- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 361
- Authors : Pramod V Rampur, Jagadish M, Yogeesha G
- Paper ID : IJERTV5IS080161
- Volume & Issue : Volume 05, Issue 08 (August 2016)
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV5IS080161
- Published (First Online): 10-08-2016
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Design and Implementation of Advanced Array Multiplier for Binary Multiplication on FPGA
Pramod V Rampur[1]
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering PESITM, Shivamogga, karnataka
Jagadish M[2]
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering PESITM, Shivamogga, karnataka
Yogeesha G[3]
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering PESITM, Shivamogga, karnataka
Abstract Multiplication is crucial building block of Image Processing, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications like Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Digital Filters etc. To achieve High Execution Speed or to meet the performance demands in DSP applications Parallel Array Multiplier are used to perform Multiplication. In this paper, an Advanced Array Multiplier using different types of compressors was designed and implemented on FPGA. The area consumed by Brauns Multiplier was reduced by using the different order compressors. The comparison of device utilization summary for conventional and proposed array design is presented.
Keywords Array Multiplier, Braun Multiplier, IFFT, OFDM
Multipliers play a significant role in advanced digital signal processing. In modern day processors addition and multiplication of two binary numbers are frequently used arithmetic operations and share more than 70 percent of the execution time. This necessitates the need for high speed processing for expanding computer and signal processing applications. Diverse multipliers and adders such as Braun Multiplier, Wallace Multiplier, Booth Multiplier, Array Multiplier, Sequential Multiplier, and Combinational Multiplier, Half adder, Full Adder and Ripple Carry Adder are realized in [1-8]. Researchers ameliorate these designs with the aim to scale down the complexity in the design and execution time.
In this paper, an array multiplier is realized using different type of compressor on FPGA. The area consumed by the multiplier was analyzed and treated for reduction using different higher order compressor.
The architecture of the multiplier was divided into three stages- a partial product generation stage, a partial product addition stage and final addition stage.
Conventional Array Multiplier
Fig 1: Conventional Array Multiplier
The process of binary array multiplication involves the AND operation of multiplicand and multiplier bits and subsequent addition [3]. As shown in Fig. 1, the conventional array multiplier comprises sixteen full adders and four half adders. The carry generated by each half or full adder is diagonally forwarded to the next row of the adder. In the last stage, carry and sum are united in the ripple carry adder.
Proposed Advanced Array Multiplier
Fig. 2 Multiplication of two 5 bit binary numbers
Fig. 2 shows the proposed array multiplier for multiplication of two 5-bit binary numbers. Here, the partial products are generated by AND operation and then they are added using different compressors i.e., 4:3 compressor, 5:3 compressor, 6:3 compressor and 7:3 compressor along with half adder and full adder.
Consider A=25(11001) and B=9(01001) Expected result=>25*9=225(011100001)
* 01001
————————— 11001
————————— 011100001
Compressors are primary component of the multiplier. Large delay was observed in partial products addition stage that increase the amount of power consumed. Using compressor adders, that add four, five, six or seven bits at a time, the number of full adders and half adders are reduced and hence the power consumed is less.
A. 4 : 3 Compressor
In a 4:3 compressor, if A, B, C and D are the inputs and Z2, Z1 and Z0 are outputs then Z2, Z1 and Z0 provides the count of the number of 1s at inputs A,B,C and D. The design of 4-3 compressor and Counter Property of 4-3 compressor are shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 4 Compressor (6 : 3)
C. 7:3 Compressor
In a 7:3 compressor, if A, B, C , D, E, G and F are the inputs and Z2, Z1 and Z0 are outputs then Z2, Z1 and Z0 provides the count of the number of 1s at inputs A, B, C, D, E, G and F. The design of 7-3 compressor and Counter Property of 7-3 compressor [1] are shown in Fig. 5.
B. 6:3 Compressor
Fig. 3 Compressor (4 : 3)
In a 6:3 compressor, if A, B, C , D, E and G are the inputs and Z2, Z1 and Z0 are outputs then Z2, Z1 and Z0 provides the count of the number of 1s at inputs A, B, C, D, E and G. The design of 6-3 compressor and Counter Property of 6-3 compressor are shown in Fig 4.
Fig. 5 Compressor (7 : 3)
Logic Utilization
Array Multiplier
Array Multiplier
Number of Slices
Number of 4 input LUTs
Number of bonded IOBs
Comparison of Device Utilization Summary for conventional Array Multiplier and Advanced Array Multiplier is as shown in Table. 1. As depicted in the table, the device utilization parameters such as number of slices, number of 4-input LUTs are less in the proposed design compared to the conventional design. The number of bonded IOBs remains same for both the designs.
Fig. 6 RTL Schematic of Advanced Array Multiplier
Schematic of the proposed Advanced Array Multiplier is as shown in Fig 6. This Advanced Array Multiplier is designed using Half Adder, Full Adder and different compressors such as 4-3 compressor, 5-3 compressor, 6-3 compressor and 7-3 compressor. The number of adders is minimized by introducing different high order compressors.
Fig.7 Simultaion results
Simulation Result of the proposed Advanced Array Multiplier is as shown in Fig 7. Here, the input is 5×5 bits data and output is 10 bit data. For example let A=11001 be the multiplicand and B=01001 be the multiplier and product of these two is Y=0011100001.
To speed up Array Multiplier, Wallace tree and Booth multipliers, compressors are the key in partial product reduction. The use of compressors in the multipliers not only reduces the vertical critical path but also reduce the stage operations simultaneously. To show better performance the compressors are tested with efficient adders and showed that large Binary Multiplication Advanced Array Multiplier performs better than the Conventional Array Multiplier in term of area.
This work was carried out under the infrastructure provided by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, PESITM, Shivamogga. The authors would like to thank the Head of the Department, Principal and Management of the Institution to provide their support throughout the work.
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