- Open Access
- Authors : Tariqul Islam Sani, Karma Jamtsho, Muhammad Aasim Khan, Reduoan Ahommed Bapon, Dr. Gopalakrishna V G
- Paper ID : IJERTV12IS050336
- Volume & Issue : Volume 12, Issue 05 (May 2023)
- Published (First Online): 06-05-2023
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Experimental Investigation for Stabilizing Soil using Rice Husk Ash
Tariqul Islam Sani1
B.Tech Civil Engineering, JAIN (Deemed-to-be-university), Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
45th km, NH – 209,Jakkasandra Post, Bengaluru – Kanakapura Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562112, India.
Muhammad Aasim Khan3
B.Tech Civil Engineering, JAIN (Deemed-to-be-university), Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
45th km, NH – 209,Jakkasandra Post, Bengaluru – Kanakapura Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562112, India.
Karma Jamtsho2
B.Tech Civil Engineering, JAIN (Deemed-to-be-university), Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
45th km, NH – 209,Jakkasandra Post, Bengaluru – Kanakapura Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562112, India.
Reduoan Ahommed Bapon4
ech Civil Engineering, JAIN (Deemed-to-be-university), Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
45th km, NH – 209,Jakkasandra Post, Bengaluru – Kanakapura Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562112, India.
Under the guidance of Dr. Gopalakrishna V G Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, JAIN (Deemed-to-be-university), Faculty of Engineering and Technology, 45th km, NH – 209,Jakkasandra Post, Bengaluru – Kanakapura Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562112, India.
Abstract Many State of India and A portion part of Karnataka is covered with Laterite soils. It is characterized by its distinctive reddish-brown to yellow-brown color and its high clay content. Laterite soils are High water-holding capacity, Resilience to erosion, Iron and aluminum content, Nutrient availability challenges, and Adaptation to specific crops.
Laterite soil is known for its high clay content, and plasticity and demonstrates significant shrinkage and swelling characteristics. The shearing strength and bearing capacity of the soils are very low. The high clay content and low permeability of laterite soil hinder water infiltration and lead to waterlogging, affecting plant growth and construction activities. To avoid this circumstance, soil must be stabilized, and strength should be high. RHA is a fibrous residue of the rice that remains after the incineration of rice husk gives the ash.
Rice husk Ash acts as a binding agent, forming cementitious compounds with the soil particles and enhancing their cohesion and stability. The chemical analysis of rice husk ash revealed significant concentrations of silica, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, and aluminum. When RHA mix with Laterite soil by mass in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%. And then geotechnical properties are evaluated.
RHA's chemical ingredients improve Nutrient sources, Soil pH adjustment, Soil structure enhancement, Soil amendment for heavy clay soils, Pest and disease management, and Sustainable waste utilization.
Keywords Laterite soils, Rice husk ash, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Atterbag Limits, Soil stabilization
Laterite soil is a distinct soil type that is formed through a process known as lateralization. It is mostly found in tropical and subtropical regions with high temperatures and heavy rainfall. Laterite soil is characterized by its unique properties, composition, and formation
process, making it a subject of interest for various scientific studies and applications.
The formation of laterite soil involves the weathering of parent materials, such as basalt or other volcanic rocks, over long periods of time. The intense heat, high humidity, and prolonged exposure to rainfall accelerate the weathering process, leading to the development of laterite soil. This soil type is typically reddish-brown to yellowish- brown in color, owing to the presence of iron and aluminum oxides.
Laterite soil is also called "expansive soil because of its low fertility, drainage issues, erosion susceptibility, and difficulty in excavation and construction. Expansive soil is very difficult to be used in construction.
Laterite soil is called also Expansive soil because of Low fertility, Drainage issues, Erosion susceptibility, and Difficulty in excavation and construction. Expansive soil is very difficult to be used in construction. While laterite soil has good water-holding capacity, it can also experience rapid moisture loss due to its permeability and susceptibility to drying and shrinkage. This can result in challenges for moisture-sensitive crops and may require supplemental irrigation to maintain adequate soil moisture levels.
The hot climate and inadequate drainage conditions prevalent in these soil formations contribute to their moisture-related challenges. During the monsoon and summer seasons, evaporation hampers surface moisture retention. Consequently, these soils exhibit a cyclic swell-shrink behavior, low strength, high moisture content, volume changes, and differential settlement. Such soil vulnerabilities can lead to pavement cracking, surface distress, rutting, and foundation instability. To address these issues effectively, proper treatment and stabilization techniques are crucial to mitigate these soil-related challenges.
Rice Husk Ash (RHA) is an agricultural waste generated during the rice milling process in our country. Globally, approximately 120 million tons[1] of rice husk are generated annually. Rice husk contains a significant amount of silica, ranging from 85% to 98% [2] of its composition. The silica present in rice husk is in an amorphous form, making it a valuable pozzolanic material. Silica is naturally found in rice husk in an amorphous form, rendering it a valuable pozzolanic material. On average, it has been estimated that 1000 kg of rice yields 150 kg of rice husk, ash, and about 82% silica content. The ash is obtained by subjecting the rice husk to a temperature of approximately 600°C for 24 hours through combustion. Because of its amorphous structure, the silica in rice husk ash combines with calcium hydroxide (CaOH). This reaction generates heat and leads to the formation of cementitious compounds.
The materials used in this investigation are laterite soil and rice husk ash.
Laterite soil:
Thelaterite soil sample used for this study was collected from a local area at Harholli, Banglore, in Karnataka, India, at a depth of 1.5m to 2.5m using the method of disturbed sampling.
Sample Collection
The overall geotechnical properties of the soil are classified as clay with high plasticity (CH) in the Indian Standard Soil Classification System ( IS) Soil Classification System.
The properties of laterite soil are shown in the table below.
Properties |
Value |
Specific gravity |
2.57 |
Liquid Limit |
53 % |
Plasticity Index |
21.76% |
Plastic Limit |
31.52% |
Maximum Dry Density |
1.75g/cc |
Optimum Moisture Content |
19% |
Table -1: Properties of Laterite Soil
The laboratory tests were carried out first on the Laterite soil,which include liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, specific gravity, and compaction.
A series of laboratory tests were conducted on natural soil mixed with Rice Husk Ash in various percentages. 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% by weight of dry soil. For the above different proportions, tests are carried out to observe the changes in the properties of soil. maximum dry density and optimum moisture, plastic limi, and liquid limit.
For the determination of Atterbergs Limits, 120 grams of natural soil samples were weighed and passed through a 425 Micron sieve. Accordingly, the mixing proportion (RHA) was weighed using a weighing balance and mixed with natural soil. Similarly, for other proportions, the same procedure was followed. The weight of Natural Stabilization of soil by using rice husk ash Recent Innovation & Challenges in Civil Engineering.
Problem Statement
Site Investigation
Laterite soil was Soil weighed for determination of Liquid Limit. The same amount of natural Soil was taken for the determination of the Plastic Limit of our research.
Sample Mixed with additives(RHA)
Rice husk ash: –
Rice husk ash is obtained from the burning of rice husk. The husk is a by-product of the rice milling industry. The RHA used in this study is collected from the Kanakapur rice mill in Bengaluru, Karnataka.
Table -2: The basic constituent of RHA
Soil test after additives
Specific Gravity
Atterberg Limit
Standard proctor test
In-situ Laboratory Soil Test
Specific Gravity
Sieve Analysis
Atterberg Limit
Proctor test
Constituents (%mass) |
Percent Content |
Fe2O3 |
0.23 |
SiO2 |
90.11 |
CaO |
1.68 |
Al2O3 |
2.44 |
MgO |
0.56 |
Carbon |
2.19 |
KaO |
0.41 |
Compare both the results
Results and discussion
Fig : Flow chart Methodology
Specific gravity
3.1 Specific gravity
Coecfficient of Curvature = 1 Coefficient of Uniformity= 7.71
Hence,therefore soil is well graded and coarse grained
3.3.Atterbag Limits:
Atterberg Limits such as Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index were determined for laterite soil with varying proportions of Rice husk ash. For determination of Atterbergs Limits, 120 grams of Laterite soil sample was weighed passing 425 Micron sieve. Accordingly mixing proportion (RHA) was weighed using a weighing balance and was mixed with Laterite soil. The same procedure was followed for other proportions as well The weight of Laterite Stabilization of soil by using rice husk ash Recent Innovation & Challenges in Civil Engineering. Natural Soil weighed for determination of Liquid Limit. Same amount of Laterite soil was taken for determination of the Plastic Limit.
Liquid Limit:
Liquid Limit (%)
Soil alone
Soil+5% RHA
3.2.Grain Size Analysis:
Sieve size in (mm)
Mass Soil Retained (gm)
Cumulative mass soil retained (gm)
Cumulative soil retained in ( %)
% finer (N) (100%-of
soil retained)
Plastic Limit:
3.5. Cbr Test:
Plastic limit
Soil + % of RHS
CBR value
Soil + 0%
Soil + 5%
Soil + 10%
Soil + 15%
Soil+ 20%
Standard Proctor Test:
OC %
MDD in(g/cc)
Soil alone
Soil+5% RHA
Soil+10% RHA
Soil+15% RHA
Soil+20% RHA
In conclusion, this study aimed to explore the effectiveness of rice husk ash (RHA) as a stabilizing agent for laterite soil. A multitude of significant findings were derived from a comprehensive series of laboratory experiments.
Firstly, the addition of RHA in varying proportions demonstrated a significant improvement in the soil's engineering properties.
The tests revealed increased compressive strength, reduced plasticity index, and enhanced durability of the stabilized soil samples.
The Specific Gravity of the soil decreases as the proportion of rice husk ash (RHA) increases.
Coefficient of Curvature = 1, Coefficient of Uniformity= 7.71, Hence, therefore soil is well graded and coarse grained
Liquid limit in soil First increases up to 5% and then decreases with increase in proportion of RHA.
The plastic limit in soil exhibits an initial increase up to a 5% proportion of rice husk ash (RHA), followed by a subsequent decrease with further increments of RHA content.
As the proportion of rice husk ash (RHA) increases, the maximum dry density (MDD) of the soil decreases. CBR Value Increases up to 15% RHA and then decreases hence at mixing 15% RHA strength
is maximum. These results indicate that RHA can be successfully employed as a viable and eco-friendly alternative for soil stabilization.
With pleasure, We would like to extend our enthusiasm and appreciation to all individuals and institutions who have played a significant role in the successful completion of this research paper.
First and foremost, We are deeply thankful to our supervisor Dr. Gopalakrishna V G, Whose guidance, expertise, and unwavering support have been invaluable throughout this research journey.
The authors are grateful to the support for this research by soil stabilization at Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Civil Department, Geotech laboratory, Bengaluru, Karnataa 56211.
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