Need Satisfaction And Job Satisfaction Of Managerial Professionals

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS9059

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Need Satisfaction And Job Satisfaction Of Managerial Professionals

Dr. T. Rajasekhar*

Associate Professor School Of Management Studies

LakiReddy Bali Reddy College Of Engineering Mylavaram-521230. Krishna Dt. A.P.India


K. Vijayasree**

Assistant Professor cum Scientist Cognitive Science Centre

LakiReddy Bali Reddy College Of Engineering Mylavaram-521230. Krishna Dt. A.P.India


The present investigation of the study is to examine the need satisfaction and job satisfaction of managerial professionals, working in banking and insurance sectors. We emphasize that the significance levels of the need satisfaction and job satisfaction and their influence among the managerial professionals in working climate. The sample consisted of 55 managers of banking organizations and 50 managers of insurance organizations. The need satisfaction and job satisfaction questionnaires were used for the investigation of the study. The means, SDs, and the mean differences were employed for the investigation of the study. The results show that the need satisfaction and job satisfaction are varied sometimes and collaboratively to influence the managers who are working in banking and insurance sectors.


Every manager has the important role of knowing what their employees are capable of and recognize and promote their potential for growth and need to have the right individuals in the right place at the right time to accomplish the goals that which have identified. If there are any gaps and unfulfilled or contradictory in employee capabilities, the manager needs to make the necessary changes before things go wrong. Look for behaviors that can be used an example to other employees to show the difference between adequate skills and excellence performance in their working environment. Managers must provide the conducive environment and possessions to their employees with the proper tools, resources, knowledge and opportunities so that they can develop their employees to their fullest potential.

Managers must keep current on the changes in their organization and what other similar industries are doing in their organizations. The manager needs to say on top and ahead of what is occurring in the marketplace. Managers need to continuously do a self evolution about their expectations in their roles. Things change and managers must change and move forward with the changes. It is a smart manager that looks ahead so they can anticipate changes before they occur.

Being a manager committed to his organization is the major source of key. In any organization success and achievements do not happen on their own. Managers should keep focusing on their own

performance and that of their employees. They know how to prioritize projects that have the biggest impact on their own organization. Managers tend to be high achievers that will stretch themselves beyond expectations. Organizations want to have managers in place that are willing to take the extra steps.

Moreover, managers not only manage people, they provide guidance, run operations, and some cases may be involved in vision and strategy. Effective managers possess a managerial toolbox that holds strategies, techniques and problem solving skills to help guide them in making the best possible solutions in the course of business to help them fulfill the leadership role that was given to them. However, the managerial operations will be relayed on managers potentials, attitudes, interest, leadership styles, supervision, cooperation and others.

In this dimension, the need satisfaction and job satisfaction play a vital role to promote enthusiasm and work culture in their behavior. These two job-related variables are prominently to drive the managerial professionals. Based on that, we would to study the need satisfaction and job satisfaction and their influence on professional behavior.

On the basis of Maslow theory,( 1947) the need satisfaction is pursued by the researchers and described the importance in organizational settings. Need satisfaction of people drives the work attitude of people in organization in order to achieve the goals. It accounts for both inter-personal and intra- personal variations in human behavior. However , it is more dynamic because it presents motivation as a changing force from one level to another level (Gupta and Joshi, 2010) the managers are able to satisfy their self esteem and self actualization, as compared to their subordinates. However the fulfillment of needs will vary according to persons job, age, educational background and size of the family.

Uysal, Lee and Knee (2010) derived a model from self-determination theory to explain why self- concealment (the tendency to keep distressing personal information secret) is associated with negative well-being outcomes. Two studies tested a model in which self-concealment predicts the thwarting of basic needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which then results in negative psychological outcomes. Study 1 involved a cross- sectional design. Structural equation modeling analyses revealed that the model provided an acceptable fit to the data. Study 2 involved a multilevel design. Participants completed daily measures of self- concealment, need satisfaction, and well- being over 16 days. Results supported the proposed mediation model. Furthermore, the associations between daily self- concealment, daily need satisfaction, and daily well-being were independent of trait self concealment. Overall, the findings suggest that concealing personal distressing information is detrimental tip the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, which in turn predicts negative well-being. Ansari (1990) reveals that the motivational factors will be influenced by superiors relations and their leadership styles.

That is why, at present scenario of research in organization, focus towards such variables and tries to identify the impact. Motivation which is need satisfaction is necessary for work performance because if people do not feel inclined to engage themselves in work behavior, they will not put in necessary efforts to perform well. The high performance is a must for an organization being successful and this performance comes by need satisfaction.

Job satisfaction refers to an individuals general attitude his or her job. It has been as the pleasurable or positive emotional state that results when an employee perceives that his job provides him with what is important to him. According to Locke (1969) job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job. The job satisfaction that an individual derives from his job depends on the extent to which outcomes meet his expectations. Job satisfaction reflects other attitudes of employees. In other words, job satisfaction is a general attitude which is the result of many specific attitudes in the areas like specific job factors- wages, supervision, steadiness of employment, conditions of work, advancement opportunities, recognition of ability, fair evaluation of work, social relations on the job , prompt settlement of grievances, fair treatment by employer, individual characteristics-age, health, temperament, desires, level of aspiration, and so on. Moreover the group relations outside the job family relationships, social status, recreational outlets, and activities in organizations- labour, political are influenced the job satisfaction. The amount of satisfaction that one derives for his present job is an indicator of his job satisfaction. Ghose (2010) concluded that job satisfaction is considered to be the one of the primary requirements of a well-run-organizaton. Lu et. Al, (2005) and Rajasekhar (2010) said that organizations require understanding the relative importance of the many factors to job satisfaction like motivation, attitudes, group dynamics and others. Telt, (1993) indicates that satisfaction and commitment each contribute independently to the prediction of job related variables.

In the light of above mentioned views, the following hypotheses were framed for the investigation of the study.

  1. There is no significance difference with regard to need satisfaction between managerial professionals, working in Banking and Insurance sectors.

  2. There is no significance difference with regard to job satisfaction between managerial professionals, working in Banking and Insurance sectors.

  3. There is significance difference between need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in banking sectors.

  4. There is significance difference between need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in insurance sectors.


The sample consists of 55 managers of banking sectors and 50 managers in insurance sectors for the investigation of study. The simple randomized sample technique is adopted for choosing the sample. The distribution sample with mean age levels is shown in Table. 1.

TABLE.1 presents the number, age mean scores and SDs of managerial professionals, working in banking and insurance sectors.














Instruments Used:

The Kanungos (1982) job satisfaction questionnaire consists of 16 items to be responded on a 6 point scale from extremely satisfaction to extremely dissatisfaction. A response on extremely satisfaction is given a numerical value 6 , moderately satisfaction 5, mildly satisfaction 4, mildly dissatisfaction 3, moderately dissatisfaction 2, and extremely dissatisfaction 1 respectively. The maximum and minimum possible scores on this scale are 96-16 respectively. The reliability and validity scores which are to be established by test- retest are 0.86 and 0.92 respectively.

The porters(1961)need satisfaction questionnaire comprised of 13 items to be responded on a 6- point scale from extremely satisfaction to extremely dissatisfaction. A response on extremely satisfaction is given a numerical value 6, , moderately satisfaction 5, mildly satisfaction 4, mildly dissatisfaction 3, moderately dissatisfaction 2, and extremely dissatisfaction 1 respectively. The maximum and minimum possible scores on this scale are 78-13 respectively. The reliability and validity scores which are to be established by test retest, are 0.82 and 0.79 respectively.

Results and Discussion:

Results: The means, SDs and mean differences of need satisfaction between managerial professionals, working in banking and insurance sectors, presented in table.2.

Table-2 presents the means, SDs and means differences of need satisfaction between managerial professionals, working in banking and insurance sectors.

Banking Sectors

Insurance Sectors










t test



** Significant at 0.01 level

In the analysis, the t-test was employed to find-out the significance difference with regard to need satisfaction between the managerial professionals, working in banking and insurance sectors. The mean difference (t-value) is 3.65, significant at 0.01 level. It can be said that there is

significance difference with regard to need satisfaction between managerial professionals, working in banking and insurance sectors.

Based on the results obtained, the 1st hypothesis which assumed that There is no significance difference with regard to need satisfaction between managerial professionals, working in Banking and Insurance sectors, is not accepted as unwarranted by the results.

Discussion: Managers have significant role and discharge the duties in several dimensions and make strategic decisions in order to manage organizational behavior. (Ian Gough,1994). Needs to satisfy are necessary for humans to lead professional life efficiently. However needs are distinguished from wants because a deficiency would cause of getting a clear burning sensation in the internal environment of the body. Needs can be objective physical or they can be subjective and psychological or a social level needs are sometimes controversial.

Managers are basic human elements to gratify the needs in terms of physical, psychological and social etc. Being a manager would manage the organizational behavior strategically in promoting the goals of organizations. Based on inherent factors, family background, customs, culture, wants, desires, etc., needs are varied while studying about needs of the managers in the organizations. It means that the managers need satisfaction level will also be varied, even if the work environment influences.

Based on the results obtained, the 1st hypothesis which predicted There is no significance difference with regard to need satisfaction between managerial professionals, working in Banking and Insurance sectors, is not accepted as unwarranted by the results.

Results: The means, SDs and mean differences of job satisfaction between managerial professionals, working in banking and insurance sectors, presented in table.3

Table.3 reveals that the means, SDs and mean differences of job satisfaction between managerial professionals, working in banking and insurance sectors.


Mean SD

Banking Sectors

Insurance Sectors







t 3.82 **

** significant at 0.01 level

In the analysis, the t-test was employed for the investigation of the significance difference with regard to job satisfaction among managerial professionals, working in banking and insurance sectors. The t-value is 3.82 which is significant at 0.01 level. It can be said that there is significance difference with regard to job satisfaction among managerial professionals, working in banking and insurance sectors.

Based on obtained results, the 2nd hypothesis which predicted that There is no significance difference with regard to job satisfaction among managerial professionals, working in Banking and Insurance sectors, is not accepted as unwarranted by the results.

Discussion: The strategies of organizational development will be relied on managers of organizations (Ansari, 1995). However, the managerial attitudes are influenced by job satisfaction which plays pertinent role to full-fill the needs of managers at different levels. Job satisfaction is a general attitude, is the result of many specific attitudes in different milieus in terms of job-factors-wages, supervision, steadiness of employment, working conditions, advancement opportunities, recognition of ability, fair evaluation of work, social relationship on the job, prompt settlement of grievances, fair treatment by employers and individual factors age, health, temperaments, desires, level of aspirations and group relationship outside the job. It can be said that there are several components to influence the job satisfaction, which also be aried in people under work climate. Based on needs, wants, desires aspirations, family conditions, the job satisfaction will also influenced by organizational environment. This influence should be varied from manager to manager. It can be evidently said that satisfaction in the job might be different in managerial professionals.

Based on the results obtained, the 2nd hypothesis which predicted that There is no significance difference with regard to job satisfaction among managerial professionals, working in Banking and Insurance sectors, is not accepted as unwarranted by the results.

Results: The means,SDs and mean difference with regard to need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in banking sectors, presented in table.4.

Table.4 represents that the means,SDs and mean difference with regard to need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in banking sectors.

Need Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction


Mean SD










** Significant at 0.01 level

Based on the results, the t-test was used for examining the study related to significant difference with regard to need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in banking sectors. The results indicate that the mean difference is 7.29, significant at 0.01 levels. It can be said that there is a significance difference relating to need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in banking sectors.

Based on the results obtained, the 3rd hypothesis which assumes that There is significance difference between need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in banking sectors, is accepted as warranted by the results.

Discussion:According to Maslow (1943) the understanding of the people in terms of needs that is conceived as potential and deprivation, will prevent any reduction of the human being into a category of a restricted existence. Moreover, if needs are conceptualized in this way, it is inappropriate to speak of their being satisfied or fulfilled. They reflect a dialectic process in as much as they are in constant movement. Hence, it may be better to speak of realizing, experiencing or actualizing needs through time and spence. However, the need satisfaction might be relied on work and its satisfaction. When work will be more potential, the organization reward the employee particularly in terms of security, awards, increment, promotions, uplift the self esteem, human relations, authority and coalition, participation, and the economic related variables etc., Based on that, employee lead work satisfaction which influence the carrying the variety of needs to fulfill in organizational climate.

In the existing environment, job related behavior should be varied which is not relevant sometimes to promote the need satisfaction. The needs will be influenced by subjective components like family conditions, values, norms, contexts, modes, attitudes and culture and others. All of which are permanent state of tension between consideration and change. Job satisfaction will also be influenced more by objective components like hierarchical levels and its influence, work conditions, employee relations, wage and salary, increments and others. These factors will be discriminated by organizations in different practices.

However, job satisfaction influences the need satisfaction, but sometimes interchangeably shows their impact towards employee attitude. It means that these two satisfactory levels significantly combined together and sometimes independently influence the attitudes of employees in the organizations

Based on the results obtained, the 3rd hypothesis which assumes that There is significance difference between need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in banking sectors, is accepted as warranted by the results.

Results: The means,SDs and mean difference with regard to need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in insurance sectors, presented in table.5.

Table.5 represents that the means,SDs and mean difference with regard to need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in insurance sectors.

Need Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction


Mean SD










** Significant at 0.01 level

Based on the results, the t-test was used for examining the study related to significant difference with regard to need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in insurance sectors. The results indicate that the mean difference is 8.14, significant at 0.01 levels. It can be said that there is a significance difference relating to need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in insurance sectors.

On the basis of results obtained, the 4th hypothesis which assumes that There is significance difference between need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in insurance sectors, is accepted as warranted by the results

Discussion: Insurance sectors and banking sectors are considered business organizations which are normally profit-oriented and therefore a different climate prevails in it in order to promote their targets in the competitive market. In such climate, every employee has more responsibility to contribute effectively and extend the goals in a collaborative matrix. It means that people in organizations, move their work potentially and awarded by the sectors which significantly influence the job satisfaction which is concerned to promote the satisfactory levels in needs in organizational climate.

Based on the results obtained, the 4th hypothesis which assumes that There is significance difference between need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in insurance sectors, is accepted as warranted by the results.


  1. There is significance difference with regard to need satisfaction among managerial professionals in banking and insurance sectors.

  2. There is significance difference with regard to job satisfaction among managerial professionals in banking and insurance sectors.

  3. There is significance difference between need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in banking sectors.

  4. There is significance difference between need satisfaction and job satisfaction among managerial professionals in insurance sectors.

Suggestions for further study:

  1. Most of the organizations should not concentrate the need satisfaction level which is very significance component to influence the employee behavior. If organization takes care towards need satisfaction, automatically, should expect that extension of job-related behavior in employees.

  2. To develop the effective motivation strategies in order to promote the employees work attitude.

  3. To study the job-related variables effectively and find-out the relevancy in solutions related to non-financial reinforcements.


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