time by considering different issues. The above declared issues have been talked in the suggested algorithm, that is, DMDRA (data mining based dynamic replication algorithm) for replicating files.
Model Creation. Data replication involves choices like when to create a replica and how many copies of a replica are mandatory. In DMDRA, replica is created if the file does not exist on the node where the request has been programmed.
Model Obligation. After creating a replica, the main objective is to decide where to place the replica so as to get the fast access and less access underdevelopment. The replica in DMDRA is placed on the basis of the reputation of the file and the available storage space on the node. The reputation is based on the access frequency of the file on the node.
Model Assortment. After assignment, the next step is to select the best replica among the pool of available replicas. The criterion for choosing the best replica in DMDRA is based on workload of the node, availability status, available bandwidth, and computing capacity of the node.
Loading Space. Before the placement of replica, the amount of storage space should be taken into account. If less storage space is available, then there should be some replacement strategies involved in other algorithms. In DMDRA, the storage space is calculated in and the file having less access frequency is replaced by the replica of the file which is being requested.
Suppleness. The data replication strategy must be adaptive to the dynamic nature of the grid in order to provide better results. In DMDRA, if file is not available at the time of execution of job, then replica of file is created sothat grid can adapt according to its dynamic nature.
Storage element
Computing element
Storage element
Computing element
Grid node
Figure 1: pictorial demonstration of grid node
To demonstrate the role of units in grid atmosphere and supposition has been made by considering the ordered structure of Internet setting used these days. It is made of many wide and local area networks joined by joining devices and swapping places. The services of Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) are used by end users at different levels. There are international service providers, national service providers, regional service providers, and local service providers. At the top of the grading are the international ISPs to connect nations together [18]. Here, international ISPs are
considered as master node. The national ISPs are maintained by some companies. In DMDR algorithm, the national ISPs are similar to regions, and companies can be considered as the head nodes which are responsible for the maintenance of the region. Regional ISPs are small ISPs connected to one or more national ISPs Local ISPs provide direct service to end
3. {
Create list of candidate replica within the region
users. The local ISPs can be connected to regional ISP or national ISP. Local ISP is entity that just provides internet services. This is like the node in data grid where the file or the replica of the file is placed which is being requested by the user. Pictorial illustrations of basic units are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
DESCRIPTION OF DMDR ALGORITHM The proposed DMDR also based on the network
level locality. The enhanced algorithm tried to replicate files from the neighbouring region and store replica in a site where the files has been accessed frequently based on the assumption that it may require in the future.
DMDR Region based algorithm
Inputs: Grid Topology, Bandwidth, Data and Storage Space
Output: Find best candidate for replication, Load balancing, job execution time, No of replications, LFA (local file access), RFA (remote file access), Network usage, Network utilization, Creation of new replica.
If (needed replica is not in a site)
Search replica within the region
If (replica is within the region)
Search replica in other region
4. Create list of candidate replica on other region
5. }
Fetch the most availability replica in candidate replica list
If(there is sufficient space to store the new replica)
Store it;
8. }
If(replica is in the same region)
Exit; // avoid duplication in the same region
End process
Table 1
Job execution scenarios |
values |
No of jobs |
100,200,300,400,500 |
No of job types |
10 |
Size of single file |
1 G |
Scheduling algorithm |
Random |
Choice of execution patterns |
Random Zip |
No of file accessed per job |
10 |
Table 2
Performance metrics |
Description |
Mean job execution time |
Time to execute the job + waiting time/number of jobs completed |
Effective network usage |
Specifies the network utilization |
Storage used(MB) |
Specifies spaces used by files |
The efficiency of is calculated based Performance Metrics, that is, characteristic path length, neighbourhood connectivity and shortest path. DMDRA (data mining based dynamic replication algorithm) is compared with one other dynamic replication strategy, that is, DMDRA. On the
MATLAB using the abovementioned Performance Metrics. At the time of simulation in DMDRA, there exists only one replica in a region based on the popularity of the file.
Shortest path (SP)
The Shortest path is calculated as time to execute a file, the time spent by a job in waiting queue divided by the number of jobs completed. It can be represented as where is the number of jobs processed by the system, is the time to execute the job, and is the waiting time of the job that has
been spent in the queue. The DMDRA along with ARRA and BSCA was tested using different job numbers of jobs. The job execution time for Random Zipf Access Pattern Generator is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Comparison of shortest path with existing algorithm
Characteristic path length
The characteristic path length is calculated as time to execute a file, the time spent by a job in waiting queue divided by the number of jobs completed. It can be represented as where is the number of jobs processed by the system, is the time to execute the job, and is the waiting time
of the job that has been spent in the queue. The DMDRA along with ARRA and BSCA was tested using different job numbers of jobs. The job execution time for Random Zipf Access Pattern Generator is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Comparison of characteristic path length with existing algorithm
c. Neighbourhood connectivity
The neighbourhood connectivity is calculated as time to execute a file, the time spent by a job in waiting queue divided by the number of jobs completed. It can be represented as where is the number of jobs processed by the system, is the time to execute the job, and is the waiting time
of the job that has been spent in the queue. The DMDRA along with ARRA and BSCA was tested using different job numbers of jobs. The job execution time for Random Zipf Access Pattern Generator is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Comparison of neighbourhood connectivity with existing algorithm
In this paper, we have presented a DMDRA (data mining based dynamic replication algorithm) for data grids. Our strategy takes into account correlations between les and considers groups of correlated les as granularity for replication. Indeed, considering correlated les for replication improves signicantly performance evaluation metrics of replication strategies, including characteristic path length, neighbourhood connectivity and shortest path. Compared with other two algorithms that are BSCA, ARRA. The experimental result shows that DMDRA gives better performance than other two algorithms. As a part of our future work, we plan to deploy our replication strategy in a real grid environment.
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