- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 688
- Authors : V.Suma , K.Vijay Kumar
- Paper ID : IJERTV1IS8031
- Volume & Issue : Volume 01, Issue 08 (October 2012)
- Published (First Online): 29-10-2012
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
An Efficient Scheme For Cloud Services Based On Access Policies
An Efficient Scheme For Cloud Services Based On Access Policies
users make use of a cloud service providers (CSPs) computing, storage, and networking infrastructure to deploy any arbitrary software, e.g., Amazon EC2; platform as a service (PaaS), where users deploy user-created or acquired applications written with programming languages and tools supported by CSPs, e.g., Microsoft Windows Azure; and software as a service (SaaS), where users make use of CSPs software running on a cloud infrastructure, e.g, Google Docs.
Cloud computing provides an extensible and powerful environment for growing amounts of services and data by means of on-demand self- service. It also relieves the clients burden from management and maintenance by providing a comparably low-cost, scalable, location-independent platform. However, cloud computing is also facing many challenges for data security as the users outsource their sensitive data to clouds, which are generally beyond the same trusted domain as data owners. To address this problem, access control is considered as one of critical security mechanisms for data protection in cloud applications. Unfortunately, traditional data access control schemes usually assume that data is stored on trusted data servers for all users.
Cloud computing as one of current most exciting technology areas, denotes an architectural shift towards thin clients and scalably centralized provision of computing and storage resources on- demand. By combining emerging techniques, such as virtualization and service-oriented computing, three types of servers are available in a pay-as-you-go manner, i.e., infrastructure as a service (IaaS), where
Later, attribute-based access control has been introduced into cloud computing to encrypt outsourced sensitive data in terms of access policy on attributes describing the outsourced data, and only authorized users can decrypt and access the data. Since the access control policy of every object is embedded within it, the enforcement of policy becomes an inseparable characteristic of the data itself. This is in direct contrast to most currently
available access control systems, which rely directly upon a trusted host to mediate access and maintain policies.
However, existing attribute-based solutions are difficult to provide full features of temporal data access control due to following reasons:
The system models of existing systems cannot support dual comparative expressions (DTE), in which two range-based comparative constraints must be embedded into the outsourced files as well as the users private key.
The existing systems dont support current time, which is essentially an important factor for enforcing temporal access control.
In this paper, we implement a temporal access control solution along with a proxy-based re- encryption mechanism to address above mentioned problems for cloud computing. The proposed scheme is originated from the needs of practical cloud applications, in which each outsourced resource can be associated with an access policy on a set of temporal attributes, e.g., period-of-validity, opening hours, or hours of service. Each user can also be assigned a license with several privileges based on the comparative attributes. To enforce the valid matches between access policies and users privileges, we introduce a proxy-based re-encryption mechanism with respect to the current time. This design brings about several efficient benefits, such as flexibility, supervisory, and privacy protection, compared with prior work.
In a traditional public key cryptosystem (PKC), each user has a public/private key pair, and messages encrypted with a recipients public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key. When a sender wants to encrypt a le to n recipients, he rst obtains the authenticated public keys of all the recipients, and then encrypts the le using each recipients public key, respectively. Finally, the n copies of the corresponding ciphertexts
are stored in a cloud. Therefore, both the computational cost for encryption, and the length of the ciphertexts, are proportional to the total number of intended recipients. Obviously, it should not be applied directly while sharing data on cloud servers, since they are inecient to encrypt a le to multiple recipients, and fail to support attribute- based access control and key delegation.
Fiat et al rst introduced the concept of the broadcast encryption (BE), in which a broadcaster encrypts a message for some subset S of users who are listening on a broadcast channel, so that only the recipients in S can use their private keys to decrypt the message. The rst proposal of a BE system is secure against a collusion of k users, which means that such a scheme may be insecure if more than k users collude. In a BE system, there are only two parties: a broadcaster and multiple users, where the broadcaster generates the secret keys for all the users, and can broadcast an encrypted message to some subset of the users. Obviously, a BE system achieves one-to-many encryption with general performance, however, it may not applied directly while sharing data on cloud servers, since it fails to support attribute-based access control and key delegation.
Shamir proposed the idea of identity-based cryptography, but a fully functional identity- based encryption (IBE) scheme was not found until recent work by Boneh et al and Cocks. An IBE scheme is a PKC, where any arbitrary string corresponding to a unique user information is a valid public key. The corresponding private key is computed by a trusted third party (TTP) called the private key generator (PKG). Compared with the traditional PKC, the IBE system eliminates online look-ups for the recipients authenticated public key, but introduces the key escrow problem.
In an IBE system, there is only one PKG to distribute private keys to each user, which is undesirable for a large network because the PKG has a burdensome job. Horwitz et al, dedicated to reducing the workload on the root PKGs, introduced the concept of a HIBE system. They constructed a concrete two-level HIBE scheme, in which a root
PKG needed only to generate private keys for domain-level PKGs that, in turn generated private keys for all the users in their domains at the next level. Their scheme, with total collusion resistance on the upper level and partial collusion resistance on the lower level, has chosen ciphertext security in the random oracle model.
In recent work, Gentry et al proposed a fully secure HIBE scheme by using identity-based broadcast encryption with key randomization; Waters achieved full security in systems under simple assumption by using dual system encryption. Among others, by making use of the valuable property of the G-HIBE scheme, Liu et al proposed an ecient sharing of the secure cloud storage services (ESC) scheme, where a sender can specify several users as the recipients for an encrypted le by taking the number and public keys of the recipients as inputs of a HIBE system. The limitation of their scheme is that the length of ciphertexts grows linearly with the number of recipients, so that it can only be used in the case that a condential le involves a small set of recipients. The HIBE system naturally achieves key delegation, and some HIBE schemes achieve one- to-many encryption with general performance, however, it may not be applied directly while sharing data on cloud servers, since it fails to support an attribute-based access conrol.
Our main design goal is to help the data owner achieve temporal data access control on files stored in cloud servers. Although this kind of access control is based on finegrained access control introduced for outsourced data services, we intent to ensure that all kind of temporal access policy can be securely and efficiently implemented for outsourced data services.
System Model
Considering a cloud-based data storage service involving three different entities, as illustrated in Fig.
1: data owner, cloud server, and many data users (e.g., computers, mobile devices, or general equipments). In addition, in order to implement temporal access control, we require a clock server designed to always provide exactly the same current time by communicating with each other.
Basic to ensure the data access compliant with the assigned policy, fine-grained access control has been introduced into the outsourced storage service. We extend this kind of access control mechanisms to support temporal access control encryption (TACE) described as follows:
Fig 1: Temporal Constraints
First, the data owner makes use of a temporal access policy P to encrypt data before store it to clouds.
Second, once receiving an access request from a user, the cloud service checks whether corresponding temporal constraints can be satisfied in P with respect to the current time tc, then employs a re-encryption method to convert the encrypted data into another ciphertext Ctc that embed current time tc and sent it the user.
Finally, the authorized user can use her/his private key SK with access privilege L to decrypt Ctc . In this model, we assume the cloud service is a semi-trusted service that can use the correct time to re-encrypt data.
For sake of clarity, we introduce following notations:
A: the set of attributes A = {A1, . ,Am};
Ak(ti, tj): the range constraint of attribute Ak on [ti, tj ], i.e., ti Ak tj ;
P: the access control policy expressed as a Boolean function on AND/OR logical operations, generated by the grammar: P ::= Ak(ti, tj)|P AND P|P OR P;
L: the access privilege assigned into the users licence, generated by L ::= {Ak(ta, tb)}AkA.
The definitions of P and C can meet the basic requirements of dual temporal expressions.
With focusing on temporal access control and reencryption mechanism in cloud computing, the TACE scheme consists of:
Setup(1*,A): Takes a security parameter and a list of attributes A as input, outputs the master key MK and the public-key PKA;
GenKey(MK, uk,L): Takes the users ID number uk as input, the access privilege L and MK, outputs the users private key SKL;
Encrypt(PKA,P): Takes a temporal access policy P and PKA as input, outputs the ciphertext header HP and a random session key ek;
ReEncrypt(PKA,HP, tc): Takes a current time tc and a ciphertext header HP and PKA as input, outputs a new ciphertext header Htc ;
Decrypt(SKL,Htc ): Takes a users private key SKL, and a ciphertext header Htc on the current time tc as input, outputs a session key ek;
First, given a scheme based on our TACE framework, we must guarantee that this scheme can follow the principle in secure temporal control: Let
Ak A be a range-based temporal attribute and (P,L) be a constraint-privilege pair with Ak, where Ak[ti, tj
] P and Ak[ta, tb] L. Given a current time tc, secure temporal control requires that the access is granted if and only if tc [ti, tj ] and tc [ta, tb]. This means that the TACE scheme can must also obey this rule as follows: Given the above-mentioned (P,L), we can compute (MK, PKA) Setup(1_,A), SKL GenKey(MK, uk,L), and (HP, ek) Encrypt(PK,P). Such that, we hold Pr [ Hc ReEncrypt(PKA,HP, tc); Decrypt(SKL,Htc ) = ek] = 1, if and only if the access is granted over (P,L) and tc according to fine-grained access control model.
Flexibility: TACE-based cryptosystem can provide more flexible access control based on temporal constraints as follows: a) Date control on Year, Month, and Day.
Supervisory: Traditional cryptosystems, that only contains both encryption and decryption processes, has not an efficient method to monitor the usage of encrypted data. TACEbased cryptosystem introduces a proxy-based re-encryption mechanism that can apply the current time to determine whether the users download request is reasonable, and rely on the re-encryption technologies to produce a new version of data under the current time. Such a proxy service can also integrate with other rich information to determine the legitimacy of user behaviors.
Privacy Protection: In our system model, the access policies are enforced entirely dependent upon temporal attribute matches between ciphertexts and private keys in the client side. In the re-encryption process, cloud servers do not require any user information which is used to enforce access policies. Hence, this mechanism ensures that user privacy, including user identity and access privilege in the users private key, will not be disclosed to cloud servers.
Cloud computing is one of the current most important and promising technologies. For the sake of enjoying a more comprehensive and high-quality service, we proposed scheme which simultaneously achieves exibility, high performance, and full key delegtaion. In recent years, cryptographic access control has been introduced as a new access control paradigm to manage dynamic data sharing systems in cloud computing. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is proposed in 2005 to realize a fine-grained ttribute- based access control mechanism. In this paper, we use the temporal access control in cloud computing. Based on a temporal access control encryption to support time range comparisons and re-encryption mechanism to handle current time controls and temporal constraints.
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