- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 427
- Authors : S N Karishma, V Lathasree
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS21033
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 02 (February 2014)
- Published (First Online): 01-03-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Fusion of Skin Color Detection and Background Subtraction for Hand Gesture Segmentation
S N Karishma, V Lathasree
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, India.
Abstract- Hand gestures play a significant role in Human Computer Interaction. They serve as primary interaction tools for gesture based computer control. The present work is a part of vision based hand gesture recognition system for Human Computer Interaction. We have proposed an algorithm with the fusion of skin color model and background subtraction that yields robust output in the presence of drastic illumination changes. This paper compares methodologies of various hand segmentation approaches for gesture recognition systems. This study is merely a first step towards development of a reliable efficient robust gesture recognition system with high detection rate.
Keywords: hand gesture detection, appearance based segmentation, skin color detection, background subtraction;
As computers become more pervasive in society, facilitating natural human-computer interaction (HCI) will have a positive impact on their use [1]. With the help of serious improvements in the image acquisition and processing technology, hand gestures became a significant and popular tool in human machine interaction (HCI) systems [2]. Hand gesture recognition is a field of research with growing applications. The applications include Sign language recognition, Virtual reality, Robotics, Gesture-to-speech, Television control, Smart room interactions and medical interactions [3]. The aim of gesture recognition system is the interpretation of the semantics that the hand(s) location, posture, or gesture conveys.
Gesture segmentation refers to separation of hand gestures from a continuous image sequence containing gestures [2]. Hand segmentation is the key and major premise to the analysis and identification of a gesture. A static gesture is a particular hand configuration and pose, represented by a single image. A dynamic gesture is a moving gesture, represented by a sequence of images [3]. Quality of the gesture segmentation directly affects the rate of recognition. Effective use of various information such as color, motion, geometric information is the key of the study [2].To detect static gestures (i.e. postures), a general classifier or a template-matcher can be used. Hand detection is done through pixel based [4], shape based [5], 3d model based [6], motion based [7] parameters. However, dynamic hand gestures have a temporal aspect and require techniques that handle this dimension like Dynamic Time Warping, Time Delay Neural Network, Finite State Machines, and
Advanced Hidden Markov Models (HMM) [1]. Hand tracking is done through template based, optimal estimation, particle filtering and camshift algorithms [1].
Segmentation is employed through two major enabling technologies for human computer interaction namely, contact based devices and vision based devices. Contact based method is the traditional approach to Gesture Modeling. The person signs by wearing gloves and the system functions through sensing apparatus like wires, accelerometers and multi touch based detectors [8]. This is a 3d model that gives a direct measurement of hand position, joint angle and orientation [3]. Limitations were that the system could recognize only single hand gestures. Restrained by the dependence on experienced users, the contact based devices do not provide much acceptability, hence vision based devices have been employed for capturing the inputs for hand gesture recognition in human computer interaction [1].
With the advancements in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vision based techniques which are simple, easy and affordable to implement in real-time are growing. Contact based devices are user cooperative, user intrusive, precise and flexible to configure, where as Vision based devices are flexible to use, occlusive and healthy [1]. The two major categories of vision based hand gesture representation are 3D model based methods and appearance based methods. The 3D model has an advantage that it updates the model parameters while checking the matches of transition in temporal model, leading to precise hand gesture recognition and representation, though making it computationally intensive with requirement of dedicated hardware [9]. Appearance based hand gesture representation include color based model, silhouette geometry model, deformable gabarit model and motion based model. Appearance based hand gesture representation methods are broadly classified into two major subcategories i.e. 2D static model based methods and motion based methods [3]. The generalized block diagram of appearance based static approach is as shown in the fig 1.
Fig 1: Appearance based Approach
Hand Gesture Acquisition can be done by using a camera to grab images or video frame sequences of the signing person. The hand is cropped till the wrist to obtain hand gestures. Hand Detection includes Segmentation and Edge Detection. After segmenting the hand gestures, an edge traversal algorithm is applied on the segmented hand contour for removal of unwanted background noise. Feature Extraction is used to calculate particular dimensions that capture the bulk of variation in the image data. Features that do not contribute towards predicting the response are discarded. Classifier identifies the hand gesture from the alphabets of the sign language [2]. Typically, the larger the vocabulary is, the harder the recognition task becomes.
Following discussion will explain the Appearance based segmentation, current difference and skin color fusion algorithm, comparison with previous algorithms and Conclusion.
In Gesturer Localization, the person who is performing the gestures is extracted from the rest of the visual image scene [7]. Appearance based static method includes finding target region from the intensity image that includes data descriptive of a hand. These methods utilize several types of visual features like skin color, shape, motion and anatomical models of hands for detection of human hand motion and gestures[10] Various gray-level segmentation techniques, such as use of single threshold value, adaptive thresholding, P-tile method, edge pixel method, iterative method and use of fuzzy set are available for hand segmentation[11]. Thresholding technique is applicable for simple hand images in the static, uniform backgrounds.
Clustering technique is also used at initial stages [5]. Initially this algorithm locates k clusters in the image. Each pixel in the image is grouped to the nearest cluster; clusters are moved to the average of their class values. This process is repeated until the stopping condition is met [5]. The time complexity of this algorithm is very less but false detection rate is high.
Color based segmentation generally rely on histogram matching, look up table approach and skin pixel
data training through various color space [7]. Several color spaces have been proposed including RGB, normalized RGB [2], HSV [12], YCbCr [2], YUV [13], etc. Color
spaces that separate luminance component from the chrominance component are preferred. This is due to the fact that by employing chromaticity-dependent components of color only, some degree of robustness to illumination changes and shadows can be achieved [1].
Burande et al. [14] implemented Blobs analysis technique for skin color detection under complex background. In this technique, several skin colored blobs are formed by making connected components and hand region is detected.
The major drawback of color based segmentation is color of human skin varies greatly across human races or even between individuals of the same race. In general, color segmentation can be confused by background objects that have a color distribution similar to human skin. Background subtraction can be done to overcome this problem. However, background subtraction is typically based on the assumption that the camera system does not move with respect to a static background. The difference in luminance of pixels from two successive images is close to zero for pixels of the background [15].
Segmentation handles the challenges of vision based system such as skin color detection, complex background removal and variable lighting condition. Efficient segmentation is the key of success towards any gesture recognition.
Our current approach is a fusion of skin color and background segmentation. Face and hand of signer were successfully detected by using skin color segmentation. False detection of skin region in the uncontrolled background also occurs due to light variation. So background subtraction was used to find the difference between the hand gesture image and the background object.
Fig 2: Flowchart of proposed algorithm
Background Subtraction:
In gesture making only position of the hands of gesturer will change, where as background and other body parts remain almost static. In image acquisition, background image (bgr(x,y)) without hand gesture is taken initially. The new image taken is considered as foreground image (fgr(x,y)). To isolate the gesture (gst(x,y)) from image, difference principle is applied.
gsti (x,y) = fgri (x,y) bgr (x,y) (1)
Difference foreground gesture obtained is converted into binary image setting appropriate threshold. As the background is not perfectly static, noise part is added. To obtain clean hand image, this technique is combined with skin detection. To remove this noise, connected component analysis is applied, and to fill the holes in hand if any region filling is applied and to obtain clear edges morphological processing is applied.
Skin detection in HSV and YCrCb color space:
Every color image is composed of three planes namely hue (H), saturation (S) and value (V). To extract the hand from the image, foreground image is decomposed into H , S and V planes. The following threshold is imposed on each plane to extract skin regions like hand, head and the rest body parts.
0.09<V<0.15 (2)
In YCbCr color space, every color image is decomposed into Yellow (Y), Chromium blue (Cb) and Chromium red (Cr) planes. Threshold is applied in YCbCr color space as shown below.
132<Cr<172 (3)
Results obtained from two color spaces are converted into binary images and added to maximize the skin color detection. Finally results obtained from background subtraction and skin color models are multiplied to eliminate the body parts other than hand. If the background is in the range of skin color, false detection is eliminated to a considerable manner. Region filling and morphological processing are done to enhance the gesture image.
Experimental Results:
In accordance with the established background subtraction of equation (1), the binary gesture image is obtained. The background and foreground images are shown in the fig 3(a) and (b).
Fig 3 a) Background image b) Foreground image c) Difference image d) Color space segmented image e) Hand gesture image
Hand gesture area detected contained some interference region caused due to clothes. Biggest blob analysis is implemented to obtain hand region as shown in the fig 3(c).
The skin color detection method in HSV and YCrCb color spaces is used to make skin color segmentation on the foreground image in correspond to equations (2) and (3). The hand region is highlighted after skin color detection as shown in fig 3(d). The two images of background subtraction and skin segmentation were multiplied. Region filling and morphological operations were performed to enhance the image. Then the hand gesture image is obtained as shown in fig 3(e).
All the above discussed Appearance based approaches are implemented on MATLAB 2012B platform and are compared with our technique. The results of
segmentation methods implemented are shown in the table (1). Compared with the previous approaches, our proposed algorithm is illumination invariant, skin color and shadow insensitive. It is applicable to even skin color backgrounds to obtain data descriptive of hand to a considerable extent.
Table 1: Implementation of Segmentation Approaches
Dynamic thresholding(gray level segmentation)[11]
Fig 4: a)Input Image (from web) b)Segmented Image
Single posture, uniform background, non -real time.
Clustering technique(LAB colorspace) [5]
Fig 5: a)Input Image (from web) b)Segmented Image
Single posture, uniform background, skin color sensitive, non-real time.
Skin modeling (YIQ and YUV color spaces)[13]
Fig 6: a)Input Image b)Segmented Image
Illumination invariant and applicable to complex background, but sensitive to skin color.
Blob analysis(YCBCR color space [2,14]
Fig 7: a)Input Image b)Segmented Image
Applicable to complex background, but depth dependent. False detection rate is high.
Background subtraction[15]
Fig 8: a)Background Image b)Foreground Image c)Segmented Image
Applicable to static complex background , but illumination variant and shadow sensitive.
Proposed approach
Fig 9: a)Background Image b)Foreground Image c)Segmented Image
Illumination invariant, skin color insensitive, low false detection rate. Applicable to complex but static backgrounds.
Hand gesture segmentation is the most important step in the gesture recognition systems. Segmentation process has direct impact on balancing accuracy- performance-usefulness trade-off of recognition systems. The algorithm we implemented is robust with respect to drastic illumination changes and cluttered backgrounds. The proposed algorithm fails if the hand region overlaps the face. In future the focus would be on improving the algorithm to avoid false detections if the hand is overlapped with face. This is merely the first step towards implementation of effective gesture recognition system. Further the project will be extended to recognize the detected gestures.
The authors are very thankful to Sri Ramakant Yadav, Lecturer, ECE Dept, RGUKT for his inspiring guidance, constructive criticism and valuable suggestions during the project.
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