- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 24
- Authors : Prof. S.H. Sathwane, Prof. O.V. Sapate, Prof. R.A Bondre
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV4IS30012
- Volume & Issue : IC-QUEST – 2016 (Volume 4 – Issue 30)
- Published (First Online): 24-04-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Comparative Study of Effect Sodium Chloride and Sulphuric Acid on Curing of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by RHA and Fly Ash
Prof. S. H. Sathawane Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg. |
Prof. O. V. Sapate Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg. |
Prof. R. A. Bondre Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg. |
Nagpur, India |
Nagpur, India |
Nagpur, India |
Abstract:- In the ancient period, construction work was mostly carried out with help of mudstone from industry. Fly ash is a by-product of burned coal from power station and rice husk ash is the by product of burned rice husk at higher temperature from paper plant. Considerable efforts are being taken worldwide to utilize natural waste and by product as supplementary cementing materials to improve the properties of cement concrete. Rice husk ash (RHA) and Fly ash (FA) are such materials. RHA is by-product of paddy industry. Rice husk ash is a highly reactive pozzolanic material produced by controlled burning of rice husk. FA is finely divided produced by coal-fired power station. Fly ash possesses pozzolonic properties similar to naturally occurring pozzolonic material. The detailed experimental investigation is done to study the effect of partial replacement of cement by FA, RHA in concrete. In this paper started proportion form 30% FA and 0% RHA mix together in concrete by replacement of cement, last proportion taken 20% FA and 10% RHA, with gradual increase of RHA by 2.5% and simultaneously gradual decrease of FA by 2.5% and to improve the strength of concrete. The purpose of this research is to study the effects of sulphuric acid & sodium chloride on the compressive strength, weight of concrete, acid resistance.
Keywords Admixture, Cement, Concrete, Fly Ash, Rice husk Ash, acid effect
CONCRETE as is well known is a heterogeneous mix of cement, water and aggregates. The admixtures may be added in concrete in order to enhance some of the properties desired specially. In its simplest form, concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates. Various materials are added such as fly ash, rice husk, and admixture and to obtain concrete of desired property. The character of the concrete is determined by quality of the paste. The key to achieving a strong, durable concrete rests in the careful proportioning, mixing and compacting of the ingredients. The detailed experimental investigation is doing to study the effect of partial replacement of cement by FA and RHA in concrete. In this project I started proportion form 30% FA and 0% RHA mix together in concrete by replacement of cement with the gradual increase of RHA by 2.5% and simultaneously gradual decrease of FA BY 2.5% ,last proportion taken 20%FA and 10% RHA. Numerous tests
are performed on wet concrete such as workability tests such as compaction factor test and slump test. The tests on hardened concrete are destructive test while the destructive test includes compressive test on concrete cube for size (150 x 150 x 150) mm as per IS: 516 1959.In actual practice, test on workability of wet concrete are carried out to ensure uniform quality concrete only. Strength is not a measurable at that stage with the available technology. Therefore the concrete samples are to be cured for 28 days in normal method to arrive at the compressive strength and for necessary follow up action. It is not only difficult to dismantle the suspected portion of concrete at such a stage but also expensive in terms of time and money. Predicting the strength at the manufacturing stage, however, is yet to receive due attention of engineers. Hence, any new approach that is capable of predicting reliably the compressive strength of hardened concrete based on the properties of the ingredients and the wet concrete will be helpful to practicing engineers. Besides, such tests could be performed with the same ease as the workability tests. RHA has two roles in concrete manufacture, as a substitute for cement, reducing the cost and weight of concrete in the production of low cost building blocks. The workability of RHA concrete has been found to decrease but FA increases the workability of concrete so RHA and FA mix together in concrete to improve the workability of concrete. The work presented in this paper reports an investigation on the behavior of concrete produced from blending cement with FA and RHA.
The objectives and scope of present study are
To find the optimum mix design with regards to the amount of water, RHA, FA, and cement ratio.
To investigate the physical properties of the RHA and FA,strength (compression)
To study the relative strength development with age of (RHA + FA) concrete with control concrete.
Use of industrial waste in a useful manner.
To conduct compression test on (RHA+FA) and control concrete on standard IS specimen size (150 x 150 x 150) mm.
To conduct acid resistant test.
To provide economical construction material.
Provide safeguard to the environment by utilizing waste properly.
The work presented in this paper reports an investigation on the behavior of concrete produced from blending cement with RHA and FA. The physical and chemical properties of RHA, FA and OPC were first investigated. Mixture proportioning was performed to produce high workability concrete (200- 240 mm slump)
with target strength of 32.1 Mpa (M25) for the control mixture. The effect of RHA on concrete properties was studied by means of the fresh properties of concrete and the Compressive strength was studied as the time dependent property.
The cement used was Ordinary Portland cement (43 Grade) with a specific gravity of 3.15. Initial and final setting time of the cement was 50 min and 365 min, respectively. Its chemical composition is given in Table 1.
Table I: Chemical properties of cement (OPC), Fly ash and Rice husk ash
Fly ash
Rice husk
(SiO2+ Al2O3+ Fe2O3)
Rice Husk Ash
Rice husk ash used was obtained from Ellora Paper Plant located in Tumsar in Bhandara district. The Specific gravity of rice husk ash is 2.10 and bulk density is 0.781 g/cc RHA, produced after burning of Rice husk (RH) has high reactivity and pozzolanic property. Indian Standard code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete, IS 456- 2000, recommends use of RHA in concrete but does not specify quantities. Chemical compositions of RHA are affected due to burning process and temperature. Silica contentin the ash increases with higher the burning temperature. As per study by Houston, D. F. (1972) RHA produced by burning rice husk between 600 and 700°C temperatures for 2 hours, contains 90-95% SiO2, 1-3% K2O and < 5% unburnt carbon. Under controlled burning condition in industrial furnace, Studies have shown that RHA resulting from the burning of rice husks at control temperatures have physical and chemical properties that meet ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials).Standard C 618-94a. Studies have shown that to obtain the required particle size, the RHA needs to be grown to size 45 m 10 m.
Fly Ash
Fly ash used was obtained Koradi Power Plant, Nagpur. Fly ash is one of the residues generated in the combustion of coal. Fly ash is generally captured from the chimneys of power generation facilities, whereas bottom ash is, as the name suggests, removed from the bottom of the furnace. In the past, fly ash was generally released into the atmosphere via the smoke stack, but pollution control equipment mandated in recent decades now require that it be captured prior to release. It is generally stored on site at most US electric power generation facilities. Depending upon the source and makeup of the coal being burned, the components of the fly ash produced vary considerably, but all fly ash includes substantial amounts of silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2) (both amorphous and crystalline) and lime
(calcium oxide, (CaO). Fly ash is commonly used to supplement Portland cement in concrete production, where it can bring both technological and economic benefits, and is increasingly finding use in synthesis of geopolymers and zeolites.
Good quality river sand was used as a fine aggregate. The fineness modulus, specific gravity and dry density are 2.32,
2.68 and 1690 kg/m3. Coarse aggregate passing through 20mm and retained 10mm sieve was used. Its specific gravity and dry density was 2.7 and 1550 kg/m3.
2.5 Chemical Admixture
A commercial AC- Green Slump-GS-02B black cat Chemical Limited plasticizer From Nagpur was used to maintain the workability of fresh concrete. The dosage of hyper plasticizer was 1% to 1.5% by weight of cement of the binder content of concrete. The aim of keeping the amount of plasticizer constant is to neglect, if any, the influence of plasticizer on the properties of hardened concrete.
EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME Experimental programme comprises of test on cement,
RHA, FA, cement concrete with partial replacement of cement with RHA and FA.
Rice Husk Ash
Normal Consistency = 17%
Initial and Final Setting time = 195min. and 265min.
Compressive Strength = 11 N/mm2
Specific Gravity = 2.09
Ordinary Portland Cement
OPC 43 grade cement is used for this whole experimental study. The physical test results on OPC are as follows.
Normal consistency = 22%
Initial Setting time = 30 min.
Final Setting Time = 10 hrs.
Specific Gravity = 3.15
Test on Concrete
A M25 mix is designed as per guidelines in IS 10262, 1982 based on the preliminary studies conducted in the constituent materials. Tests on fresh concrete are obtained as follows.
Slump Test=65mm
Vee-Bee = 15sec.
Compaction factor =0.95
Flow Test =79 %.
Mixture Proportioning
The mixture proportioning was done according the Indian Standard Recommended Method IS 10262- 1982.The target mean strength was 32.1 Mpa for the OPC control mixture, the total binder content was 435.45 kg/m ,fine aggregate is taken 476kg/m and if any, the influence of plasticizer on the properties of hardened concrete. coarse aggregate is taken 1242.62kg/m the water to binder ratio was kept constant as 0.44, the Super plasticizer content was varied to maintain a slump of (200-240 mm) for all mixtures. The total mixing time was 5 minutes, the samples were then casted and left for 24 hrs before demoulding They were then placed in the curing tank until the day of testing Cement, sand, Fly ash, Rice husk ash and fine and coarse aggregate were properly mixed together in accordance with British Standard Code of Practice (BS 8110)19 in the ratio 1:1.1:2.85 by weight before water was added and was properly mixed together to achieve homogenous material. Water absorption capacity and moisture content were taken into consideration and appropriately subtracted from the water/cement ratio used for mixing reported the blending of rice husk ash (RHA) in cement is recommended in most international building codes now. Hence, cement was replaced in 30% with rice husk ash and fly ash and 150 ×
150 × 150 mm, Compaction of concrete in three layers with 25 strokes of 16 mm rod was carried out for each layer. The concrete was left in the mould and allowed to set for 24 hours before the cubes were re moulded and placed in curing tank. The concrete cubes were cured in the tank for, 28, days.
Testing methods
Testing is done as per following IS code. The testing done for compressive strength of cubes were measured 28, days as per IS : 516 1959.
Durability study
The durability of concrete with the optimum percentage replacement of cement by Fly ash and RHA90µ is study by the following test
Acid Resistant Test
In this study concrete cubes of control mix and replacement of cement by FA and RHA and are weighted after 28 days of curing and immersed in diluted 1% of sulphuric acid solution for 30 days. Then the cubes are taken out and before testing each specimen is removed from the bath& brushed with the soft nylon brush and rinsed in a tap water and weighed. The percentage loss in weight and percentage reduction in compressive strength are calculated and compared with that of mix.
Chloride Attack Test
Chloride attack is one of the most important aspects to be considered while dealing with the durability of concrete because it primarily causes corrosion of reinforcement. Concrete cubes of control mix and replacement of cement by FA and RHA and are weighted after 28 days of curing and immersed in a solution of 3% sodium chloride by weight of water for 30 days. Then the cubes are taken out and weighed and the percentage loss in weight and percentage reduction in compressive strength are calculated
Table II Compressive strength
Mix |
Compressive Strength after curing in 28 days in N/mm2 |
Sr. No. |
Mix Proportion |
28 Days |
FA by % of cement |
RHA by % of cement |
1 |
Control Mix |
45.78 |
2 |
30 |
0 |
39.11 |
3 |
27.5 |
2.5 |
35.11 |
4 |
25 |
5 |
40.44 |
5 |
22.5 |
7.5 |
41.78 |
6 |
20 |
10 |
33.78 |
Table III Reduction in weight and compressive strength of concrete cubes immersed in 1% sulphuric acid solution
Mix |
weight of cubes before immersion in kg |
weight of cubes after immersion in kg |
Reduction in weight % |
compressive strength before immersion, N/mm2 |
compressive strength after immersion, N/mm2 |
Reduction in compressive strength % |
Sr. No. |
Mix Proportion |
28 Days> |
28 Days |
28 Days |
28 Days |
28 Days |
28 Days |
FA by % of cement |
RHA by % of cement |
1 |
Control Mix |
8.82 |
8.73 |
1.02 |
45.78 |
43.55 |
4.87 |
2 |
30 |
0 |
8.78 |
8.69 |
0.91 |
39.11 |
37.07 |
5.22 |
3 |
27.5 |
2.5 |
8.75 |
8.68 |
0.80 |
35.11 |
33.21 |
5.41 |
4 |
25 |
5 |
8.69 |
8.63 |
0.69 |
40.44 |
38.59 |
4.57 |
5 |
22.5 |
7.5 |
8.56 |
8.52 |
0.47 |
41.78 |
40.0 |
4.26 |
6 |
20 |
10 |
8.42 |
8.39 |
0.35 |
33.78 |
31.56 |
6.57 |
Table IV Reduction in weight and compressive strength of concrete cubes immersed in 3% sodium chloride solution
Mix |
weight of cubes before immersion in kg |
weight of cubes after immersion in kg |
Reduction in weight % |
compressive strength before immersion, N/mm2 |
compressive strength after immersion, N/mm2 |
Reduction in compressive strength % |
Sr. No. |
Mix Proportion |
28 Days |
28 Days |
28 Days |
28 Days |
28 Days |
28 Days |
FA by % of cement |
RHA by % of cement |
1 |
Control Mix |
8.79 |
8.62 |
1.60 |
45.78 |
44.00 |
3.89 |
2 |
30 |
0 |
8.77 |
8.65 |
1.37 |
39.11 |
37.61 |
3.83 |
3 |
27.5 |
2.5 |
8.75 |
8.64 |
1.26 |
35.11 |
33.81 |
3.70 |
4 |
25 |
5 |
8.70 |
8.60 |
1.15 |
40.44 |
39.33 |
2.74 |
5 |
22.5 |
7.5 |
8.61 |
8.40 |
0.94 |
41.78 |
40.89 |
2.13 |
6 |
20 |
10 |
8.48 |
8.41 |
0.82 |
33.78 |
32.69 |
3.22 |
Based on the results presented above, the following conclusions can be drawn:
Compressive strength increases with the increase in the percentage of Fly ash and Rice Husk Ash up to replacement (22.5 % FA and 7.5 % RHA) of Cement in Concrete for different mix proportions.
The percentage of water cement ratio is reliant on quantity of RHA used in concrete. Because RHA is a highly porous material
The workability of concrete had been found to be decrease with increase RHA in concrete .
As the rice husk is burned out at 600ºC to 800º C. It is observed that the 80% silica was produced due to this it gives a excellent thermal insulation.
Through Rice husk ash is harmful for human being and the cost of rice husk ash is zero and thus we preferred RHA use in concrete as compare to silica fumes and it is also economical.
The workability of RHA concrete was found to decrease but the FA increases the workability of concrete.
Rice Husk Ash can be used with admixtures, plasticizers, and super plasticizers, for increasing the workability and strength of concrete with partial replacement of cement.
Durability studies carried out in the investigation through acid attack test and chloride test with 1% H2SO4 and 3% NaCl revealed that 22.5%FA+7.5%RHA concrete is more durable in terms of durability factors than control concrete.
It is observed that rice husk ash concrete will have higher life compared to control concrete.
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