- Open Access
- Authors : K. Ruben Raju, Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Dr. Birru Devender
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV9IS02001
- Volume & Issue : ICDML – 2020 (Volume 09 – Issue 02)
- Published (First Online): 03-02-2021
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Edge Adaptive Gradient Action Descriptor and Kernel Discriminant Analysis for Human Action Recognition
K. Ruben Raju
Research Scholar, Dept. of CSE, Shri JJT University, Rajasthan India.
Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sharma
Head & Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, Shri JJT University, Rajasthan India.
Dr. Birru Devender Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, Holy Mary Institute of Technology & Science,
Hyderabad, India.
Abstract- Human Action Recognition is a challenging issue in the real time constraints where the action videos or images are contaminated with several side effects like noises, moving backgrounds, multiple views, hindered movements etc. Under these constraints, to recognize an action, we have developed a new Human Action Recognition system. Under this system, an edge efficient action descriptor called as Laplacian Histogram of Gradients is proposed through which the all possible movements of an action are extracted. Further, to ensure a perfect discrimination between different action descriptors, we have employed kernel discriminant analysis. The proposed recognition model is evaluated systematically on a standard action dataset, IXMAS. Experimental results prove that our method outperforms the existing methods in terms of recognition accuracy.
Keywords: Human action recognition, Laplacian Gradient, Histograms, Kernel Discriminant Analysis, Support vector Machine, Recognition Accuracy.
Human Action Recognition (HAR) and analysis [1], is one of the most active topics in computer vision, which has drawn increasing attention due to its widespread applicability in various applications including Robotics, Human-computer Interactions, Behavior analysis [2], Content based Retrieval, Video Indexing [3], Gesture Recognition, sports video analysis [4], and Visual Surveillance [5] etc. The main objective of a HAR system is to identify actions in a video sequence under different situations like occlusion, cluttering and different lighting conditions. The main center of this system is the computational algorithms which understand the human actions. Similar to the Human Vision System (HVS), these computational algorithms ought to produce a label after the analysis of partial or entire action in the video sequence. Developing such algorithms is typically addressed in the computer vision research, which studies the computers to gain high level understanding regarding human actions from digital images and videos.
Recognizing human actions from a video is a challenging task in many practical applications. Basically, the HAR is accomplished under three phases such as Pre- processing, Feature extraction and classification. Under pre-
processing, the input action video is subjected to the some preliminary operations to extract the exact motion region from action frame or video. Next, in the feature extraction phase, the action is described in such a way the key features of an action are represented effectively. Finally in the classification, the derived action descriptor is given as input for classified to recognize the action present in it. Feature extraction plays a major role in the HAR and to effectively recognize the action the design of feature extractor must be much effective. Several feature extraction methods are developed in earlier but they have several disadvantages [6- 9]. Moreover, they are also sensitive to different viewpoints and camera movements and had shown a poor performance in such circumstances.
In this paper, we have proposed a new method for HAR based on the Gradient features and Discriminant analysis. Initially, we represent the action with a newly proposed descriptor called as Laplacian Histogram Oriented Gradients (LHOG). Next, over the obtained feature set, we employ kernalized discriminant analysis (KDA) to reduce the dimensionality of feature set. The final feature set is processed through Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify the action.
Remaining paper is organized as follows; Section II explores the Literature survey details. Section III explores the complete details of proposed action recognition framework. The details of simulation experiments are stipulated in section IV and the concluding remarks are stipulated in section V.
From the past decade, several approaches have been developed, proposing a variety of methods for Human action recognition. Among these methods, Histogram of Gradients (HoGs) is one of most effective action descriptor through which the local motion regions are represented. Inspired with HOG, I.C. Duta et al., [10] proposed Histograms of Motion Gradients (HMG) based on the spatial derivation, which captures the changes between two consecutive action frames. Further for feature extraction, this work employed Shape Difference Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (SD-VLAD) which brings the complementary information using the shape information.
Further, Jin Wang et al., [11] employed Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Gradient (PHOG) and two state-space models such as Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Conditional Random Field (CRF) to characterize human figures for action recognition.
Further, Bo Lin and Bin Fang [12] proposed Spatio- Temporal Pyramid Histogram of Gradients (SPHOG) which is based on the gradient changes between successive frames. To incorporate the local information distribution into VLAD, a Gaussian Kernel is implanted to measure the weighted distance histograms of local descriptors. Further, combining the Distance mean histogram of gradients with segmented block of mean image with normalization for generating action descriptor. Random forest algorithm is employed for classification. Next, considering the gradient of motion, V. Thanikachalam and K.K. Thyagarajan [13] proposed an action recognition based on Accumulated Motion Image (AMI) in which the histograms are built based on the energy distributions. After the evaluation of AMI, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is employed and mean and variance are measured. Finally the Dynamic Time Wrapping (DTW) is employed for training. V. Tripathi et al.
[21] proposed two algorithms; they are image normalization with the help of block mean and Distance Mean Histogram of Gradients (DMH) for action recognition. Random forest algorithm is employed for classification.The next problem in HAR is larger size of feature set. The large size feature vector creates an extra computational burden for classification algorithm due to multiple time comparison. To solve this some, some authors tried to reduce the size of feature vector through standard
dimensionality reduction algorithms like Independent component analysis (ICA) [14], Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [15], Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) [16]. Yuting et al., [16] employed LDA for open view action recognition through which a common discriminant subspace is obtained for every action class. However, the LDA achieve optimal space by projecting linearly separated instances which is a not practical scenario. Further some subsequent discriminant analysis method are proposed such as Robust Linear Discriminant Analysis (RLDA) [17], Independent Component based LDA (IC-LDA), and Regularized Discriminant Analysis (RDA) [18]. However, all methods are assumed that the features are linearly related and tried to reduce the dimensionality by deriving only linear discrimination
This section describes the details of prosed action recognition framework in detail. The architecture of proposed framework is shown in Figure.1. Accordingly, the proposed framework is carried out in three phases. (1) Feature extraction, (2) Dimensionality reduction and (3) Classification. The main contribution of this paper is done in the feature extraction phase by developing a new feature descriptor, called as LHOG. Next, at dimensionality reduction technique, we have focused to reduce the dimensions of feature vector, because it is very larger sized vector. To reduce the dimensions, we have employed KDA. Finally the obtained feature vector is fed to classification and at this phase, we have employed SVM to classify the actions.
Feature Extraction
Figure.1 Block diagram of proposed recognition system
with respect to its direction of movement. Actually for a
In this phase, we have focused to employ LHOG based feature extraction. In HAR, gradient features have more importance because the gradient of an image explores the fine details such as edges and sharp discontinuities. The main intention of gradient features is to explore the action
given action image, the pixel intensities vary with action movements and if such direction of movements are captured at the feature extraction phase, then the recognition system will become more effective. In this paper, for a pixel in the action image, to derive the direction of movements, we have
considered its neighbor pixels in horizontal and vertical directions. And a difference between the current pixel and
is and vertical gradient is , the overall gradient magnitude is computed as
its neighbor pixels gives information about the direction of
movement. This flexibility can be gained through gradient operators.
Laplacian of gradient is one of the most powerful and effective gradient operator which derives the fine coarse details from the image. This fine detail helps in the detection of sharp discontinuities in the action image boundary. Figure.2 shows a simple example of the gradient features of an action image. With this inspiration we have adopted a one-dimensional Laplacian operator to capture the differences in an action image. There are two reasons
= 2 + 2 (2)
Next, apply the gradient operator on the gradient image , resulting in a second order gradient image , as
= = { 1, 2, 3, ,} (3)
Where = = , , 1. Here is the first
order gradient, , is the ith gradient feature in the and , 1 is the (i-1)th gradient feature of . Since the second order gradient is also a 2-D object, the gradient operator is
employed in both horizontal and vertical directions. Let the horizontal gradient is and vertical gradient is , the overall gradient magnitude is computed as
behind this adoption of Laplacian operator for gradient
features extraction.
Within an action image, the Laplacian operator can detect the fine details, highlight the edges, and also enhance the features with sharp discontinuities.
Laplacian is a second order derivative and hence it has a strong response towards the fine details than the first order derivatives, like gradient operator [19].
Due to these two reasons, the Laplacian operator over an action image can highlight regions of spontaneous changes in the pixel intensities and have it was used in several applications for blob and edge detection. For a given action image, the Laplacian operator will theoretically highlight the edges and boundaries.
Lets consider an action image A of size × , where M is the row size and N is column size, first apply gradient operator on the action image, resulting in a first order gradient image, as
= = { 1, 2, 3, , } (1)
Where = = 1. Since the given input is a 2-D image, the gradient operator is employed in both
horizontal and vertical directions. Let the horizontal gradient
= 2 + 2 (4)
The resultant is a second order derivative of an action image A. This is more helpful in the provision of sufficient discrimination between different actions. For example in the horizontal hand waving action, the movements are along horizontal direction and the gradient of such type of action highlights the edges along horizontal direction only. In such case the horizontal gradients such as
and have higher magnitudes compare the vertical gradients and . Similarly, for another hand waving action (upwards) in the KTH dataset, the movements are
along vertical direction. In such case the vertical gradients such as and have higher magnitudes compare the vertical gradients and . Furthermore, the boundaries with sharp discontinuities are also enhanced giving a more clarity whether it is belongs to external edge or a part of
action boundary.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Figure.2 (a) Original Hand Wave Action image (b) Gradient Magnitude, (c) Gradient Direction, (d) Directional Gradient , and (e) Directional Gradient
by the co
Once the Gradients are measured, the final LHOG is obtained mputation of Histograms. Generally, the histogram represents an
each block . Here, each grey level is considered as a bin and
image by discovering the occurrences of certain micro-patterns without local information. Hence to aggregate the local information to the action
descriptor, we divide the action image into several blocks, { 1, 2, , } and measures histogram from
the occurrences are aggregated to create a histogram , as
( )= ( , )= (5)
( , )
Where ( , ) denotes the pixel position in the block , is a grey level and ( , ) is a binary grey level of a pixel located at position ( , ) and G is an accumulation value. Next, the final LHOG is calculated by concatenating the Histograms of all blocks as;
techniques [V]. In KDA, the input data is mapped to the low dimensional feature space by non-linear mapping. In KDA, the within and between class scatter matrices are defined as;
= (6) And
= =1
( ( ) )( ( ) )
= =1 ( )( )
= =1 ( )( )
Where N is the total number of blocks into which the action (11)
image is divided, denotes the concatenation operation. Whereis the number of samples in the action class i, Here the concatenation is accomplished in spatial fashion,
and the obtained final LHOG plays an important role of in the representation of action image through its movements
is the centroid of class i, is the global centroid, C is the
number of classes, is a vector of specific class, andis
the set of samples in the class i. In Eq.(10)
the scattering degree within the class of actions and is
Dimensionality Reduction measured as the summation of covariance matrices of each class. Next, In the Eq.(11), determines the scattering
The dimensionality reduction is applied over the degree between the class of actions and is measured as the to reduce its dimensions. Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
are the two most popular dimensionality reduction techniques. PCA is an unsupervised and LDA is supervised
methods. In these two methods, LDA have better
summation of covariance matrices of means of each class. Finally the optimal subspace is obtained as;
( ) = argmin ( )
( )
performance compared to PCA because the Principal The major difference between LDA and KDA is components obtained through PCA have high variance the computation process of scattering matrices. In the LDA, which wont give effective results in the recognition of
the scattering matrix is measured through the computation actions, especially when the actions have similar trajectories of mean deviations. For within class, the class samples are like running and jogging. discriminated by measuring the deviation of sample with the
In the case of supervised algorithms, LDA has mean and in between class, the discrimination is computed prceived an excellent performance in the action
recognition. In LDA, the optimal subspace is obtained by the optimization of fisher-raos criterion which is defined as the ratio of within class scatter matrix to the between class
by measuring the deviation of mean from overall mean of data. Unlike LDA, in KDA, the discrimination is computed based on centroids. For within class discrimination, initially
one centroid is choses and the samples in that class are
scatter matrix. Mathematically the optimal subspace is discriminated by measuring the deviation of samples with defined as; centroid of that particular class. Next, for between classes,
( ) = argmin ( ) ( ) (7) the discrimination is measured by computing the deviation of a centroid of particular class with overall centroid. This
Where is a within class scatter matrix and is a evaluation has one man advantage, i.e., it can measured the
between class scatter matrix, that are both are symmetric and positive definite matrices. The mathematical
expressions forandare defined as;
samples which are non-linearly related and this is the most realistic scenario in real time applications, because, all the action are not linearly related.
=1 =1 To evaluate the performance of developed HAR
And system, we used a standard benchmark datasets, called as
= =1( )( ) (9) INRIA Xmas Motion Acquisition Sequences (IXMAS) dataset [20]. The simulation is accomplished through
Where denotes the total number of samples in class i, MATLAB software. Initially, we have discussed the details
is the mean of data in class i, m is the mean of total class of datasets and then the results obtained after the data andis the jth sample of class i. deployment of proposed approach over them is discussed.
LDA tries to maximize the separation between Further a detailed comparative analysis is stipulated
A. Dataset Details
A. Dataset Details
different classes and minimize the separation within the between proposed and conventional approaches. class simultaneously. However, LDA captures the linear
spaced features only but not focused on the non-linear
spaced features. Kernel Dimensionality Analysis (KDA) is a IXMAS is a challenging dataset, acquired with
non-linear extraction of LDA which was used in this paper multiple actors under multiple camera views. This dataset is to obtainnon-linear discriminant features through kernel more popular among the HAR methods for testing view
independent action recognition algorithms, including both cross-view and multi-view action recognition. This dataset consists of 12 action classes such as; check watch (C1), cross arms (C2), scratch head (C3), sit down (C4), get up (C5), turn around (C6), walk (C7), wave (C8), punch (C9), kick (C10), point (C11) and pick up (C12). Each action is performed three times and 12 different subjects are recorded with five cameras, four are fixed at four sides and one is fixe
on the top. These five cameras captures five views such as left, right front back and top. The frame rate is 23 frames per second and the size of frame is 390 × 291 pixels. Figue.3 shows some samples of different actions under multiple views. Each row represents different action and each column represents different views.
Check Watch
Cross Arm
B. Results
Figure.3 Some action samples of IXMAS dataset under multiple views
performance metrics such as Detection Rate or Recall,
The simulation is employed for four times, each time for one view. At each simulation, we have considered only one view for both training and testing. Each action is performed for three times; hence we have used the actions performed at two time instances for training and the actions performed left time instance are used for testing. These combinations are changed and we have conducted the simulation for three times. For example, at the first phase simulation, the action performed at first and second time instance is used for training and the actions performed at third instance are used for testing. In the second phase simulation, the actions performed at first and third time instance is used for training and the actions performed at second instance are used for testing. In the last phase, the actions performed at second and third time instance is used for training and the actions performed at first instance are used for testing. At every simulation, for each action we have trained 200 frames/images and 100 frames/images are tested. Based on the recognized actions at every situation phase, the performance is measured through several
Precision, False Negative Rate (FNR), False Discovery Rate (FDR) and F-score. The average performance metrics obtained for View 1 are shown in Table.1.
As it can be seen from Table.1, for every action, the input instances considered for testing are 100. Out of 100, the total number of correctly recognized actions is highlighted with bold. For example, consider an action check watch, the total number of input instances those are correctly classified as check watch are 93 and among the remaining 8, 5 are recognized as cross arms, 1 is recognized as scratch head and 1 is recognized as Punch. Similarly, an action Cross Arms, the total number of input instances those are correctly classified as Cross Arms are 94 and among the remaining 6, 4 are recognized as Check Watch, and 2 are recognized as Wave. In this manner, the entire actions are classified and based on the obtained classification results; the performance is measured through several performance metrics. The evaluated performance metrics are shown in Table.2.
Table.1 Confusion matrix of actions of IXMAS under View 1
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
C4 |
C5 |
C6 |
C7 |
C8 |
C9 |
C10 |
C11 |
C12 |
Total |
C1 |
93 |
5 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100 |
C2 |
4 |
94 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100 |
C3 |
0 |
1 |
93 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
3 |
0 |
100 |
C4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
90 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
6 |
100 |
C5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4 |
91 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
4 |
100 |
C6 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
3 |
89 |
3 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100 |
C7 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
92 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
100 |
C8 |
0 |
3 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
93 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
100 |
C9 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
87 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
100 |
C10 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
89 |
0 |
0 |
100 |
C11 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
89 |
0 |
100 |
C12 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
90 |
100 |
Total |
100 |
108 |
104 |
103 |
103 |
93 |
101 |
99 |
96 |
94 |
99 |
100 |
1200 |
Table.2 Average performance metrics for different actions of IXMAS dataset under View 1
Action/Metric |
Recall (%) |
Precision (%) |
F-Score (%) |
FNR (%) |
FDR (%) |
Check Watch |
93.4574 |
93.5532 |
93.5053 |
6.5423 |
6.4468 |
Cross arms |
93.6145 |
93.8454 |
93.6510 |
6.3855 |
6.1546 |
Scratch head |
92.8741 |
92.9699 |
92.9220 |
7.1259 |
7.0301 |
Sit down |
90.4785 |
90.5743 |
90.5264 |
9.5215 |
9.4257 |
Get up |
91.0025 |
91.0983 |
91.0504 |
8.9975 |
8.9017 |
Turn around |
89.3658 |
89.4616 |
89.4137 |
10.6342 |
10.538 |
Walk |
92.4314 |
92.5272 |
92.4793 |
7.5686 |
7.4728 |
Wave |
93.4647 |
93.5605 |
93.5126 |
6.5353 |
6.4395 |
Punch |
87.4571 |
87.7785 |
87.6175 |
12.5429 |
12.221 |
Kick |
88.7496 |
88.8954 |
88.8224 |
11.2504 |
11.104 |
Point |
89.4963 |
90.1124 |
89.8033 |
10.5037 |
9.8876 |
Pick up |
90.1247 |
90.2247 |
90.1747 |
9.8753 |
9.7753 |
Table.2 depicts the details of performance metrics evaluation under different actions. Here, all types of actions of the IXMAS dataset are processed for simulation. For an every action, the developed system displays a label to which it belongs. Based on the label, the correctly classified results are measured and they are called True Positives and the incorrectly classified results are called True Negatives. For example, if the action sequence of check watch is processed for testing and the system had displayed a label of Scratch Head, then it is counted under True negative. In this manner, for every action, the total number of positively and negatively classified results is measured. Based on those values, the performance metrics are measured. Similarly, the further metrics are also measured for every action. From the Table.2, we can notice that the maximum TPR (93.6145%) is achieved for Cross arms, while minimum TPR (87.4571%) is achieved for Punch action. Next, the maximum PPV (93.8454%) is achieved for is achieved for Cross arms, while minimum PPV (87.7785%) is achieved for Punch action. Next, the maximum F-Score (93.6510%) is achieved for is achieved for Cross arms, while minimum F-Score (87.6175%) is achieved for Punch action. Finally the maximum FNR (12.5429%) is achieved for Punch action while minimum FNR (6.3855%) is achieved for Cross arms action.
Figure.4 shows the comparison between proposed and several existing methods through accuracy at different views. From this figure, we can see that the minimum accuracy is obtained at View 5 and maximum accuracy is obtained at View 2. The major reason behind the less accuracy at view 5 is that the actions are captured with a camera fixed at the top position. In this position, some movements of the actions are hindered thereby the descriptor cannot represent that action effectively. Unlike, the actions captured through CAM 2 are in frontal view; hence the entire action movements are clearly visible thereby the proposed descriptor can represent the action perfectly. In the proposed LHOG, we have employed Laplacian gradient which is a second order derivative and extracts the almost all edge regions.
The method in [15] considered the MHI as a feature descriptor and PCA for dimensionality reduction. However, the MHI descriptor reveals only motion features but not differentiates the necessary and unnecessary motions. In the action image, there exist backgrounds motions if any objects are there in the background and they are also considered as required features when MHI is employed as a feature descriptor. Hence for cluttered backgrounds, the MHI has limited performance. Next, the DMH [21] adopted histogram based descriptor based on the mean distance between segmented blocks in action images.
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Since the proposed method adopted second order gradient operators, every action can be represented much effectively with their motion region. Further the SDA allows providing a sufficient discrimination between different actions with different views. Hence the proposed approach has higher accuracy under all views, as it was observed from figure.4. The accuracy of proposed LHOG+SVM at view 2 is observed as 82.06% while for existing methods, it is of 74.62%, 65.77% and 65.54% for LDA [16], DMH+RF [21], and MHI+PCA [15]
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In this paper, we have developed a new HAR system to recognize the human actions from videos. The proposed method is focused on the edge based action representation through which action movements are described. The proposed action descriptor is based on the Laplacian gradient which has an efficient edge detection capability. Further the SDA is also successful in reducing the dimensionality of feature set. Simulation experiments conducted over IXMAS action dataset and the obtained results revealed the effectiveness at different views. On an average, the proposed method has gained an accuracy of 79.0360% while the accuracy of existing methods is noticed
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