- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 2148
- Authors : Shireesha Thummala, Thrisul Kumar. J, Swarna Latha. E
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS20627
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 02 (February 2014)
- Published (First Online): 18-02-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
FPGA Implementation of Huffman Encoder and Decoder for High Performance Data Transmission
Shireesha Thummala1 ,Thrisul Kumar. J 2, Swarna latha. E 3
1 Vignan Institute of Technology and Aeronautical Engineering, Vignan Hills,Hyderabad 2 Vignan Institute of Technology and Aeronautical Engineering, Vignan Hills,Hyderabad 3 Vignan Institute of Technology and Aeronautical Engineering,Vignan Hills,Hyderabad
Abstract – In computer science and information theory, Huffman coding is an entropy encoding algorithm used for lossless data compression. The purpose of this paper is to present and analyze HUFFMAN CODING ALGORITHM for the data compression and decompression. Huffman coding is a minimal variable character coding based on the frequency of each character. First, each character becomes a trivial binary tree, with the character as the only node. The characters frequency is the trees frequency. Two trees with the least frequencies are joined as the sub trees of a new root that is assigned the sum of their frequencies. This is repeated until all characters are in one tree. One code bit represents each level. Thus more frequent characters are near the root and are coded with few bits, and rare characters are far from the root and are coded with many bits. In this paper Huffman encoder and decoder are designed in VHDL. Huffman decoding is done by using a state diagram approach. ModelSim simulator tool from Mentor Graphics will be used for functional simulation and verification of the encoder & decoder modules. The Xilinx Synthesis Tools (XST) will be used to synthesize the complete design on Xilinx family FPGA.
Compression means storing data in a format that requires less space than usual. Data compression is particularly useful in communications because it enables devices to transmit the same amount of data in fewer bits.The bandwidth of a digital communication link can be effectively increased by compressing data at the sending end and decompressing data at the receiving end. Huffman coding is a popular compression technique that assigns variable length codes (VLC) to symbols. On decompression the symbols are reassigned their original fixed length codes. The compression or decompression scheme described in this paper is based on statistical coding. In statistical coding, variable length code words are used to represent fixed- length blocks of bits in a data set. For example, if a data are divided into four-bit blocks, then there are 16 unique four- bit blocks. Each of the 16 possible four-bit blocks can be represented by a binary codeword. The size of each codeword is variable (it need not be four bits). The idea is to make the code words that occur most frequently have a smaller number of bits, and those that occur least frequently to have a larger number of bits. This minimizes the average length of a codeword. A Huffman code is an optimal statistical code that is proven to provide the shortest average
codeword length among all uniquely decodable variable length codes.
A Huffman code is obtained by constructing a Huffman tree. The path from the root to each leaf gives the codeword for the binary string corresponding to the leaf.Huffman decoder uses a lookup table for retrieving the original or transmitted data from the encoder. This lookup table consists of all the unique words and their corresponding code vectors. Once the Huffman coding is performed, the compressed data is transmitted serially to the decoder. Once the complete data has been received, decoding of compressed data has done by the state diagram approach and the decoded data is said to be decompressed and the complete process of decoding is called as decompression of data.
Figure 1. Block Diagram of Design
Input memory element
Figure 2.Input memory element
Input Memory Element consists of twelve locations of 32 bit length each. This block stores the data which is passed down to the Occurrence Calculator. Signal S is the
status signal, made 1 once the complete data is passed on to the Occurrence Calculator, clk is the clock signal which activates the occurrence calculator on rising edge,
reset is the reset signal, which when high , initializes all the memory locations to zero.en when active high only allows all the transactions from or to the memory element. Address ( 3 down to 0) is the address bus which takes a number lying in between 0 to 12 , rw is the read
/write signal, when 1, data is written in to the memory location given by the Address bus and when 0 , data is read from the location specified by the Address bus. in out is a bidirectional bus, which transfers data from the memory or into the memory.Memory Element transfers all the data stored in it as 4-bit blocks to the occurrence calculator and each 4 bit block is individually called as a unique word. Thus the number of unique words is sixteen (0000 to 1111).
Occurrence calculator
Figure 3.occurrence calculator
This block calculates the occurrences of the number of unique words present in the data. It generates a control signal to the Encoder block as status S ,to indicate the completion of occurrence calculation and activates the Encoder( when S=1) , clk is the clock signal which activates the occurrence calculator on rising edge, rst is reset when high, all the occurrence values are initialized to zero, din (3 down to 0 )is the 4 bit input data fed to the occurrence calculator from the input memory element , oc1 to oc15 are the occurrence values of the unique words.
Code Generator
This Block can be treated as the combination of the following Sub-Modules.
Sorter 2. Adder
Figure 4.Sorter of code generator
Sorter has si0 , si1 , si2..si15 as input values that are taken from the occurrence calculator and sorts them in
descending order, when the enable signal en is active- high and the reset signal rst is active -low. The sorted values are passed to the code generator.
Figure 5.Adder
The functionality of the adder is to calculate the sum of two values passed to it provide the sum of those two inputs. The summer is used in encoder so as to calculate the sum of last two elements after each sort.
Code Generator
Fig 6.Code generator
This is the block where the actual Huffman code is generated .The code generated in the code generator is passed to the encoder block as input where each input data is encoded with its corresponding code. If the input data is divided into n-bit blocks, the Huffman Code contains the at most n+2 number of bits. It performs the compression by replacing each of the unique word with its equivalent code words and stores the compressed data.
.Huffman Decoding
This block receives the encoded data bits in the form of serial bits and are decoded back to get the original data. This block consist of Comparator and Look up table. Comparator compares the received compressed data from the encoder with the predefined code words stored in LUT. Look up table (LUT) stores a predefined code sequence from which the comparator takes the data and uses for decoding. Huffman decoding is done by using a state diagram approach and decoding of compressed data is done based on comparison of each incoming bit with that of the available lookup table of code vectors. Each bit of data after reception is compare with the code vectors of the look up table , if matched its state is returned to initial state else it state goes to some other state. If the data does not match
with any of the code vectors from the lookup table, it accepts the next occurring data and tries to match with the code vector from the lookup table. Once a match of code vector with the received data pattern occurs, the control is transferred to the initial state, indicating that the data has been matched and the decoder is ready to accept the next bit. If unmatched, control is transferred to next state and again makes an attempt to match the look up. Similar process continues till the complete incoming data is decoded.Once the complete data has been received,decoding of compressed data has done as said earlier by the state diagram approach and the decoded data is said to be decompressed and the complete process of decoding is called as decompression of data.
Figure 7. FSM for Huffman Decoder
Figure 8.State diagram
Table 1. Input sequence considered
Table 2.Huffman Encoder output data
Table 3.Look up table
Table 4.Huffman decoder output data.
Figure 9.Input memory element
Figure 10. Occurrence SCalculator
Figure 11.Occurrence calculator
Figure 12. Adder sub module
Figure 13.Code generator
Figure 14.Huffman Encoder and Decoder
Figure 15.Huffman Encoder and Decoder
In this paper, we designed Huffman encoder and decoder using VHDL. ModelSim simulator tool is used for functional simulation and verification of the encoder & decoder modules. The Xilinx Synthesis Tool (XST) is used to synthesize the complete design on Xilinx family FPGA. Xilinx Placement & Routing tools will be used for backend, design optimization and I/O routing. Further work is to apply Huffman Coding in text, image, and video compression such as JPEG,MPEG2,etc.,and also used in digital compression devices. It is often combined with other coding schemes because of enhanced compression ratio and entropy.
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