- Open Access
- Authors : Harshala Gawade , Vedika Patil , Prachi Vishe , Sonali Kolpe
- Paper ID : IJERTV9IS090396
- Volume & Issue : Volume 09, Issue 09 (September 2020)
- Published (First Online): 29-09-2020
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
College Enquiry Chat-Bot System
Harshala Gawade
Computer Department
Saraswati College of Engg Kharghar, India
Vedika Patil
Computer Department
Saraswati College of Engg Kharghar, India
Prachi Vishe
Computer Department
Saraswati College of Engg Kharghar, India
Sonali Kolpe
Computer Department
Saraswati College of Engg Kharghar, India
AbstractNowadays, many people are using smartphone with many new applications i.e. technology is growing day by day. Today Artificial Intelligence is playing a major role in a variety of fields ranging from industries in product manufacturing, to customer care in public relations. As there are many online Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems or chat bots which are in existence that help people solve their problems. So, we are going to implement a virtual assistant based on AI that can solve any college related query. This will work as a College Oriented Intelligence machine. This virtual machine will respond the queries of students on college related issues. A chat bot has information stored in its database to identify the sentences and making a decision itself as response to answer a given question. The college enquiry chat bot will be built using algorithm that analyses queries and understand users message.
Keywords Artificial Intelligence, Database, Intelligence Machine.
A chatbot is a software application used to conduct an on- line chat conversation via text or text-to-speech, in lieu of providing direct contact with a live human agent. Designed to convincingly simulate the way a human would behave as a conversational partner [14]. Bots can be created by using language like Artificial Intelligence Mark-up Language(AIML), a language based on XML that allow developers write rules for the bot to follow. Another drawback is writing rules for different scenarios is very time consuming and it is impossible to write rules for every possible scenario. So these bots can handle simple queries but fail to manage complex queries is stated in paper [7]. In paper [2] the chat-bot system is been proposed and designed using chat fuel platform and integrated in Facebook page. The chatbot has been designed to provide students feel like talking to the staff from college and their queries are addressed through the conversational text. Responses can be provided to the user in text format, pictures and with many more features provided by the chat fuel. The setup AI feature makes the bot smart and answers the queries of user [2].
The purpose of developing this project is based on an intellectual chat-bot system which will deal with the academic activities like admission enquiry, fees structure, scholarship details, time-table of every department, details of the documents required to attach etc. With this chat-bot system it will be easy for the student to directly clear their queries in lesser time.
A literature survey is a comprehensive summary of previous research on a topic. The literature review surveys scholarly articles, books, and other sources relevant to a particular area of research. It should give a theoretical base for the research and help you (the author) determine the nature of your research. [14]
Prof. Ram Manoj Sharma [2] proposed a college enquiry chatbot system which has been built by using Artificial Intelligence algorithms. The bot analyses users query and understands user messages. The system has modules like Online chatbot, Online Noticeboards etc[2].
ikhila, G.Jyothi, K.Mounika, Mr. C Kishor Kumar Reddy and Dr. B V Ramana Murthy [3], they have designed using AIML (Artificial Intelligence Mark-up Language) to make response to queries. AIML is employed to make or customize alicebot that could be a chat-bot application supported ALICE free code [3].
Harsh Pawar , Pranav Prabhu, Ajay Yadav, Vincent Mendonca , Joyce Lemos [6], a chatbot is designed by them using knowledge in database. The proposed system has Online Enquiry and Online Chatbot System. The development is done using various programming languages by creating a user friendly graphical interface to send and receive response. The main purpose is it uses SQL (Structured Query Language) for pattern matching which is been stored in program [6].
Nitesh Thakur, Akshay Hiwrale, Sourabh Selote, Abhijeet Shinde and Prof. Namrata Mahakalkar [10], proposed an artificial chatbot using NLP (Natural Language Processing) which can be done in two ways the first via written text and the second is via verbal or voice communication. Written communication is much easier than the verbal communication. This paper introduces an interest in some emerging capabilities for evolving speed understanding and processing in virtual human dialogue system [10].
The proposed methodology makes use of both qualitative and quantitative perspectives, and includes a broad array of approaches such as literature reviews, expert opinions, focus groups, and content validation [14].
The proposed system will have the following modules:
A] Online Enquiry:
Students can enquire about facilities and query related to exams, academics, fee structure, etc.
Students can also ask questions related to placement activities.
B] Online Chatbot:
The result can be showed in the form of images and card format or in text format. The query will be answered on the basis of questions asked and the language model built and also the response media created.
Users that want to enquire about the college at the time of admission or any competition held in the college can query to the chat-bot.
Given below is the system architecture of this chat-bot:
The basic algorithm that will be implemented for working of this proposed system is as follows:
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Get the input query from the user.
Step 3: The query is pre-processed. E.g. suppose there is this query what are the project domains for CSE fourth year major projects. So, we are going to remove these stop words like are, the using pre-processing technique.
Step 4: Fetch the remaining keywords from the query.
Step 5: Match the fetched keywords with the keywords in Knowledge base, and provide an appropriate response.
Step 6: Further the Database module is used to call proper services using entity information to find proper data.
Step 7: The keywords will be matched with the help of keyword matching algorithm.
Step 8: It returns the query response to the bot.
Step 9: Chat-bot packages the data into proper response for display by the client.
Step 10: Exit
The goal of the system is to help the students to stay updated with their college activities. Artificial Intelligent is the fastest growing technology everywhere in the world, with the help of Artificial Intelligent and Knowledgeable database. We can make the transformation in the pattern matching and virtual
assistance. This system is developing chat bot based on android system so with the combination of Artificial Intelligent Knowledgeable database and virtual assistance. We can develop such chat bot which will make a conversion between human and machine and will satisfy the question raised by user. The main motive of the project is to reduce the work load on the college's office staff and reduce the response time to a user's query.
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