- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 645
- Authors : Akshay Jain, Mayur Sawant, Shrikant Ghadge, Prasad Kandekar, Amirkhan Pathan, Savita Jangale
- Paper ID : IJERTV6IS030111
- Volume & Issue : Volume 06, Issue 03 (March 2017)
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV6IS030111
- Published (First Online): 09-03-2017
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Introduction to Cost Overrun in Residential Building: Its Causes and Solutions
Savita Jangale1
1Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Indira College of Engineering and Management, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Akshay Jain2, Amirkhan Pathan3, Prasad Kandekar4, Mayur Sawant5, Shrikant Ghadge6
2,3,4,5,6 Under Graduate Students, Department of Civil Engineering,
Indira College of Engineering and Management, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Abstract -In India the number of building construction projects is increasing however, these projects are not completed in allocated time and cost this is because of the financial condition of the country ,hence cost overrun is one of the major problems. Through this project we tried to find information on the factors that cause cost, overrun during construction and their effects on building construction projects.
The important causes of cost overrun were found to be inflation or increase in the cost of construction materials, poor planning and coordination, change orders due to enhancement required by clients, excess quantity during construction. With the help of available literature we found out major causes of cost overrun.
This project attempts to provide broader understanding of the frequent causes of cost overrun. The study is important as it sheds light on how construction professionals can implement cost control measures in place to avoid recurrence of these problems. The attainment of effective cost control measures for development projects is a prerequisite for the successful completion of such projects, which are vital for the country's socio-economic advancement.
Questionnaire survey will be carried out in the phase of project and with the help of above study we will be able to find out major causes of cost overrun. Here, we have provided the literature review and the proposed questionnaire that will be used to obtain data from various practitioners. This data then will be used to find out the major reasons causing Cost Overruns.
Keywords Costoverrun, Questionnaire,residential building
The Study Overview
The construction industry has a great impact on the economy of all countries. It is one of the sectors that provide crucial ingredients for the development of an economy. The construction industry in many countries accounts for 6-9 % of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) it reaches up to 10 % of the GDP of most countries. The construction industry is a vital element of the economy and has a significant effect on the efficiency and productivity of other industry sectors. One cannot think of widespread investment in manufacturing, agriculture, or service sectors unless the construction results of infrastructure facilities are in place. In some of the developing countries, the growth rate of construction activity outstrips that of population and of GDP.
Research Aim
To identify the major cost overrun factors in the construction sector and the effective remedial cost control measures, generate and recommend possible solutions.
Objective of the research
The initiation for the study of this research is largely due to personal observation and low performance of the construction projects in terms of cost and time. These include construction projects owned by the government and the private sectors. However, due to the limitation with regard to accessibility of data on private construction projects this thesis will focus on public building construction projects.
This study will be undertaken with the following main objectives.
Identifying the main causes of cost overrun and their overall effects for building construction projects.
To prepare a questionnaire to understand the actual causes of cost overrun.
Identifying the related responsible party to the causes of cost overrun.
Forwarding recommendations to minimize or to avoid cost overrun and frequency of its occurrence; and hence to reduce its consequential effects on public building construction projects in India.
To prepare an application based on android platform so as to manage the building construction activities thus reducing cost overrun effect.
The Research Motivations
The initiation for the study of this project is largely due to personal observation and low performance of the construction projects in terms of cost and time. These include construction projects owned by the government and the private sectors. However, due to the limitation with regard to accessibility of data on all construction projects this project will focus on building construction projects.
Significance of Study:
This project attempts to provide broader understanding of the frequent causes of cost overrun. The study is important as it sheds light on how construction professionals can implement cost control measures in place to avoid recurrence of these problems. The attainment of effective cost control measures for development projects is a prerequisite for the successful completion of such projects, which are vital for the country's socio-economic advancement.
In order to find plaussible causes of cost overrun and to prepare a
valid questionnaire few papers were reviewed.
Sai Murali Krishna Reddy, Raya and S.S Bhanu Prakash (1) : this paper discusses common factors leading to cost overruns and suggest the best mitigation measures to overcome them. Ram Singh (2): this paper presents media reports on instances of delays in infrastructure projects which are publically funded. Ramanathan Chidambaramand Narayanan Sambu Potty (3) : The paper focuses on multiple Design and Build project which has complicated risk and is governed by fixed contract sum (Lump sum).also Qualitative research was applied at three stages of projects for time delay and two aspects for cost overrun T.Subramani (4):this paper focused on various cost such as labour cost ,material cost, machinery cost, administration cost, hence it classified costs into two types direct cost and indirect cost and hence tried to find which factors lead to cost overrun. Gul Polat, Erin okay (5): This paper presents one aspect each for time delay and cost overrun. This benefits the industry in managing projects proactively with application appropriate risk response plan to the respective region. They divided the factors in 7 different groups Contract related factors, Time related factors, Cost related factors, Quality related factors, Human resource related factors, Communication related factors, Risk related factors.Abhimanyu S. Rathi, PravinV.Khandve(6):They analysed the time and cost overruns in Infrastructure projects in India and explained the typical causes of project cost and time overruns and provided some useful tips and techniques for managing and reducing costs. They derived Principal Component analysis and Relative Importance index (RII). The analysis of response data revealed that there were variables that significantly contributed to the cost and time overruns and had a chance of recurring in future projects.Mandar Borse, Pranay Khare (7): They found that consensus of opinion exists between respondents on the causes of cost overrun. The results showed that, slow decision making, poor schedule management, increase in material, machine prices, poor contract management, poor design, delay in providing design, rework due to wrong work, problems in land acquisition, wrong estimation and estimation method, long period etween design and time of bidding, tendering are the major causes of cost overrun Egwunatum Samuel, Akpokodje Ovie (8): This paper did a survey of literatures on cost overruns and showed that research findings are becoming symmetrically identical with transitory or volatile answers to the causes. Construction cost overrun has occupied a sufficient space in construction journals.
After carrying out the study of various literatures we got know about
various reasons leading to cost overruns. After getting to know about the Likert Scale we decided to carry on the research based on the scale. We have proposed the following questionnaire which will be presented to site engineers, consultants and contractors and to get a theoretical view to the various faculty members. The questionnaire is listed below.
List of questions integrated in the questionnaire provided to contractors.
Lack of effective site management and supervision
Improper project planning and scheduling
Lack of effective communication channel
Use of inexperienced subcontractors
Lack of good suppliers
Use of inappropriate construction methods
Improper emphasis on past experience
Lack of co-ordination between parties
No pre construction planning of project tasks
No pre planning of resources needed
Use of obsolete technology
Over reliance on a particular contractor/person
Lack of support from the labours
Lack of skilled labours
Improper communication between contractor and labours
Delay in procuring & arrangement of construction equipment by contractors
Materials-related delays inefficient communication damage materials poor quality of materials late delivery.
No timely payments to labours
Ignoring items of abnormal rates during evaluation.
Contractual claims, such as, extension of time with cost claims.
Delays in issuing information to the contractor during construction stage
Additional work at owner's request.
Fluctuations in the cost of building materials
Unpredictable weather conditions climate factors.
Dispute between the owner and contractor
Change of suppliers
Lack of inventory
Change in design at the time of construction
Financial delays from the owners end
List of questions integrated in the questionnaire provided to site engineer and faculty members.
Lack of effective site management and supervision
Delay in material approval by consultants
Lack of skilled labours
Low productivity by labours
Insufficient number of staff(labours/contractors)
Lack of subcontractors skill
Absence of consultant's site staff
Equipment and tool storage on site
Equipment availability and failure
Lack of material in market
Delay of material delay on site
Use of poor quality of material initially leading to reconstruction
Poor material handling on site
Lack of maintenance of equipment
Use of inappropriate construction methods
Additional work at owner's request.
Poor economic conditions
Poor soil/land conditions
Unpredictable weather conditions climate factors.
Lack of inventory
Change in design at the time of construction
Lack of availability of funds/ poor economic conditions
Unrealistic project schedule by the Project Management Team would cause cost overrun of the project
Delaying in bill settlement
Accidental due to lack of safety precautions
Absenteeism of contractors, engineers, consultants
Lack of communication between the site engineer and project management team
Unrealistic targets set by the project team
Location of site
List of questions integrated in the questionnaire provided to project manager and consultant.
The confusing and ambiguous requirements of clients.
The improper feasibility study providing by the Client.
Payment delays by the Client would cause cost overrun of the project.
Too many scope changes and constructive changed orders by client.
Slow responses from the Client organization would cause cost overrun of the project.
2- Disagree
1- Strongly disagree.
The Clients financial availability would have an impact on cost of the project.
Delay in possession of site would cause an impact of cost of the project.
Inadequate experience staff within the Project Management Team would cause cost overrun of the project
Lack of consultation with the Client by the Project Management Team organization would cost overrun of the project
Failure utilize tools to manage the Project symmetrically by the Project Management Team organization.
Poor Leadership on part of the Project Manager would cause cost overrun of the project
Lack of timely decision and corrective actions by the Project Management Team.
Large number of participants within the project would cause cost overrun.
Unrealistic project schedule by the Project Management Team would cause cost overrun of the project
Poor project planning and control by the Project Management Team would cause cost overrun of the project
Bureaucracy at the work place by the Project Management Team would cause cost overrun of the project
Lack of top management commitment by the Project Management Team would cause cost overrun of the project
Unreasonable risk allocation by the Project Management Team would cause cost overrun of the project
In viability appraisal, cost data used for estimating purpose would have cost impact of the project
Delay in providing required information by the Project Manager for the construction would cause an impact on cost
Low constructability of design by the designer would cause impact cost overrun of the project
Errors and omission in design documents would cause impact on cost overrun of the project
Impractical design by the designer would cause an impact on and cost overrun of the project
The cost consultant should prepare and update a cost plan to client with the advance warning on timely manner
Poor efficiency of supervision by the contractors staff would cause an impact on cost overrun of the project
Inappropriate construction methods by the contractor would cause an impact on cost overrun of the project
Using obsolete technology by the contractor would cause an impact on cost overrun of the project
Any Disruption to Contractors Programme would cause an impact on cost
Delay in issuing EOT and TOC would cause an impact on cost.
The response will be taken on a scale of 1-5 where 5- Strongly agree
4- Agree
3- Neutral
The issue of cost overrun in any sort of projects is a
longstanding one Researchers, therefore, always pay keen attention through the identification of major causes of cost overruns in order to reduce the impacts. However, most of the projects especially residential projects encounter various issues which delays the project and leads to increase in cost
i.e. cost overruns. The purpose of the project is to identify majo causes leading to cost overruns in residential building. The study then aims to suggest possible solutions to deal with such concerns.
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Ram Singh (2009), Delays and Cost Overruns in Infrastructure Projects: An Enquiry into Extents, Causes and Remedies Published in- Economic and Poltical Weekly (22nd May 2010).
Sai Murali Krishna Reddy, Raya and S.S Bhanu Prakash(2016), Cost and Time Overrun in Indian Construction Industry
Ramanathan Chidambaramand Narayanan Sambu Potty (2014), Qualitative analysis of Time delay and Cost overrun in Multiple Design and Build Projects Published in- International Conference Data Mining (4th Feb 2014)
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Elements of Cost and Schedule Overrun in Construction Projects Vaibhav Y. Katre, Dr. D.M. Ghaitidak. Published in International journal of engineering and research ,Vol 12 Issue 7 July 2016
Study of Factors Influencing Cost Overruns: An Overview Abhimanyu S. Rathi, PravinV.Khandve:Published in International Journal of Science and Research , Vol 5 Issue 3 (March 2016)
Analysis of Cost and Schedule Overrun in Construction Projects Mandar Borse, Pranay Khare Published in International Journal of Innovative Science,Engineering and Technology ,Vol 3 Issue 1 (January 2016 )
Iterating a Stationary Cause of Cost Overruns in Construction Projects Egwunatum Samuel ,Akpokodje Ovie Published in International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 2015
Cost Control in Mega Projects Using the Delphi Method Projects Hani M. Gharaibeh Published by American Society of Civil Engineers.
Cost Overruns and Failure in Project Management Understanding the Roles of Key Stakeholders in Construction Projects Hemanta Doloi Published By American Society of Civil Engineers.
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