- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 231
- Authors : Raafe Karim Khan, Koushik Kumar Jami, Vedant Karia
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS090546
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 09 (September 2014)
- Published (First Online): 20-09-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Low cost Electro-Cardio-Gram using LabVIEW
Raafe Karim Khan Department of Electrical & Electronics, Manipal Institute of Technology
Koushik Kumar Jami Department of Electrical & Electronics, Manipal Institute of Technology
Vedant Karia
Department of Electrical & Electronics, Manipal Institute of Technology
AbstractHealthcare should be made available to the common man regardless of his or hers social and or economic status. The approach to our project is to make a portable Electro-Cardio-Gram which is not only cost effective but also at the same time at par with other organizations. Pressure is the measurand which we are interested in; to make this possible we will be using specially fabricated bio-electrodes. We will be tapping these pressure transduced signals and feeding it to LabVIEW via a data acquisition card. We will be measuring heart rate and we will monitor the changes in pressure taking place due to excitation and relaxation of the myocardium. We will aim to setup a network over internet protocol to send messages so that doctors can know when there are abnormalities taking place within the body. Not only that but we will also be maintaining factual data of the patient and time stamp of the data produced by him or her in real time[1].
Keywordshealthcare, pressure, bio-electrodes, LabVIEW data acquisition card, myocardium, real time
According to a World Health Organisation report roughly 40% of Indians in the world between the ages 30 to 40 are prone to heart ailment[2]. This number would amount to millions of people, majority of which are still living in rural and or sub-urban areas. Health care is still a luxury in a country like India, an India which is destined to be a superpower, and an India which is home to over one billion people. The final outcome of our project is to make health care unified, affordable and accessible.
The measurand which is of primary importance to us is pressure. Pressure within the body is created due to the excitation and relaxation of the myocardium[3]. The myocardium is the main muscle of the heart and is also attached to the aorta which happens to be the main artery of the heart
Parts of the heart
The heart is a very complex organ to study and all the processes it drives are in synchronisation and also in real time. To study the heart we shall divide it into smaller parts, all of which drive a unique process and are vital for sustainability. The various parts of the heart are as follows
Purkinje fibres
Pulmonary trunk
Right and left ventricles
Right and left atrium
Pulmonary trunks
Fig. 1. Parts of the heart
Heart as a biological source of energy
The heart is one of the only organs which functions throughout our lifetimes. Extraction and retraction of the hearts muscles takes place every minute. This results in pressure differentials taking place which produces echoing or profound sound signals. Using various transducers these signals can be tapped and extracted for biomedical applications. The heart in simple terms circulates blood in the body and it generates the pressure required for transportation of blood to the far ends of the body. In this way the heart is a biological source of energy.
The heart is analogous to an alternator. The same way alternators supply current, the heart supplies blood. Electrical pressure is applied by the generator so as to facilitate movement of charges which in turn causes current to run through cables. Similarly the heart generates pressure which facilitates the flow of blood smoothly within the body. The sound produced due to the process can be converted to suitable electrical signals using transducers. Hence the heart is considered to be a source of electrical energy.
Electrical activity
The electrical activity of the heart is due to polarization and repolarization of the myocardium. Due to this an electrical pulse is created which we have to measure in real time. This signal is important to us because the instrument i.e. the Electro-Cardio-Gram basically monitors and measures the electrical activity of the heart.
Fig. 2 Polarization and depolarization cycle
The figure above shows that this kind of activity is due to two minerals. Sodium (Na) and Calcium (Ca) facilitate the process of expansion and contraction of the muscles of the heart which in turn result in polarization and depolarization.
P-Q-R-S-T-U-V wave
The P-Q-R-S-T-U wave is the typical waveform produced by a normal human being. The waveform peaks at certain instants and then undergoes depression. This is in strict synchronization with the muscular activity of the heart and primarily due to the polarization and depolarization of the heart muscles which is triggered due to mineral activity[9].
Fig. 3. The P-Q-R-S-T-U-V wave
Interpretation of the wave
The wave nature of a normal person, with no heart problems is strictly speaking the same and is uniform. From person to person the amplitudes of the various parts may be different and or their timing intervals may be different but the wave nature, its characteristics are the same for one and all.
P-R section: If the P-R wave is greater than 0.22 seconds we say that the patient has a first degree heart blockage. If from the data generated the P-R section of the wave seems to be widening after successive beats then we say that the patient is suffering from a second degree heart blockage. If there is no discernible relationship between the P section and the rest of the wave we say that the patient is suffering from a third degree heart blockage
Q-R-S section:The width of this section of the wave should be less than 0.12 seconds. Some texts say that this width should be less than 0.10 seconds. Any extended deviation from the above in excess is said to be a condition of ventricular conduction failure
S-T section: This section of the wave should sit on the isoelectric line. This section should be slightly elevated and slanted at a certain angle for a normal and healthy person. A person is said to be suffering from ischemia if this section of the wave is planar. This is an abnormality and must be treated for with due initiative. The U wave should not be prominent as well[6].
Design of any system requires simulation to back a hardware setup. Software simulations are invariably idealistic and neglect extraneous variables, but are an indication of what the output of a hardware system must closely resemble. Developing a circuit of National Instruments Multisim, helped us get the PQRSTUV wave with great accuracy
Fig. 4. Simulation results
Fig. 5. Stages of the wave
The Electro-Cardio-Gram follows a very simple principle. We tap signals from a bio-surgical electrode which we condition further and feed these signals to LabVIEW through a data acquisition device. A simple block diagram representation is given below.
Fig. 6. Generalised block diagram of the ECG
Leads/ Sensors
The leads which we are using are surgical electrodes[4]. They are light in weight and easily available in market. They are not bio-hazardous but can be used for limited operations only.
Signal conditioning
The circuit which we have designed uses a specially fabricted instrumentation amplifier integrated circuit [4] developed by Texas Instruments called the INA-129. The features of the IC are as follows:
Low offset voltage : 50V max
Low drift : 0.5V/°C max
Low input bias current : 5nA max
High CMRR : 120dB max
Inputs protected : ± 40V
Wide supply range : ± 2.25V to ±18 V
Low quiescent current : 700A
8 pin plastic DIP, SO.
Data acquisition
For the purpose of acquiring data in real time we will be using an arduino board. The arduino is an open source platform which allows computing to be interactive and extremely intuitive. The arduino has an 8 bit Atmel
microprocessor at the heart of things. The arduino has 6 analog ports and 14 digital I/O ports which allow the arduino to interact with the physical world and perform complex computations[5].
LabVIEW is a graphical user interface developed by National Instruments which is basically a back end C program. It has a basically a drag and drop feature and is both flexible and easy to code. LabVIEW has been globally accepted by both academia as well as the industry.
Circuit schematic
The circuit for the system was relatively simple and follows the principles of green architecture in electronics system design! The entire system was made with lead free components and was found to be compliant with the ROHS standards. Some of the features of the system to name a few are; it is portable, light in weight, occupies very little area and the total cost of the system was only a few tens of dollars! The sensors used for tracking the trace of polarization and depolarization are bio-electrical probes; basically transducers which give an output voltage for a corresponding pressure differential inside the body[4]. Some of the other sensors used were infrared temperature sensors and a capacitive microphone coupled with a stethoscope, which makes an analog stethoscope completely digitized. Obviously the sensors were pre-calibrated against common bio-medical and health care practices [5] of the democratic republic of India.
Fig. 7. Circuit as on a breadboard
Fig. 8. PCB schematic of the system designed
The system so designed underwent through rigorous testing, the results of which were extremely promising and showed great results. The system was on a whole, light in weight. It was about 500 grams in weight, excluding the arduino board. The system covers about 75 sq.cms, therefore it requireds little space for physical placement. It is also extremely portable making it a great fit for modern day healthcare use.
System economics
The system in addition to being portable, light in weight and area friendly was also extremely inexpensive. The entire system was prepared in under $5 excluding the arduino board. In a country like India, this could help reaching out to the common man who continues to receive average to sub- average healthcare facilities.
Sampled data
The sampling rate chosen for the arduino is 1KS/second. This is not a default value but it was chosen so that the number of taps in the FIR filter could be reduced. Data which was sampled was also displayed and stamped from the time the process was initiated.
Fig. 9. Sampled data with timestamp
Harmonic content
Line frequency was observed to be predominant. Even after using a band reject filter digitally through LabVIEW, it was greatly suppressed.
Fig. 10. Source harmonics
Digital and analog filtering
The use of physical discrete components would introduce some amount of noise and result in unwanted variations in the output. Cascaded filters are used and multiple samples were taken. Not only that but various distortion management tools
were used to eliminate line frequency. Double filtering was done to remove all ripples which arose due to the regulated power supply unit.
To further reduce inefficiencies we use a notch filter at the source end to remove source harmonics which occurred between 45Hz 55Hz.
Fig. 11. Disappearing harmonics
Various stages of filtering, re-sampling and data manipulation tools were used and the P-Q-R-S-T-U wave was reconstructed from the crude data which was logged and received on the graphical interface of the front panel of the LabVIEW program.
It will be seen from the figure below, the black waveform is the semi rude waveform received by the processor over a short period of operation. The weighted average was taken which can be seen from the red color line. We can clearly make out the P-Q-R-S-T-U-V points on the wave. This test was conducted at normal temperature and standard pressure conditions on a normal and healthy person in completely relaxed position.The heart rate was calculated to be around
85.47 beats/ minute. Formula for the same is given by
= 300(1)
Where RR is the heart rate, 300 is the standardized constant and R is the number of boxes between each R wave
number of boxes between each instance of a peak. These were recorded values as and when process was started and terminated successfully. The above method of determining the heart rate is known as box method[6]. This method is the easiest to understand and is accepted as a standard worldwide
Fig. 12. P-Q-R-S-T-U-V wave
The advantages of the system designed are as follows:
User friendly
Easy to understand
Highly cost effective
Continuous monitoring
Data manipulation is easy with LabVIEW
Auto-calibration feature
Weight is less than 500grams
Eco-friendly and follows green computing standards[8]
No pollution whatsoever
The entire module has many features incorporated into it.
Some of which are:
Trace of the signal
Rhythm Will also indicate arrhythmia[7]
Heart rate
Axis deviations can easily be inferred from the graphs
Time and date stamp
Hospital UID
Previous history (Yes/No)
Problems reported can be logged onto the hospital intranet server
Consulting Doctor Data and history
First we would like to thank the almighty. For without his divine guidance and support we would have been unable to successfully complete this paper.
We would like to thank Dr.Vinod V. Thomas, Director, Manipal Institute of Technology, Dr. B.K. Singh, Former Head of Department of Electrical & Electronics, Manipal
Institute of Technology for granting us permission to work late at night in the laboratories and letting us make use of the resources available within the institute from time to time.
We would also like to thank Prof. James Anthony Pinto, Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology for his guidance and undying support. He was the driving force behind this work and it wouldnt have been possible to complete this module without his expertise.
We would also like to thank the engineers of National Instruments for their timely help when it came to programming the system on the LabVIEW platform. Without their useful tips we wouldnt have been able to acquire the signals as desired.
Lastly and most importantly we would like to thank our families and my friends for without them we would not be where we stand today.
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