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- Total Downloads : 16
- Authors : K. Vanamma, K. Chandraih, S. Ismail Basha
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV3IS18019
- Volume & Issue : NCACI – 2015 (Volume 3 – Issue 18)
- Published (First Online): 24-04-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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General Management in IT Sector
K. Vanamma,
Assitant Professor, Department of Management,
KMM Institute of Technology & Science,
Prof. K. Chandraih,
Professor of Editor in chief (IJPSR), Department of Psychology, S.V.University, Tirupati
S. Ismail Basha,
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, KMM Institute of Post Graduate Studies,
Abstract – General managers include owners and managers who head small business establishments whose duties are primarily managerial. Most commonly, the term General Manager refers to any executive who has overall responsibility for managing both the revenue and cost elements of a company's income statement. This means that a general manager usually oversees most or all of the firm's marketing and sales functions as well as the day-to-day operations of the business. Frequently, the General Manager is responsible for effective planning, delegating, coordinating, staffing, organizing, and decision making to attain desirable profit- making results for an organization.
Henris parents, André and Eugénie Cantin Fayol, returned to France after André completed his mil itary service. The family lived in La Voulte, where Henri received his elementary education. André worked as a superintendent at iron foundries in Le Pouzin and Le Teil, near La Voulte. Henri attended a polytechnic school in Valence, where he graduated from the Lycée Imperial (Imperial High School) in 1858. Henri followed in his fathers footsteps, entering the National School of Mines at Saint Etienne at age seventeen to become a mining engineer. He graduated in 1860 and went to work at the Commentry coalfield in Henri Fayol, circa 1872. central France. The coalfield was owned by the Source: La Societe de Commentty- Société Boigues, Rambourg and Company, a urn Fourchambault et Decazeville, ited partnership (société en cornmandité) that also 18541954, Paris: Brodard et owned steel mills at Fourchambault and Torteron, Taupin, 1954, p. 160. a forge at dImphy, foundries at Fourchambault and Montlucon, and an iron mine at Berry. Fol lowing the death of several partners in 1874, Boigues, Rambourg and Cie was reorganized as Commentry-Fourchambault (Comambault), a joint company (société à nonyme). 2
From 1860 until 1866, Fayol worked as an engineer and made notable advances in the technique of fighting underground coal fires. His efforts were rewarded with a promotion to manager of the Commentry coalfield at age twenty-five; six years later, he was placed in charge ofseveral colliers. 3In 1888, Comambault was in dire financial straits: no dividends had been paid since 1885, its Fourchambault and Montlucon facilities were losing money, and the coal deposits at Commentry and Montvicq were nearing depletion. This same year, Fayol was named Comambaults managing director (chief executive officer) and charged with revitalizing its operations. He closed the foundry at Fourchambault and centralized production at Montlucon to gain economies of scale. He acquired new coal deposits at Brassac and Decazeville and iron reserves at Joudreville. With the assistance of Joseph Carlioz, who was in charge of Comambaults commercial department, Fayol integrated Comambault backward to mine coal and iron ore and forward to smelt the iron into steel and to sell both the mined coal and raw steel. 4Fayol established research facilities to advance Comambaults technological capacity; entered into alliances with or acquired other firms; opened new mills to expand Comambaults geographical base; hired staff specialists in research, manufacturing, and seffing; and, to gain a competitive advantage, repositioned Comambault as a supplier of specialty steels.
Fayol recognized that the term principles is often misunderstood. To some observers, it suggests an unquestioned or rigid way of doing things, on the order of laws in the physical sciences. For this reason, Fayôl was careful to explain what he meant by principles: For preference I shall adopt the term principles whilst dissociating it from any suggestion of rigidity, for there is nothing rigid or absolute in management affairs, it is all a question of proportion. Seldom do we have to apply the
same principle twice in identical conditions; allowance must be made for different and changing circumstances. Therefore principles are flexible and capable of adaptation to every need; it is a matter of knowing how to make use of them, which is a difficult art requiring intelligence, experience, decision and proportion. Compounded of tact and experience, proportion is one of the foremost attributes of the manager. Moreover, Fayol stressed that in advancing a list of principles of management, he was not suggesting that there is a limit to the number of principles that might apply in different situations. Other principles could be identified. The principles he chose to review were simply those he had found most useful in his own career. The fourteen principles on which Fayol concentrated were:
Division of work
Unity of command
Unity of direction
Subordination of individual interests to the general interest
Scalar chain (line of authority)
Stability of tenure of personnel
Espritde corps
General management involves being responsible, on a day-to-day basis, for the direction of a business, or part of a business, against the backdrop of an increasingly global market place. Its varied, hands on and challenging with responsibility not only for the output of a team of staff but also to more senior managers for achieving project based work and management targets. Consequently, roles are invariably very busy but also stimulating and rewarding.
Management activities typically include:
Defining objectives, allocating resources and monitoring progress against targets
Planning and implementing projects, delegating work appropriately and taking responsibility for the outcome
Recruiting, supervising, motivating and developing staff, to ensure effective team working
Communicating effectively with colleagues, customers and suppliers
Controlling finances and managing budgets
Problem solving and dealing with complaints and managing change during the introduction of new work systems.
General Management Technical Skills
Define and dierentiate among various types of businesses (e.g., corporation,
limited liability, partnership)
Use planning tools to guide and manage an organizations business activities
Apply marketing techniques to foster business growth
Plan and evaluate the use of financial resources to eectively manage a business
Demonstrate understanding of doing business in a global environment
Business Management Technical Skills
Supervise, direct, motivate, and evaluate employees
Develop, implement, and monitor tactical and strategic plans to manage growth
and meet goals and organizational needs
Facilitate change and implement improvement processes to optimize
organizational eectiveness
Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
Apply business laws and regulations to business situations
- Exhibit ethical standards in conducting business negotiations and making
business decisions
Locate, organize, and reference written information from reliable sources tocommunicate with coworkers and clients
Develop and deliver formal and informal presentations using appropriate media to engage and inform audiences
Apply listening skills and interpret verbal and nonverbal behaviors to enhance communication with coworkers and clients
Interpret and use tables, charts, and figures
Information Technology Applications
Use software such as word processors and spreadsheets to perform common business applications
Use software such as databases to track and maintain business information
Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Decision Making
Use problem solving and critical thinking skills to locate good sources of information about problems
and determine appropriate methods for investigating causes
Use problem solving and critical thinking skills to determine root causes of problems and suggest solutions
Leadership and Teamwork
Exhibit leadership practices to improve productivity and quality of the working environment
Work effectively in a team environment to accomplish company goals and improve quality of the working environment
Safety, Health, and Environmental
Identify and practice appropriate health and safety procedures for business occupations
Apply appropriate emergency procedures for business occupations
Employability and Career Development
Demonstrate employability skills related to a career in business
Pursue career development skills to advance in business careers
General Management at Alstom is a cross- functional activity. Its about taking the lead and guiding others to get the most out of our teams. For instance, project leaders who can bring their missions to term, information technology specialists that can implement broad changes into our procedures, and individuals with global business acumen or who can establish positive industrial relations are all part of our general management function.
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