- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 39
- Authors : Prithviraj M. Tupe
- Paper ID : IJERTV8IS040073
- Volume & Issue : Volume 08, Issue 04 (April – 2019)
- Published (First Online): 08-04-2019
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Management of the Process of Approvals for Integrated Township Projects
Prithviraj M. Tupe (Author) Dr. D Y Patil College of Architecture,
Akurdi, Pune
Abstract – The research focus the main components with which any construction project starts which is the Government approvals for the project
The first thing a developer comes across before starting a project is to get the land available which has the potentials to achieve a successful project which is being planned and to achieve the required permissions for the project.
Approvals in realestate project is second stage construction project which is associated with the government. In todays scenario the government work is ment to be tedious and time taking and most of the approvals have to be applied for manually.
The study contributes to the approvals for realestate project while focusing on the integrated township projects.
The research contributes to this phase of project approval by creating a single window system from where we can get detail information of the guidelines for bothe the phases, where the platform integrates different approvals so you can access the applications for the approvals. So as to avoid any delays caused in the approvals phase.
Every property developer has to follow a distinctive set of steps in the process of property development to achieve best possible outcome. It is important for the developer to remain flexible and have the capacity to solve the problems at all times.
The process can vary slightly from project to project, in essence all property developments must go through the following stages;
Concept stage
Town planning
Working drawing and documentation
Completion and post construction
The scale and magnitude of the project acts as a important element which controls numerous aspects associated with the projects. Land purchasing being on of the most important aspects of them. As the selection and purchase of proper land is important to achieve the best outcome.
With large sums of money at stake and extensive timeframes over which a development evolves, all aspects need to be managed carefully as the cost of making a mistake can be extraordinarily high.
The important stages related to land purchasing in township project are :-
Pre-purchase, concept stage and purchase stage.
Pre-purchase is the first step in the development process. It involves seeking out a block of land or established site that has sufficient potential to development approval to construct a facility to cater a self-sustainable township.
At this stage it is important to already consider finance and have an understanding of your borrowing capacity so that you know your limits. It is important to know the possibility to obtain the necessary funding to develop a project successfully. This is the stage where you need to know all the clearances needed to develop a township in the selected land.
It is important to consult experts to ensure the projects viability such as :-
Development manager who can coordinate the entire process and team of industry professionals or individually
Town planner
Estate agent to give their assessment of end values and viability of the completed product.
Concept stage
When the search for a potential site is complete, next step is to come up with a concept.
The following points are considered in the stage
What can you put on the site?
How many units?
How big?
What restrictions are there? What can be developed on the selected land?
At this stage the communication with the authorities related to the project are to be involved. To ascertain what can be constructed on the chosen allotment, you must first assess the local council's development and planning policies. These documents are freely accessible by logging onto the local council's web site, or alternatively you can visit their offices and ask to see a hard copy at reception.
At this time you should carefully study the market demand in your chosen area, which will help to understand what type of dwelling would sell or lease well because, it is important to design and build a project that has optimal marketability.
Taking all these factors on board and attempting to address them before you get too far down the development process can save valuable time, money.
The final decision to buy or not to buy your proposed site will be decided by the pre-purchase feasibility assessment.
This stage involves buying the land at a price which is viable to develop the project.
study the process of land purchasing with the authorities involved in obtaining clearances for township project to develop a module for check list
To understand the stage wise authorities involved in land purchasing process.
To understand the legal procedure needed to be followed for land purchasing.
To study the procedure followed by reputed builders in township projects for land acquisition.
Study all the clearances required in township projects.
Research questions
How to develope a module which can accommodate check list for the authorities?
this research is focusing on the study of the procedure of the land purchasing which will involve active participation of the builders and lawyers therefore i have to use both qualitative and quantitative method of research.
Type of research quantitative and/ or qualitative
qualitative research focuses mainly on the quality of data, so such research is done mainly by interviews with proper questionnaire asked to the right persons.
Qualitative interview, observations, etc.
Various interviews are carried out with :-
Builders in township development.
Brokers in land purchasing for township development.
Lawers practicing in the field.
Authorities involved in land purchasing.
Questionnaires are prepared for each authorities.
Quantitative :
quantitative researches is mainly understood when the specific structure or stages of the process is studied in detail either personally or by reference. For such research one should do live and book case studies.
following are some of the case study projects i have considered.
Live case study projects :
Amanora township
Magarpatta city
Scope and limitation Scope:
To study the various authorities involved in the process of land acquisition in maharashtra region
The authorities a developer needs to gain all the clearences for land acqusition of township project
The study is limited to process involved in maharshtra region.
The study will be limited to township projects. Which will involve residential and commercial sector.
The study will not be accounted for the information needed for infrastructure projects or industrial projects.
Research article 1
title : approval process for rel estate projects in maharashtra & suggestion to streamline system
published by : federation of indian chambers of commerce and industry
introduction : this article consist detail explaination of the approval process for real estate projects in maharashtra (mumbai). Where they have mentioned the amount of time needed for individual approvals and documents needed to be presented at the time of the application of the approvals.
the article mentions approval procedure for the following nocs :
non-agriculture (na) permission
tree authority
storm water and drain department
sewerage department
hydraulic department
environmental department (concerned with debris management)
consent to establish & operate
ancient monument approval
airports authority of india
traffic and coordination department
cfo (fire clearance)
structural plan approval
Non-agriculture permission
Time required minimum of 3 months. It depends on compliance of other conditions
Cost for obtaining approval : it depends on the location of the project and ranges between rs 2-8 per sqft.
Grant of permission by revenue department
Procedure is time taking and cumbersome.
Obtain "no-objection certificate" noc from the tree authority (municipal)
Time required 30-60 days
Cost for obtaining approval inr 4,000 (per tree)
Approving authority: tree authority committee of municipal corporation
Due to stringent environmental regulations, the building company must receive clearance from the tree authority set up under the maharashtra (urban areas) preservation of trees act (1975). The tree authority commission only meets once a month. The tree authority must ascertain what trees (if any) will be cut down as a result of construction. If trees are to be cut down, the building company will have to plant trees to replace them.
Obtain noc from the storm water and drain department (municipal)
Time required : 15-30 days
Cost for obtaining approval : scrutiny fees inr 2/smt (bmc limit)
No cost for this noc but bmc is considering imposing some fee.
Obtain noc from the sewerage department (municipal)
Time required : 15-30 days
Obtain noc from the electric department (municipal)
The electric consultant hired by the developer works out the load requirement, transformer capacity etc. Load is sanctioned by the power distribution company. The building company will inform best of the project's power requirements along with a copy of application submitted for building plan approval. Best will assess whether an electrical sub-station up- grade is required at this stage.
Obtain a "no-objection certificate" noc from the traffic and coordination department (municipal)
Obtain a "no-objection certificate" noc from the chief fire officer (municipal)
In mumbai, buildings above 24 meters in height require chief fire officer (cfo) clearance.
Time required : 30 days
Cost for obtaining approval: official cost is rs. 50 per square meter. Cost varies between rs. 50,000 to rs 1,00,000.
Environment clearance:
The environment consultant hired by the company prepares the environment impact assessment report which is submitted to the state level expert appraisal committee which refers it to the state environment impact assessment authority (seiaa). Costal regulatory zone (crz) clearance is also obtained wherever required.
Approving authority: ministry of environment/state environment impact assessment authority (seiaa)/ state level expert appraisal committee
Time required: 3 months to 1 year
Cost for obtaining approval : charges depend on the size of project
Ancient monument approval:
Approving authority: archaeological survey of india time required : 6 months
Consent to establishment & operate
Ministry of environment has authorized pollution control board (pcb) to monitor the environment related compliance by the developer which includes setting up of sewage treatment plant (stp) etc.
Approving authority : pollution control board
Time required : 2 months
Noc from airport authority of india
Approving authority : civil aviation department
Time required : 3 – 4 months
Obtain commencement certificate from the building proposal office and pay development charges (municipal)
Cost for obtaining approval: 200 inr per square meter (land component) + 500 inr per square meter (building component))
On submission of all required nocs and on compliance of the iod conditions, the applicant may submit request for the commencement certificate (cc). The documents and nocs submitted by the applicants are verified by the staff and the necessary commencement certificate is approved.
Commencement certificate (cc) is given in two stages:
Cc upto plinth level
Cc beyond plinth level
Bore well registration certificate: (outside municipal limit)
Approving authority : central ground water authority
Time required : 60 days
Ground water extraction is not allowed in crz areas.
Noc if near coastal area
Approving authority : coastal zone management authority
Time required : 6 months 1year (+)
Construction is not allowed upto 500 meters from the coastline.
Permission for excavation / royalty payment
approving authority: collector & executive engineer in the ward office (under the mines & minerals act 1957)
time required: 1530 days
Other common facilities approval: (internal infrastructure services)
Approving authority : the concerned service provider for water, electricity & telecom
Time required:30days
Road access highway / expressway:
Approving authority : nhai/pwd
Time required : 60 days
Lift escalator installation approval (pwd / cpwd)
Approving authority : public works deptt
Time required : 30-45 days
Electric substation noc for all substation transformers in building (electric service provider)
Approving authority : electricity distribution authority
Time required : 15 days
Obtain occupancy certificate from the bmc (municipal)
Time required : 60 days
The occupancy certificate allows the building company to occupy the building but is not considered a final document because the building company still requires the certificate of completion. The company's architect must submit a formal letter stating that construction has been completed according to the standards set forth in the iod and cc.
Obtain building completion certificate from the bmc (municipal)
Time required 30 days
The completion certificate is considered to be the ultimate document that the building company
Requires to fully occupy the building and connect it to utilities.
Apply for permanent power connection and pay fees at brihan mumbai electric supply and transport (municipal)
Time required : 30 days
The building company submits the application form along with a registration fee of inr 50. On submission, a receipt of the same is given along with a requisition number. Within one week (statutory time limit), an inspection takes place to verify if the structure is permanent and to account for the number of conections required, etc. Within a week, a requirement letter from best authorities is mailed to the applicant. This letter lists the documents and payment to obtain a power connection.
Obtain permanent water connection (with inspection) (municipal)
Time to complete 45 days
Cost for obtaining approval : inr 1,200 (connection fee) 28. Obtain permanent sewerage connection (municipal)
Time to complete 30 days
Obtain permanent sewerage connection (municipal)
Time to complete 30 days
Cost for obtaining approval : inr 50,000
Comments & suggestions:
approving authorities should maintain time limit as prescribed in the rule book. If time limit is not prescribed, it should be for every approval procedure.
if due to some reasons, approval cannot be given within prescribed time limit, it should be intimated to
the applicant within first 10-15 days of submission of application.
documentation required at each stage of approval should be clearly laid down and adhered to. Developers should submit proper documents as required by the authorities to make the process less cumbersome.
official fees for approvals may be enhanced to increase the capacity of staff in municipalities.
infrastructure is not provided by the government. Though provision of civic infrastructure by the developer in cities like mumbai is manageable however, in the suburbs, provision of infrastructure solely by the developer is an arduous task leading to delays and other difficulties in its execution. Here the government must lay down the infrastructure on priority.
Streamlining of procedures:
Zonal development plan should be airport authority cleared
Building plan could be passed and sanctioned by certified architects, monitoring of the project by municipality.
Non-agriculture permission not required for land within municipal limits.
Environment clearance:
Moef should clear the zonal development plan, no approvals for individual projects or
Local development authority be entrusted the task of environment clearance or
Projects above 50,000 sq mts built up area be eligible for environment clearance.
The state must set up a separate committee for according environment clearance to the construction sector due to the large number of projects happening in the state. Presently there is only one state environment appraisal committee which takes care of all residential, commercial and industrial projects in the state. Having a specialized environment appraisal committee for construction sector will bring in higher efficiency and speed up the approval process.
Research article 2
Title : streamlining approvals for real estate projects Naredco comments and suggestions
Published by : national real estate development council (naredco)
Aim : to simplify the process of approvals in real estate
Introduction : this article consist detail list of approval needed for real estate projects. Where they have mentioned the amount of time needed for individual approvals and the authorities involved in the approval.
How this help in my research : this helps me while making a guideline for the authorities involved in approvals of township projects.
Approvals for obtaining license
Approval of building plans and other clearances before start of work at site
Approvals before construction independent of building plan approval
simplification of specific procedures
Building plan approval
A single competent authority should be responsible for approving development plans and building plans. Software for automatic project sanction needs to be developed/put in use in all states.
Approval by licensed architects, on behalf of the development authority, need to be practiced. It will be the responsibility of the licensed architect to ensure compliance with notified rules and regulations and approve building plans in a time bound manner.
Delink infrastructure development from building plan approval.
The approving authority should not insist for prior development of internal infrastructure to approve project development plan. It needs to be appreciated that infrastructure development is parallel to construction. For facilitating construction of project in a fixed time schedule, building plan should be approved subject to undertaking from developer that the internal infrastructure will be developed before submitting application for occupation certificate.
Standardization of bye laws and procedures Presently, bye laws of local bodies are archaic, complicated and allow discretionary interpretations. Standardised and flexible byelaws are necessary to eliminate discretion. It should be available on website of development authority/municipality.
Deemed approval
If the competent authority/municipality doe s not accord approval in the specified time, it should be treated deemed approval. This will fix responsibility on approving authority and reduce delay.
eia clearance of master plan
Since the master plan contains zoning of development area including distribution of residential, commercial, institutional, green spaces etc and stipulates development control norms, it would be appropriate to carry out environment impact assessment of the entire master plan. This should be part of the master plan approval and individual projects, within the master plan area, should not be required to obtain eia clearance for each project. The environment department should notify their guidelines to be followed for different types of projects and also put the guidelines on their website. Thereafter, compliance responsibility should be left to project approving authority.
Single window for environment clearance Construction projects do not fall under scoping process, which means no screening and presentation is required to get environmental clearance. Therefore, in the case of construction projects, single window clearance, within stipulated time, should be the norm. In case there is any short fall, the ec should be issued on conditional basis without delay.
Optimum use of land
Since the scarcity value of land is increasing, density and far/fsi norms, especially for low income housing, need to be increased. This would impact related infrastructure and cost of housing.
Online registration
Subject to compliance of procedure, online registration for select clearances should be introduced such as registration with labour deptt. Lift inspector, approval of electrical load, noc from airport authority etc.
streamlining project approval procedure – single window facilitation committee
All project documents for various clearances should be submitted to a single window facilitation committee. The approvals for parallel clearances should be identified in order to save time. Further, the competent authorities should notify maximum time limit for according approvals.
A senior officer should be appointed as chairman of the single window facilitation committee notified by a state govt. The chairman should be empowered to issue directions to members of the single window for compliance.
All associated departments should nominate senior officials as members of the single window and made
responsible for delay beyond time limit fixed for approval.
Documents to be enclosed for each approval should be publicised and displayed on the departments website, as a state initiative, to promote transparency.
A reasonable fee for single window service could be charged by the state govt./ulb/development authority.
As an example licensing procedure for real estate project wth suggested time schedule
simplification of administration
layers of approval officials
Efforts should be to reduce no of layers in the movement of files. For instance, the proposal submitted to scrutiny officer is rechecked by his superiors and finally checked and approved by the competent authority. Streamlining with the help of a check list, will reduce no. Of layers and time taken in approval.
Specialist cadre
With urbanization likely to double in next 3 decades, it is necessary to create specialist cadre for all facets ranging from urban planning, building approvals, environment clearances etc. To facilitate faster planning and approvals.
Experts in committees
In all committees, experts should be included as a practice. For instance in every state environment committee, an independent expert from construction industry should be included.
Case study 1 Magarpatta city :-
Magarpatta city being part of village was considered as green belt in town plan.
The farmers from the area decided to do construction in the area and decided to develop a private township.
The farmers of the area formed a private limited company by the name of magarpatta city township development and construction co. Ltd.
The organization consisted of
Chairman and managing director
8 directors
120 families in share holders
The collaboration of the land for the development of township project was done by joint venture.
Joint venture agreement was made in between the share holders (farmers) and company.
Where the rights of development of the land was handed over to the company.
The approvals which the township had to take prior to commencement of the construction
The important approvals which magarpatta city had to give attention to :
Non-agriculture (na) permission (the land in magarpatta was green zone)
Environmental department
Ceiling authority
General approvals which consume less time :
storm water and drain department
sewerage department
hydraulic department
consent to establish & operate
ancient monument approval
traffic and coordination department
cfo (fire clearance)
structural plan approval
Steps followed by magarpatta city for the approval procedure
Step 1 :- land use
Magarpatta being a green belt zone in the town plan the company had to get the land use changed to develop a township project.
The zone was changed to residential zone
Legal authority approached by magarpatta for change of land use :-
Urban development department of maharashtra
The legal documents needed for the following are :- Application of the shareholders (farmers)
Registration papers of the company Constitution (article of association of company)
Measurement of total land collaborated in the township
agreement copy of farmers and company
The urban development department of maharashtra government sanction the request and changed the land use to residential zone.
Step 2 :- magarpatta approached to ceiling department
The legal documents needed for the following are :- Application of the shareholders (farmers)
Registration papers of the company Constitution (article of association of company)
Measurement of total land collaborated in the township
agreement copy of farmers and company Chart showing share holding of each farmer.
The ceiling department of maharashtra give noc. To magarpatta.
Step 3 :- magarpatta approached to environment department
The legal documents needed for the following are :-
Application of the shareholders (farmers)
Registration papers of the company
Constitution (article of association of company)
Measurement of total land collaborated in the township
J.v. agreement copy of farmers and company
Master plan of township
Landscape architecture plan of township showing showing the following
Original trees
Re plantation of trees
Ornamental plants
The environment department give noc. To magarpatta
Step 4 :- commencing of the technical work
Magarpatta starts the planning
Magarpatta is divided in 8 sectors
Commercial zone
Season mall
Step 5 :- sanctioning
Magarpatta comes under pmc limit do
This step is divided in 2 parts Sanctioning of master plan Sanctioning of sector wise plan
Master plan is submitted to the town planning authority for sanctioning
Since magarpatta comes under pmc limit Sector wise plans has to get sanctioned by pmc
Where it is not necessary to get all the sectors sanctioned at same time.
Case study 2 :- amanora park town
Amanora comes in sade satra nali (hadapsar) taluka haveli, gram panchayat.
Sadesatra nali (now amanora) came under green zone.
The farmers collaborated to form a construction company named aujous land development and construction company pvt. Ltd..
This company consisted of following members:-
One chairman
One managing director
7 directors
Collaboration of land
the farmers did mou memorandom of understanding with the aujous ovt ltd company.
All the development powers goes to the aujous pvt ltd company.
Aujous pvt ltd performed the following procedures
Government measurement of all the lands
Fensing of the boundaries
Removing all internal boundaries
Legal registration of land
The company secretary approached talathi to get the name of aujous pvt ltd on the 7/12 extract.
The company then approaches tahsildar to make amalgamation of all 7/12 extract and make one 7/12 extract.
Collaboration with construction company
Aujous pvt ltd did a joint venture of 60:40 with with city cooporation pvt ltd pune
Thus the development rights were transferred to ccl (city cooperation pvt ltd) company.
Steps taken by ccl
Ccl developed a master plan for amanora park town
The plan consist of the following
Office buildings
Commercial centers
Landscape plan
Step 1:- land use
Legal authority approached by amanora for change of land use :-
Urban development department of maharashtra
Amanora being a green belt zone in the town plan the company had to get the land use changed to develop a township project.
The zone was changed to residential zone
Joint request application of aujous company and ccl was produced to sanction the township under township policy act.
The legal documents needed for the following were :- Registration papers of the company
Constitution (article of association of company) Measurement of total land collaborated in the township
agreement copy of aujous company and ccl.
The urban development department o maharashtra government sanction the request and changed the land use to residential zone.
Step 2 :- ccl approached to ceiling department
The legal documents needed for the following were :- Registration papers of the company that is aujous pvt ltd and ccl
Constitution (article of association of company) Measurement of total land collaborated in the township
The ceiling department of maharashtra give noc. To amanora.
step 3 :- amanora approached to environment department
The legal documents needed for the following were :- Registration papers of the company
Constitution (article of association of company)
Measurement of total land collaborated in the township i.e. 750 acres
agreement copy of aujous pvt ltd and ccl Master plan of township
Landscape architecture plan of township showing showing the following
The environment department give noc. For amanora
Step 4 :- sanctioning
Amanora comes outside pmc limit there fore sanctioning from pmc is not required.
Ccl prefered sector wise development of the township
Company selected the sector to be developed on priority to get the sanctioning process cleared for the particular sector
Preferences of sector which is to be constructed by demand of market is surveyed to carry the sanctioning and development of sectors.
Questionare asked to the team involved in the approval process :-
Is there any estimeted time guideline given by the government for individual approvals
There is a estimated time guideline for the approvals
Does the approvals get executed in particular times as mentioned by the authorities
The approvals get delayed
The reasons for delay are :
The requirement of documents are not clarified
What is the estimated time required for the approvals for a township project
Magarpatta took around 3 years
Amanora took around 2 years
What is the budget planning done for the technical fees of the approval projects
What is the budget thumb rule estimated for the approvals
As per thumb rule 5 lakh rupee/ acre is considered
Are there any list of fees given by the government as per the approvals
There is no documentation of list of fees required for the approvals
The fees of approvals varry from project to project depending on scale and region
What is the planning done for the approvals in township projects
The major time taking approvals are kick started initially. The other approvals are done simultaneously.
Sector wise sanctioning is done on priority of development basis.
What are the problems faced during the approval procedure Time taken for the completion of approvals delay the projects No guide lines for approvals documented
What is their perspective in streamlining the procedure for project approvals
Research article 1 states that :
The research article mentions the number of clearances required in a township project.
The article mentions the authorities involved in the process
Time required for the approvals.
It also mentions what procedures need to be streamlined and how should it be done.
The research article mentions the following :
Approving authorities should maintain time limit as prescribed in the rule book. If time limit is not prescribed, it should be for every approval procedure.
If due to some reasons, approval cannot be given within prescribed time limit, it should be intimated to the applicant within first 10-15 days of submission of application.
Documentation required at each stage of approval should be clearly laid down
The state must set up a specialized environment clearance committee for construction sector as per residential, commercial, industrial projects.
Simplification of specific procedures
Building plan approval
A single competent authority should be responsible for approving development plans and building plans. Software for automatic project sanction needs to be developed/put in use in all states.
Approval by licensed architects, on behalf of the development authority, need to be practiced. It will be the responsibility of the licensed architect to ensure compliance with notified rules and regulations and approve building plans in a time bound manner.
Delink infrastructure development from building plan approval.
The approving authority should not insist for prior development of internal infrastructure to approve project development plan. It needs to be appreciated that infrastructure development is parallel to construction. For facilitating construction of project in a fixed time schedule, building plan should be approved subject to undertaking from developer that the internal infrastructure will be developed before submitting application for occupation certificate.
Standardization of bye laws and procedures Presently, bye laws of local bodies are archaic, complicated and allow discretionary interpretations. Standardised and flexible byelaws are necessary to eliminate discretion. It should be available on website of development authority/municipality.
Research article 2 states that :
Approvals for obtaining liscence
Approval of building plans and other clearances before start of work at site
Approvals before construction independent of building plan approval
Simplification of administration
Layers of approval officials
Efforts should be to reduce number of layers in the movement of files. The proposal submitted to scrutiny officer is rechecked by different authorities which cause a result of timely process. Streamlining with the help of a check list, will reduce no. Of layers and time taken in approval.
Specialist cadre
Necessity to create specialist cadre for all facets ranging from urban planning, building approvals, environment clearances etc. To facilitate faster planning and approvals.
Experts in committees
In all committees, experts should be included as a practice. For instance in every state environment committee, an independent expert from construction industry should be included.
Streamlining project approval procedure- single window facilitation committee
Eia clearance of master plan
Master plan contains zoning of development area including distribution of residential, commercial, institutional, green spaces as per development norms
It would be appropriate to carry out environment impact assessment of the entire master plan. This should be part of the master plan approval and individual projects, within the master plan area, should not be required to obtain eia clearance for each project.
The environment department should notify their guidelines to be followed for different types of projects and also put the guidelines on their website. Thereafter, compliance responsibility should be left to project approving authority
Single window for environment clearance
Understanding of the approvals needed as per scale of project so to avoid the time and fees spent in non required approvals.
There is requirement of single window platform for the process of the approvals.
Repetition of scrutiny of documents while applying for different approvals should be cut down to reduce the time spend in repetitive procedure of scrutiny.
Developers should know the standard time and fees give by the authorities for each approvals to avoid delay caused by government in project approvals and to cut down violation of fees required to clear approvals.
Create a guidelines and check list for approvals of private township projects.
The guidelines will be categorized as per project scale and the requirement of the documents.
Create a booklet manual mentioning the time required for each approval and the documents required for the same.
Create a platform to link various township approval websites.
Which will also serve as :-
E-guide book for check list of approval process.
E-book manual giving time required by the government for different approvals
Similarly it will be mentioning the documents you need to submit for various approvals.
ksl pvt. Ltd,guideline for the process of land purchasing .
Federation of Indian chambers of commerce and industry (FICCI), approval process for real estate projects in Maharashtra and suggestion to streamline system.
National real estate development council (NAREDCO),streamlining approvals for real estate projects.
Government of Maharashtra urban town planning department, regulations for development of integrated township projects.