- Open Access
- Authors : Saritha Saju, Govind S Lal, Muhammed Ijas Ismail, Rohith Raj, Aswathy Soman
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV10IS06077
- Volume & Issue : ICART – 2022 (Volume 10 – Issue 06)
- Published (First Online): 22-06-2022
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Behaviour of Cement Concrete using Rice Husk As A Replacement of Fine Aggregate
Saritha Saju 1
Department of Civil Engineering Mangalam College of Engineering Ettumanoor, India
Govind S lal 2
Department of Civil Engineering Mangalam College of Engineering Ettumanoor, India
Aswathy Soman 5
Assistant Professor
Muhammed Ijas Ismail 3
Department of Civil Engineering Mangalam College of Engineering Ettumanoor, India
Rohith Raj 4
Department of Civil Engineering Mangalam College of Engineering Ettumanoor, India
Department of Civil Engineering Mangalam College of Engineering Ettumanoor,India
Abstract Concrete is one of the widely used construction material nowadays. The concrete is a mix of fine aggregate course aggregate and cement. For increasing strength of concrete as well as reduce the cost of concrete the replacement of fine aggregate is done with chopped rice husk and plastic fiber. Then the concrete is tested with compression test and checked whether the desired strength is achieved or not. By using rice husk and plastic fiber which cheap and readily available and gives strength to concrete .By this we can use this kind of concrete for the building to reduce the cost of concreting
Keywords: Concrete, Fine aggregate, Rice husk
Concrete is one of the basic component in the field of construction. The concrete have very high strength which makes the building strong. The concrete contains the fine aggregate, course aggregate, cement and admixtures. Nowadays the material cost for concreting is increased due to many factors.Somany people are suffering due to the increase in the cost of concreting. So for reducing cost new innovative ideas are used and that is by using the chopped rice husk and plastic fibre as replacement material for the fine aggregate. The rice husk is mostly available from the paddy field in bulk amount and available in cheap price So by using this materials and replacing the fine aggregate with these materials by following suitable Indian Standard codes. So by using these components we can reduce the cost of concrete and economical constructions can be practised through out.
The studies bring about the salient points of published literatures and other reported works.
Mochmad solikin, Naufal ikhsan: study characteristics of brick made by partial substitution of fine aggregate with Styrofoam. partial substitution of fine aggregate with styrofoam in proportion of 0%, 30%, 40%&50%. meets slump properties with appropriate superplasticizers.Increase water absorption, decrease compressive strength & structural strength but reduce dead weight
strength absorbance of brick constructed using plastic rice straw and fly ash. The purpose is ton identify the change of characteristic of brick when the waste and fine aggregate are replaced with other material. Adding more waste plastic& chopped rice straw would result in high compressive strength ,high water absorption
plasticWith some other fine aggregates, to provide lo cost cement brick in market ,to increase life of brick.
Minerals:Cement sand water gravel.PET plastic
Concrete mix:Portland cement,msand gravel,water,PET platic By using plastic we can reduce plastic waste
Reduce clay in brick Less water absorbtion
To reduce the cost of concrete for economic construction.
To increase the strength of concrete.
To reuse the waste rice husk to reduce the pollution
The rice husk being collected from the paddy field And other components like fine aggregate ,course aggregate, cement and admixtures. The design mix of m25 grade is been prepared in the proportion of 1:1.67:2.76 using IS- 10262-2019.Then the percentage of rice husk is been prepared as follows 0%,0.5%,1%,1.5%,2%,2.5%(IJET- 2021).The concrete cube is prepared with mould in different proportion and kept it for curing for 7 days and 28 days.And after the curing period the concrete cube being tested using compression test mechine.
MATERIALS USED The materials used are:
Fine aggregates
Course aggregate
Fig1: Chopped rice husk
MIX DESIGN Target strength(m25)
Selection of water cement ratio For 31.6N/mm^2 W/c=0.45
For 20mm size aggregate water content =186L
Cement content=186÷0.45=413kg/m,^3
Proportion of volume of Course aggregate and fine aggregate
For w/c 0.5,volume of CA=0.62 But in the present case it is 0.45 To lower the w/c by 0.45,by0.005
The volume of CA is increased by o.o1 Therefore the volume of CA=0.62+0.01=0.63
Volume of FA=1-0.63=0.37 Total volume=1m^3
Volume of entrapped air in wet concrete =0.01m^3
Volume of cement =( mass of cement÷sp cement)×(1÷1000)
\Volume of water=(186÷l)×(1÷1000)
Volume of all in aggregate
Mass of CA=0.679×0.63×2.67×1000
Mass of FA=0.679×0.37×2.75×1000
For 1 cube
Volume =0.15×0.15×0.15=0.0034m^3
Volume of 4 cubes=0.0135m^3 10%extra=0.0135×1.1=0.0149m^3 FA=10.412kg
0.5%FA=0.0521 of rice husk Therefore FA=10.359kg
1m^3 Cement =413.3kg Water =186L CA=1142.14kg FA=698.3kg
The test conducted for the concrete cube is the compression test . This test is carried out by compression testing machine
The test is done after 7th day and 28th day and the result is being checked to check wheather the target strength achieved or not.
Fig 2: compression test mechine
Following are the observations obtained while testing the samples,
Percentage of husk |
Strength in N/mm^2 |
0% |
6 |
0.5% |
6.66 |
1% |
8.88 |
1.5% |
12.88 |
2% |
15.55 |
2.5% |
10.23 |
Table 1 strength of concrete in 7 days
The optimum value of rice husk can be taken as 2% with strength of 15.55
Fig 4 graph showing the strength of concrete CONCLUSION
By the addition of the rice husk in the concrete as mentioned above using suitable ,mix and mix design we got the optimum value of the rice husk as 2% and by taking this value for the preparation of concrete which will make the concrete economical, strengthened and waste saving
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