A Reliable Service Oriented System Based On The Present SMS Technology

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS3114

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A Reliable Service Oriented System Based On The Present SMS Technology


Mohit K umar, Abhishek Gupta,Vikas Kumar Tiwari. Depart ment of Co mputer Science and Info rmation Technology,

Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Dist t. Solan, (H.P), India.

Abstrac t

This paper is oriented towards developing a reliable service oriented system based on the present SMS technology.We have integrated three different applications independent of each other.All these three applications make use of common SMS send/receive messaging library.We have implemented three modules they are Appointment management system (A.M.S),Retail management system (R.M.S) and Bug tracking system (B.T.S).In AMS the doctor or the medical administrator maintains a list of appointment schedules.This environment involves dynamic rescheduling and fast messaging of appointments in critical cases.BTS involves fast track ing and transferring of software bugs in case of short deadlines.Prioritizing the sent procedure is of utmost importance in rapid software development scenarios.The RMS environment involves a constant reminder of lucrative and attractive offers to the customer in the endeavor to earn more profit and improve customer satisfaction.

Keywords-SMS technology,AMS,RMS,BTS

  1. Intr oduc tion

    Today we cannt imagine our life without one important thing,the mobile phones.Mobile phones became popular due to its cheapest cost and services and hence has become an integral part of our day to day life .In this paper we have used SMS as a simple and effective mode of commun ication.SMS service overcomes the drawbacks of a d irect co mmun ication as well as connection oriented call.We choose this service to reduce the cost,wastage of time ,reduce customers involvement and proper service.In this

    paper we have imp le mented three modules Appointment manage ment system, manage ment system and Bug tracking system..Our paper deals with variety of services that can be provided through SMS in mobile co mmunicat ion.Our software provides an innovative yet reliab le med iu m of communicat ion.It can be utilized to boost the performances of all the three areas ie Appointment manage ment system ,Bug tracking system,Retail manage ment system.Genera lly the system is deployed in the organizational workflow environment;the environment differs according to the types of functional operations carried out.In this paper we have imple mented three modules and they are (1) Appointment Management System-Taking appointment through SMS.Doctors will use our system to check the appointment at particular date and time.Th is involves the doctor or the medical data administrator to maintain a list of appointment schedules along with the details like patient-id,phone- no and also grouping among same type of proble m cases for easy treatment.This environment requires dynamic rescheduling and fast messaging of appointments in critica l cases.(2) Bug tracking system-Tester will use our system to enter the bugs found in his/her work and if the bugs are high priority then that bug report is send to the project manager through SMS.This involves fast tracking and transferring of software bugs in case of short deadlines.Priorit izing the sent procedure is of ut most importance in rapid software development scenarios.(3) Reta il manage ment system-In retail super ma ll part our system will g ive the idea of the products and where they are present right now and how much discount one can have on that through SMS.Th is environment involves a constant reminder

    of lucrative and attractive offers to the customer in the endeavor to earn more profit and improve customer satisfaction..Our software comes as a promise of better utilization of services and quick response generation in critical times.It can integrate itself with the present setup of application and hence can act as main set of services in extre me situations or as a supplementary set of services when main functional stream is in complete flow.This would ensure reliability and quality of service.We have used

    .Net Fra me work C# and ASP.Net a long with SQL Server 2000 database.

  2. SMS Multi-utility

    We have imple mented three modules but it can be used for several other modules in future.We have provided a better way of handling the three mo dules in effective and efficient manner by using SMS service.Fig 1 shows the architecture of the software and the intended function it has to perform wh ile

    interacting with a variety of users and catering to their requests.The software operates on .Net fra me work and uses SQL Se rver for database operations.The main co mponent is is the SMS component which is being accessed by other three subcomponents or modules of the software.These three components are A.M.S,R.M.S and B.T.S.All three components are independent fro m each other and do not interfere in each others functionality.Each co mponent receives input from individual database for the particula r co mponent and performs functions and operations as per the embedded code or set of routines in the components source code and generate response in the form of response to a destined user of the application in the form of SMS. AMS,BTS and RM S processes are initiated through authentication and execution involves series of data access processes.Fig-1 shows the architecture of the software and the intended functions it performs wh ile interacting with variety of user,

    Fig-1 SM S Mult i-utility

    Since many organization focus on security and authentication mechanism for their business operations we have also deployed them in our software for safety measures through username and password identification.Proper GUI design is one feature we intend to add to attract users and speed up navigation through the interface.We have imple mented three modules wh ich are;

    A.M.S-Th is component is designed to send appointment schedules to doctors and their patients in the form of SMS.These SMS cant have more than 180 characters if they e xceed then it can be another SMS of 180 characters to the same destined user.The schedules are prepared through database access by the receptionist or assistant to the doctors using SQL server 2005 database package.The SMS are sent through .NET coding S/W interface to the destined user.

    R.M.S-Th is component is designed to send attractive offers and discounts on a range of commod ities available in a shopping mall to the visitors of the ma ll,the constraint is that the SMS can be received at

    the visitor phone if and only if he or she is inside the ma ll otherwise SMS cannot be sent.The offer SMS are sent to the visitors in the pro ximity of the mall fro m the ma lls database administrator which again uses the above mentioned s/w packages.

    B.T.S-This component is vital for s/w testers,its basic goal involves the tester to list out bugs and errors in the software deployed and thereby sending the through the same SMS component to the project manager for finding solutions,the project manager at the other end can employ a simila r kind of logic to sent solutions for each bug and error back to the tester to repair the s/w at his end and ma ke s/w deployable.The software involving bugs and errors are in c# or ASP.NET to ma ke the compatible with the SMS co mponent.

    Software De velopme nt Life Cycle ( S.D.L.C )

    Fig-2 software development life cycle

    1. Reliability

      The reliability of our system can be described using four factors.

      1. Availability-The software is available mot of the time depending on the deployment environment.24 hour availability can be achieved in case of crit ical scenarios,periodic ma intenance is advisable through short span of fortnights to ensure compatib ility and efficient wo rking by following a specified testing procedure mentioned in the test plan.The ma intenance can be carried out through both at cutomer pre mises by customer staff or through service provider after inspection of testing reports.

      2. Mean time between failu re-All applicat ions though are integrated together using the same software technology they operate independently.The failure of one module would not cause a heavy impact on the total system but defin itely slow it down till the failure detect operations get completed.The estimated mean time between subsequent failure would be increased 6 to 7 months.

      3. Mean time to repair- The system need to undergo fault detection procedures ,testing procedures,recovery procedures,retesting procedures,reinstallation of the software back at the customer pre mise.This would take a week for reliable delivery of the software.

      4. Accuracy-Accuracy of the intended operations performed by the system comp letely depends on the comple xity of code and time required to generate output.Accuracy of the code can be ensured by less hardware refe rences and efficient use of system resource available.Code comple xity can be reduced by using Big-Oh notations.

    2. Perfor mance

      The system is oriented to generate ma ximu m performance in a ll testing conditions.The majo r transaction is message delivery in the form of SMS.Ma ximu m perfo rmance can be judged by the

      accuracy of message delivery i.e . the message reaches the correct destination host in quick time within a fe w minutes.The message acknowledgement feature would thereby guarantee the achievement of ma ximu m performance.

      1. Response time – Response time for an application is a minimu m of 1(1/ 2) minutes in case of med ical transaction in crit ical cases like acc idents or treatment of pregnant ladies.For not so critical and comme rcia l applications response time could be a ma ximu m o f 3 minutes.

      2. Throughput-It is a measure of ma ximu m nu mber of transactions executed in unit time in our system is the ma ximu m number of messages delivered to the desired destination in minimu m a mount of time span,we endeavor to achieve a throughput of at least 7 to 7 SMS in 2 to 3 minutes.

    3. Suppor tability

      Our software supports any windows OS with .Net fra me work.St ill so me more e mbedding applicat ions need to be incorporated in it to increase its overall supportability and speeding of operations.Like message counter can be incorporated in it for monitoring all time system performance and making future predictions on the behavioral aspects of systems.Present software does not display the time at which at which the SM S has reached the particular destination,i.e. message acknowledgement thereby we cannot determine when other reliable communicat ion media to be utilized.

    4. Fe asibility

In this paper we have also performed the feasibility check on our software.The feasib ility check was carried out in following aspects:-

  1. Technica l Feasibility-The technical require ments for this system are ASP,SQL Se rver 2005,.Net Fra me work and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.The system will not require nay special kind of hardware or software and will operate smoothly on windows platform.A lso compatible with browsers like

    Safari,Netscape,Mozilla Firefo x,Internet Exp lorer and many more;hence it can be accessed from any pc or workstation.

  2. Operational Feasibility-As the market is aiming at the AMS,RMS,BTS automat ion to achieve the concept of the mobilizationthrough SMS.This will be the first step in that direction.Due to mobilization,there will be tre mendous cut down in manual interaction and save lots of man-hours that get wasted.The proposed system will be operationally feasible because man-hours will be saved and co- ordinator and communicat ion will be more.The system will not require any special kind of training or e xpertise for the usage and will be quite transparen t to the end user.

  3. Economica l Feasibility:- As the software and hardware is easily available no additional cost will be incurred for the computerizat ion.The system will reduce a lot of man-hours that get waiting in long queues for hours in hospital and also travelling cost will be saved.The customer will rece ive accurate and up-to-date information wherever and whenever required for quick and speedy decision making.It will reduce travelling e xpenses reducing cost and time.Considering the hardware cost,personnel cost,operating cost,the proposed system is economically feasible ,wh ich provides dome tangible and some intangible benefits to the organization.

  4. Conclusion

    We have successfully imple mented A Reliable Service Oriented System Based on Present SMS Technology.A variety of services can be provided through SMS in mobile commun ication.So fa r we have used this for only three applications i.e.Appointment Management System (A.M.S),Retail Management System (R.M.S) and Bug Tracking System(B.T.S) but in future it can be used in wide variety of applications.We have followed the Software Develop ment Life Cycle (S.D.L.C) for development of our system.Our service oriented system can be utilized to boost the performances of modern business and service oriented in dustrial era.We have also done the analysis of the system.We have performed reliability,performance,supportability check along with feasibility check on our system.In our system data rema ins secure even after the crash

    of the system.Fast rescheduling and prioritizat ion of time crit ical scenarios is the key feature of our system.Our system ensures reliab ility and quality of service.

  5. Future Work

This software can be generalized to such an extent that it can even be used in wider applicat ions like reservation of railway tickets through mobile phones.For this software we have used database which has been explic itly created for this project.We would like to make the software compatible with any kind of e xisting mu ltip le x database.This would avoid the redundancy of re-entering the values in the new database.Since security is one of the most important aspect for any organization we can increase the security level according to our wish and require ments.In future we can also use GPRS to send SMS to avoid delay and increase output and also reduce cost.


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